public static void Deserialize(JObject v, DynObject o) { foreach (var item in v) { var j = new DynObject() { }; o.Items.Add(item.Key, j); if (item.Value is JValue v1) { j.SetValue(v1.Value.ToString()); } else if (item.Value is JObject v2) { Deserialize(v2, o); } else if (item.Value is JArray v3) { Deserialize(v3, o); } else { } } }
public static VarDeque HashIterRaw(int mode, Variable v) { IP6 o = NominalCheck("$x", Kernel.AnyMO, v); VarHash d = Kernel.UnboxAny<VarHash>(o); VarDeque lv = new VarDeque(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string,Variable> kv in d) { switch (mode) { case 0: lv.Push(Kernel.BoxAnyMO<string>(kv.Key, Kernel.StrMO)); break; case 1: lv.Push(kv.Value); break; case 2: lv.Push(Kernel.BoxAnyMO<string>(kv.Key, Kernel.StrMO)); lv.Push(kv.Value); break; case 3: DynObject p = new DynObject(Kernel.PairMO); p.slots[0] = Kernel.BoxAnyMO<string>(kv.Key, Kernel.StrMO); p.slots[1] = kv.Value; lv.Push(Kernel.NewROScalar(p)); break; } } return lv; }
public void ExtendedSetTest() { dynamic dyn = new DynObject(); = "bar"; Assert.AreEqual("bar",; } // end ExtendedSetTest
public static void Deserialize(JArray v, DynObject o) { o.IsArray = true; foreach (var item in v) { var j = new DynObject() { }; o.Items.Add(o.Items.Count.ToString(), j); if (item is JValue v1) { j.SetValue(v1.Value.ToString()); } else if (item is JObject v2) { Deserialize(v2, j); } else if (item is JArray v3) { Deserialize(v3, j); } } }
private void AddProperty(string name, string value, DynObject serialization) { if (value != null && value.Length > 0) { serialization[name] = value; } }
public bool ReadFile(string path) { this.path = path; try { if (File.Exists(path)) { using (FileStream fr = File.OpenRead(path)) { using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fr)) { Heder = br.ReadBytes(4); int count = br.ReadInt32(); objects = new DynObject[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { DynObject dinamic = new DynObject(); = br.ReadInt32(); int length = br.ReadInt32(); dinamic.Path = new AngelicaSTRING(length, br, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); objects[i] = dinamic; } } } return(true); } } catch { } return(false); }
public void BasicSetTest() { dynamic dyn = new DynObject(); = "bar"; Assert.AreEqual("bar",; } // end BasicSetTest
public TestTankClient(DynObject startResponse, TankAction expectedAction, DynObject takeActionResponse = null) { this.expectedAction = expectedAction; this.startResponse = startResponse; if (takeActionResponse == null) { takeActionResponse = DynObject.Parse(@"{ 'status': 'won', 'health': 200, 'energy': 10, 'orientation': 'north', 'grid': '________________________ ___W_____WWWWWWWW_______ ___W_W__________________ ___W_W_______B__________ ___W_W__________________ ___W_W__________________ _WWWWWWWWW___L____O_____ _____W__________________ _____W_WWWWW____________ _________WWWWWWWW_______ ________________________ ___________WWWW_________ __X_____________________ ________________________ ____WWW_________________ ________________________' }"); } this.takeActionResponse = takeActionResponse; }
private string GenerateRelationFormJsCode(DynObject relationForm, string templateName) { List <Rock.Dyn.Core.DynObject> masterFormItems = relationForm["MasterFormItems"] as List <Rock.Dyn.Core.DynObject>; List <Rock.Dyn.Core.DynObject> masterGridColumns = relationForm["MasterGridColumns"] as List <Rock.Dyn.Core.DynObject>; List <Rock.Dyn.Core.DynObject> slaveGridColumns = relationForm["SlaveGridColumns"] as List <Rock.Dyn.Core.DynObject>; List <Rock.Dyn.Core.DynObject> slaveWaitGridColumns = relationForm["SlaveWaitGridColumns"] as List <Rock.Dyn.Core.DynObject>; if (masterFormItems.Count == 0) { return("主实体类型未添加表单项"); } if (masterGridColumns.Count == 0) { return("主实体类型未添加表格列集合"); } if (slaveGridColumns.Count == 0) { return("从实体类型未添加表格列集合"); } if (slaveWaitGridColumns.Count == 0) { return("从实体类型未添加待选表格列集合"); } Dictionary <string, object> item = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Template dictTemplate = Template.Create("RelationTemplatet", File.ReadAllText(System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetupInformation.ApplicationBase + "bin\\Templatet\\" + templateName + ".txt", Encoding.UTF8)); item.Add("relationForm", relationForm); return(dictTemplate.Render("RelationTemplatet", item)); }
public string GenerateJsCode(DynObject fromModel, string templateType, string templateName) { string result; switch (templateType) { case "DictForm": result = GenerateDictFormJsCode(fromModel, templateName); break; case "BillListForm": result = GenerateBillListFormJsCode(fromModel, templateName); break; case "BillForm": result = GenerateBillFormJsCode(fromModel, templateName); break; case "TreeForm": result = GenerateTreeFormJsCode(fromModel, templateName); break; case "RelationForm": result = GenerateRelationFormJsCode(fromModel, templateName); break; default: result = "模板类型不存在!"; break; } return(result); }
public void OpenWorkflow(int workflowID) { Workflow = SystemService.GetDynObjectByID("Workflow", workflowID); if (Workflow != null) { _designer = new WorkflowDesigner(); _undoEngine = _designer.Context.Services.GetService <UndoEngine>(); _undoEngine.UndoUnitAdded += delegate(object ss, UndoUnitEventArgs ee) { _designer.Flush(); CanUndo = true; }; DesignerView = _designer.View; PropertyContent = _designer.PropertyInspectorView; _designer.Text = Workflow["Definition"].ToString(); _designer.Load(); WorkflowName = Workflow["WorkflowName"].ToString(); EditState = "modify"; CanUndo = false; CanRedo = false; DeleteCommand.RaiseCanExecuteChanged(); } else { MessageBox.Show("所选的工作流在数据库中不存在,请检查!"); } }
private DynObject Transfer(ushort serverPort, byte[] buffer, int count) { //发送数据 Send(serverPort, buffer); ZmqMessage message = _ftpSocket.ReceiveMessage(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 30)); if (message.FrameCount == 0) { _isWorking = false; ReStart(); throw new TimeoutException("发送超时,请检查你的网络是否有问题,稍后重新上传"); } else { //反序列化,取出服务端响应数据 byte[] respData = message[message.FrameCount - 1].Buffer; TSerializer serializer = new TBinarySerializer(); serializer.FromBytes(respData); DynObject fileFragment = DynSerialize.ReadDynObject(serializer); serializer.Flush(); //105:发生异常 if ((byte)fileFragment["State"] == 105) { _isWorking = false; throw new ApplicationException(fileFragment["ExcepMsg"] as string); } return(fileFragment); } }
public void MethodTest() { dynamic dyn = new DynObject(); dyn.Add("foo", "bar"); Assert.AreEqual("bar",; } // end AccessorTest
public static DynObject Deserialize(string text) { var o = JObject.Parse(text); var result = new DynObject(); Deserialize(o, result); return(result); }
public static Variable HashIter(int mode, Variable v) { VarDeque lv = HashIterRaw(mode, v); DynObject l = new DynObject(Kernel.ListMO); l.slots[0] = lv; l.slots[1] = new VarDeque(); return Kernel.NewRWListVar(l); }
public void GetValueTest() { dynamic dyn = new DynObject(); dyn.Add("foo", "bar"); Assert.AreEqual("bar", dyn.GetValue("foo")); Assert.AreEqual(null, dyn.GetValue("baz")); Assert.AreEqual("notbar", dyn.GetValue("baz", "notbar")); } // end AccessorTest
public DynObject GetBillListFormByID(int billListFormID) { DynObject result = null; DynEntity billListForm = GatewayFactory.Default.Find("BillListForm", billListFormID); if (billListForm != null) { result = DynObjectTransverter.JsonToDynObject(billListForm["Model"] as string); } return(result); }
public DynObject GetDictFormByID(int dictFormID) { DynObject result = null; DynEntity dictForm = GatewayFactory.Default.Find("DictForm", dictFormID); if (dictForm != null) { result = DynObjectTransverter.JsonToDynObject(dictForm["Model"] as string); } return(result); }
public DynObject GetRelationFormByID(int relationFormID) { DynObject result = null; DynEntity relationForm = GatewayFactory.Default.Find("RelationForm", relationFormID); if (relationForm != null) { result = DynObjectTransverter.JsonToDynObject(relationForm["Model"] as string); } return(result); }
public void AddTemplate(string key, DynObject o) { if (_dic.ContainsKey(key)) { _dic[key] = (r) => o.Clone(); } else { _dic.Add(key, (r) => o.Clone()); } }
public static string SerializeToText(this DynObject value) { var result = value.Serialize(); if (result == null) { return(string.Empty); } return(result.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)); }
public DynObject Serialize() { DynObject serialization = new DynObject(); AddProperty("name", name, serialization); AddProperty("description", description, serialization); AddProperty("method", method, serialization); AddProperty("requestPattern", requestPattern, serialization); AddProperty("requestExample", requestExample, serialization); AddObject("requestExampleBody", requestExampleBody, serialization); AddObject("responseExample", responseExample, serialization); return serialization; }
public DynObject onFileDownload(DynObject fileFragment) { byte ctlCode = (byte)fileFragment["State"]; int dataLength = (int)fileFragment["DataLength"]; switch (ctlCode) { case 100: //请求下载文件 string filePath = Path.Combine(fileFragment["Path"] as string, fileFragment["FileName"] as string); string md5 = GetMD5HashFromFile(filePath); _fileStream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); fileFragment["MD5"] = md5; fileFragment["FileLength"] = _fileStream.Length; fileFragment["DataLength"] = 0; fileFragment["Data"] = null; break; case 101: //文件传送中 if (_fileStream == null) { throw new FtpException("FtpServer文件流已被中断,请重新传送"); } _fileStream.Seek((int)fileFragment["MsgID"] * _bufferLength, SeekOrigin.Begin); dataLength = _fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); fileFragment["DataLength"] = dataLength; fileFragment["Data"] = buffer; break; case 102: //文件传送结束 _isRunning = false; fileFragment["DataLength"] = 0; fileFragment["Data"] = null; _fileStream.Close(); _fileStream = null; break; case 103: //中断文件传送 _isRunning = false; _fileStream.Close(); _fileStream = null; break; } return(fileFragment); }
private void AddObject(string name, string value, DynObject serialization) { if (value != null && value.Length > 0) { if (value[0] == '{') { serialization[name] = DynObject.Parse(value); } else { serialization[name] = value; } } }
public DynObject Serialize() { DynObject serialization = new DynObject(); AddProperty("name", name, serialization); AddProperty("description", description, serialization); AddProperty("method", method, serialization); AddProperty("requestPattern", requestPattern, serialization); AddProperty("requestExample", requestExample, serialization); AddObject("requestExampleBody", requestExampleBody, serialization); AddObject("responseExample", responseExample, serialization); return(serialization); }
public void AddTreeForm(DynObject treeForm) { Check.Require(treeForm != null, "TreeForm对象不允许为空!"); DynEntity treeFormEntity = new DynEntity("TreeForm"); treeFormEntity["TreeFormID"] = treeForm["TreeFormID"]; treeFormEntity["TreeFormName"] = treeForm["TreeFormName"]; treeFormEntity["ModelType"] = treeForm["ModelType"]; treeFormEntity["ModelTypeName"] = treeForm["ModelTypeName"]; treeFormEntity["ReferTypes"] = treeForm["ReferTypes"]; treeFormEntity["ColumnCount"] = treeForm["ColumnCount"]; treeFormEntity["Comment"] = treeForm["Comment"]; treeFormEntity["Model"] = DynObjectTransverter.DynObjectToJson(treeForm); GatewayFactory.Default.Save(treeFormEntity); }
public void AddRelationForm(DynObject relationForm) { Check.Require(relationForm != null, "RelationForm对象不允许为空!"); DynEntity relationFormEntity = new DynEntity("RelationForm"); relationFormEntity["RelationFormID"] = relationForm["RelationFormID"]; relationFormEntity["RelationFormName"] = relationForm["RelationFormName"]; relationFormEntity["RelationType"] = relationForm["RelationType"]; relationFormEntity["MasterType"] = relationForm["MasterType"]; relationFormEntity["SlaveType"] = relationForm["SlaveType"]; relationFormEntity["MasterTypeName"] = relationForm["MasterTypeName"]; relationFormEntity["SlaveTypeName"] = relationForm["SlaveTypeName"]; relationFormEntity["ColumnCount"] = relationForm["ColumnCount"]; relationFormEntity["Comment"] = relationForm["Comment"]; relationFormEntity["Model"] = DynObjectTransverter.DynObjectToJson(relationForm); GatewayFactory.Default.Save(relationFormEntity); }
public void ModifyDictForm(DynObject dictForm) { Check.Require(dictForm != null, "DictForm对象不允许为空!"); DynEntity dictFormEntity = GatewayFactory.Default.Find("DictForm", dictForm["DictFormID"]); Check.Require(dictFormEntity != null, "DictForm在数据库中不存在无法修改!"); dictFormEntity["DictFormName"] = dictForm["DictFormName"]; dictFormEntity["ModelType"] = dictForm["ModelType"]; dictFormEntity["ModelTypeName"] = dictForm["ModelTypeName"]; dictFormEntity["ReferTypes"] = dictForm["ReferTypes"]; dictFormEntity["ColumnCount"] = dictForm["ColumnCount"]; dictFormEntity["Comment"] = dictForm["Comment"]; dictFormEntity["Model"] = DynObjectTransverter.DynObjectToJson(dictForm); //dictFormEntity["Script"] = GenerateDictFormJsCode(dictForm); GatewayFactory.Default.Save(dictFormEntity); }
public void AddBillListForm(DynObject billListForm) { Check.Require(billListForm != null, "BillListForm对象不允许为空!"); DynEntity billListFormEntity = new DynEntity("BillListForm"); billListFormEntity["BillListFormID"] = billListForm["BillListFormID"]; billListFormEntity["BillListFormName"] = billListForm["BillListFormName"]; billListFormEntity["MasterType"] = billListForm["MasterType"]; billListFormEntity["DetailType"] = billListForm["DetailType"]; billListFormEntity["ReferTypes"] = billListForm["ReferTypes"]; billListFormEntity["BillName"] = billListForm["BillName"]; billListFormEntity["DetailMainReferType"] = billListForm["DetailMainReferType"]; billListFormEntity["DetailMainReferName"] = billListForm["DetailMainReferName"]; billListFormEntity["Comment"] = billListForm["Comment"]; billListFormEntity["Model"] = DynObjectTransverter.DynObjectToJson(billListForm); GatewayFactory.Default.Save(billListFormEntity); }
public void SerializeOutputAction() { string uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); DynObject.Create("Name", Constants.PushReminder) .Add("delay", WorkflowClock.Now().AddMinutes(10).ToString()) .Add("canal", (ctx) => "IncomingEvent") // --read configuration where canal can be found .Add("Message", DynObject.Create("Uuid", uuid) .Add("Name", Constants.Events.ExpiredEventName) .Add("EventDate", (ctx) => WorkflowClock.Now().AddMinutes(10).ToString()) .Add("CreationDate", (ctx) => WorkflowClock.Now().ToString()) .Add("ExternalId", (ctx) => ctx.Workflow.ExternalId) .Add("CurrentState", (ctx) => ctx.Workflow.CurrentState)) ; }
/// <summary> /// 向服务端发送下载文件的请求 /// </summary> /// <param name="destVPort">目的端口</param> /// <param name="downloadPath">要下载的文件在服务端的路径</param> /// <returns>将要下载文件的基本信息</returns> private DynObject RequestDownload(ushort destVPort, string downloadPath) { DynObject fileFragment = new DynObject("FileFragment"); fileFragment["Path"] = Path.GetDirectoryName(downloadPath); fileFragment["FileName"] = Path.GetFileName(downloadPath); fileFragment["Extension"] = Path.GetExtension(downloadPath); fileFragment["State"] = (byte)100; fileFragment["MsgID"] = -1; fileFragment["DataLength"] = 0; fileFragment["Data"] = null; //序列化要发送的数据 TSerializer serializer = new TBinarySerializer(); DynSerialize.WriteDynObject(serializer, fileFragment); byte[] buffer = serializer.ToBytes(); serializer.Flush(); Send(_serverPort, buffer); ZmqMessage msg = _ftpSocket.ReceiveMessage(new TimeSpan(0, 1, 30)); if (msg.FrameCount == 0) { _isWorking = false; ReStart(); throw new TimeoutException("发送超时,请检查你的网络是否有问题,稍后重新下载"); } //反序列化,服务器返回的数据 serializer = new TBinarySerializer(); serializer.FromBytes(msg[msg.FrameCount - 1].Buffer); DynObject respFragment = DynSerialize.ReadDynObject(serializer); serializer.Flush(); //发生异常 if ((byte)respFragment["State"] == 105) { _isWorking = false; throw new FtpException(respFragment["ExcepMsg"] as string); } return(respFragment); }
/// <summary> /// 处理接收到的数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="msgData">接收到的消息</param> private byte[] DealMessage(byte[] msgData) { //反序列化,取出数据 TSerializer serializer = new TBinarySerializer(); serializer.FromBytes(msgData); DynObject reqFragment = DynSerialize.ReadDynObject(serializer); serializer.Flush(); try { DynObject repFragment = OnFileDataReceived(reqFragment); //序列化并把数据返回给客户端 serializer = new TBinarySerializer(); DynSerialize.WriteDynObject(serializer, repFragment); byte[] repData = serializer.ToBytes(); serializer.Flush(); return(repData); } catch (Exception ex) { //如果服务端需要记录日志,则由本事件把异常信息发出 if (OnException != null) { OnException(ex); } _isRunning = false; DynObject repFragment = new DynObject("FileFragment"); repFragment["State"] = (byte)105; repFragment["ExcepMsg"] = "FtpServer端异常," + ex.Message; //序列化并把异常数据返回给客户端 serializer = new TBinarySerializer(); DynSerialize.WriteDynObject(serializer, repFragment); byte[] repData = serializer.ToBytes(); serializer.Flush(); return(repData); } }
public DynObject GetBody() { if (body == null) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(baseRequest.InputStream, IOUtil.Utf8Encoding)) { string bodyText = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (bodyText == null || bodyText.Length == 0) { bodyText = "{}"; } body = DynObject.Parse(bodyText); } } return(body); }
public Frame Backtrack(Frame th) { // throw away cut or mark-only frames while (bt != rootf && (bt.ip < 0)) bt = bt.prev; if (st.pos > global.highwater) global.IncHighwater(st.pos); if (bt == rootf) { if (return_one) { if (Cursor.Trace) Console.WriteLine("Failing {0}@{1} after no matches", name, from); return Kernel.Take(th, Kernel.NewROScalar(Kernel.EMPTYP)); } else { if (Cursor.Trace) Console.WriteLine("Failing {0}@{1} after some matches", name, from); if (EmptyList == null) { DynObject lst = new DynObject(Kernel.ListMO); lst.slots[0 /*items*/] = new VarDeque(); lst.slots[1 /*rest*/ ] = new VarDeque(); EmptyList = Kernel.NewRWListVar(lst); } th.caller.resultSlot = EmptyList; } return th.caller; } else { th.ip = bt.ip; st =; bt = bt.prev; return th; } }
// currently just used for protoregex public Frame EndWith(Frame th, Cursor m) { if (st.pos > global.highwater) global.IncHighwater(st.pos); if (return_one) { return Kernel.Take(th, Kernel.NewROScalar(m)); } else { th.MarkSharedChain(); return_one = true; VarDeque ks = new VarDeque(); ks.Push(Kernel.NewROScalar(m)); th.lex = new Dictionary<string,object>(); th.lex["!return"] = null; DynObject it = new DynObject(Kernel.GatherIteratorMO); it.slots[0 /*frame*/] = Kernel.NewRWScalar(Kernel.AnyMO, th); it.slots[1 /*reify*/] = Kernel.NewRWScalar(Kernel.AnyMO, Kernel.AnyP); VarDeque iss = new VarDeque(); iss.Push(Kernel.NewROScalar(it)); DynObject lst = new DynObject(Kernel.ListMO); lst.slots[0 /*items*/] = ks; lst.slots[1 /*rest*/ ] = iss; th.caller.resultSlot = Kernel.NewRWListVar(lst); } return th.caller; }
public DynObject GetBody() { if (body == null) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(baseRequest.InputStream, IOUtil.Utf8Encoding)) { string bodyText = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (bodyText == null || bodyText.Length == 0) { bodyText = "{}"; } body = DynObject.Parse(bodyText); } } return body; }
public WebServerRequest(Dictionary<string, string> pathParams, HttpListenerRequest baseRequest, HttpListenerResponse baseResponse, DynObject logEntry) { this.pathParams = pathParams; this.baseRequest = baseRequest; this.baseResponse = baseResponse; }
public Variable O(VarHash caps) { Cursor nw = At(pos); foreach (KeyValuePair<string,Variable> kv in caps) nw.captures = new CapInfo(nw.captures, new string[] { kv.Key }, kv.Value); VarDeque ks = new VarDeque(); DynObject lst = new DynObject(Kernel.ListMO); lst.slots[0 /*items*/] = ks; lst.slots[1 /*rest*/ ] = new VarDeque(); ks.Push(Kernel.NewROScalar(nw)); return Kernel.NewRWListVar(lst); }
public Variable SimpleWS() { string backing = global.orig_s; char[] backing_ca = global.orig_a; int l = backing_ca.Length; int p = pos; VarDeque ks = new VarDeque(); DynObject lst = new DynObject(Kernel.ListMO); lst.slots[0 /*items*/] = ks; lst.slots[1 /*rest*/ ] = new VarDeque(); if (p != 0 && p != l && CC.Word.Accepts(backing[p]) && CC.Word.Accepts(backing[p-1])) { if (Trace) Console.WriteLine("! no match <ws> at {0}", pos); } else { while (p != l && Char.IsWhiteSpace(backing, p)) { p++; } if (Trace) Console.WriteLine("* match <ws> at {0} to {1}", pos, p); ks.Push(Kernel.NewROScalar(At(p))); } return Kernel.NewRWListVar(lst); }
private Variable FixupList(VarDeque caps) { if (caps.Count() != 0 && caps[0] == null) { caps.Shift(); DynObject l = new DynObject(Kernel.ListMO); l.slots[0 /*items*/] = caps; l.slots[1 /*rest*/ ] = new VarDeque(); return Kernel.NewROScalar(l); } else { return caps.Count() != 0 ? caps[0] : Kernel.NewROScalar(Kernel.AnyP); } }