Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 方法,向模型空间添加一条多段线
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_model">模型空间</param>
        /// <param name="_points">二维点数组</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DxfPolyline2D AddPline(DxfVertex2D[] _points)
            if (_points.Length == 0)

            DxfPolyline2D pline = new DxfPolyline2D(_points);

            pline.Closed = false;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 方法,向模型空间添加一条直线
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_model">模型空间</param>
        /// <param name="_startX">起点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="_startY">起点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="_endX">终点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="_endY">终点Y坐标</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DxfPolyline2D AddLine(double _startX, double _startY, double _endX, double _endY)
            if ((_startX == _endX) && (_startY == _endY))

            DxfVertex2D[] pointList = new DxfVertex2D[2]
                new DxfVertex2D(_startX, _startY),
                new DxfVertex2D(_endX, _endY),

            DxfPolyline2D pline = new DxfPolyline2D(pointList);

            pline.Closed = false;

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 方法,向模型空间添加一个矩形
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_model">模型空间</param>
        /// <param name="_startX">起点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="_startY">起点Y坐标</param>
        /// <param name="_endX">终点X坐标</param>
        /// <param name="_endY">终点Y坐标</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DxfPolyline2D AddRectangle(double _startX, double _startY, double _endX, double _endY)
            if ((_startX == _endX) && (_startY == _endY))

            DxfVertex2D[] pointList = new DxfVertex2D[4]
                new DxfVertex2D(_startX, _startY),
                new DxfVertex2D(_endX, _startY),
                new DxfVertex2D(_endX, _endY),
                new DxfVertex2D(_startX, _endY)

            DxfPolyline2D rectangle = new DxfPolyline2D(pointList);

            rectangle.Closed = true;

Esempio n. 4
        private static void smethod_0(
            Class374 modelBuilder,
            DxfPolyline2D polyline,
            Class285 vertexBuilder)
            DxfVertex2D handledObject = vertexBuilder.HandledObject as DxfVertex2D;

            if (handledObject != null)
                if (vertexBuilder.HandledObject == null)
                modelBuilder.Messages.Add(new DxfMessage(DxfStatus.WrongType, Severity.Warning)
                    Parameters =
                            "Bad vertex handle",
Esempio n. 5
 public void Visit(DxfPolyline2D polyline)
Esempio n. 6
        public override void ResolveReferences(Class374 modelBuilder)
            DxfPolyline2DBase   entity = (DxfPolyline2DBase)this.Entity;
            DxfPolyline2DSpline spline = entity as DxfPolyline2DSpline;

            if (spline != null)
                if (this.ulong_6 != 0UL)
                    for (Class285 class285 = modelBuilder.method_6(this.ulong_6); class285 != null; class285 = modelBuilder.method_7(class285))
                        Class297.smethod_1(spline, class285);
                        if ((long)class285.HandledObject.Handle == (long)this.ulong_7)
                else if (this.list_1 != null)
                    for (int index = 0; index < this.list_1.Count; ++index)
                        ulong handle = this.list_1[index];
                        Class297.smethod_1(spline, modelBuilder.method_6(handle));
                DxfPolyline2D polyline = entity as DxfPolyline2D;
                if (polyline != null)
                    if (this.ulong_6 != 0UL)
                        for (Class285 class285 = modelBuilder.method_6(this.ulong_6); class285 != null; class285 = modelBuilder.method_7(class285))
                            Class297.smethod_0(modelBuilder, polyline, class285);
                            if ((long)class285.HandledObject.Handle == (long)this.ulong_7)
                    else if (this.list_1 != null)
                        for (int index = 0; index < this.list_1.Count; ++index)
                            ulong handle = this.list_1[index];
                            Class297.smethod_0(modelBuilder, polyline, modelBuilder.method_6(handle));
            if (this.ulong_8 == 0UL)
            DxfSequenceEnd dxfSequenceEnd = modelBuilder.method_4 <DxfSequenceEnd>(this.ulong_8);

            if (dxfSequenceEnd == null)
            entity.SeqEnd = dxfSequenceEnd;
Esempio n. 7
 public void Visit(DxfPolyline2D polyline)
     this.bool_0 = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified entity.
 /// See the <see cref="IEntityVisitor"/> for more details.
 /// </summary>
 public override void Visit(DxfPolyline2D polyline)
     HandleEntity(polyline);  // don't care for vertices, as they ought to have the same layer
Esempio n. 9
        //Dxf/dwg Export with eshow layers
        public Stream ExportLayout(Stream input)
            string body = new StreamReader(input).ReadToEnd();
            NameValueCollection _nvc  = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(body);
            dynamic             _data = @_nvc["Data"];
            string _fileName          = _nvc["FileName"];
            string _client_id         = _nvc["ClientId"];
            string _show_id           = _nvc["ShowId"];
            string _accessKey         = @_nvc["AccessKey"];
            string _secretKey         = @_nvc["SecretKey"];
            string _bucketName        = @_nvc["BucketName"];

            DxfModel _model        = ReadDxf("h://dxf_uploads//" + _client_id + " // " + _show_id + "//" + _fileName);
            DxfLayer _numberLayer  = new DxfLayer("ESHOW_NUMBERS");
            DxfLayer _outlineLayer = new DxfLayer("ESHOW_BOOTHS");


            //parsing Json Array
            List <Booth> _boothList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Booth> >(_data);
            string       _origin    = null;

            foreach (var _originInfo in _boothList)
                if (_originInfo.SHAPE.Equals("ORIGIN", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    _origin = _originInfo.INSERTPOINT;

            if (_origin != null)
                foreach (var _booth in _boothList)
                    if ((!_booth.SHAPE.Equals("ORIGIN", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) || (!_booth.SHAPE.Equals("GRIDLINE", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                        switch (_booth.SHAPE)
                        case "Box":
                            string       insertPoint    = _booth.INSERTPOINT;
                            int          deltaX         = int.Parse(_booth.SIZEX) * 12;
                            int          deltaY         = int.Parse(_booth.SIZEY) * 12;
                            string       boothNumber    = _booth.BOOTHNUMBER;
                            string       vertexOriginal = UntransfromPoint(insertPoint, _origin);
                            List <Point> VertexList     = GetVerticesFromVertex(vertexOriginal, deltaX, deltaY);
                            //converting Windows points to Cad Points
                            Point2D[] vertexPoints = new Point2D[4];
                            for (int i = 0; i < VertexList.Count; i++)
                                vertexPoints[i].X = VertexList[i].X;
                                vertexPoints[i].Y = VertexList[i].Y;
                            //Add Booth to Dxf
                            DxfPolyline2D booth = new DxfPolyline2D();
                            booth.Layer  = _outlineLayer;
                            booth.Closed = true;
                            booth.Color  = EntityColor.ByLayer;

                            //Add text to DXF
                            Point   textPoint = new Point(VertexList[0].X + 10, VertexList[0].Y - 50);
                            DxfText boothText = new DxfText(boothNumber, new Point3D(textPoint.X, textPoint.Y, 0d), 10d)
                                Layer = _numberLayer,
                                Color = EntityColor.ByLayer

                        case "Polygon":
                            insertPoint = _booth.INSERTPOINT;
                            int[]      ins       = insertPoint.Split(',').Select(n => Convert.ToInt32(n)).ToArray();
                            List <int> insPoints = ins.OfType <int>().ToList();
                            insPoints.RemoveAt(insPoints.Count - 1);
                            insPoints.RemoveAt(insPoints.Count - 1);
                            List <Point> vertexList = new List <Point>();
                            Point        tempPoint;
                            //converting to vertices
                            for (int i = 0; i <= insPoints.Count; i += 2)
                                tempPoint = new Point(insPoints[i], y: insPoints[i + 1]);
                            boothNumber = _booth.BOOTHNUMBER;
                            //untransfroming points
                            for (int i = 0; i < vertexList.Count; i++)
                                vertexList[i] = UntransfromPoint(vertexList[i], _origin);
                            //converting Windows points to Cad Points
                            vertexPoints = new Point2D[vertexList.Count];
                            for (int i = 0; i < vertexList.Count; i++)
                                vertexPoints[i].X = vertexList[i].X;
                                vertexPoints[i].Y = vertexList[i].Y;
                            booth = new DxfPolyline2D();
                            booth.Layer  = _outlineLayer;
                            booth.Closed = true;
                            booth.Color  = EntityColor.ByLayer;

                            //Add text to DXF
                            textPoint = new Point(vertexList[0].X + 10, vertexList[0].Y - 50);
                            boothText = new DxfText(boothNumber, new Point3D(textPoint.X, textPoint.Y, 0d), 10d)
                                Layer = _numberLayer,
                                Color = EntityColor.ByLayer
            // write new DWG
            Stream dwgStream;
            string outfile    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetFullPath(_fileName));
            string fileNameS3 = outfile + "_export.dwg";
            string filePath   = "h://dxf_uploads//" + _client_id + " // " + _show_id + "//" + fileNameS3;

            using (dwgStream = new FileStream(@filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                DwgWriter.Write(dwgStream, _model);
            //Upload to s3
            //string _subDirectory = _client_id + @"/" + _show_id + @"/dxf";
            //AmazonS3Transfer amazonS3Transfer = new AmazonS3Transfer();
            //bool uploadStatus = amazonS3Transfer.sendMyFileToS3(dwgStream, _bucketName, _subDirectory, fileNameS3, _accessKey, _secretKey);
            bool uploadStatus = true;
            Dictionary <string, string> status = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (uploadStatus == true)
                status.Add("status_code", "1");
                status.Add("status_code", "0");
            string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(status);

            WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
            return(new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(result)));
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// 方法,绘制单个静力触探曲线图
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_drawIndex">曲线图编号,从0开始,用于绘制多个曲线图时计算其摆放位置</param>
        /// <param name="_projectName">工程名称</param>
        /// <param name="_companyName">公司名称</param>
        /// <param name="_jk">触探孔数据</param>
        /// <param name="_scaleList">比例尺列表</param>
        /// <param name="_style1">曲线图的文字样式</param>
        /// <param name="_style2">剖面图触探孔的文字样式</param>
        public void DrawJk(int _drawIndex, string _projectName, string[] _company, CPT _jk, List <double> _scaleList, DxfTextStyle _style1, DxfTextStyle _style2)
            // 当触探孔内没有分层时退出
            if (_jk.Layers.Count == 0)

            // 计算图形横向偏移量,用于绘制多个柱状图时的空间摆放距离
            double xDis = _drawIndex * 195;

            // 绘制钻孔柱状图框架
            AddRectangle(0 + xDis, 0, 195 + xDis, 280);
            AddRectangle(10 + xDis, 20, 185 + xDis, 261);
            Model.Entities[Model.Entities.Count - 1].LineWeight = 30;

            double[,] pointKJ = new double[28, 4]
                { 10, 254, 185, 254 }, { 10, 247, 57, 247 }, { 63, 247, 185, 247 }, { 10, 240, 185, 240 }, { 10, 220, 185, 220 },
                { 30, 261, 30, 240 }, { 57, 254, 57, 240 }, { 63, 254, 63, 240 }, { 90, 261, 90, 240 }, { 110, 261, 110, 240 },
                { 137, 254, 137, 240 }, { 157, 254, 157, 240 }, { 22, 240, 22, 20 }, { 30, 240, 30, 20 }, { 42, 240, 42, 20 },
                { 52, 240, 52, 20 }, { 62, 240, 62, 20 }, { 77, 240, 77, 20 },
                { 87, 220, 87, 222 }, { 97, 220, 97, 222 }, { 107, 220, 107, 222 }, { 117, 220, 117, 222 }, { 127, 220, 127, 222 },
                { 137, 220, 137, 222 }, { 147, 220, 147, 222 }, { 157, 220, 157, 222 }, { 167, 220, 167, 222 }, { 177, 220, 177, 222 }
            for (int i = 0; i < 28; i++)
                AddLine(pointKJ[i, 0] + xDis, pointKJ[i, 1], pointKJ[i, 2] + xDis, pointKJ[i, 3]);

            string[] textKJ = new string[32]
                "工程名称", "钻孔编号", "孔口高程", "勘察单位", "钻孔深度", "钻孔日期", "初见水位", "稳定水位", "地\n质\n年\n代", "及\n成\n因", "层\n \n序",
                "层\n底\n标\n高\n(m)", "层\n底\n深\n度\n(m)", "分\n层\n厚\n度\n(m)", "比 贯 入 阻 力 (MPa)", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5",
                "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "静 力 触 探 曲 线 图", "制图:", "校核:", "审查:", "核定:", "X:", "Y:"
            double[,] ptextKJ = new double[32, 3]
                { 20, 257.5, 20 }, { 20, 250.5, 20 }, { 20, 243.5, 20 }, { 100, 257.5, 20 }, { 100, 250.5, 20 }, { 100, 243.5, 20 }, { 147, 250.5, 20 }, { 147, 243.5, 20 },
                { 13, 230, 6 }, { 19, 230, 6 }, { 26, 230, 8 }, { 36, 230, 12 }, { 47, 230, 10 }, { 57, 230, 10 }, { 131, 234.5, 108 }, { 87, 227, 2 },
                { 97, 227, 2 }, { 107, 227, 2 }, { 117, 227, 2 }, { 127, 227, 2 }, { 137, 227, 2 }, { 147, 227, 2 }, { 157, 227, 2 },
                { 167, 227, 2 }, { 177, 227, 2 }, { 97.5, 270, 175 }, { 32, 13, 10 }, { 70, 13, 10 }, { 106, 13, 10 }, { 144, 13, 10 }, { 65.5, 252, 5 }, { 65.5, 245, 5 }
            for (int i = 0; i < textKJ.Length; i++)
                DxfMText t = AddMText(textKJ[i], ptextKJ[i, 0] + xDis, ptextKJ[i, 1], ptextKJ[i, 2], 2.5, _style1);
                if (i == 11 || i == 12 || i == 13)
                    t.LineSpacingFactor = 0.8;

            // 绘制表头信息
            AddMText(_projectName, 60 + xDis, 257.5, 60, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_jk.Name, 43.5 + xDis, 250.5, 27, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_jk.Altitude.ToString("0.00") + "      m", 43.5 + xDis, 243.5, 27, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_company[0], 147.5 + xDis, 257.5, 75, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_jk.Layers[_jk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth.ToString("0.00") + "   m", 123.5 + xDis, 250.5, 27, 2.5, _style1);

            // 计算比例尺
            double scale;

            if (_jk.Layers[_jk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth <= 20)
                scale = 100;
            else if (_jk.Layers[_jk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth <= 40)
                scale = 200;
            else if (_jk.Layers[_jk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth <= 100)
                scale = 500;
                scale = 1000;
            AddMText("柱\n状\n图\n1:" + scale, 69.5 + xDis, 230, 12, 2.5, _style1);

            // 绘制分层
            for (int i = 0; i < _jk.Layers.Count; i++)
                // 分层线及深度标签
                double drawY = 220 - _jk.Layers[i].Depth / scale * 1000;

                AddLine(10 + xDis, drawY, 77 + xDis, drawY);
                AddMText(_jk.Layers[i].Number, 26 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);
                AddMText((_jk.Altitude - _jk.Layers[i].Depth).ToString("0.00"), 36 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);
                AddMText(_jk.Layers[i].Depth.ToString("0.00"), 47 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);
                if (i > 0)
                    AddMText((_jk.Layers[i].Depth - _jk.Layers[i - 1].Depth).ToString("0.00"), 57 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);
                    AddMText(_jk.Layers[i].Depth.ToString("0.00"), 57 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);

                // 地质填充
                double hatchY1 = drawY;
                double hatchY2;
                if (i > 0)
                    hatchY2 = 220 - _jk.Layers[i - 1].Depth / scale * 1000;
                    hatchY2 = 220;

                    string s = _jk.Layers[i].Name;
                    if (s.Contains("黏"))
                        s = s.Replace("黏", "粘");
                    AddRecHatch(HatchTrans(s), 62 + xDis, hatchY1, 77 + xDis, hatchY2);
                    AddRecHatch("SOLID", 62 + xDis, hatchY1, 77 + xDis, hatchY2);

            // 绘制Ps曲线
            int n1 = _jk.PsList.Count;

            DxfVertex2D[] pointList = new DxfVertex2D[n1];
            for (int i = 0; i < n1; i++)
                double drawY = 220 - Convert.ToDouble(i) / scale * 100;
                double drawX = 77 + _jk.PsList[i] * 10 + xDis;
                pointList[i] = new DxfVertex2D(drawX, drawY);

            // 绘制人员信息
            AddMText(_company[2], 44 + xDis, 13, 10, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_company[4], 82 + xDis, 13, 10, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_company[5], 118 + xDis, 13, 10, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_company[6], 156 + xDis, 13, 10, 2.5, _style1);

            // 绘制剖面静力触探曲线图
            double distanceY = 280;

            for (int i = 0; i < _scaleList.Count; i++)
                // 计算绘图起始位置
                distanceY = distanceY + 40 + _jk.Layers[_jk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i];

                // 绘制钻孔编号、孔口高程、钻孔轴线
                AddLine(124 + xDis, distanceY + 10, 136 + xDis, distanceY + 10);
                AddMText(_jk.Name, 130 + xDis, distanceY + 13.5, 12, 4, _style2);
                AddMText(_jk.Altitude.ToString("0.00"), 130 + xDis, distanceY + 7, 12, 4, _style2);
                DxfPolyline2D l = AddLine(130 + xDis, distanceY, 130 + xDis, distanceY - _jk.Layers[_jk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i]);
                l.LineWeight = 50;

                // 绘制分层
                for (int j = 0; j < _jk.Layers.Count; j++)
                    double layerY    = distanceY - _jk.Layers[j].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i];
                    double layerYold = distanceY;
                    if (j > 0)
                        layerYold = distanceY - _jk.Layers[j - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i];

                    if (j < _jk.Layers.Count - 1)
                        AddLine(123 + xDis, layerY, 130 + xDis, layerY);
                    DxfMText text = AddMText(_jk.Layers[j].Depth.ToString("0.00") + "(" + (_jk.Altitude - _jk.Layers[j].Depth).ToString("0.00") + ")", 121 + xDis, layerY + 1.5, 33, 3, _style2);
                    text.AttachmentPoint = AttachmentPoint.MiddleLeft;

                        string s = _jk.Layers[j].Name;
                        if (s.Contains("黏"))
                            s = s.Replace("黏", "粘");
                        AddRecHatch(HatchTrans(s), 123 + xDis, layerY, 130 + xDis, layerYold);
                        AddRecHatch("SOLID", 123 + xDis, layerY, 130 + xDis, layerYold);

                // 绘制Ps值曲线
                int           n2         = _jk.PsList.Count;
                DxfVertex2D[] pointList2 = new DxfVertex2D[n2];
                for (int j = 0; j < n2; j++)
                    double drawY = distanceY - Convert.ToDouble(j) / _scaleList[i] * 100;
                    double drawX = 130 + _jk.PsList[j] * 10 + xDis;
                    pointList2[j] = new DxfVertex2D(drawX, drawY);

                // 绘制Ps刻度
                double kdY = distanceY - _jk.Layers[_jk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i] - 15;
                AddLine(130 + xDis, kdY, 180 + xDis, kdY);
                AddLine(130 + xDis, kdY, 130 + xDis, kdY + 8);
                for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
                    AddLine(130 + 10 * j + xDis, kdY, 130 + 10 * j + xDis, kdY + 2);
                    AddMText(j.ToString(), 130 + 10 * j + xDis, kdY + 7, 2, 3, _style2);

                // 绘制比例尺标记
                double scY = distanceY - _jk.Layers[_jk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i] / 2;

                DxfMText t = AddMText("1:" + _scaleList[i], 20 + xDis, scY, 80, 20, _style2);
                t.AttachmentPoint = AttachmentPoint.MiddleLeft;
Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// 方法,绘制单个钻孔柱状图
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_drawIndex">柱状图编号,从0开始,用于绘制多个柱状图时计算其摆放位置</param>
        /// <param name="_projectName">工程名称</param>
        /// <param name="_companyName">公司名称</param>
        /// <param name="_zk">钻孔数据</param>
        /// <param name="_scaleList">比例尺列表</param>
        /// <param name="_style1">钻孔柱状图的文字样式</param>
        /// <param name="_style2">剖面图钻孔的文字样式</param>
        public void DrawZk(int _drawIndex, string _projectName, string[] _company, Borehole _zk, List <double> _scaleList, DxfTextStyle _style1, DxfTextStyle _style2)
            // 当钻孔内没有分层时退出
            if (_zk.Layers.Count == 0)

            // 计算图形横向偏移量,用于绘制多个柱状图时的空间摆放距离
            double xDis = _drawIndex * 195;

            // 绘制钻孔柱状图框架
            AddRectangle(0 + xDis, 0, 195 + xDis, 280);
            AddRectangle(10 + xDis, 20, 185 + xDis, 261);
            Model.Entities[Model.Entities.Count - 1].LineWeight = 30;

            double[,] pointKJ = new double[25, 4]
                { 10, 254, 185, 254 }, { 10, 247, 57, 247 }, { 63, 247, 185, 247 }, { 10, 240, 185, 240 }, { 10, 220, 185, 220 },
                { 131.5, 233, 185, 233 }, { 132.5, 225, 150.5, 225 }, { 152.5, 225, 170.5, 225 }, { 172.5, 225, 184, 225 },
                { 30, 261, 30, 240 }, { 57, 254, 57, 240 }, { 63, 254, 63, 240 }, { 90, 261, 90, 240 }, { 110, 261, 110, 240 },
                { 137, 254, 137, 240 }, { 157, 254, 157, 240 }, { 22, 240, 22, 20 }, { 30, 240, 30, 20 }, { 42, 240, 42, 20 },
                { 52, 240, 52, 20 }, { 62, 240, 62, 20 }, { 77, 240, 77, 20 }, { 131.5, 240, 131.5, 20 },
                { 151.5, 240, 151.5, 20 }, { 171.5, 240, 171.5, 20 }
            for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                AddLine(pointKJ[i, 0] + xDis, pointKJ[i, 1], pointKJ[i, 2] + xDis, pointKJ[i, 3]);

            string[] textKJ = new string[31]
                "工程名称", "钻孔编号", "孔口高程", "勘察单位", "钻孔深度", "钻孔日期", "初见水位", "稳定水位", "地\n质\n年\n代", "及\n成\n因", "层\n \n序",
                "层\n底\n标\n高\n(m)", "层\n底\n深\n度\n(m)", "分\n层\n厚\n度\n(m)", "岩  土  描  述", "标贯/动探", "取 样", "注水试验", "击 数", "深 度(m)",
                "编 号", "深 度(m)", "渗透系数\n(cm/s)", "深度(m)", "钻 孔 柱 状 图", "制图:", "校核:", "审查:", "核定:", "X:", "Y:"
            double[,] ptextKJ = new double[31, 3]
                { 20, 257.5, 20 }, { 20, 250.5, 20 }, { 20, 243.5, 20 }, { 100, 257.5, 20 }, { 100, 250.5, 20 }, { 100, 243.5, 20 }, { 147, 250.5, 20 }, { 147, 243.5, 20 },
                { 13, 230, 6 }, { 19, 230, 6 }, { 26, 230, 8 }, { 36, 230, 12 }, { 47, 230, 10 }, { 57, 230, 10 }, { 104.25, 230, 54.5 }, { 141.5, 236.5, 20 },
                { 161.5, 236.5, 20 }, { 178.25, 236.5, 13.5 }, { 141.5, 229, 20 }, { 141.5, 222.5, 20 }, { 161.5, 229, 20 }, { 161.5, 222.5, 20 }, { 178.25, 229, 13.5 },
                { 178.25, 222.5, 13.5 }, { 97.5, 270, 31 }, { 32, 13, 10 }, { 70, 13, 10 }, { 106, 13, 10 }, { 144, 13, 10 }, { 65.5, 252, 5 }, { 65.5, 245, 5 }
            for (int i = 0; i < textKJ.Length; i++)
                DxfMText t = AddMText(textKJ[i], ptextKJ[i, 0] + xDis, ptextKJ[i, 1], ptextKJ[i, 2], 2.5, _style1);
                if (i == 11 || i == 12 || i == 13 || i == 22)
                    t.LineSpacingFactor = 0.8;

            // 绘制表头信息
            AddMText(_projectName, 60 + xDis, 257.5, 60, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_zk.Name, 43.5 + xDis, 250.5, 27, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_zk.Altitude.ToString("0.00") + "      m", 43.5 + xDis, 243.5, 27, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_company[0], 147.5 + xDis, 257.5, 75, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_zk.Layers[_zk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth.ToString("0.00") + "   m", 123.5 + xDis, 250.5, 27, 2.5, _style1);

            // 计算比例尺
            double scale;

            if (_zk.Layers[_zk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth <= 20)
                scale = 100;
            else if (_zk.Layers[_zk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth <= 40)
                scale = 200;
            else if (_zk.Layers[_zk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth <= 100)
                scale = 500;
                scale = 1000;
            AddMText("柱\n状\n图\n1:" + scale, 69.5 + xDis, 230, 12, 2.5, _style1);

            // 绘制分层
            for (int i = 0; i < _zk.Layers.Count; i++)
                // 分层线及深度标签
                double drawY = 220 - _zk.Layers[i].Depth / scale * 1000;

                AddLine(10 + xDis, drawY, 131.5 + xDis, drawY);
                AddMText(_zk.Layers[i].Number, 26 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);
                AddMText((_zk.Altitude - _zk.Layers[i].Depth).ToString("0.00"), 36 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);
                AddMText(_zk.Layers[i].Depth.ToString("0.00"), 47 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);
                if (i > 0)
                    AddMText((_zk.Layers[i].Depth - _zk.Layers[i - 1].Depth).ToString("0.00"), 57 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);
                    AddMText(_zk.Layers[i].Depth.ToString("0.00"), 57 + xDis, drawY + 3, 8, 2.5, _style1);

                // 地质填充
                double hatchY1 = drawY;
                double hatchY2;
                if (i > 0)
                    hatchY2 = 220 - _zk.Layers[i - 1].Depth / scale * 1000;
                    hatchY2 = 220;

                    string s = _zk.Layers[i].Name;
                    if (s.Contains("黏"))
                        s = s.Replace("黏", "粘");
                    AddRecHatch(HatchTrans(s), 62 + xDis, hatchY1, 77 + xDis, hatchY2);
                    AddRecHatch("SOLID", 62 + xDis, hatchY1, 77 + xDis, hatchY2);

                // 岩土描述
                double presY = hatchY2 - 0.7;

                DxfMText t = AddMText(_zk.Layers[i].Name + ":" + _zk.Layers[i].Description, 78 + xDis, presY, 54.5, 1.5, _style1);
                t.AttachmentPoint = AttachmentPoint.TopLeft;

            // 绘制标贯/动探
            for (int i = 0; i < _zk.NTests.Count; i++)
                double drawY = 220 - _zk.NTests[i].Depth / scale * 1000;

                AddLine(131.5 + xDis, drawY, 151.5 + xDis, drawY);
                AddMText(_zk.NTests[i].Value.ToString("0"), 141.5 + xDis, drawY + 2, 20, 2.5, _style1);
                AddMText(_zk.NTests[i].Depth.ToString("0.00"), 141.5 + xDis, drawY - 2, 20, 2.5, _style1);

            // 绘制取样
            for (int i = 0; i < _zk.Samples.Count; i++)
                double drawY = 220 - _zk.Samples[i].Depth * 1000 / scale;

                AddLine(151.5 + xDis, drawY, 171.5 + xDis, drawY);
                AddMText(_zk.Samples[i].Name, 161.5 + xDis, drawY + 2, 20, 2.5, _style1);
                AddMText(_zk.Samples[i].Depth.ToString("0.00"), 161.5 + xDis, drawY - 2, 20, 2.5, _style1);

            // 绘制人员信息
            AddMText(_company[2], 44 + xDis, 13, 10, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_company[4], 82 + xDis, 13, 10, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_company[5], 118 + xDis, 13, 10, 2.5, _style1);
            AddMText(_company[6], 156 + xDis, 13, 10, 2.5, _style1);

            // 绘制剖面图钻孔
            double distanceY = 280;

            for (int i = 0; i < _scaleList.Count; i++)
                // 计算绘图起始位置
                distanceY = distanceY + 40 + _zk.Layers[_zk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i];

                // 绘制钻孔编号、孔口高程、钻孔轴线
                AddLine(124 + xDis, distanceY + 10, 136 + xDis, distanceY + 10);
                AddMText(_zk.Name, 130 + xDis, distanceY + 13.5, 12, 4, _style2);
                AddMText(_zk.Altitude.ToString("0.00"), 130 + xDis, distanceY + 7, 12, 4, _style2);
                DxfPolyline2D l = AddLine(130 + xDis, distanceY, 130 + xDis, distanceY - _zk.Layers[_zk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i]);
                l.LineWeight = 50;

                // 绘制分层
                for (int j = 0; j < _zk.Layers.Count; j++)
                    double layerY    = distanceY - _zk.Layers[j].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i];
                    double layerYold = distanceY;
                    if (j > 0)
                        layerYold = distanceY - _zk.Layers[j - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i];

                    if (j < _zk.Layers.Count - 1)
                        AddLine(120 + xDis, layerY, 130 + xDis, layerY);
                    DxfMText text = AddMText(_zk.Layers[j].Depth.ToString("0.00") + "(" + (_zk.Altitude - _zk.Layers[j].Depth).ToString("0.00") + ")", 132 + xDis, layerY, 25, 3, _style2);
                    text.AttachmentPoint = AttachmentPoint.MiddleLeft;

                        string s = _zk.Layers[j].Name;
                        if (s.Contains("黏"))
                            s = s.Replace("黏", "粘");
                        AddRecHatch(HatchTrans(s), 120 + xDis, layerY, 130 + xDis, layerYold);
                        AddRecHatch("SOLID", 120 + xDis, layerY, 130 + xDis, layerYold);

                // 绘制取样
                for (int j = 0; j < _zk.Samples.Count; j++)
                    double sampleY = distanceY - _zk.Samples[j].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i];

                    if (_zk.Samples[j].IsDisturbed)
                        AddCircle(127.5 + xDis, sampleY, 1, false);
                        AddCircle(127.5 + xDis, sampleY, 1, true);

                // 绘制标贯/动探
                for (int j = 0; j < _zk.NTests.Count; j++)
                    double bgY = distanceY - _zk.NTests[j].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i];

                    DxfMText text = AddMText(_zk.NTests[j].Type.ToString() + "=" + _zk.NTests[j].Value, 120.5 + xDis, bgY, 6, 2.5, _style2);
                    text.AttachmentPoint = AttachmentPoint.MiddleLeft;

                // 绘制比例尺标记
                double scY = distanceY - _zk.Layers[_zk.Layers.Count - 1].Depth * 1000 / _scaleList[i] / 2;

                DxfMText t = AddMText("1:" + _scaleList[i], 20 + xDis, scY, 80, 20, _style2);
                t.AttachmentPoint = AttachmentPoint.MiddleLeft;