Esempio n. 1
        private Dictionary <string, List <StreamPayloadBaseType> > m_reportIntervalPayloads = new Dictionary <string, List <StreamPayloadBaseType> >(); // payloads for an interval for a date

        public ReportWrapper(string reportSpecifierID, ReportName reportName, int duration, DurationModifier durationModifier)
            ReportSpecifierID = reportSpecifierID;
            m_reportName      = reportName;

            m_reportDuration          = new DurationPropType();
            m_reportDuration.duration = "PT" + duration.ToString() + durationModifier.Value;
Esempio n. 2

        public oadrReportType generateReport(string reportSpecifierID, DateTime dtstartUTC)
            oadrReportType report     = _reports[reportSpecifierID];
            ReportName     reportName = _reportNames[reportSpecifierID];

            report.reportName = reportName.Name;

            // save the duration and restore after generating the report
            // the duration is only required when registering the report; it indicates
            // the max history that is recorded, and the max time frame the can be included in a report
            DurationPropType duraton = report.duration;

            report.duration = null;

            report.createdDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            List <IntervalType> reportIntervals;

                reportIntervals = _reportIntervals[reportSpecifierID];
            catch (System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException)
                // the report does not have any descriptors

            // the dtstart of the report must match the dtstart of the first interval
            report.dtstart          = new dtstart();
            report.dtstart.datetime = reportIntervals[0].dtstart.datetime;

            IntervalType[] intervalsArray = new IntervalType[reportIntervals.Count];

            int intervalIndex = 0;

            foreach (IntervalType interval in reportIntervals)
                intervalsArray[intervalIndex] = interval;

                List <oadrReportPayloadType> reportIntervalPayloads = _reportIntervalPayloads[reportSpecifierID][intervalIndex];

                interval.streamPayloadBase = new StreamPayloadBaseType[reportIntervalPayloads.Count];

                int payloadIndex = 0;
                foreach (oadrReportPayloadType reportPayload in reportIntervalPayloads)
                    interval.streamPayloadBase[payloadIndex] = reportPayload;




            report.oadrReportDescription = null;
            report.intervals             = intervalsArray;
