Esempio n. 1
    // Method that creates the rooms and corridors
    private void CreateRoomsAndCorridors()
        rooms     = new Dungeon_Room[Random.Range(minNumRooms, maxNumRooms + 1)];   // Setup a random amount of rooms
        corridors = new Dungeon_Corridor[rooms.Length - 1];                         // There is always one less corridor than the amount of rooms

        rooms[0]     = new Dungeon_Room();                                          // Create the first room
        corridors[0] = new Dungeon_Corridor();                                      // Create the first corridor

        // Setup the first room
        rooms[0].SetupFirstRoom(Random.Range(minRoomWidth, maxRoomWidth + 1), Random.Range(minRoomHeight, maxRoomHeight + 1), columns, rows);

        // Setup the first corridor
        corridors[0].SetupCorridor(rooms[0], minCorridorLength, maxCorridorLength, rooms[0].roomWidth, rooms[0].roomHeight, columns, rows, true);

        // Create and Setup the other rooms
        for (int i = 1; i < rooms.Length; i++)
            rooms[i] = new Dungeon_Room();
            rooms[i].SetupRoom(Random.Range(minRoomWidth, maxRoomWidth + 1), Random.Range(minRoomHeight, maxRoomHeight + 1), columns, rows, corridors[i - 1]);

            if (i < corridors.Length)
                corridors[i] = new Dungeon_Corridor();
                corridors[i].SetupCorridor(rooms[i], minCorridorLength, maxCorridorLength, rooms[i].roomWidth, rooms[i].roomHeight, columns, rows, false);
    // Method for setting up the other rooms
    public void SetupRoom(int width, int height, int columns, int rows, Dungeon_Corridor corridor)
        // Set the direction of the entering corridor
        enteringCorridor = corridor.direction;

        // Setup the width and height
        roomWidth  = width;
        roomHeight = height;

        // The corridor.direction is the direction of the entering corridor
        // These if-statements are used to make sure the rooms are always within the size of the dungeon
        if (corridor.direction == CorridorDirection.Up)
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, 1, rows - corridor.EndZPos);                   // Clamp the roomheight so the room won't go out of the dungeon
            zPos       = corridor.EndZPos;                                                      // Set the Z position of the room
            xPos       = Random.Range(corridor.EndXPos - roomWidth + 1, corridor.EndXPos + 1);  // Set a random X position for the room
            xPos       = Mathf.Clamp(xPos, 0, columns - roomWidth);                             // Clamp the X position of the room so it won't go out of the dungeon
        else if (corridor.direction == CorridorDirection.Right)
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, 1, columns - corridor.EndXPos);
            xPos      = corridor.EndXPos;
            zPos      = Random.Range(corridor.EndZPos - roomHeight + 1, corridor.EndZPos + 1);
            zPos      = Mathf.Clamp(zPos, 0, rows - roomHeight);
        else if (corridor.direction == CorridorDirection.Down)
            roomHeight = Mathf.Clamp(roomHeight, 1, corridor.EndZPos);
            zPos       = corridor.EndZPos - roomHeight + 1;
            xPos       = Random.Range(corridor.EndXPos - roomWidth + 1, corridor.EndXPos + 1);
            xPos       = Mathf.Clamp(xPos, 0, columns - roomWidth);
        else if (corridor.direction == CorridorDirection.Left)
            roomWidth = Mathf.Clamp(roomWidth, 1, corridor.EndXPos);
            xPos      = corridor.EndXPos - roomWidth + 1;
            zPos      = Random.Range(corridor.EndZPos - roomHeight + 1, corridor.EndZPos + 1);
            zPos      = Mathf.Clamp(zPos, 0, rows - roomHeight);