public static List <Vector2Int> GenerateDungeon(DungeonGenerationData dungeonData) { //Define list of dungeon crawlers List <DungeonCrawler> dungeonCrawlers = new List <DungeonCrawler>(); for (int i = 0; i < dungeonData.numberOfCrawlers; i++) { //Add a dungeon crawler to the list starting at zero dungeonCrawlers.Add(new DungeonCrawler(; } //Define the number of iterations int iterations = Random.Range(dungeonData.iterationMin, dungeonData.iterationMax); //Loop through based on the number of iterations for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { //Loop through the dungeon crawlers in the scene foreach (DungeonCrawler dungeonCrawler in dungeonCrawlers) { //Define a new position for the map Vector2Int newPos = dungeonCrawler.Move(directionMovementMap); //Add the new position to the positions visited to avoid overlap positionsVisited.Add(newPos); } } return(positionsVisited); }
//Main function to generate dungeon. Every dungeon crawler goes into a random direction. It adds to positions list. The number of positions depends on a random number between minimal and maximal number of iterations (rooms). public static List <Vector2Int> GenerateDungeon(DungeonGenerationData dungeonData) { List <DungeonCrawler> dungeonCrawlers = new List <DungeonCrawler>(); for (int i = 0; i < dungeonData.numberOfCrawlers; ++i) { GameObject tempGameObject = new GameObject(); DungeonCrawler crawler = tempGameObject.AddComponent <DungeonCrawler>(); crawler.Position =; dungeonCrawlers.Add(crawler); } int iterations = Random.Range(dungeonData.iterationMin, dungeonData.iterationMax); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) { foreach (DungeonCrawler dungeonCrawler in dungeonCrawlers) { Vector2Int newPosition = dungeonCrawler.Move(directionMovementMap); while (positionsVisited.Contains(newPosition)) { newPosition = dungeonCrawler.Move(directionMovementMap); } positionsVisited.Add(newPosition); } } return(positionsVisited); }
//Generate the Randomized Room Locations Based on the Variables Assigned in DungeonGenerationData public static List <Vector2Int> GenerateDungeon(DungeonGenerationData dungeonData) { positionsVisited = new List <Vector2Int>(); directionMovementMap = new Dictionary <Direction, Vector2Int> { { Direction.up, Vector2Int.up }, { Direction.left, Vector2Int.left }, { Direction.down, Vector2Int.down }, { Direction.right, Vector2Int.right }, }; List <DungeonCrawler> dungeonCrawlers = new List <DungeonCrawler>(); for (int i = 0; i < dungeonData.numberOfCrawlers; i++) { dungeonCrawlers.Add(new DungeonCrawler(; } int iterations = Random.Range(dungeonData.iterationMin, dungeonData.iterationMax); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { foreach (DungeonCrawler dungeonCrawler in dungeonCrawlers) { Vector2Int newPos = dungeonCrawler.Move(directionMovementMap); positionsVisited.Add(newPos); } } return(positionsVisited); }
public List <Vector2Int> GenerateDungeon(DungeonGenerationData dungeonData, Vector2Int startpos) { positionsVisited = new List <Vector2Int>(); List <DungeonCrawler> dungeonCrawlers = new List <DungeonCrawler>(); for (int i = 0; i < dungeonData.numberOfCrawlers; i++) { dungeonCrawlers.Add(new DungeonCrawler(startpos)); } int iterations = Random.Range(dungeonData.iterationMin, dungeonData.iterationMax); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { foreach (DungeonCrawler dungeonCrawler in dungeonCrawlers) { Vector2Int newPos = dungeonCrawler.Move(directionMovementMap); Debug.Log(" ho visitato " + newPos); if (newPos == startpos) { Debug.Log(" ho visitato " + newPos + "ma non la aggiungo"); } else { positionsVisited.Add(newPos); } } } Debug.Log("fine visita "); return(positionsVisited); }
public static List <Vector2Int> GenerateDungeon( DungeonGenerationData dungeonData ) { List <DungeonCrawler> dungeonCrawlers = new List <DungeonCrawler>(); for (int i = 0; i < dungeonData.numberOfCrawlers; i++) { dungeonCrawlers.Add(new DungeonCrawler(; } int iterations = Random.Range( dungeonData.iterationMin, dungeonData.iterationMax ); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { foreach (DungeonCrawler dungeonCrawler in dungeonCrawlers) { Vector2Int newPosition = dungeonCrawler.move(directionMovementMap); positionVisited.Add(newPosition); } } return(positionVisited); }
public void GenerateLevel() { if (mTestGenerationData != null) { mCurrentLevelData = mTestGenerationData; } else { DetermineCurrentLevelData(); } if (GlobalData.NumHearts <= 0) { GlobalData.NumHearts = 1; } ClearProjectiles(); ClearSpecialObjects(); mDungeon.GenerateDungeon(mCurrentLevelData.mEnvironmentData); mStartPos = mDungeon.GetTilePosition(mDungeon.InitialRoomPosition.mX, mDungeon.InitialRoomPosition.mY); RespawnPlayer1(); mGoal.mSignalType = SignalType.LevelComplete; mGoal.transform.position = FindGoalSpawnPosition(); mDungeon.SetCell(mGoal.transform.position, DungeonCell.TileType.Goal); // Generate room contents GenerateCollectables(); GenerateEnemies(); Signal.Dispatch(SignalType.LevelStart); }
static Dictionary <string, DungeonRoom> GetFinalRooms(List <GenRoom> rooms, DungeonGenerationData genData) { Dictionary <string, DungeonRoom> finalAreas = new Dictionary <string, DungeonRoom>(); foreach (var genRoom in rooms) { DungeonRoom room = new DungeonRoom(genRoom.Id, 1 + (genRoom.gridX - 1) * 7, 1 + (genRoom.gridY - 1) * 7); if (genRoom.left != null && genRoom.left.Exists) { room.Doors.Add(new Door(genRoom.Id, genRoom.left.Id, Direction.Left)); } if (genRoom.right != null && genRoom.right.Exists) { room.Doors.Add(new Door(genRoom.Id, genRoom.right.Id, Direction.Right)); } if ( != null && { room.Doors.Add(new Door(genRoom.Id,, Direction.Top)); } if ( != null && { room.Doors.Add(new Door(genRoom.Id,, Direction.Bot)); } finalAreas.Add(room.Id, room); } return(finalAreas); }
static void PopulateRooms(Dungeon dungeon, DungeonGenerationData genData) { List <DungeonRoom> rooms = Enumerable.ToList(dungeon.Rooms.Values).FindAll(item => item.Type == AreaType.Empty); dungeon.TotalRoomBattles = Random.Range(genData.TotalRoomBattleMin, genData.TotalRoomBattleMax + 1); int currentBattles = 0; int maxBattles = dungeon.TotalRoomBattles; int guardedTresures = Random.Range(genData.RoomGuardedTresureMin, genData.RoomGuardedTresureMax + 1); dungeon.RoomGuardedTresure = Mathf.Clamp(guardedTresures, 0, maxBattles - currentBattles); currentBattles += dungeon.RoomGuardedTresure; for (int i = 0; i < dungeon.RoomGuardedTresure; i++) { if (rooms.Count == 0) { return; } int index = Random.Range(0, rooms.Count); rooms[index].Type = AreaType.BattleTresure; rooms.RemoveAt(index); } int guardedCurios = Random.Range(genData.RoomGuardedCurioMin, genData.RoomGuardedCurioMax + 1); dungeon.RoomGuardedCurio = Mathf.Clamp(guardedCurios, 0, maxBattles - currentBattles); currentBattles += dungeon.RoomGuardedCurio; for (int i = 0; i < dungeon.RoomGuardedCurio; i++) { if (rooms.Count == 0) { return; } int index = Random.Range(0, rooms.Count); rooms[index].Type = AreaType.BattleCurio; rooms.RemoveAt(index); } for (int i = currentBattles; i < dungeon.TotalRoomBattles; i++) { if (rooms.Count == 0) { return; } int index = Random.Range(0, rooms.Count); rooms[index].Type = AreaType.Battle; rooms.RemoveAt(index); } }
public static Dungeon GenerateDungeon(Quest quest, int seed = 0) { if (seed != 0) { Random.InitState(seed); } string[] lengthes = { "", "short", "medium", "long" }; Dungeon dungeon = new Dungeon(); DungeonGenerationData genData = DarkestDungeonManager.Data.DungeonGenerationData.Find(item => item.Dungeon == quest.Dungeon && item.Length == lengthes[quest.Length] && item.QuestType == quest.Type); DungeonEnviromentData envData = DarkestDungeonManager.Data.DungeonEnviromentData[quest.Dungeon]; int roomsLeft = genData.BaseRoomNumber; int hallsLeft = genData.BaseCorridorNumber; int xSize = genData.GridSizeX; int ySize = genData.GridSizeY; dungeon.GridSizeX = xSize; dungeon.GridSizeY = ySize; List <GenRoom> areas = new List <GenRoom>(); GenRoom[,] areaGrid = new GenRoom[xSize, ySize]; GenerateRooms(areas, areaGrid, roomsLeft, xSize, ySize); GenRoom hub = FindMaxConnectivityRoom(areas); List <GenRoom> existingRooms = ForceBorderRooms(areas, hub, roomsLeft); List <GenHall> existingHalls = ForceHallConnection(existingRooms, hallsLeft); dungeon.Rooms = CreateFinalRooms(existingRooms); dungeon.Hallways = CreateFinalHallways(dungeon, existingHalls, genData); MarkEntrance(dungeon); PopulateQuestGoals(dungeon, quest, existingRooms, envData); PopulateRooms(dungeon, genData); LoadRoomEnviroment(dungeon, envData, quest.Difficulty); PopulateHalls(dungeon, genData); LoadHallEnviroment(dungeon, envData, quest.Difficulty); dungeon.GridSizeX = 1 + (xSize - 1) * 7; dungeon.GridSizeY = 1 + (ySize - 1) * 7; dungeon.Name = quest.Dungeon; dungeon.DungeonMash = envData.BattleMashes.Find(mash => mash.MashId == quest.Difficulty); dungeon.SharedMash = DarkestDungeonManager.Data.DungeonEnviromentData["shared"]. BattleMashes.Find(mash => mash.MashId == quest.Difficulty); return(dungeon); }
protected void DetermineCurrentLevelData() { if (GlobalData.BossDefeated(GlobalData.BossId.Chocolate)) { mCurrentLevelData = mHardDungeons[GlobalData.CurrentFloor % mHardDungeons.Length]; } else if (GlobalData.BossDefeated(GlobalData.BossId.Flower)) { mCurrentLevelData = mMediumDungeons[GlobalData.CurrentFloor % mMediumDungeons.Length]; } else { mCurrentLevelData = mEasyDungeons[GlobalData.CurrentFloor % mEasyDungeons.Length]; } }
public static List <Vector2Int> GenerateDungeon(DungeonGenerationData dungeonData) { List <DungeonCrawler> dungeonCrawlers = new List <DungeonCrawler>(); for (int i = 0; i < dungeonData.numberOfCrawlers; i++) { dungeonCrawlers.Add(new DungeonCrawler(; } int iterations = Random.Range(dungeonData.intertionsMin + PlayerController.currentLevel, dungeonData.interationsMax + PlayerController.currentLevel); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { foreach (DungeonCrawler dungeonCrawler in dungeonCrawlers) { Vector2Int newPos = dungeonCrawler.Move(directionMovementMap); positionVisited.Add(newPos); } } return(positionVisited); }
// Iterates through each crawler and fetches which positions each crawlers has visited. // Rooms can then be spawned at those positions public static List <Vector2Int> GenerateDungeon(DungeonGenerationData dungeonData) { List <DungeonCrawler> dungeonCrawlers = new List <DungeonCrawler>(); for (int i = 0; i < dungeonData.numCrawlers; i++) { // Creates crawler at (0, 0) [starting room] dungeonCrawlers.Add(new DungeonCrawler(; } int iterations = Random.Range(dungeonData.iterationMin, dungeonData.iterationMax); for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { foreach (DungeonCrawler dungeonCrawler in dungeonCrawlers) { Vector2Int newPos = dungeonCrawler.Move(directionMovementMap); positionsVisited.Add(newPos); } } return(positionsVisited); }
protected void DetermineCurrentLevelData() { if(GlobalData.BossDefeated(GlobalData.BossId.Chocolate)) { mCurrentLevelData = mHardDungeons[GlobalData.CurrentFloor%mHardDungeons.Length]; } else if(GlobalData.BossDefeated(GlobalData.BossId.Flower)) { mCurrentLevelData = mMediumDungeons[GlobalData.CurrentFloor % mMediumDungeons.Length]; } else { mCurrentLevelData = mEasyDungeons[GlobalData.CurrentFloor % mEasyDungeons.Length]; } }
public void GenerateLevel() { if(mTestGenerationData != null) { mCurrentLevelData = mTestGenerationData; } else { DetermineCurrentLevelData(); } if(GlobalData.NumHearts <= 0) { GlobalData.NumHearts = 1; } ClearProjectiles(); ClearSpecialObjects(); mDungeon.GenerateDungeon(mCurrentLevelData.mEnvironmentData); mStartPos = mDungeon.GetTilePosition(mDungeon.InitialRoomPosition.mX, mDungeon.InitialRoomPosition.mY); RespawnPlayer1(); mGoal.mSignalType = SignalType.LevelComplete; mGoal.transform.position = FindGoalSpawnPosition(); mDungeon.SetCell(mGoal.transform.position, DungeonCell.TileType.Goal); // Generate room contents GenerateCollectables(); GenerateEnemies(); Signal.Dispatch(SignalType.LevelStart); }
public static Dungeon GenerateDungeon(Quest quest, int seed = 0) { if (seed != 0) { Random.InitState(seed); } string[] lengthes = new string[] { "", "short", "medium", "long" }; Dungeon dungeon = new Dungeon(); DungeonGenerationData genData = DarkestDungeonManager.Data.DungeonGenerationData.Find(item => item.Dungeon == quest.Dungeon && item.Length == lengthes[quest.Length] && item.QuestType == quest.Type); DungeonEnviromentData envData = DarkestDungeonManager.Data.DungeonEnviromentData[quest.Dungeon]; int RoomsLeft = genData.BaseRoomNumber; int HallsLeft = genData.BaseCorridorNumber; int xSize = genData.GridSizeX; int ySize = genData.GridSizeY; dungeon.GridSizeX = xSize; dungeon.GridSizeY = ySize; List <GenRoom> Areas = new List <GenRoom>(); GenRoom[,] areaGrid = new GenRoom[xSize, ySize]; GenerateRooms(Areas, areaGrid, RoomsLeft, xSize, ySize); GenRoom hub = GetHub(Areas); List <GenRoom> ExistingRooms = ForceBorderRooms(Areas, hub, RoomsLeft); List <GenHall> ExistingHalls = ForceHallConnection(Areas, hub, ExistingRooms, HallsLeft); dungeon.Rooms = GetFinalRooms(ExistingRooms, genData); dungeon.Hallways = GetFinalHallways(dungeon, ExistingHalls, genData); MarkEntrance(dungeon); switch (quest.Goal.Type) { case "kill_monster": if (quest.Goal.QuestData is QuestKillMonsterData) { var bossData = quest.Goal.QuestData as QuestKillMonsterData; envData.BattleMashes.Find(mash => mash.BossEncounters.Find(encounter => encounter.MonsterSet.Contains(bossData.MonsterNameIds[0])) != null); var bossGenRoom = LongestPathRoom(ExistingRooms.Find(room => room.Id == dungeon.StartingRoomId), ExistingRooms); var bossRoom = dungeon.Rooms[bossGenRoom.Id]; bossRoom.Type = AreaType.Boss; var bossEncounter = envData.BattleMashes.Find(mash => mash.MashId == quest.Difficulty). BossEncounters.Find(encounter => encounter.MonsterSet.Contains(bossData.MonsterNameIds[0])); bossRoom.BattleEncounter = new BattleEncounter(bossEncounter.MonsterSet); } else { Debug.LogError("Missing boss data in dungeon!"); } break; case "activate": if (quest.Goal.QuestData is QuestActivateData) { var activateData = quest.Goal.QuestData as QuestActivateData; var lastRoom = LongestPathRoom(ExistingRooms.Find(room => room.Id == dungeon.StartingRoomId), ExistingRooms); for (int i = 0; i < activateData.Amount; i++) { var availableRooms = ExistingRooms.FindAll(room => room.MinPath >= (float)i / activateData.Amount * lastRoom.MinPath && room.MinPath <= (float)(i + 1) / activateData.Amount * lastRoom.MinPath); int randomRoom = Random.Range(0, availableRooms.Count - 1); var questRoom = dungeon.Rooms[availableRooms[randomRoom].Id]; if (questRoom.Type == AreaType.Empty) { var curio = new Curio(activateData.CurioName); curio.IsQuestCurio = true; if (quest.Goal.StartingItems.Count > 0) { curio.ItemInteractions.Add(new ItemInteraction() { Chance = 1, ItemId = quest.Goal.StartingItems[0].Id, ResultType = "loot", Results = new List <CurioResult>(), }); } questRoom.Type = AreaType.Curio; questRoom.Prop = curio; } else { i--; } } } break; case "gather": if (quest.Goal.QuestData is QuestGatherData) { var gatherData = quest.Goal.QuestData as QuestGatherData; var lastRoom = LongestPathRoom(ExistingRooms.Find(room => room.Id == dungeon.StartingRoomId), ExistingRooms); for (int i = 0; i < gatherData.Item.Amount; i++) { var availableRooms = ExistingRooms.FindAll(room => room.MinPath >= (float)i / gatherData.Item.Amount * lastRoom.MinPath && room.MinPath <= (float)(i + 1) / gatherData.Item.Amount * lastRoom.MinPath); int randomRoom = Random.Range(0, availableRooms.Count - 1); var questRoom = dungeon.Rooms[availableRooms[randomRoom].Id]; if (questRoom.Type == AreaType.Empty) { var curio = new Curio(gatherData.CurioName); curio.IsQuestCurio = true; var curioInteraction = new CurioInteraction(); curioInteraction.Chance = 1; curioInteraction.ResultType = "loot"; curioInteraction.Results = new List <CurioResult>(); curioInteraction.Results.Add(new CurioResult() { Chance = 1, Draws = 1, Item = gatherData.Item.Id, }); curio.Results.Add(curioInteraction); questRoom.Type = AreaType.Curio; questRoom.Prop = curio; } else { i--; } } } break; default: break; } PopulateRooms(dungeon, genData); LoadRoomEnviroment(dungeon, envData, quest.Difficulty); PopulateHalls(dungeon, genData); LoadHallEnviroment(dungeon, envData, quest.Difficulty); dungeon.GridSizeX = 1 + (xSize - 1) * 7; dungeon.GridSizeY = 1 + (ySize - 1) * 7; dungeon.Name = quest.Dungeon; dungeon.DungeonMash = envData.BattleMashes.Find(mash => mash.MashId == quest.Difficulty); dungeon.SharedMash = DarkestDungeonManager.Data.DungeonEnviromentData["shared"]. BattleMashes.Find(mash => mash.MashId == quest.Difficulty); return(dungeon); }
static void PopulateHalls(Dungeon dungeon, DungeonGenerationData genData) { List <HallSector> hallSectors = new List <HallSector>(); foreach (var hallway in dungeon.Hallways.Values) { foreach (var hallSector in hallway.Halls) { if (hallSector.Type != AreaType.Door) { hallSectors.Add(hallSector); } } } dungeon.HallwayBattles = Random.Range(genData.HallwayBattleMin, genData.HallwayBattleMax + 1); for (int i = 0; i < dungeon.HallwayBattles; i++) { if (hallSectors.Count == 0) { return; } int index = Random.Range(0, hallSectors.Count); hallSectors[index].Type = AreaType.Battle; hallSectors.RemoveAt(index); } dungeon.HallwayTraps = Random.Range(genData.HallwayTrapMin, genData.HallwayTrapMax + 1); for (int i = 0; i < dungeon.HallwayTraps; i++) { if (hallSectors.Count == 0) { return; } int index = Random.Range(0, hallSectors.Count); hallSectors[index].Type = AreaType.Trap; hallSectors.RemoveAt(index); } dungeon.HallwayObstacles = Random.Range(genData.HallwayObstacleMin, genData.HallwayObstacleMax + 1); for (int i = 0; i < dungeon.HallwayObstacles; i++) { if (hallSectors.Count == 0) { return; } int index = Random.Range(0, hallSectors.Count); hallSectors[index].Type = AreaType.Obstacle; hallSectors.RemoveAt(index); } dungeon.HallwayCurios = Random.Range(genData.HallwayCurioMin, genData.HallwayCurioMax + 1); for (int i = 0; i < dungeon.HallwayCurios; i++) { if (hallSectors.Count == 0) { return; } int index = Random.Range(0, hallSectors.Count); hallSectors[index].Type = AreaType.Curio; hallSectors.RemoveAt(index); } dungeon.HallwayHunger = Random.Range(genData.HallwayHungerMin, genData.HallwayHungerMax + 1); for (int i = 0; i < dungeon.HallwayHunger; i++) { if (hallSectors.Count == 0) { return; } int index = Random.Range(0, hallSectors.Count); hallSectors[index].Type = AreaType.Hunger; hallSectors.RemoveAt(index); } }
static Dictionary <string, Hallway> GetFinalHallways(Dungeon dungeon, List <GenHall> halls, DungeonGenerationData genData) { Dictionary <string, Hallway> finalHallways = new Dictionary <string, Hallway>(); foreach (var genHall in halls) { Hallway hallway = new Hallway(genHall.Id); hallway.RoomA = dungeon.Rooms[genHall.roomA.Id]; hallway.RoomB = dungeon.Rooms[genHall.roomB.Id]; int hallIncrementX = 0, hallIncrementY = 0; int hallGridX = hallway.RoomA.GridX, hallGridY = hallway.RoomA.GridY; if (hallway.RoomA.GridX < hallway.RoomB.GridX) { hallIncrementX = 1; } else if (hallway.RoomA.GridX > hallway.RoomB.GridX) { hallIncrementX = -1; } if (hallway.RoomA.GridY < hallway.RoomB.GridY) { hallIncrementY = 1; } else if (hallway.RoomA.GridY > hallway.RoomB.GridY) { hallIncrementY = -1; } hallGridX += hallIncrementX; hallGridY += hallIncrementY; hallway.Halls.Add(new HallSector(hallway.Id + "_0", hallGridX, hallGridY, hallway, new Door(hallway.Id, genHall.roomA.Id, Direction.Left))); for (int i = 1; i <= genData.Spacing; i++) { hallGridX += hallIncrementX; hallGridY += hallIncrementY; hallway.Halls.Add(new HallSector(hallway.Id + "_" + i.ToString(), hallGridX, hallGridY, hallway)); } hallGridX += hallIncrementX; hallGridY += hallIncrementY; hallway.Halls.Add(new HallSector(hallway.Id + "_" + (genData.Spacing + 1).ToString(), hallGridX, hallGridY, hallway, new Door(hallway.Id, genHall.roomB.Id, Direction.Right))); finalHallways.Add(hallway.Id, hallway); } return(finalHallways); }