/// <summary>
        /// Get the character used to display a particular type of cell
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Cell">Cell to check</param>
        /// <returns>Character to display on screen for cell</returns>
        public static char CellScreenChar(DungeonCell Cell)
            switch (Cell)
            case DungeonCell.Empty:
                return(' ');

            case DungeonCell.Floor:

            case DungeonCell.Door:

            case DungeonCell.Wall:

            case DungeonCell.StairUp:

            case DungeonCell.StairDown:

    Mesh CreateMesh(Texture texture, int tileSize, CheckMapTile condition, GetMapTile func)
        Mesh mesh = new Mesh();

        mesh.indexFormat = UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat.UInt32;

        Vector4[] uvs = GenerateUV(texture, tileSize);

        int mapSize = mapHeight * mapWidth;

        Vector3[] verticies = new Vector3[4 * 4 * mapSize];

        Vector2[]  uv        = new Vector2[4 * 4 * mapSize];
        List <int> triangles = new List <int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < mapWidth; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < mapHeight; j++)
                DungeonCell data = map[i, j];
                if (condition(data))
                    GenerateMeshData(i, j, func(data), verticies, uv, triangles, uvs);
        mesh.vertices  = verticies;
        mesh.uv        = uv;
        mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
Esempio n. 3
 private void CreateCorridorWalls(DungeonCell cell, int dir, Transform parent)
     if (dir == 0)
         if (tileMatrix[cell.Coordinates.z + 1, cell.Coordinates.x] == 0)
             WallUnit aWall = InstanciateWall(Directions.directionVectors[(int)Direction.North], Direction.North, cell, parent);
             cell.addWallRefenceToCell(aWall, "north");
         if (tileMatrix[cell.Coordinates.z - 1, cell.Coordinates.x] == 0)
             WallUnit aWall = InstanciateWall(Directions.directionVectors[(int)Direction.South], Direction.South, cell, parent);
             cell.addWallRefenceToCell(aWall, "south");
     if (dir == 1)
         if (tileMatrix[cell.Coordinates.z, cell.Coordinates.x - 1] == 0)
             WallUnit aWall = InstanciateWall(Directions.directionVectors[(int)Direction.West], Direction.West, cell, parent);
             cell.addWallRefenceToCell(aWall, "west");
         if (tileMatrix[cell.Coordinates.z, cell.Coordinates.x + 1] == 0)
             WallUnit aWall = InstanciateWall(Directions.directionVectors[(int)Direction.East], Direction.East, cell, parent);
             cell.addWallRefenceToCell(aWall, "east");
Esempio n. 4
    private void DoFirstGenStep(List <DungeonCell> activeCells) //Generates the first cell and room
        DungeonCell cell = CreateCell(RandomCoordinates);

    private void ConnectFarTaskNodesRooms(Room upperRoom, Room lowerRoom)
        // Choose random cell in the lower part of the upper room
        int         random    = Random.Range(0, upperRoom.getTilesDownRow().Count - 1);
        DungeonCell firstCell = upperRoom.getTilesDownRow()[random].getCorrespondingDungeonCell();

        // Choose random cell in the upper part of the lower room
        random = Random.Range(0, lowerRoom.getTilesUpRow().Count - 1);
        DungeonCell lastCell = lowerRoom.getTilesUpRow()[random].getCorrespondingDungeonCell();

        // Check if both cells are aligned
        if (firstCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid() == lastCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid())
            dungeon.getDungeonCorridors().Add(new Corridor(dungeon, firstCell, lastCell, Direction.Down, floorTileDimensions, floorMaterial, wallHeight, wallMaterial, false));
            // Get first  middle point between both rooms
            int         middle          = (firstCell.getCellRowPositionInGrid() + lastCell.getCellRowPositionInGrid()) / 2;
            DungeonCell firstMiddleCell = dungeon.getDungeonGrid()[middle, firstCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid()];
            // Get second middle point
            DungeonCell secondMiddleCell = dungeon.getDungeonGrid()[middle, lastCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid()];
            // Calculate direction of middle corridor
            Direction middleDirection = Direction.Right;
            if (firstMiddleCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid() > secondMiddleCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid())
                middleDirection = Direction.Left;
            // Create corridors
            dungeon.getDungeonCorridors().Add(new Corridor(dungeon, firstCell, firstMiddleCell, Direction.Down, floorTileDimensions, floorMaterial, wallHeight, wallMaterial, true));
            dungeon.getDungeonCorridors().Add(new Corridor(dungeon, firstMiddleCell, secondMiddleCell, middleDirection, floorTileDimensions, floorMaterial, wallHeight, wallMaterial, true));
            dungeon.getDungeonCorridors().Add(new Corridor(dungeon, secondMiddleCell, lastCell, Direction.Down, floorTileDimensions, floorMaterial, wallHeight, wallMaterial, false));
Esempio n. 6
    protected void UpdateTileGraphics()
        for (int y = 0; y < mGrid.Height; ++y)
            for (int x = 0; x < mGrid.Width; ++x)
                DungeonCell cell = mGrid.GetGridCell(x, y);
                TileSet     tileSet;
                if (kTileMapping.TryGetValue(cell.mTileType, out tileSet))
                    GameObject tilePrefab = GetRandomTilePrefab(tileSet.mPrefabs);
                    Quaternion rotation   = Quaternion.identity;
                    if (tileSet.mAllowRandomOrientation)
                        rotation = kTileRotations[Random.Range(0, kTileRotations.Length)];
                    GameObject tileObj = Instantiate(tilePrefab, GetTilePosition(x, y), rotation) as GameObject;
                    tileObj.transform.SetParent(GetRenderGroup(x, y).transform);

        foreach (var pair in mRenderGroups)

        for (int i = mTileObjects.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
Esempio n. 7
    protected void GenerateEnemies()

        for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentLevelData.mNumEnemies; ++i)
            int attempts = 0;
                Room        room    = GetRandomRoom();
                Vector2i    randPos = room.GetRandomPos();
                DungeonCell cell    = mDungeon.GetCell(randPos.mX, randPos.mY);
                if (cell.mTileType == DungeonCell.TileType.Ground)
                    cell.mTileType = DungeonCell.TileType.Collectable;
                    GameObject      prefab   = mCurrentLevelData.mEnemyPrefabs[Random.Range(0, mCurrentLevelData.mEnemyPrefabs.Length)];
                    GameObject      enemyObj = SpawnPrefab(prefab, mDungeon.GetTilePosition(randPos.mX, randPos.mY), Quaternion.identity);
                    EnemyController enemy    = enemyObj.GetComponent <EnemyController>();
            } while (attempts < kMaxPlacementAttempts);
    private void CreateRoomAndConnectNodes(Dictionary <AlphabetNode, Room> nodesWithRoom, List <AlphabetNode> nodesToVisit, AlphabetNode currentNode, Direction dir)
        // Choose random corridor length to separate the rooms by that distance
        int randomCorridorLength = 1;

        if (dir == Direction.Right || dir == Direction.Left)
            randomCorridorLength = Random.Range(minCorridorLengthWhenHorizontal, maxCorridorLengthWhenHorizontal);
            randomCorridorLength = Random.Range(minCorridorLengthWhenVertical, maxCorridorLengthWhenVertical);
        // Choose random room width
        int randomRoomWidth = Random.Range(roomMinTilesWidth, roomMaxTilesWidth);
        // Choose random room height
        int randomRoomHeight = Random.Range(roomMinTilesHeight, roomMaxTilesHeight);
        // Calculate top left corner column and row based on the direction and the middle cell of corresponding external side to align the rooms as much as possible
        int topLeftCornerColumn = 0;
        int topLeftCornerRow    = 0;

        switch (dir)
        case Direction.Right:
            int         rigthColumnTilesNumber = nodesWithRoom[nodesToVisit[0]].getTilesRightColumn().Count;
            DungeonCell rightColumnMiddleCell  = nodesWithRoom[nodesToVisit[0]].getTilesRightColumn()[rigthColumnTilesNumber / 2].getCorrespondingDungeonCell();
            topLeftCornerColumn = rightColumnMiddleCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid() + randomCorridorLength + 1;
            topLeftCornerRow    = rightColumnMiddleCell.getCellRowPositionInGrid() - (randomRoomHeight / 2);

        case Direction.Left:
            int         leftColumnTilesNumber = nodesWithRoom[nodesToVisit[0]].getTilesLeftColumn().Count;
            DungeonCell leftColumnMiddleCell  = nodesWithRoom[nodesToVisit[0]].getTilesLeftColumn()[leftColumnTilesNumber / 2].getCorrespondingDungeonCell();
            topLeftCornerColumn = leftColumnMiddleCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid() - randomCorridorLength - randomRoomWidth;
            topLeftCornerRow    = leftColumnMiddleCell.getCellRowPositionInGrid() - (randomRoomHeight / 2);

        case Direction.Up:
            int         upRowTilesNumber = nodesWithRoom[nodesToVisit[0]].getTilesUpRow().Count;
            DungeonCell upRowMiddleCell  = nodesWithRoom[nodesToVisit[0]].getTilesUpRow()[upRowTilesNumber / 2].getCorrespondingDungeonCell();
            topLeftCornerColumn = upRowMiddleCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid() - (randomRoomWidth / 2);
            topLeftCornerRow    = upRowMiddleCell.getCellRowPositionInGrid() - randomCorridorLength - randomRoomHeight;

        case Direction.Down:
            int         downRowTilesNumber = nodesWithRoom[nodesToVisit[0]].getTilesDownRow().Count;
            DungeonCell downRowMiddleCell  = nodesWithRoom[nodesToVisit[0]].getTilesDownRow()[downRowTilesNumber / 2].getCorrespondingDungeonCell();
            topLeftCornerColumn = downRowMiddleCell.getCellColumnPositionInGrid() - (randomRoomWidth / 2);
            topLeftCornerRow    = downRowMiddleCell.getCellRowPositionInGrid() + randomCorridorLength + 1;
        // Create room
        dungeon.getDungeonRooms().Add(new Room(dungeon, topLeftCornerRow, topLeftCornerColumn, randomRoomHeight, randomRoomWidth, floorTileDimensions, floorMaterial, wallHeight, wallMaterial));
        // Add node to lists
        nodesWithRoom.Add(currentNode.getConnection(dir), dungeon.getDungeonRooms()[dungeon.getDungeonRooms().Count - 1]);
        // Connect rooms
        dungeon.getDungeonCorridors().Add(new Corridor(dungeon, nodesWithRoom[currentNode], nodesWithRoom[currentNode.getConnection(dir)], floorTileDimensions, floorMaterial, wallHeight, wallMaterial));
        public void CopyConstructorCopiesMap(XY Coord, DungeonCell Value)
            var f1 = new AtlasWarriorsGame.DungeonGenerators.Feature(4, 4);

            f1.SetCell(Coord, Value);
            var f2 = new AtlasWarriorsGame.DungeonGenerators.Feature(f1);

            Assert.AreEqual(Value, f2.GetCell(Coord));
Esempio n. 10
    public void SetCell(int x, int y, DungeonCell.TileType tileType)
        DungeonCell cell = GetCell(x, y);

        if (cell != null)
            cell.mTileType = tileType;
            mGrid.SetGridCell(x, y, cell);
Esempio n. 11
    private WallUnit InstanciateWall(IntVector2 wallDirection, Direction direction, DungeonCell cell, Transform parent)
        WallUnit aWall = Instantiate(wallPrefab) as WallUnit;

        aWall.transform.parent        = cell.transform;
        aWall.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(wallDirection.x, 0.5f, wallDirection.z);
        aWall.transform.localRotation = direction.ToRotation();
        aWall.transform.parent        = parent;
Esempio n. 12
 public void Initialize(DungeonCell cell, DungeonCell otherCell, DungeonDirection direction)
     this.cell      = cell;
     this.otherCell = otherCell;
     this.direction = direction;
     cell.SetEdge(direction, this);
     transform.parent        = cell.transform;
     transform.localPosition = Vector2.zero;
     transform.localRotation = direction.ToRotation();
Esempio n. 13
    private DungeonCell createCorridorTile(GameObject corridors, IntVector2 c, string sDir, string nextSdir, bool lastSegmentTile)
        DungeonCell aCell = null;

        if (tileMatrix[c.z, c.x] == 0)
        {//se non c'è sovrapposizione crea la mattonella del corridoio
            tileMatrix[c.z, c.x] = 2;
            aCell = CreateCorridorCell(c, corridors);
            //print("Corridor tile created at " + c);
                activeDungeonCells.Add(c, aCell);
            catch (System.ArgumentException)
                print("An element with Key = \"txt\" already exists.");
        //se sono all'interno di una stanza mentre costruisco il percorso di connessione distruggo le mura nord-sud oppure east-ovest
        //nella direzione di marcia solo se non è l'ultimo pezzo di segmento
        if (tileMatrix[c.z, c.x] == 1 && !lastSegmentTile)
            destroyWall(c, sDir, true);
            //print("FOUND tile TYPE 1 i need to destroy wall at " + c + " direction " + sDir);
        //se invece è l'ultimo segmento distruggo un solo muro nella direzione del prossimo segmento nextSDir
        else if (tileMatrix[c.z, c.x] == 1 && lastSegmentTile)
            destroyWall(c, nextSdir, false);
            //libero anche eventuali mura nell'ultima cella del segmento che non ho distrutto
            // perchè passo false come paramentro, se avessi passato true avrei rimosso le mura nella direzione di percorrenza
            //in questo caso però rimuovendo due mura si corre il rischio di eliminare mura perimetrali delle stanze infatti
            // l'ultimo tile di questo segmento potrebbe trovarsi all'interno di una stanza ma sul perimetro
            destroyWall(c, oppositeDir(sDir), false);
        //gestisco il caso in cui sto creando tile di corridoio in posizioni già occupate da altri pezzi di corridoio
        if (tileMatrix[c.z, c.x] == 2)
            if (lastSegmentTile)
                //se sono l'ultimo segmento faccio attenzione a non rimuovere mura che non sono del segmento in questione
                destroyWall(c, nextSdir, false);          //rimuovo le mura solo nella direzione del prossimo segmento
                destroyWall(c, oppositeDir(sDir), false); //rimuovo l'ultimo eventuale muro nella direzione attuale
                //print("FOUND last segment TYPE 2 i need to destroy wall at " + c + " direction " + nextSdir);
                //se non sono l'ultima cella segmente distruggo tutto nella mia direzione quindi coppie di mura east,ovest oppure nord,sud
                destroyWall(c, sDir, true);
                //print("FOUND TYPE 2 i need to destroy wall at " + c + " direction " + sDir);
Esempio n. 14
    public DungeonCell CreateCell(IntVector2 coords) //Creates an individual cell of the dungeon
        DungeonCell tempCell = Instantiate(cellPrefab) as DungeonCell;

        cells[coords.x, coords.y]        = tempCell;
        tempCell.coordinates             = coords;
        tempCell.name                    = "Dungeon Cell " + coords.x + ", " + coords.y;
        tempCell.transform.parent        = transform;
        tempCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coords.x, coords.y, 0);
Esempio n. 15
    //crea una mattonella del pavimento nelle coordinate "coordinates"
    private DungeonCell CreateCorridorCell(IntVector2 coordinates, GameObject corridors)
        DungeonCell newDungeonCell = Instantiate(dungeonCellPrefab) as DungeonCell;

        //cells[coordinates.x,coordinates.z] = newDungeonCell;
        newDungeonCell.name                    = "Dungeon Corridor Cell " + coordinates.x + ", " + coordinates.z;
        newDungeonCell.Coordinates             = coordinates;
        newDungeonCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coordinates.x + 0.5f, 0f, coordinates.z + 0.5f);
        newDungeonCell.transform.parent        = corridors.transform;
Esempio n. 16
    public Corridor(Dungeon dungeon, Room room1, Room room2, Vector3 floorTileDimensions, Material floorMaterial, float wallHeight, Material wallMaterial)
        // Choose one random tile from room 1 and room 2
        FloorTile randomRoom1Tile = room1.getFloorTiles()[Random.Range(0, room1.getRoomHeight() - 1), Random.Range(0, room1.getRoomWidth() - 1)];
        FloorTile randomRoom2Tile = room2.getFloorTiles()[Random.Range(0, room2.getRoomHeight() - 1), Random.Range(0, room2.getRoomWidth() - 1)];
        // Build corridor
        DungeonCell firstCell = randomRoom1Tile.getCorrespondingDungeonCell();
        DungeonCell lastCell  = randomRoom2Tile.getCorrespondingDungeonCell();

        BuildCorridor(dungeon, firstCell, lastCell, false, floorTileDimensions, floorMaterial, wallHeight, wallMaterial);
Esempio n. 17
 public void createDungeonGrid(Vector3 dungeonTopLeftCellPosition, Vector3 floorTileDimensions)
     for (int i = 0; i < dungeonHeight; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < dungeonWidth; j++)
             Vector3 cellPosition = dungeonTopLeftCellPosition + new Vector3(floorTileDimensions.x * j, floorTileDimensions.y, -floorTileDimensions.z * i);
             dungeonGrid[i, j] = new DungeonCell(cellPosition, i, j);
Esempio n. 18
    //crea una mattonella del pavimento nelle coordinate "coordinates"
    private DungeonCell CreateCell(IntVector2 coordinates)
        DungeonCell newDungeonCell = Instantiate(dungeonCellPrefab) as DungeonCell;

        //cells[coordinates.x,coordinates.z] = newDungeonCell;
        newDungeonCell.name                    = "Dungeon Cell " + coordinates.x + ", " + coordinates.z;
        newDungeonCell.Coordinates             = coordinates;
        newDungeonCell.transform.parent        = transform; //fa diventare tutte le celle generate figlie del game object Dungeon
        newDungeonCell.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coordinates.x + 0.5f, 0f, coordinates.z + 0.5f);
Esempio n. 19
        public void SetDiggerInitialPosition(int roomMinTilesWidth, int roomMinTilesHeight)
            // Get margins
            int minRow    = 0;
            int maxRow    = dungeon.getDungeonHeight() - 1 - roomMinTilesHeight;
            int minColumn = 0;
            int maxColumn = dungeon.getDungeonWidth() - 1 - roomMinTilesWidth;

            // Place digger in random cell that is inside those margins
            currentCell = dungeon.getDungeonGrid()[Random.Range(minRow, maxRow), Random.Range(minColumn, maxColumn)];
Esempio n. 20
    private TileType tileType;          // The type of floor tile

    public FloorTile(DungeonCell cell, Material material, Vector3 dimensions, TileType tileType)
        // Create primitive will attach to the game object a collider, a mesh filter and a mesh renderer
        tile             = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
        this.dungeonCell = cell;
        tile.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = material;
        tile.transform.localScale = dimensions;
        tile.transform.position   = new Vector3(0.0f, dimensions.y * 0.5f, 0.0f) + cell.getCellWorldPosition();
        this.tileType             = tileType;
        tile.name = "FloorTile";
Esempio n. 21
    internal void AddNavigationPoints(DungeonCell owner)
        navigationButtons = new List <Button>();

        foreach (CellConnection connection in owner.connectionPoints)
            if (!connection.isCurrent && connection.connected)
Esempio n. 22
    //crea il pavimento intero invece di piccole mattonelle, usato per questioni di efficenza date dalla reduzione del carico di mesh da renderizzare
    private void CreateBaseFloor(IntVector2 coordinates, int width, int height)
        DungeonCell roomFloor = Instantiate(dungeonCellPrefab) as DungeonCell;

        //cells[coordinates.x,coordinates.z] = newDungeonCell;
        roomFloor.name                    = "DungeonRoomFloor_origin";
        roomFloor.Coordinates             = coordinates;
        roomFloor.transform.parent        = transform; //fa diventare tutte le celle generate figlie del game object Dungeon
        roomFloor.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(coordinates.x + 0.5f, 0f, coordinates.z + 0.5f);
        roomFloor.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(width, 0, height);
        //roomFloor.transform.GetChild(0).transform.localScale = new Vector3(width, 0, height);
        //dato che lo scaling in unity parte dal centro devo poi traslare in avanti e sopra della metà + 0.5f (0.5 perché la singola mattonella altrimenti non combacia con lunità di unity)
        roomFloor.transform.position = new Vector3(roomFloor.transform.position.x + roomFloor.transform.localScale.x / 2 - 0.5f, 0, roomFloor.transform.position.z + roomFloor.transform.localScale.z / 2 - 0.5f);
Esempio n. 23
    private void CreatePassageInSameRoom(DungeonCell cell, DungeonCell otherCell, DungeonDirection direction) //Combines rooms into larger rooms
        DungeonPassage passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as DungeonPassage;

        passage.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction);
        passage = Instantiate(passagePrefab) as DungeonPassage;
        passage.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite());
        if (cell.room != otherCell.room)
            DungeonRoom roomToCombine = otherCell.room;
Esempio n. 24
    private void CreateWall(DungeonCell cell, DungeonCell otherCell, DungeonDirection direction) //Creates a wall between two cells
        DungeonWall wall = Instantiate(wallPrefab) as DungeonWall;

        wall.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction);
        if (otherCell != null)
            wall.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite());
        //Stagger walls z value to prevent lighting glitch
        Vector3 wallTrans = wall.transform.position;

        wallTrans.z            += Random.Range(-.5f, .5f);
        wall.transform.position = wallTrans;
Esempio n. 25
    private void CreatePassage(DungeonCell cell, DungeonCell otherCell, DungeonDirection direction) //Creates a passage between cells
        DungeonPassage prefab  = Random.value < doorProbability ? doorPrefab : passagePrefab;
        DungeonPassage passage = Instantiate(prefab) as DungeonPassage;

        passage.Initialize(cell, otherCell, direction);
        if (passage is DungeonDoor)
        passage = Instantiate(prefab) as DungeonPassage;
        passage.Initialize(otherCell, cell, direction.GetOpposite());
Esempio n. 26
 public List <DungeonCell> AllocateRoomInSpace()
     for (int x = 0; x < Data.Width; x++)
         for (int z = 0; z < Data.Height; z++)
             DungeonCell aCell = CreateCell((new IntVector2(x, z)));
             aCell.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Renderer>().enabled = false;
             //ogni volta che si crea una cella se questa fa parte del perimetro creo una unità muro
             //il controllo che sia nel perimetro viene effettuato nella funzione stessa
             CreateWall(x, z, Data.Width, Data.Height, aCell);
     CreateBaseFloor(new IntVector2(0, 0), Data.Width, Data.Height);//costruisce un quad unico delle dimensioni passate, piccola ottimizzazione in modo da non avere wxh celle
Esempio n. 27
    internal IEnumerator Connect(DungeonCell foreignCell)
        var localConnectPoint   = RandomConnection();
        var foreignConnectPoint = foreignCell.RandomConnection();

        if (foreignCell.blocked)
            yield break;

        Vector3 localConnectDirection   = localConnectPoint.transform.position - transform.position;
        Vector3 foreignConnectDirection = foreignConnectPoint.transform.position - foreignCell.transform.position;

        transform.position = foreignCell.transform.position;
        float angleDiff = Vector3.SignedAngle(localConnectDirection, foreignConnectDirection, transform.up);

        // Debug.Log(angleDiff);

        transform.Rotate(transform.up, angleDiff);
        transform.position = foreignConnectPoint.transform.position + (foreignConnectDirection.normalized * localConnectDirection.magnitude);
        var heightDiff = foreignConnectPoint.HeightDiff() - localConnectPoint.HeightDiff();

        transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + heightDiff, transform.position.z);

        transform.Rotate(transform.up, 180f);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

        if (ValidConnection())
            localConnectPoint.connected   = true;
            localConnectPoint.connectedTo = foreignConnectPoint;

            foreignConnectPoint.connected   = true;
            foreignConnectPoint.connectedTo = localConnectPoint;
            foreignConnectPoint.blocked = true;
            foreignConnectPoint.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_BaseColor", Color.red);
            yield return(Connect(foreignCell));
Esempio n. 28
    public bool CanPlaceRoom(Room room)
        for (int y = room.mMin.mY; y <= room.mMax.mY; ++y)
            for (int x = room.mMin.mX; x <= room.mMax.mX; ++x)
                if (x == 0 || x == mGrid.Width - 1 || y == 0 || y == mGrid.Height - 1)

                DungeonCell cell = GetCell(x, y);
                if (cell == null || cell.mTileType != DungeonCell.TileType.Wall)
Esempio n. 29
    public void Setup(Dungeon dungeon) //Collects all necessary information and sets the boss up for the level
        alive        = true;
        this.dungeon = dungeon;
        IntVector2 coords;
        float      distToPlayer;

            coords             = dungeon.RandomCoordinates;
            transform.position = new Vector3(coords.x * dungeon.cellScale, coords.y * dungeon.cellScale, 98);
            distToPlayer       = Vector2.Distance((Vector2)player.transform.position, (Vector2)transform.position);
        } while (distToPlayer < 100f);

        currentStartCell  = dungeon.GetCell(coords).gameObject;
        currentTargetCell = currentStartCell;
        GameObject emptyDungeonHole = GameObject.Find("EmptyDungeonHole");

        holeCell = dungeon.GetCell(new IntVector2((int)emptyDungeonHole.transform.position.x / dungeon.cellScale,
                                                  (int)emptyDungeonHole.transform.position.y / dungeon.cellScale));
        cellList = new List <GameObject>();
Esempio n. 30
 private void createSingleWall(DungeonCell cell, string type, Transform parent)
     if (type == "north")
         WallUnit aWall = InstanciateWall(Directions.directionVectors[(int)Direction.North], Direction.North, cell, parent);
         cell.addWallRefenceToCell(aWall, "north");
     if (type == "south")
         WallUnit aWall = InstanciateWall(Directions.directionVectors[(int)Direction.South], Direction.South, cell, parent);
         cell.addWallRefenceToCell(aWall, "south");
     if (type == "east")
         WallUnit aWall = InstanciateWall(Directions.directionVectors[(int)Direction.East], Direction.East, cell, parent);
         cell.addWallRefenceToCell(aWall, "east");
     if (type == "west")
         WallUnit aWall = InstanciateWall(Directions.directionVectors[(int)Direction.West], Direction.West, cell, parent);
         cell.addWallRefenceToCell(aWall, "west");
Esempio n. 31
 public void SetCell(int x, int y, DungeonCell.TileType tileType)
     DungeonCell cell = GetCell(x, y);
     if (cell != null)
         cell.mTileType = tileType;
         mGrid.SetGridCell(x, y, cell);
Esempio n. 32
 public void SetCell(Vector3 worldPos, DungeonCell.TileType tileType)
     Vector2i pos = WorldToCellPos(worldPos);
     SetCell(pos.mX, pos.mY, tileType);