/// <summary>
        /// Gets a list of reminders for a patient
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patientDfn">Unique identifier for a patient</param>
        /// <param name="page">Which page to retrieve for paged results</param>
        /// <param name="itemsPerPage">The number of items per page for paged results</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ReminderListResult GetList(string patientDfn, int page, int itemsPerPage)
            // *** Return ***
            ReminderListResult result = new ReminderListResult();

            // *** Create the command ***
            DsioGetReminderListCommand command = new DsioGetReminderListCommand(this.broker);

            // *** Add the arguments ***
            command.AddCommandArguments(patientDfn, page, itemsPerPage);

            // *** Execute ***
            RpcResponse response = command.Execute();

            // *** Add response to result ***
            result.Success = response.Status == RpcResponseStatus.Success;
            result.Message = response.InformationalMessage;

            // *** Check for success ***
            if (result.Success)
                // *** Set the total result ***
                result.TotalResults = command.TotalResults;

                // *** If we have something to work with ***
                if (result.TotalResults > 0)
                    if (command.Reminders != null)
                        if (command.Reminders.Count > 0)
                            foreach (DsioReminder dsioReminder in command.Reminders)
                                // *** Create the reminder ***
                                Reminder tempReminder = new Reminder()
                                    Ien          = dsioReminder.Ien,
                                    ReminderText = dsioReminder.Text

                                // *** Set the date ***
                                if (dsioReminder.ReminderDate == "DUE NOW")
                                    tempReminder.ReminderDate = "Due Now";
                                    DateTime tempDate = Util.GetDateTime(dsioReminder.ReminderDate);
                                    tempReminder.ReminderDate = tempDate.ToString(VistaDates.UserDateFormat);

                                // *** Add to result ***
        public void TestGetReminderListNothingFound()
            using (RpcBroker broker = this.GetConnectedBroker())
                this.SignonToBroker(broker, 2);

                DsioGetReminderListCommand command = new DsioGetReminderListCommand(broker);

                command.AddCommandArguments("12345", 1, 10);

                RpcResponse response = command.Execute();

                Assert.AreEqual(RpcResponseStatus.Success, response.Status);
        public void TestGetReminderList()
            using (RpcBroker broker = this.GetConnectedBroker())
                this.SignonToBroker(broker, 2);

                DsioGetReminderListCommand command = new DsioGetReminderListCommand(broker);

                //command.AddCommandArguments("715", 1, 10);
                command.AddCommandArguments(TestConfiguration.DefaultPatientDfn, 1, 10);

                RpcResponse response = command.Execute();

                Assert.AreEqual(RpcResponseStatus.Success, response.Status);