public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { DropdownAttribute dropdownAttribute = (DropdownAttribute)attribute; Type itemType = dropdownAttribute.Type; object listObj = ReflectionSystem.GetValue(property.serializedObject.targetObject, dropdownAttribute.ListPath); Debug.Log(listObj); var list = CastWholeList <Object>(listObj, typeof(Object));//FindList(property.serializedObject, dropdownAttribute.ListPath); string[] stringArray = ListToStringArray(list); Object obj = property.objectReferenceValue; #region Draw the list dropdown GUIContent dropdown = new GUIContent(; int SelectedID = FindSelectedID(list, obj);//Update the selectedID int newSelectedID = EditorGUILayout.Popup(dropdown, SelectedID, ListToStringArray(list)); if (newSelectedID != SelectedID) {//changed SelectedID = newSelectedID; Object selectedObject = (Object)list[SelectedID]; property.objectReferenceValue = selectedObject; //EditorUtility.SetDirty(property.serializedObject.targetObject);//repaint Debug.Log($"changed to {}"); } #endregion }
public override void OnSetAttribute() { attribute = Attribute <DropdownAttribute>(); bAutoAddDefault = attribute.IsAutoDefault; OnSetValue(attribute.Default); DisplayName = attribute.DisplayName; }
public void DrawDirectly(SerializedProperty property, CyberAttribute atribute, GUIContent content, GUIStyle style, FieldInfo field) { DropdownAttribute atr = atribute as DropdownAttribute; TheEditor.DrawPropertyAsDropdownWithFixValue(property, field, content, style, atr.Values, (i) => property.SetValue(i), property.GetJustValue(), (item, index) => atr.Names[index], true, atr.ShowAsName); }
protected override float GetPropertyHeight_Internal(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { DropdownAttribute dropdownAttribute = (DropdownAttribute)attribute; object values = GetValues(property, dropdownAttribute.ValuesName); FieldInfo fieldInfo = ReflectionUtility.GetField(PropertyUtility.GetTargetObjectWithProperty(property),; float propertyHeight = AreValuesValid(values, fieldInfo) ? GetPropertyHeight(property) : GetPropertyHeight(property) + GetHelpBoxHeight(); return(propertyHeight); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty prop, GUIContent label) { if (_attribute == null) { _attribute = (DropdownAttribute)attribute; } _attribute.Load(fieldInfo, prop); if (!_attribute.Valid) { return; } DrawDropdownOption(prop, position); }
public override void OnBind() { foreach (var comp in components) { if (comp is DropdownControl) { DropdownControl dc = comp as DropdownControl; DropdownAttribute da = comp.ControlAttribute as DropdownAttribute; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(da.Parent)) { var parent = GetComponent(da.Parent) as DropdownControl; if (parent != null) { dc.parent = parent; } } } } }
void GetDropdownOptions() { DropdownAttribute dropdownAttr = (DropdownAttribute)attribute; Type staticType; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dropdownAttr.staticMethodType)) { staticType = fieldInfo.DeclaringType; } else { staticType = fieldInfo.DeclaringType.Assembly.GetType(dropdownAttr.staticMethodType); if (staticType == null) { Debug.LogError("Get dropdown options type not found: " + dropdownAttr.staticMethodType); return; } } var getOptionsMethod = staticType.GetMethod(dropdownAttr.staticMethodName, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public); if (getOptionsMethod == null) { // try getting property getOptionsMethod = staticType.GetProperty(dropdownAttr.staticMethodName, BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public)?.GetMethod; } if (getOptionsMethod == null) { Debug.LogError("Get dropdown options method not found: " + dropdownAttr.staticMethodName); return; } var optionsEnumerable = getOptionsMethod.Invoke(null, null) as IEnumerable <string>; if (optionsEnumerable == null) { Debug.LogError("Get dropdown options method doesn't return an enumerable string collection"); return; } dropdownOptions = optionsEnumerable.Select(s => new GUIContent(s)).ToArray(); }
protected override void OnGUI_Internal(Rect rect, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(rect, label, property); DropdownAttribute dropdownAttribute = (DropdownAttribute)attribute; object target = PropertyUtility.GetTargetObjectWithProperty(property); object valuesObject = GetValues(property, dropdownAttribute.ValuesName); FieldInfo dropdownField = ReflectionUtility.GetField(target,; if (AreValuesValid(valuesObject, dropdownField)) { if (valuesObject is IList && dropdownField.FieldType == GetElementType(valuesObject)) { // Selected value object selectedValue = dropdownField.GetValue(target); // Values and display options IList valuesList = (IList)valuesObject; object[] values = new object[valuesList.Count]; string[] displayOptions = new string[valuesList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { object value = valuesList[i]; values[i] = value; displayOptions[i] = value == null ? "<null>" : value.ToString(); } // Selected value index int selectedValueIndex = Array.IndexOf(values, selectedValue); if (selectedValueIndex < 0) { selectedValueIndex = 0; } NaughtyEditorGUI.Dropdown( rect, property.serializedObject, target, dropdownField, label.text, selectedValueIndex, values, displayOptions); } else if (valuesObject is IDropdownList) { // Current value object selectedValue = dropdownField.GetValue(target); // Current value index, values and display options int index = -1; int selectedValueIndex = -1; List <object> values = new List <object>(); List <string> displayOptions = new List <string>(); IDropdownList dropdown = (IDropdownList)valuesObject; using (IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <string, object> > dropdownEnumerator = dropdown.GetEnumerator()) { while (dropdownEnumerator.MoveNext()) { index++; KeyValuePair <string, object> current = dropdownEnumerator.Current; if (current.Value?.Equals(selectedValue) == true) { selectedValueIndex = index; } values.Add(current.Value); if (current.Key == null) { displayOptions.Add("<null>"); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(current.Key)) { displayOptions.Add("<empty>"); } else { displayOptions.Add(current.Key); } } } if (selectedValueIndex < 0) { selectedValueIndex = 0; } NaughtyEditorGUI.Dropdown( rect, property.serializedObject, target, dropdownField, label.text, selectedValueIndex, values.ToArray(), displayOptions.ToArray()); } } else { string message = string.Format("Invalid values with name '{0}' provided to '{1}'. Either the values name is incorrect or the types of the target field and the values field/property/method don't match", dropdownAttribute.ValuesName, dropdownAttribute.GetType().Name); DrawDefaultPropertyAndHelpBox(rect, property, message, MessageType.Warning); } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
public override void DrawProperty(SerializedProperty property) { EditorDrawUtility.DrawHeader(property); DropdownAttribute dropdownAttribute = PropertyUtility.GetAttribute <DropdownAttribute>(property); UnityEngine.Object target = PropertyUtility.GetTargetObject(property); FieldInfo fieldInfo = ReflectionUtility.GetField(target,; FieldInfo valuesFieldInfo = ReflectionUtility.GetField(target, dropdownAttribute.ValuesFieldName); if (valuesFieldInfo == null) { EditorDrawUtility.DrawHelpBox(string.Format("{0} 不能找到叫做 \"{1}\" 的值", dropdownAttribute.GetType().Name, dropdownAttribute.ValuesFieldName), MessageType.Warning, context: target, logToConsole: false); EditorDrawUtility.DrawPropertyField(property); } else if (valuesFieldInfo.GetValue(target) is IList && fieldInfo.FieldType == this.GetElementType(valuesFieldInfo)) { // 所选的值 object selectedValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(target); // 所有值和可选项 IList valuesList = (IList)valuesFieldInfo.GetValue(target); object[] values = new object[valuesList.Count]; string[] displayOptions = new string[valuesList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { object value = valuesList[i]; values[i] = value; displayOptions[i] = value.ToString(); } // 可选择值得索引 int selectedValueIndex = Array.IndexOf(values, selectedValue); if (selectedValueIndex < 0) { selectedValueIndex = 0; } // 绘制下拉栏 this.DrawDropdown(target, fieldInfo, property.displayName, selectedValueIndex, values, displayOptions); } else if (valuesFieldInfo.GetValue(target) is IDropdownList) { // 当前值 object selectedValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(target); // 当前值得索引,和所有值,显示出的选项 IDropdownList dropdown = (IDropdownList)valuesFieldInfo.GetValue(target); IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <string, object> > dropdownEnumerator = dropdown.GetEnumerator(); int index = -1; int selectedValueIndex = -1; List <object> values = new List <object>(); List <string> displayOptions = new List <string>(); while (dropdownEnumerator.MoveNext()) { index++; KeyValuePair <string, object> current = dropdownEnumerator.Current; if (current.Value.Equals(selectedValue)) { selectedValueIndex = index; } values.Add(current.Value); displayOptions.Add(current.Key); } if (selectedValueIndex < 0) { selectedValueIndex = 0; } // 绘制下拉栏 this.DrawDropdown(target, fieldInfo, property.displayName, selectedValueIndex, values.ToArray(), displayOptions.ToArray()); } else { EditorDrawUtility.DrawHelpBox(typeof(DropdownAttribute).Name + " 只作用于指定字段与指定数组的元素类型相等时!!八嘎", MessageType.Warning, context: target, logToConsole: false); EditorDrawUtility.DrawPropertyField(property); } }
public override void DrawProperty(SerializedProperty property) { EditorDrawUtility.DrawHeader(property); DropdownAttribute dropdownAttribute = PropertyUtility.GetAttribute <DropdownAttribute>(property); UnityEngine.Object target = PropertyUtility.GetTargetObject(property); FieldInfo fieldInfo = ReflectionUtility.GetField(target,; FieldInfo valuesFieldInfo = ReflectionUtility.GetField(target, dropdownAttribute.ValuesFieldName); if (valuesFieldInfo == null) { this.DrawWarningBox(string.Format("{0} cannot find a values field with name \"{1}\"", dropdownAttribute.GetType().Name, dropdownAttribute.ValuesFieldName)); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, true); } else if (valuesFieldInfo.GetValue(target) is IList && fieldInfo.FieldType == this.GetElementType(valuesFieldInfo)) { // Selected value object selectedValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(target); // Values and display options IList valuesList = (IList)valuesFieldInfo.GetValue(target); object[] values = new object[valuesList.Count]; string[] displayOptions = new string[valuesList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { object value = valuesList[i]; values[i] = value; displayOptions[i] = value.ToString(); } // Selected value index int selectedValueIndex = Array.IndexOf(values, selectedValue); if (selectedValueIndex < 0) { selectedValueIndex = 0; } // Draw the dropdown this.DrawDropdown(target, fieldInfo, property.displayName, selectedValueIndex, values, displayOptions); } else if (valuesFieldInfo.GetValue(target) is IDropdownList) { // Current value object selectedValue = fieldInfo.GetValue(target); // Current value index, values and display options IDropdownList dropdown = (IDropdownList)valuesFieldInfo.GetValue(target); IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <string, object> > dropdownEnumerator = dropdown.GetEnumerator(); int index = -1; int selectedValueIndex = -1; List <object> values = new List <object>(); List <string> displayOptions = new List <string>(); while (dropdownEnumerator.MoveNext()) { index++; KeyValuePair <string, object> current = dropdownEnumerator.Current; if (current.Value.Equals(selectedValue)) { selectedValueIndex = index; } values.Add(current.Value); displayOptions.Add(current.Key); } if (selectedValueIndex < 0) { selectedValueIndex = 0; } // Draw the dropdown this.DrawDropdown(target, fieldInfo, property.displayName, selectedValueIndex, values.ToArray(), displayOptions.ToArray()); } else { this.DrawWarningBox(typeof(DropdownAttribute).Name + " works only when the type of the field is equal to the element type of the array"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(property, true); } }
protected UIElement BuildParamater(object owner, EditableAttribute edit, PropertyInfo v, PropertyInfo template = null) { if (v == null || owner == null || edit == null) { return(null); } if (template == null) { template = v; } switch (edit.Type) { case ParameterInputType.FloatInput: NumberInput nfp = new NumberInput(); nfp.Set(NumberInputType.Float, owner, v); return(nfp); case ParameterInputType.FloatSlider: NumberSlider nfs = new NumberSlider(); nfs.Ticks = edit.Ticks; nfs.Set(edit.Min, edit.Max, v, owner); return(nfs); case ParameterInputType.IntInput: NumberInput nip = new NumberInput(); nip.Set(NumberInputType.Int, owner, v); return(nip); case ParameterInputType.IntSlider: NumberSlider nis = new NumberSlider(); nis.Ticks = edit.Ticks; nis.IsInt = true; nis.Set(edit.Min, edit.Max, v, owner); return(nis); case ParameterInputType.Dropdown: DropdownAttribute da = template.GetCustomAttribute <DropdownAttribute>(); object[] dvalues = null; if (template.PropertyType.IsEnum) { dvalues = Enum.GetNames(template.PropertyType); } else if (v.PropertyType.Equals(typeof(string[]))) { dvalues = (string[])v.GetValue(owner); } if (da != null && da.Values != null && da.Values.Length > 0) { dvalues = da.Values; } if (da != null) { return(new DropDown(dvalues, owner, v, da.OutputProperty, da.IsEditable)); } return(new DropDown(dvalues, owner, v)); case ParameterInputType.Color: return(new ColorSelect(v, owner)); case ParameterInputType.Curves: return(new UICurves(v, owner)); case ParameterInputType.Levels: Imaging.RawBitmap raw = null; if (owner is ImageNode) { byte[] bits = (owner as ImageNode).GetPreview(256, 256); if (bits != null) { raw = new Imaging.RawBitmap(256, 256, bits); } } return(new UILevels(raw, owner, v)); case ParameterInputType.Map: object mo = v.GetValue(owner); if (mo is Dictionary <string, GraphParameterValue> && owner is GraphInstanceNode) { return(new ParameterMap((owner as GraphInstanceNode).GraphInst, mo as Dictionary <string, GraphParameterValue>)); } else if (mo is List <GraphParameterValue> && owner is Node) { return(new ParameterMap(owner as Node, mo as List <GraphParameterValue>)); } else if (mo is List <GraphParameterValue> ) { return(new ParameterMap(null, mo as List <GraphParameterValue>)); } return(null); case ParameterInputType.MapEdit: object meo = v.GetValue(owner); if (meo is Dictionary <string, GraphParameterValue> && owner is Graph && !(owner is FunctionGraph)) { return(new GraphParameterEditor(owner as Graph, meo as Dictionary <string, GraphParameterValue>)); } else if (meo is List <GraphParameterValue> && owner is Graph && !(owner is FunctionGraph)) { return(new CustomParameterEditor(owner as Graph)); } else if (meo is List <FunctionGraph> && owner is Graph && !(owner is FunctionGraph)) { return(new CustomFunctionEditor(owner as Graph)); } else if (meo is Dictionary <string, FunctionGraph> && !(owner is FunctionGraph)) { return(new GraphFunctionEditor(owner as Graph)); } return(null); case ParameterInputType.MeshFile: return(new FileSelector(v, owner, "Mesh Files|*.fbx;*.obj")); case ParameterInputType.ImageFile: return(new FileSelector(v, owner, "Image Files|*.png;*.jpg;*.tif;*.bmp;*.jpeg")); case ParameterInputType.GraphFile: return(new FileSelector(v, owner, "Materia Graph|*.mtg")); case ParameterInputType.Text: return(new PropertyInput(v, owner, template.GetCustomAttribute <ReadOnlyAttribute>() != null)); case ParameterInputType.MultiText: return(new PropertyInput(v, owner, template.GetCustomAttribute <ReadOnlyAttribute>() != null, true)); case ParameterInputType.Toggle: return(new ToggleControl(edit.Name, v, owner)); case ParameterInputType.Gradient: return(new GradientEditor(v, owner)); case ParameterInputType.Float2Input: return(new VectorInput(v, owner, NodeType.Float2)); case ParameterInputType.Float2Slider: return(new VectorSlider(v, owner, edit.Min, edit.Max, NodeType.Float2)); case ParameterInputType.Float3Input: return(new VectorInput(v, owner, NodeType.Float3)); case ParameterInputType.Float3Slider: return(new VectorSlider(v, owner, edit.Min, edit.Max, NodeType.Float3)); case ParameterInputType.Float4Input: return(new VectorInput(v, owner, NodeType.Float4)); case ParameterInputType.Float4Slider: return(new VectorSlider(v, owner, edit.Min, edit.Max, NodeType.Float4)); case ParameterInputType.Int2Input: return(new VectorInput(v, owner, NodeType.Float2, NumberInputType.Int)); case ParameterInputType.Int2Slider: return(new VectorSlider(v, owner, edit.Min, edit.Max, NodeType.Float2, true)); case ParameterInputType.Int3Input: return(new VectorInput(v, owner, NodeType.Float3, NumberInputType.Int)); case ParameterInputType.Int3Slider: return(new VectorSlider(v, owner, edit.Min, edit.Max, NodeType.Float3, true)); case ParameterInputType.Int4Input: return(new VectorInput(v, owner, NodeType.Float4, NumberInputType.Int)); case ParameterInputType.Int4Slider: return(new VectorSlider(v, owner, edit.Min, edit.Max, NodeType.Float4, true)); } return(null); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { DropdownAttribute dropdown = (DropdownAttribute)attribute; //based on property type switch (property.propertyType) { case SerializedPropertyType.Integer: string[] displayedOptions = dropdown.options.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray(); int match = 0; for (int o = 0; o < dropdown.options.Length; o++) { if (property.intValue == (int)dropdown.options[o]) { //found match in options match = o; } } property.intValue = (int)dropdown.options[EditorGUI.Popup(position, match, displayedOptions)]; break; case SerializedPropertyType.Boolean: displayedOptions = dropdown.options.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray(); match = 0; for (int o = 0; o < dropdown.options.Length; o++) { if (property.boolValue == (bool)dropdown.options[o]) { //found match in options match = o; } } property.boolValue = (bool)dropdown.options[EditorGUI.Popup(position, match, displayedOptions)]; break; case SerializedPropertyType.Float: displayedOptions = dropdown.options.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray(); match = 0; for (int o = 0; o < dropdown.options.Length; o++) { if (property.floatValue == (float)dropdown.options[o]) { //found match in options match = o; } } property.floatValue = (float)dropdown.options[EditorGUI.Popup(position, match, displayedOptions)]; break; case SerializedPropertyType.String: displayedOptions = dropdown.options.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray(); match = 0; for (int o = 0; o < dropdown.options.Length; o++) { if (property.stringValue == (string)dropdown.options[o]) { //found match in options match = o; } } property.stringValue = (string)dropdown.options[EditorGUI.Popup(position, match, displayedOptions)]; break; default: EditorGUI.LabelField(position, "Use Dropdown with int, bool, float or string values only."); break; } }
public DropdownEditor() : base() { _attribute = (DropdownAttribute)attribute; }
public DropdownDrawer(InspectorAttribute attribute) : base(attribute) { DAttribute = attribute as DropdownAttribute; }
void CreateUIElement(Type t, PropertyInfo p, string name) { DropdownAttribute dp = p.GetCustomAttribute <DropdownAttribute>(); LevelEditorAttribute le = p.GetCustomAttribute <LevelEditorAttribute>(); CurveEditorAttribute ce = p.GetCustomAttribute <CurveEditorAttribute>(); SliderAttribute sl = p.GetCustomAttribute <SliderAttribute>(); FileSelectorAttribute fsl = p.GetCustomAttribute <FileSelectorAttribute>(); HidePropertyAttribute hp = p.GetCustomAttribute <HidePropertyAttribute>(); ColorPickerAttribute cp = p.GetCustomAttribute <ColorPickerAttribute>(); TitleAttribute ti = p.GetCustomAttribute <TitleAttribute>(); TextInputAttribute tinp = p.GetCustomAttribute <TextInputAttribute>(); GraphParameterEditorAttribute gpe = p.GetCustomAttribute <GraphParameterEditorAttribute>(); ParameterMapEditorAttribute pme = p.GetCustomAttribute <ParameterMapEditorAttribute>(); PromoteAttribute pro = p.GetCustomAttribute <PromoteAttribute>(); //handle very special stuff //exposed constant parameter variable names if (gpe != null) { if (node is Graph) { Graph g = node as Graph; GraphParameterEditor inp = new GraphParameterEditor(g, g.Parameters); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } //for graph instance exposed parameters from underlying graph else if (pme != null) { if (node is GraphInstanceNode) { GraphInstanceNode gin = node as GraphInstanceNode; ParameterMap pm = new ParameterMap(gin.GraphInst, gin.Parameters); Stack.Children.Add(pm); elementLookup[name] = pm; } } string title = name; if (ti != null) { title = ti.Title; } PropertyInfo op = null; //we don't create an element for this one //as it is hidden if (hp != null) { return; } try { if (ce != null) { op = node.GetType().GetProperty(ce.OutputProperty); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } if (t.Equals(typeof(Vector4))) { if (cp != null) { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); ColorSelect cs = new ColorSelect(p, node); Stack.Children.Add(cs); elementLookup[name] = cs; } } else if (t.Equals(typeof(string[]))) { if (dp != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); DropDown inp = new DropDown((string[])p.GetValue(node), node, p, dp.OutputProperty); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } else if (t.Equals(typeof(bool))) { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); ToggleControl tg = new ToggleControl(name, p, node); Stack.Children.Add(tg); elementLookup[name] = tg; } else if (t.Equals(typeof(string))) { if (tinp != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); PropertyInput ip = new PropertyInput(p, node); Stack.Children.Add(ip); elementLookup[name] = ip; } else if (fsl != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); FileSelector inp = new FileSelector(p, node, fsl.Filter); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } else if (dp != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); object[] names = dp.Values; DropDown inp = new DropDown(names, node, p, dp.OutputProperty); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } if (t.Equals(typeof(float))) { if (sl != null) { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); NumberSlider inp = new NumberSlider(sl, p, node); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } else { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); NumberInput inp = new NumberInput(NumberInputType.Float, node, p); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } else if (t.Equals(typeof(int))) { if (dp != null) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); //do a dropdown object[] names = dp.Values; DropDown inp = new DropDown(names, node, p, dp.OutputProperty); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } else if (sl != null) { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); NumberSlider inp = new NumberSlider(sl, p, node); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } else { PropertyLabel l = null; if (pro != null && node is Node) { l = new PropertyLabel(title, node as Node, name); } else { l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; } labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); NumberInput inp = new NumberInput(NumberInputType.Int, node, p); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } } else if (t.Equals(typeof(MultiRange))) { if (le != null) { UILevels lv = null; if (node is Node) { Node nd = (Node)node; if (nd.Inputs.Count > 0 && nd.Inputs[0].Input != null) { var n = nd.Inputs[0].Input.Node; byte[] result = n.GetPreview(n.Width, n.Height); RawBitmap bit = null; if (result != null) { bit = new RawBitmap(n.Width, n.Height, result); } lv = new UILevels(bit, node, p); } else { lv = new UILevels(null, node, p); } Stack.Children.Add(lv); elementLookup[name] = lv; } } } else if (op != null && ce != null) { UICurves cv = new UICurves(p, op, node); Stack.Children.Add(cv); elementLookup[name] = cv; } else if (t.IsEnum) { PropertyLabel l = new PropertyLabel(); l.Title = title; labels.Add(l); Stack.Children.Add(l); string[] names = Enum.GetNames(t); DropDown inp = new DropDown(names, node, p); Stack.Children.Add(inp); elementLookup[name] = inp; } }