public ActionResult Index() { SystemSettingsRepository sysRepo = new SystemSettingsRepository(); var sysSetting = sysRepo.GetSystemSettings(); sysSetting.PaymentModes = DropDownLists.GetPaymentModes(sysSetting.GoCardless_Mode); ViewBag.Msg = ""; ViewBag.MsgCss = ""; return(View(sysSetting)); }
public ActionResult Index(SystemSettingsExt model) { string _Msg = "", _MsgCss = ""; if (ModelState.IsValid) { SystemSettingsRepository sysRepo = new SystemSettingsRepository(); sysRepo.Update(model, ref _Msg, ref _MsgCss, this); ViewBag.Msg = _Msg; ViewBag.MsgCss = _MsgCss; } model.PaymentModes = DropDownLists.GetPaymentModes(model.GoCardless_Mode); return(View(model)); }
public RegistrationExt NewRegistration(Controller ctrl, RegistrationExt RegExt) { model = RegExt; if (model == null) { model = new RegistrationExt(); } SystemSettingsRepository sysRepo = new SystemSettingsRepository(); var sys = sysRepo.GetSystemSettings(); bool?RegSuccess = null; if (ctrl.Request.QueryString["Reg"] != null) { RegSuccess = true; //When Registration Success then Delete the Cookie and Remove all Sessions ctrl.Session.RemoveAll(); ctrl.Session.Clear(); } else { #region Initialize Viewmodels ctrl.ViewBag.Heights = DropDownLists.GetHeights(model.HeightID); ctrl.ViewBag.HowActives = DropDownLists.GetHowActives(model.HowActiveID); ctrl.ViewBag.Advertisements = DropDownLists.GetAdvertisements(model.AdvertisementID); #endregion } ctrl.ViewBag.RegSuccess = RegSuccess; return(model); }
// GET: Gantt public ActionResult GridLines() { ViewBag.DataSource = GanttData.ProjectNewData(); ViewBag.Data = DropDownLists.GridLinesData(); return(View()); }