public ActionResult DrivingLicenseListProvide(DrivingLicenseDTO drivingLicenseDTO) { if (!base.HasPermission("DrivingLicense", PermissionOperate.manager)) { return(null); } int isAll = 1; if (!base.HasPermission("DrivingLicenseAll", PermissionOperate.manager)) { drivingLicenseDTO.MpUserId = base.LoginAdmin.MpUserId; isAll = 0; } OceanDynamicList <object> list = _drivingLicenseService.GetPageDynamicList(PageIndex, PageSize, drivingLicenseDTO, isAll); if (list != null) { return(Content(list.ToJson(), "text/javascript")); } else { return(Content("{\"rows\":[],\"total\":0}", "text/javascript")); } }
public ActionResult DrivingLicenseListProvide(DrivingLicenseDTO drivingLicenseDTO) { MpUserID = new Guid("E8325C13-9C76-4B70-911E-57395A2F4D69"); MpUser mpUser = _mpUserService.GetById(MpUserID); if (mpUser == null || mpUser.IsAuth != 1) { return(Json(new { message = "您没有权限,请先申请成为业务员!" })); } drivingLicenseDTO.MpUserId = MpUserID; //IList<VehicleLicense> vehicleList = _vehicleLicenseService.GetList("from VehicleLicense where MpUserId = '" + mpUser.Id + "'"); OceanDynamicList <object> drivingList = _drivingLicenseService.GetPageDynamicList(PageIndex, PageSize, drivingLicenseDTO, 0); //ViewBag.VehicleList = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(Json(vehicleList).Data); //Json(vehicleList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); //return View(vehicleList); if (drivingList != null) { return(Content(drivingList.ToJson(), "text/javascript")); } else { return(Content("{\"rows\":[],\"total\":0}", "text/javascript")); } }
public OceanDynamicList <object> GetPageDynamicList(int pageIndex, int pageSize, DrivingLicenseDTO drivingLicenseDTO, int isAll) { string condition = ""; Dictionary <string, object> parms = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(drivingLicenseDTO.Name)) { parms.Add("Name", drivingLicenseDTO.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition += " and "; } else { condition += " where "; } condition += "f.Name=@Name"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(drivingLicenseDTO.CertNo)) { parms.Add("CertNo", drivingLicenseDTO.CertNo); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition += " and "; } else { condition += " where "; } condition += "CertNo like '%'+@CertNo+'%'"; } if (drivingLicenseDTO.StartDate.HasValue) { parms.Add("StartDate", drivingLicenseDTO.StartDate); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition += " and "; } else { condition += " where "; } condition += "f.IssueDate >= @StartDate"; } if (drivingLicenseDTO.EndDate.HasValue) { parms.Add("EndDate", drivingLicenseDTO.EndDate); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition += " and "; } else { condition += " where "; } condition += "f.IssueDate <= @EndDate"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(drivingLicenseDTO.BussinesName)) { parms.Add("BussinesName", drivingLicenseDTO.BussinesName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition += " and "; } else { condition += " where "; } condition += "m.Name like '%'+@BussinesName+'%'"; } if (isAll == 0) { parms.Add("MpUserId", drivingLicenseDTO.MpUserId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(condition)) { condition += " and "; } else { condition += " where "; } condition += "MpUserId = @MpUserId"; } return(this.GetDynamicList("SELECT f.Id,f.MpUserId MpUserId,f.CertNo,f.Name,f.Sex,f.Nationality,f.Address,f.Birthday,f.IssueDate,f.Class,f.ValidFrom,f.ValidFor,m.Name BussinesName,f.CreateDate CreateDate FROM DrivingLicense f left join MpUser m on f.MpUserId = m.ID " + condition + " order by f.CreateDate desc", pageIndex, pageSize, parms)); }