Esempio n. 1
 public void DriveAccountSelectionCanceled(string nothing)
     uploadFailed          = true;
     failureType           = DriveFailureType.AccountSelectionCanceled;
     waitingForPermissions = false;
Esempio n. 2
    // Check if drive fileId still exists on drive
    public IEnumerator CheckFileId(string fileId, System.Action <DriveFileExistsResult> resultCallback)
        Debug.Log("CheckFileId('" + fileId + "')");

        bool fileExists = false;

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
                        #if UNITY_ANDROID
            using (AndroidJavaClass activityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.androidexperiments.sprayscape.unitydriveplugin.GoogleDriveUnityPlayerActivity"))
                using (AndroidJavaObject activity = activityClass.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("activityInstance"))
                    fileExists = activity.Call <bool>("checkFileId", fileId);

                    resultCallback(new DriveFileExistsResult
                        failed = false,
                        exists = fileExists
        else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
            fileExists = false;
                        #if UNITY_IOS
            _GoogleDrivePlugin_CheckFileId(fileId,, this.iOSClientId, this.iOSKeychainName);

        float startTime = Time.time;

        while (waitingForFileCheck)
            // check for timeout
            float ellapsed = Time.time - startTime;
            if (ellapsed > timeOutInSeconds)
                // force a time-out here, seems like java-land is not getting back to us...
                waitingForFileCheck = false;
                uploadFailed        = true;
                failedReason        = "Operation timed-out";
                failureType         = DriveFailureType.Timeout;

            yield return(null);

        resultCallback(new DriveFileExistsResult
            failed       = this.uploadFailed,
            exists       = fileExists,
            failedReason = this.failedReason,
            failureType  = this.failureType
Esempio n. 3
 public void DrivePermissionChangeFailed(string reason)
     Debug.Log("DrivePermissionChangeFailed('" + reason + "')");
     // we will still get the generic DriveUploadFailed() event as well, so don't stop the co-routine yet!
     //waitingForUpload = false;
     uploadFailed = true;
     failedReason = reason;
     failureType  = DriveFailureType.DrivePermissionIssue;
Esempio n. 4
 public void DriveAuthCanceled(string reason)
     Debug.Log("DriveAuthCanceled('" + reason + "')");
     uploadFailed          = true;
     failedReason          = reason;
     failureType           = DriveFailureType.AuthCanceled;
     waitingForUpload      = false;
     waitingForPermissions = false;
     waitingForToken       = false;
Esempio n. 5
    // Coroutine uploading a local file to drive
    public IEnumerator UploadCoroutine(string driveFolderName, string driveFileName, string localPath, System.Action <DriveUploadResult> resultCallback)
        if (resultCallback == null)
            resultCallback = DummyResultCallback;

        if (uploading)
            resultCallback(new DriveUploadResult
                failed       = true,
                failedReason = "Upload already in progress",
                fileId       = null,
                failureType  = DriveFailureType.UploadInProgress
            yield break;             // stop co-routine

        uploading        = true;
        waitingForUpload = true;
        uploadFailed     = false;
        failureType      = DriveFailureType.GenericFailure;
        fileId           = null;

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
            using (AndroidJavaClass activityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.androidexperiments.sprayscape.unitydriveplugin.GoogleDriveUnityPlayerActivity"))
                using (AndroidJavaObject activity = activityClass.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("activityInstance"))
                    activity.Call <bool>("uploadFile", driveFolderName, driveFileName, localPath,;
        else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
            _GoogleDrivePlugin_UploadFile(driveFolderName, driveFileName, localPath,, this.iOSClientId, this.iOSKeychainName);
            // PC/Editor, use editor properties to fake the result so we can test both cases...
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1.0f));

            waitingForUpload = false;
            uploadFailed     = fakeUploadFailed;
            failedReason     = fakeUploadFailReason;
            fileId           = fakeFileId;
            failureType      = fakeFailureType;

        float startTime = Time.time;

        while (waitingForUpload)
            // check for timeout
            float ellapsed = Time.time - startTime;
            if (ellapsed > timeOutInSeconds)
                // force a time-out here, seems like java-land is not getting back to us...
                waitingForUpload = false;
                uploadFailed     = true;
                failedReason     = "Operation timed-out";
                fileId           = null;
                failureType      = DriveFailureType.Timeout;

            yield return(null);

        // set this before the call back just in case
        uploading = false;

        resultCallback(new DriveUploadResult
            failed       = this.uploadFailed,
            failedReason = this.failedReason,
            fileId       = this.fileId,
            failureType  = this.failureType,
Esempio n. 6
    // Coroutine checking for all required permissions and checks if account is selected
    public IEnumerator CheckPermissionsCoroutine(System.Action <DrivePermissionsResult> resultCallback)

        if (resultCallback == null)
            resultCallback = DummyPermissionsResultCallback;

        uploadFailed          = false;
        failureType           = DriveFailureType.GenericFailure;
        waitingForPermissions = true;

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
                        #if UNITY_ANDROID
            using (AndroidJavaClass activityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.androidexperiments.sprayscape.unitydriveplugin.GoogleDriveUnityPlayerActivity"))
                using (AndroidJavaObject activity = activityClass.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("activityInstance"))
                    activity.Call <bool>("checkAccountPermissions",;
        else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
                        #if UNITY_IOS
            _GoogleDrivePlugin_CheckPermissions(, this.iOSClientId, this.iOSKeychainName);

        float startTime = Time.time;

        while (waitingForPermissions)
            // check for timeout
            float ellapsed = Time.time - startTime;
            if (ellapsed > timeOutInSeconds)
                // force a time-out here, seems like java-land is not getting back to us...
                waitingForPermissions = false;
                uploadFailed          = true;
                failedReason          = "Operation timed-out";
                failureType           = DriveFailureType.Timeout;

            yield return(null);

        // Get token
        waitingForToken = true;

        if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
                        #if UNITY_ANDROID
            using (AndroidJavaClass activityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.androidexperiments.sprayscape.unitydriveplugin.GoogleDriveUnityPlayerActivity"))
                using (AndroidJavaObject activity = activityClass.GetStatic <AndroidJavaObject>("activityInstance"))
                    activity.Call <bool>("fetchAuthToken",;
        else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
                        #if UNITY_IOS
            _GoogleDrivePlugin_CheckPermissions(, this.iOSClientId, this.iOSKeychainName);

        startTime = Time.time;

        while (waitingForToken)
            // check for timeout
            float ellapsed = Time.time - startTime;
            if (ellapsed > timeOutInSeconds)
                // force a time-out here, seems like java-land is not getting back to us...
                waitingForToken = false;
                uploadFailed    = true;
                failedReason    = "Operation timed-out";
                failureType     = DriveFailureType.Timeout;

            yield return(null);

        resultCallback(new DrivePermissionsResult
            failed       = this.uploadFailed,
            failedReason = this.failedReason,
            failureType  = this.failureType,
            accountName  = accountName