Esempio n. 1
        public override void Initialize()
            LoadedFont          = ContentLoader.LoadContent <Font>("content/Awesome.ttf");
            LoadedFont.FontSize = 48;

            DrawableScore          = Drawables.Create <DrawableFont>();
            DrawableScore.Font     = LoadedFont;
            DrawableScore.Position = new Vec2(15, 15);
            DrawableScore.Color    = Color.Green;

            Entities.Create <Space>();

            Player = Entities.Create <Player>();

            SpaceSpawnLogic = Logics.Create <SpaceSpawnLogic>();
Esempio n. 2
        public static string AddTextToImage(string imageFile, string text)
            var image = new MagickImage(imageFile);

            using (var imgText = new MagickImage())
                var drawable    = new DrawableText(0, 10, text);
                var gravity     = new DrawableGravity(Gravity.North);
                var font        = new DrawableFont("Arial");
                var antialias   = new DrawableTextAntialias(true);
                var size        = new DrawableFontPointSize(50);
                var color       = new DrawableFillColor(Color.Snow);
                var strokeColor = new DrawableStrokeColor(Color.OrangeRed);
                image.Draw(drawable, gravity, font, antialias, size, color, strokeColor);
            // Save the result
            string outputImage = TempFolder + "\\waterMark_" + Path.GetFileName(imageFile);

Esempio n. 3
        public void Stamp(ThumbnailSheetCreateRequest request, string filePath, TimeSpan time)
            var stampText    = time.ToString(request.VideoDurationInSeconds >= 3600 ? @"hh\:mm\:ss" : @"mm\:ss");
            var tempFilePath = filePath + ".tmp.png";

            using (var imgText = new MagickImage(filePath))
                var drawable    = new DrawableText(5, 5, stampText);
                var gravity     = new DrawableGravity(Gravity.Southeast);
                var font        = new DrawableFont("Tahoma");
                var antialias   = new DrawableTextAntialias(true);
                var size        = new DrawableFontPointSize(48);
                var color       = new DrawableFillColor(MagickColors.Black);
                var strokecolor = new DrawableStrokeColor(MagickColors.AliceBlue);
                imgText.Draw(drawable, gravity, font, antialias, size, color, strokecolor);

            File.Move(tempFilePath, filePath);
Esempio n. 4
        static public void DrawEnhancedText(
            this IMagickImage <byte> image, string text, Gravity gravity, int x, int y, MagickColor foreground,
            DrawableFont font, double fontPointSize, int maxWidth, bool ellipsize = true)
            var settings = new MagickReadSettings()
                BackgroundColor = MagickColors.Transparent,
                Width           = maxWidth,
                TextGravity     = gravity,
                TextAntiAlias   = false

            //settings.SetDefine("pango:wrap", "char");
            if (ellipsize)
                settings.SetDefine("pango:ellipsize", "end");

            // Escape text for use in pango markup language
            // For some reason the text must be excaped twice otherwise it will not work
            text = SecurityElement.Escape(SecurityElement.Escape(text));

            using var textArea = new MagickImage($@"pango:<span
                size=""{fontPointSize * 1000}""
                font_family=""{ font.Family }""
                style=""{(font.Style == FontStyleType.Any ? FontStyleType.Normal : font.Style)}""
                >{text}</span>", settings);

            using var colored = new MagickImage(foreground, textArea.Width, textArea.Height);
            colored.Composite(textArea, CompositeOperator.Multiply, Channels.Alpha);

            image.Composite(colored, x, y, CompositeOperator.Over);
 static public IDrawables <byte> Font(this IDrawables <byte> drawable, DrawableFont font)
 => drawable.Font(font.Family, font.Style, font.Weight, font.Stretch);
Esempio n. 6
 static public void DrawEnhancedText(
     this IMagickImage <byte> image, string text, int x, int y, MagickColor foreground,
     DrawableFont font, double fontPointSize, int maxWidth, bool ellipsize = true)
 => DrawEnhancedText(image, text, Gravity.Undefined, x, y, foreground, font, fontPointSize, maxWidth, ellipsize);