// Main draw routine. Gets called by maya with draw requests. // public override void draw(MDrawRequest request, M3dView view) { // Get the token from the draw request. // The token specifies what needs to be drawn. // DrawShapeStyle token = (DrawShapeStyle)request.token; switch (token) { case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawWireframe: case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawWireframeOnShaded: case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawVertices: drawVertices(request, view); break; case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawSmoothShaded: break; // Not implemented, left as exercise case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawFlatShaded: // Not implemented, left as exercise break; } }
public override void draw(MDrawRequest request, M3dView view) // // From the given draw request, get the draw data and determine // which quadric to draw and with what values. // { MDrawData data = request.drawData(); quadricGeom geom = data.geometry() as quadricGeom; DrawShapeStyle token = (DrawShapeStyle)request.token; bool drawTexture = false; view.beginGL(); if ((token == DrawShapeStyle.kDrawSmoothShaded) || (token == DrawShapeStyle.kDrawFlatShaded)) { OpenGL.glEnable((uint)OpenGL.GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); // Set up the material // MMaterial material = request.material; material.setMaterial(request.multiPath, request.isTransparent); // Enable texturing // drawTexture = material.materialIsTextured; if (drawTexture) { OpenGL.glEnable((uint)OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } // Apply the texture to the current view // if (drawTexture) { material.applyTexture(view, data); } } IntPtr qobj = GLUFunctionInvoker.gluNewQuadric(); switch (token) { case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawWireframe: case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawWireframeOnShaded: GLUFunctionInvoker.gluQuadricDrawStyle(qobj, GLU_LINE); break; case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawSmoothShaded: GLUFunctionInvoker.gluQuadricNormals(qobj, GLU_SMOOTH); GLUFunctionInvoker.gluQuadricTexture(qobj, GLtrue); GLUFunctionInvoker.gluQuadricDrawStyle(qobj, GLU_FILL); break; case DrawShapeStyle.kDrawFlatShaded: GLUFunctionInvoker.gluQuadricNormals(qobj, GLU_FLAT); GLUFunctionInvoker.gluQuadricTexture(qobj, GLtrue); GLUFunctionInvoker.gluQuadricDrawStyle(qobj, GLU_FILL); break; } switch (geom.shapeType) { case (short)DrawShapeType.kDrawCylinder: GLUFunctionInvoker.gluCylinder(qobj, geom.radius1, geom.radius2, geom.height, geom.slices, geom.stacks); break; case (short)DrawShapeType.kDrawDisk: GLUFunctionInvoker.gluDisk(qobj, geom.radius1, geom.radius2, geom.slices, geom.loops); break; case (short)DrawShapeType.kDrawPartialDisk: GLUFunctionInvoker.gluPartialDisk(qobj, geom.radius1, geom.radius2, geom.slices, geom.loops, geom.startAngle, geom.sweepAngle); break; case (short)DrawShapeType.kDrawSphere: default: GLUFunctionInvoker.gluSphere(qobj, geom.radius1, geom.slices, geom.stacks); break; } // Turn off texture mode // if (drawTexture) { OpenGL.glDisable((uint)OpenGL.GL_TEXTURE_2D); } view.endGL(); }