Esempio n. 1
  * Returns the instance of DrawActivity class with default values of pOnlyIncludeForeground and button visibility settings.
  * @param caller The calling object, to be used for callbacks.
 public static DrawActivity getInstance(DrawActivityOnResult caller)
     return getInstance(caller, false);
Esempio n. 2
  * Returns the instance of DrawActivity class with default values of button visibility settings.
  * @param caller The calling object, to be used for callbacks.
  * @param pOnlyIncludeForeground If true, only foreground of the drawn image will be returned as a result of this activity. If false, also
  * background will be included.
 public static DrawActivity getInstance(DrawActivityOnResult caller, bool pOnlyIncludeForeground)
     return getInstance(caller, pOnlyIncludeForeground, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);
Esempio n. 3
     * Returns the instance of DrawActivity class with given button visibility settings.
     * @param caller Calling object, to be used for callbacks.
     * @param pOnlyIncludeForeground If true, only foreground of the drawn image will be returned as a result of this activity. If false, also
     * background will be included.
     * @param showPenBtn
     *            Pen button visibility flag.
     * @param showEraserBtn
     *            Eraser button visibility flag.
     * @param showTextBtn
     *            Text button visibility flag.
     * @param showFillingBtn
     *            Filling button visibility flag.
     * @param showColorPickerBtn
     *            Color picker button visibility flag.
     * @param showInsertBtn
     *            Insert button visibility flag.
     * @param showUndoBtn
     *            Undo button visibility flag.
     * @param showRedoBtn
     *            Redo button visibility flag.
     * @param showSaveBtn
     *            Save button visibility flag.
    public static DrawActivity getInstance(DrawActivityOnResult caller, bool pOnlyIncludeForeground, bool showPenBtn, bool showEraserBtn, 
		bool showTextBtn, bool showFillingBtn, bool showColorPickerBtn, bool showInsertBtn, bool showUndoBtn, bool showRedoBtn, bool showSaveBtn)
        ZLog.Log ("DrawActivity getInstance start");

        if (caller == null)
            return null;

        if ((mSPenManager = GameObject.Find("_SPenManager")) == null) {
            ZLog.Log ("DrawActivity getInstance - creating manager game object.");
            mSPenManager = new GameObject ("_SPenManager");
            AndroidJNI.AttachCurrentThread ();
            AndroidJNIHelper.debug = true;

        if ((mInstance = mSPenManager.GetComponent<DrawActivity> ()) == null) {
            ZLog.Log ("DrawActivity getInstance - adding component to manager game object.");
            mInstance = mSPenManager.AddComponent<DrawActivity> ();
            mInstance.mUnityPlayerClass = new AndroidJavaClass ("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer");

        mInstance.mCallingActivity = mInstance.mUnityPlayerClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject> ("currentActivity");
        mInstance.mCaller = caller;
        mInstance.mOnlyIncludeForeground = pOnlyIncludeForeground;
        mInstance.mShowPenSettings = showPenBtn;
        mInstance.mShowEraser = showEraserBtn;
        mInstance.mShowText = showTextBtn;
        mInstance.mShowFilling = showFillingBtn;
        mInstance.mShowColorPicker = showColorPickerBtn;
        mInstance.mShowInsertBtn = showInsertBtn;
        mInstance.mShowUndo = showUndoBtn;
        mInstance.mShowRedo = showRedoBtn;
        mInstance.mShowSave = showSaveBtn;

        ZLog.Log ("DrawActivity getInstance - returning instance.");
        return mInstance;