public override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { base.OnLoad(e); panel.Colour = new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.0f); dim.Colour = new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); fsw.EnableRaisingEvents = true; fsw.IncludeSubdirectories = true; fsw.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(fsw_Created); fsw.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler(fsw_Created); fsw.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler(fsw_Deleted); fsw.Error += new ErrorEventHandler(fsw_Error); fsw.InternalBufferSize = 61440; //lets handle large changes ;D SongLibrary.cacheSongInfo(); game.KeyPress += new EventHandler <OpenTK.KeyPressEventArgs>(game_KeyPress); bgoverlay.Colour = new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f); searchLabel = new Label(game, new Point(0, 700), ""); searchLabel.TextTexture.Shadow = true; searchInfoL = new Label(game, new Point(0, 700), "type to begin search.."); //searchInfoL.TextTexture.Shadow = true; searchInfoL.TextTexture.Colour = Color.White; onlineToggle = new ToggleButton(game, new Rectangle(Utils.getMX(780), 130, 50, 40), "O", delegate(int data) { Config.LocalScores = !Config.LocalScores; updateScoreLabels(0); }); prevPage = new Button(game, new Rectangle(Utils.getMX(835), 130, 50, 40), "<<", delegate(int data) { if (displayScores != null && scoreDisplayPage > 0) { scoreDisplayPage--; updateScoreLabels(scoreDisplayPage); } }); nextPage = new Button(game, new Rectangle(Utils.getMX(890), 130, 50, 40), ">>", delegate(int data) { if (displayScores != null && displayScores.Count > 0) //if count was 0 maxpage would be -1 { int maxpage = displayScores.Count / 8; if (displayScores.Count % 8 > 0) //if there's a remainder that means theres some extra scores to display so need new page { maxpage++; } maxpage--; //remember, scoredisplaypage is 0 based! if (scoreDisplayPage < maxpage) { scoreDisplayPage++; updateScoreLabels(scoreDisplayPage); /*if (scoreDisplayPage == maxpage) //finish later, faulty to have in a place like this * { * nextPage.Visible = false; * nextPage.Enabled = false; * }*/ } } }); if (!Config.LocalScores) { ((ToggleButton)onlineToggle).toggle(); } UIComponents.Add(prevPage); UIComponents.Add(nextPage); UIComponents.Add(onlineToggle); calibrateButton = new Button(game, new Rectangle(70, 768 - 170, 200, 50), "Calibrate offset", delegate(int data) { int tIndex = 0; for (int x = 0; x < currentSong.Charts.Count; x++) { if (currentSong.Charts[x].Name.Equals(diffs.BaseText.Line)) { tIndex = x; } } IngameScreen temp = (IngameScreen)game.screens["ingameScreen"]; try { uint flags = 0; flags = flags | (uint)(nfB.Selected ? 1 : 0); flags = flags | (uint)(autoB.Selected ? 2 : 0); flags = flags | (uint)(mirB.Selected ? 4 : 0); flags = flags | (uint)(hdB.Selected ? 8 : 0); temp.loadSong(SongLibrary.loadSong(songNameList[index].Info), tIndex, new Mods() { Speed = dtB.Selected ? 1.5 : 1.0, Flags = flags, Scroll = Config.PlaySpeed }, null, IngameScreen.PlayType.PLAY); Music.stop(); Game.setScreen(game.screens["ingameScreen"]); temp.Calibrate = true; game.Title = "Pulse | " + currentSong.Artist + " - " + currentSong.SongName + " [" + currentSong.Charts[tIndex].Name + "]"; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.log(ex); } }); calibrateButton.Visible = false; calibrateButton.Enabled = false; // int backpos = Config.ResWidth - 244;//Config.WideScreen? (int)((780d/1024d) * game.Width) : 780; backLabel = new Button(game, new Rectangle(Utils.getMX(780), 10, 220, 50), "Back", delegate(int data) { Game.setScreen(game.screens["menuScreen"]); }); help = new Button(game, new Rectangle(Utils.getMX(780), 130, 220, 50), "Help", delegate(int data) { new EditorHelp().ShowDialog(); Game.resetStates(); }); UIComponents.Add(help); newSongb = new Button(game, new Rectangle(Utils.getMX(780), 70, 220, 50), "New Song", delegate(int data) { new NewSong().ShowDialog(); Game.resetStates(); }); // UIComponents.Add(searchLabel); UIComponents.Add(backLabel); UIComponents.Add(newSongb); #region obsolete /*difficultyTexts[0] = new Text(Config.ClientSize, new Size(300, 33), new Point(0, 0)); * difficultyTexts[0].Update("3key"); * difficultyTexts[0].Shadow = true; * difficultyTexts[1] = new Text(Config.ClientSize, new Size(300, 33), new Point(0, 0)); * difficultyTexts[1].Update("4key"); * difficultyTexts[1].Shadow = true; * difficultyTexts[2] = new Text(Config.ClientSize, new Size(300, 33), new Point(0, 0)); * difficultyTexts[2].Update("6key"); * difficultyTexts[2].Shadow = true; * difficultyTexts[3] = new Text(Config.ClientSize, new Size(300, 33), new Point(0, 0)); * difficultyTexts[3].Update("7key"); * difficultyTexts[3].Shadow = true;*/ #endregion refresh(); index = 0; for (int x = 0; x < songNameList.Count; x++) { if (songNameList[x].Info.SongName.Equals(Game.M.CurrentSong.SongName) && songNameList[x].Info.Dir.Equals(Game.M.CurrentSong.Dir)) { index = x; } } changeSong(); selectionTexture = new Rect(new Rectangle(2, 250, 548, 28)); sel2 = new Rect(new Rectangle(0, 249, 552, 30)); searchBox = new Rect(new Rectangle(0, 700, Config.ResWidth, 30)); searchBox.Colour = new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(0.27f, 0.509f, 0.705f, .8f); cover = new Rect(new Rectangle(Config.ResWidth - 300, 0, 300, 768)); cover.Colour = new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(1f, 1f, 1f, .7f); scorebg = new Rect(new Rectangle((int)(Config.ResWidth - 324), 180, 295, 600), Skin.skindict["scoreback"]); sel2.Colour = new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); selectionTexture.Colour = new OpenTK.Graphics.Color4(0.25f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); background = new Rect(new Rectangle(0, 0, Config.ResWidth, 768)); currentSong = SongLibrary.loadSong(songNameList[index].Info); string bgString = ""; if (currentSong.FileVersion == 0) { bgString = currentSong.BgName; } else { bgString = currentSong.Charts[0].BgName; } background.useTexture("songs\\" + currentSong.Dir + "\\" + bgString); music = AudioManager.loadFromFile("songs\\" + currentSong.Dir + "\\" + currentSong.FileName); Music.Volume = 0.0f; targetVolume = Config.Volume / 100.0f; changed = true; Music.PositionAsMilli = (long)Game.M.Music.PositionAsMilli;, true); if (play) { game.Title = "Pulse | Play Selection"; newSongb.Enabled = false; newSongb.Visible = false; help.Enabled = false; help.Visible = false; } else { game.Title = "Pulse | Edit Selection"; newSongb.Enabled = true; newSongb.Visible = true; } updateDiffs(); updateScoreLabels(0); // changeSong(); // index = 0; for (int x = 0; x < songNameList.Count; x++) { // if (songNameList[x].textData.Location.Y != 246 + ((x - index) * 33) && !songNameList[x].textData.Moving) // { songNameList[x].select.Bounds = new Rectangle(0, 246 + ((x - index) * 90), songNameList[x].select.Bounds.Width, songNameList[x].select.Bounds.Height); // Console.WriteLine(songNameList[x].textData.Position. // } //Console.WriteLine("why"); List <string> t = new List <String>(); t.Add(" "); diffs = new DropDownBox(game, t, new Rectangle(70, 120, 150, 35)); diffs.selected += new Action <int>(diffs_selected); string tempS = ""; if (play) { tempS = "Play"; } else { tempS = "Edit"; } playButton = new Button(game, new Rectangle(290 + 220, 768 - 170, 200, 50), tempS, delegate(int data) { if (pickDiff) { int tIndex = 0; for (int x = 0; x < currentSong.Charts.Count; x++) { if (currentSong.Charts[x].Name.Equals(diffs.BaseText.Line)) { tIndex = x; } } /*if (Config.AutoPlay && play) * { * ReplayScreen temp = (ReplayScreen)game.screens["replayScreen"]; * try * { * temp.loadSong(SongLibrary.loadSong(songNameList[index].Info), tIndex); * Game.M.setSong(songNameList[index].Info); *; * Music.stop(); * Game.setScreen(game.screens["replayScreen"]); * game.Title = "Pulse | Watch replay | " + currentSong.Artist + " - " + currentSong.SongName + " [" + currentSong.Charts[tIndex].Name + "]"; * } * catch { } * } * else */if (play) { IngameScreen temp = (IngameScreen)game.screens["ingameScreen"]; try { IngameScreen.PlayType te = IngameScreen.PlayType.PLAY; if (autoB.Selected) { te = IngameScreen.PlayType.AUTO; } uint flags = 0; flags = flags | (uint)(nfB.Selected ? 1 : 0); flags = flags | (uint)(autoB.Selected ? 2 : 0); flags = flags | (uint)(mirB.Selected ? 4 : 0); flags = flags | (uint)(hdB.Selected ? 8 : 0); temp.loadSong(SongLibrary.loadSong(songNameList[index].Info), tIndex, new Mods() { Speed = dtB.Selected ? 1.5 : 1.0, Flags = flags, Scroll = Config.PlaySpeed }, null, te); Game.M.setSong(ref songNameList[index].Info);; Music.stop(); temp.Calibrate = false; Game.setScreen(game.screens["ingameScreen"]); game.Title = "Pulse | " + currentSong.Artist + " - " + currentSong.SongName + " [" + currentSong.Charts[tIndex].Name + "]"; scoreDisplayText.Clear(); scoreDisplayPage = 1; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLog.log(ex); } } else if (!play) { EditorScreen temp = (EditorScreen)game.screens["editScreen"]; try { temp.loadSong(SongLibrary.loadSong(songNameList[index].Info), tIndex); Game.M.setSong(ref songNameList[index].Info);; Music.stop(); Game.setScreen(game.screens["editScreen"]); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } game.Title = "Pulse|Editor|" + currentSong.Artist + "-" + currentSong.SongName + "[" + currentSong.Charts[tIndex].Name + "]"; } } }); autoB = new ToggleButton(game, new Rectangle(874 - 480, 120, 100, 40), "Auto", delegate(int data) { Config.AutoPlay = autoB.Selected; }); dtB = new ToggleButton(game, new Rectangle(874 - 370, 120, 100, 40), "DT", delegate(int data) { Config.Dt = dtB.Selected; if (Config.Dt) { Config.Ht = false; if (htB.Selected) { htB.toggle(); } } }); htB = new ToggleButton(game, new Rectangle(874 - 260, 120, 100, 40), "HT", delegate(int data) { Config.Ht = htB.Selected; if (Config.Ht) { Config.Dt = false; if (dtB.Selected) { dtB.toggle(); } } }); mirB = new ToggleButton(game, new Rectangle(874 - 480, 170, 100, 40), "Mirror", delegate(int data) { Config.Mirror = mirB.Selected; }); hdB = new ToggleButton(game, new Rectangle(874 - 370, 170, 100, 40), "HD", delegate(int data) { Config.Hidden = hdB.Selected; }); nfB = new ToggleButton(game, new Rectangle(874 - 260, 170, 100, 40), "No fail", delegate(int data) { Config.NoFail = nfB.Selected; }); closeSel = new Button(game, new Rectangle(290, 768 - 170, 200, 50), "Close", delegate(int data) { notPickDiffs(); }); rateLabel = new Label(game, new Point(874 - 460, 370), "Scroll speed: " + Config.PlaySpeed); rateDrag = new Dragbar(game, new Point(874 - 460, 400), 300, false, delegate(int d) { double temp = rateDrag.getPercentScrolled(); int x = (int)(temp / 10); Config.PlaySpeed = ((float)x / 2) + 0.5f; rateLabel.Text = "Scroll speed: " + Config.PlaySpeed; }); rateDrag.setPos(rateDrag.Bounds.X + (int)(Config.PlaySpeed * 20) + rateDrag.Bounds.Width / 10); game.Mouse.Move += new EventHandler <MouseMoveEventArgs>(Mouse_Move); }
public MediaPlayer(Game game) { = game; stop = new Button(game, new Rectangle(155, 5, 45, 45), "", delegate(int data) { stopped = true; pause.Texture.useTexture(Skin.skindict["mediaPY"]); music.pause(); }, Skin.skindict["mediaSP"]); stop.manualColour = true; forward = new Button(game, new Rectangle(new Point(105, 5), new Size(45, 45)), "", delegate(int data) { if (!music.Finished) { music.stop(); } pause.Texture.useTexture(Skin.skindict["mediaPS"]); }, Skin.skindict["mediaFF"]); forward.manualColour = true; pause = new Button(game, new Rectangle(new Point(55, 5), new Size(45, 45)), "", delegate(int data) { if (!music.Paused) { music.pause(); pause.Texture.useTexture(Skin.skindict["mediaPY"]); } else { if (stopped) {; } else {; } stopped = false; pause.Texture.useTexture(Skin.skindict["mediaPS"]); } }, Skin.skindict["mediaPS"]); pause.manualColour = true; backward = new Button(game, new Rectangle(new Point(5, 5), new Size(45, 45)), "", delegate(int data) { pause.Texture.useTexture(Skin.skindict["mediaPS"]); if (previousSongs.Count > 1) { music.stop(); if (currentID - 1 == -1) { currentID = 0; } else { currentID--; } setSong(previousSongs[currentID]); play(); } else { music.PositionAsMilli = 0; currentID = 0; } }, Skin.skindict["mediaFB"]); backward.manualColour = true; title = new Label(game, new Point(0, 50), ""); Random r = new Random(); if (SongLibrary.Songs.Count > 0) { int id; id = r.Next(0, SongLibrary.Songs.Count); setSong(id); play(); previousSongs.Add(id); currentID = 0; } position = new Dragbar(game, new Point(10, 85), 230, false, delegate(int d) { music.PositionAsMilli = (long)((music.Length / 100) * position.getPercentScrolled()); }); }