Esempio n. 1
    public void Encrypt_CurrentUserOrLocalMachine_Decrypt_RoundTrips(bool protectToLocalMachine)
        // Arrange
        var originalXml = XElement.Parse(@"<mySecret value='265ee4ea-ade2-43b1-b706-09b259e58b6b' />");
        var encryptor   = new DpapiXmlEncryptor(protectToLocalMachine, NullLoggerFactory.Instance);
        var decryptor   = new DpapiXmlDecryptor();

        // Act & assert - run through encryptor and make sure we get back an obfuscated element
        var encryptedXmlInfo = encryptor.Encrypt(originalXml);

        Assert.Equal(typeof(DpapiXmlDecryptor), encryptedXmlInfo.DecryptorType);
        Assert.DoesNotContain("265ee4ea-ade2-43b1-b706-09b259e58b6b", encryptedXmlInfo.EncryptedElement.ToString(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

        // Act & assert - run through decryptor and make sure we get back the original value
        var roundTrippedElement = decryptor.Decrypt(encryptedXmlInfo.EncryptedElement);

        XmlAssert.Equal(originalXml, roundTrippedElement);
Esempio n. 2
        internal KeyValuePair <IXmlRepository, IXmlEncryptor> GetFallbackKeyRepositoryEncryptorPair()
            IXmlRepository repository = null;
            IXmlEncryptor  encryptor  = null;

            // If we're running in Azure Web Sites, the key repository goes in the %HOME% directory.
            var azureWebSitesKeysFolder = _keyStorageDirectories.GetKeyStorageDirectoryForAzureWebSites();

            if (azureWebSitesKeysFolder != null)

                // Cloud DPAPI isn't yet available, so we don't encrypt keys at rest.
                // This isn't all that different than what Azure Web Sites does today, and we can always add this later.
                repository = new FileSystemXmlRepository(azureWebSitesKeysFolder, _loggerFactory);
                // If the user profile is available, store keys in the user profile directory.
                var localAppDataKeysFolder = _keyStorageDirectories.GetKeyStorageDirectory();
                if (localAppDataKeysFolder != null)
                    if (OSVersionUtil.IsWindows())
                        Debug.Assert(RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)); // Hint for the platform compatibility analyzer.

                        // If the user profile is available, we can protect using DPAPI.
                        // Probe to see if protecting to local user is available, and use it as the default if so.
                        encryptor = new DpapiXmlEncryptor(
                            protectToLocalMachine: !DpapiSecretSerializerHelper.CanProtectToCurrentUserAccount(),
                            loggerFactory: _loggerFactory);
                    repository = new FileSystemXmlRepository(localAppDataKeysFolder, _loggerFactory);

                    if (encryptor != null)
                    // Use profile isn't available - can we use the HKLM registry?
                    RegistryKey regKeyStorageKey = null;
                    if (OSVersionUtil.IsWindows())
                        Debug.Assert(RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)); // Hint for the platform compatibility analyzer.
                        regKeyStorageKey = RegistryXmlRepository.DefaultRegistryKey;
                    if (regKeyStorageKey != null)
                        Debug.Assert(RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)); // Hint for the platform compatibility analyzer.
                        regKeyStorageKey = RegistryXmlRepository.DefaultRegistryKey;

                        // If the user profile isn't available, we can protect using DPAPI (to machine).
                        encryptor  = new DpapiXmlEncryptor(protectToLocalMachine: true, loggerFactory: _loggerFactory);
                        repository = new RegistryXmlRepository(regKeyStorageKey, _loggerFactory);

                        // Final fallback - use an ephemeral repository since we don't know where else to go.
                        // This can only be used for development scenarios.
                        repository = new EphemeralXmlRepository(_loggerFactory);


            return(new KeyValuePair <IXmlRepository, IXmlEncryptor>(repository, encryptor));