public static bool InsertDownloadApp(SqlConnection conn, DownloadApp model) { string sql = @" INSERT INTO Tuhu_huodong..DownloadApp ( Title , BottomContent , ImageContent , TimerContent , BottomStatus , TimerStatus , CreateTime , UpdateTime ,Type ) VALUES ( @Title , @BottomContent , @ImageContent , @TimerContent , @BottomStatus , @TimerStatus , GETDATE() , -- CreateTime - datetime GETDATE() ,@Type )"; var sqlPrams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Title", model.Title ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@BottomContent", model.BottomContent ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@ImageContent", model.ImageContent ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@BottomStatus", model.BottomStatus), new SqlParameter("@TimerStatus", model.TimerStatus), new SqlParameter("@TimerContent", model.TimerContent ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@Type", model.Type) }; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(conn, CommandType.Text, sql, sqlPrams) > 0); }
public static bool UpdateDownloadApp(SqlConnection conn, DownloadApp model, int id) { string sql = @"UPDATE Tuhu_huodong..DownloadApp SET Title = @Title , BottomContent = @BottomContent , ImageContent = @ImageContent , TimerContent = @TimerContent , BottomStatus = @BottomStatus , TimerStatus = @TimerStatus , Type = @Type, UpdateTime = GETDATE() WHERE Id = @id"; var sqlPrams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@Title", model.Title ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@BottomContent", model.BottomContent ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@ImageContent", model.ImageContent ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@BottomStatus", model.BottomStatus), new SqlParameter("@TimerStatus", model.TimerStatus), new SqlParameter("@TimerContent", model.TimerContent ?? string.Empty), new SqlParameter("@id", id), new SqlParameter("@Type", model.Type) }; return(SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(conn, CommandType.Text, sql, sqlPrams) > 0); }
public ActionResult EditNew(int id) { DownloadApp model = DownloadAppManager.GetDownloadAppById(id); ViewBag.DownloadApp = model; return(View()); }
public override void Layout() { DownloadApp app = as DownloadApp; set("adminUrl", to(new Admin.FileController().List)); set("appUrl", to(new DownloadController().Index)); set("adminCheckUrl", t2(new SecurityController().CanAppAdmin, app.Id) + "?appType=" + typeof(DownloadApp).FullName); }
private DownloadApp createApp(MvcContext ctx, String appName) { IMember owner = ctx.owner.obj; User creator = ctx.viewer.obj as User; IMemberApp app = installService.Install(typeof(DownloadApp), owner, creator, appName) as IMemberApp; // 初始化权限,否则无法访问 base.initAppPermission(app); DownloadApp obj = DownloadApp.findById(app.AppOid); return(obj); }
public ActionResult Index(DownloadApp model, int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 25) { int count = 0; List <DownloadApp> listModel = DownloadAppManager.GetDownloadAppList(model, pageSize, pageIndex, out count); var list = new OutData <List <DownloadApp>, int>(listModel, count); var pager = new PagerModel(pageIndex, pageSize) { TotalItem = count }; return(this.View(new ListModel <DownloadApp>(list.ReturnValue, pager))); }
public static List <DownloadApp> GetDownloadAppList(SqlConnection conn, DownloadApp model, int pageSize, int pageIndex, out int recordCount) { string sqlStr = ""; if (model.Id > 0) { sqlStr += " And Id = @Id"; } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Title)) { sqlStr += " And Title =@Title"; } string sql = @" SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY UpdateTime DESC ) AS ROWNUMBER , [Id] , [Title] , [BottomContent] , [ImageContent] , [TimerContent] , BottomStatus , TimerStatus , [CreateTime] , [UpdateTime],Type FROM [Tuhu_huodong].[dbo].[DownloadApp] WITH ( NOLOCK ) WHERE 1 = 1 " + sqlStr + @" ) AS PG WHERE PG.ROWNUMBER BETWEEN STR(( @PageIndex - 1 ) * @PageSize + 1) AND STR(@PageIndex * @PageSize) "; string sqlCount = @"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM [Tuhu_huodong].[dbo].[DownloadApp] WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE 1=1 " + sqlStr; var sqlPrams = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pageSize), new SqlParameter("@PageIndex", pageIndex), new SqlParameter("@Id", model.Id), new SqlParameter("@Title", model.Title) }; recordCount = (int)SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(conn, CommandType.Text, sqlCount, sqlPrams); return(SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(conn, CommandType.Text, sql, sqlPrams).ConvertTo <DownloadApp>().ToList()); }
public override void Layout() { DownloadApp app = as DownloadApp; set("lnkFiles", to(new Admin.FileController().List)); set("lnkAdd", to(new Admin.FileController().Add)); set("lnkCateAdmin", to(new Admin.CategoryController().List)); set("lnkSubCate", to(new Admin.SubCategoryController().List)); set("lnkLicense", to(new Admin.LicenseController().List)); set("lnkPlatform", to(new Admin.PlatformController().List)); set("lnkLang", to(new Admin.LangController().List)); set("adminCheckUrl", t2(new SecurityController().CanAppAdmin, app.Id) + "?appType=" + typeof(DownloadApp).FullName); // 当前app/module所有页面,所属的首页 String[] moduleUrlList = new String[1]; moduleUrlList[0] = to(new DownloadController().Index); ctx.SetItem("_moduleUrl", moduleUrlList); }
public ActionResult UpdateDownloadApp(DownloadApp model, int id) { var status = false; try { if (DownloadAppManager.UpdateDownloadApp(model, id)) { using (var client = new ActivityClient()) { var result = client.CleanActivityConfigForDownloadAppCache(id); status = result.Success; } } return(Json(status)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(false)); throw ex; } }
public void Init(MvcContext ctx, String appName, String fUrl) { DownloadApp downloadApp = createApp(ctx, appName); base.AddMenu(ctx, appName, alink.ToApp(downloadApp), fUrl); }
protected void SearchForAppropriateDownloads(List <TorrentEntry> downloading, DownloadApp tApp, TVDoc.ScanSettings settings) { ItemList newList = new ItemList(); ItemList toRemove = new ItemList(); int c = ActionList.MissingItems().Count() + 2; int n = 1; UpdateStatus(n, c, "Searching torrent queue..."); foreach (ItemMissing action in ActionList.MissingItems().ToList()) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } UpdateStatus(n++, c, action.Filename); foreach (TorrentEntry te in downloading) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(te.DownloadingTo); if (!file.IsMovieFile()) // not a usefile file extension { continue; } //do any of the possible names for the series match the filename? bool matched = action.Episode.Show.NameMatch(file, true); if (!matched) { continue; } if (FinderHelper.FindSeasEp(file, out int seasF, out int epF, out int _, action.Episode.Show) && (seasF == action.Episode.AppropriateSeasonNumber) && (epF == action.Episode.AppropriateEpNum)) { toRemove.Add(action); newList.Add(new ItemDownloading(te, action.Episode, action.TheFileNoExt, tApp)); break; } } } ActionList.Replace(toRemove, newList); }
public ActionResult AddDownloadApp(DownloadApp model) { return(Json(DownloadAppManager.InsertDownloadApp(model))); }
protected void SearchForAppropriateDownloads(List <TorrentEntry> downloading, DownloadApp tApp, TVDoc.ScanSettings settings) { ItemList newList = new ItemList(); ItemList toRemove = new ItemList(); int c = ActionList.Missing.Count + 2; int n = 1; UpdateStatus(n, c, "Searching torrent queue..."); foreach (ItemMissing?action in ActionList.Missing.ToList()) { if (settings.Token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } UpdateStatus(n++, c, action.Filename); foreach (TorrentEntry te in downloading) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(te.DownloadingTo); if (!file.IsMovieFile() && file.Extension != ".rar") // not a usefile file extension { continue; } if (action is ShowItemMissing showMissingAction) { //do any of the possible names for the cachedSeries match the filename? ProcessedEpisode episode = showMissingAction.MissingEpisode; bool matched = episode.Show.NameMatch(file, true); if (!matched) { continue; } if (FinderHelper.FindSeasEp(file, out int seasF, out int epF, out int _, episode.Show) && seasF == episode.AppropriateSeasonNumber && epF == episode.AppropriateEpNum) { toRemove.Add(action); newList.Add(new ItemDownloading(te, episode, action.TheFileNoExt, tApp, action)); break; } } if (action is MovieItemMissing movieMissingAction) { //do any of the possible names for the cachedSeries match the filename? MovieConfiguration movie = movieMissingAction.MovieConfig; bool matched = movie.NameMatch(file, true); if (!matched) { continue; } toRemove.Add(action); newList.Add(new ItemDownloading(te, movie, action.TheFileNoExt, tApp, action)); break; } } } ActionList.Replace(toRemove, newList); }
protected void SearchForAppropriateDownloads(SetProgressDelegate prog, int startpct, int totPct, List <TorrentEntry> downloading, DownloadApp tApp) { ItemList newList = new ItemList(); ItemList toRemove = new ItemList(); int c = ActionList.Count + 2; int n = 1; prog.Invoke(startpct); foreach (ItemMissing action in ActionList.MissingItems()) { if (ActionCancel) { return; } prog.Invoke(startpct + ((totPct - startpct) * (++n) / (c))); foreach (TorrentEntry te in downloading) { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(te.DownloadingTo); if (!TVSettings.Instance.UsefulExtension(file.Extension, false)) // not a usefile file extension { continue; } //do any of the possible names for the series match the filename? bool matched = (action.Episode.Show.GetSimplifiedPossibleShowNames().Any(name => FileHelper.SimplifyAndCheckFilename(file.FullName, name))); if (!matched) { continue; } if (TVDoc.FindSeasEp(file, out int seasF, out int epF, out int _, action.Episode.Show) && (seasF == action.Episode.AppropriateSeasonNumber) && (epF == action.Episode.AppropriateEpNum)) { toRemove.Add(action); newList.Add(new ItemDownloading(te, action.Episode, action.TheFileNoExt, tApp)); break; } } } foreach (Item i in toRemove) { ActionList.Remove(i); } foreach (Item action in newList) { ActionList.Add(action); } prog.Invoke(totPct); }