Esempio n. 1
        private void Restore(string projName, string iniFilename)
            // make sure iniFilename points to valid file
            if (File.Exists(iniFilename))
                // make sure directory exists
                if (Directory.Exists(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemDeletedProjectsPath() + "\\" + projName))
                    if (DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemProjectsPath() + "\\" + projName))
                        // A project of this name already exists
                        MOG_Prompt.PromptMessage("Project Name Conflict", "Projects cannot be restored over the top of another active project.");

                    List <string> args = new List <string>();

                    string message = "Please wait while MOG restores deleted project.\n" +
                                     "   PROJECT: " + projName;
                    ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog("Restoring project", message, Restore_Worker, args, false);
Esempio n. 2
        private void LoadIniFile(string iniFilePath)
            if (!File.Exists(iniFilePath))

            // setup list view and ini reader
            MOG_Ini ini = new MOG_Ini(iniFilePath);

            // Make sure the section exists?
            if (ini.SectionExist("Projects.Deleted"))
                // for each "deleted" project listed
                for (int i = 0; i < ini.CountKeys("Projects.Deleted"); i++)
                    string projName = ini.GetKeyNameByIndexSLOW("Projects.Deleted", i);

                    // Check if the deleted project's directory is missing?
                    if (!DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(MOG_ControllerSystem.GetSystemDeletedProjectsPath() + "\\" + projName))
                        // Auto clean this deleted project from the ini
                        ini.RemoveSection(projName + ".Deleted");
                        ini.RemoveString("projects.deleted", projName);

                    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem();
                    item.Text = projName;
//					item.Tag = new RemovedProjectInfo( configFile );

Esempio n. 3
        public void Populate(string classification)
            CurrentClassification            = classification;
            mCurrentClassificationProperties = new MOG_Properties(CurrentClassification);

            // For speed purposes, create 3 HybridDictionary lists
            // Populate the files that exist on the local hardrive
            string drivePath = Path.Combine(MOG_ControllerLibrary.GetWorkingDirectory(), MOG_Filename.GetClassificationPath(classification));

            string[] files = new string[] { };
            if (DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(drivePath))
                files = Directory.GetFiles(drivePath);
            HybridDictionary filesOnDisk = new HybridDictionary();

            foreach (string file in files)
                filesOnDisk[Path.GetFileName(file)] = file;
            // Populate the assets that exist in MOG
            ArrayList        assets      = MOG_ControllerAsset.GetAssetsByClassification(classification);
            HybridDictionary assetsInMOG = new HybridDictionary();

            foreach (MOG_Filename asset in assets)
                assetsInMOG[asset.GetAssetLabel()] = asset;
            // Create a master list
            HybridDictionary masterList = new HybridDictionary();

            foreach (string file in filesOnDisk.Values)
                masterList[Path.GetFileName(file)] = Path.GetFileName(file);
            foreach (MOG_Filename asset in assetsInMOG.Values)
                masterList[asset.GetAssetLabel()] = asset.GetAssetLabel();

            // Rebuild our LibraryListView
            mLibrarySortManager.SortEnabled = false;


            foreach (string file in masterList.Keys)
                // Check if this file is in MOG?
                if (assetsInMOG.Contains(file))
                    MOG_Filename asset = assetsInMOG[file] as MOG_Filename;

                    // Create the ListView item  for this asset
                    ListViewItem item = CreateListViewItemForAsset(asset);
                    string fullFilename = filesOnDisk[file] as string;
                    bool   bIsValid     = true;

                    // Check the classification's inclusion filter.
                    if (mCurrentClassificationProperties.FilterInclusions.Length > 0)
                        MOG.FilePattern inclusions = new MOG.FilePattern(mCurrentClassificationProperties.FilterInclusions);
                        if (inclusions.IsFilePatternMatch(Path.GetFileName(fullFilename)) == false)
                            bIsValid = false;
                    // Check the classification's exclusion filter.
                    if (mCurrentClassificationProperties.FilterExclusions.Length > 0)
                        MOG.FilePattern exclusions = new MOG.FilePattern(mCurrentClassificationProperties.FilterExclusions);
                        if (exclusions.IsFilePatternMatch(Path.GetFileName(fullFilename)) == true)
                            bIsValid = false;

                    // Check if we determined this to be a valid file to show?
                    if (bIsValid)
                        ListViewItem item = CreateListViewItemForFile(fullFilename);
                        UpdateListViewItemColors(item, "Unknown");

            mLibrarySortManager.SortEnabled = true;

            // Check if we have a mLastTopItem specified?
            if (mLastTopItem.Length > 0)
                LibraryListView.TopItem = LibraryListView.FindItemWithText(mLastTopItem);
                mLastTopItem            = "";
Esempio n. 4
        private static void ImportPrevious_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker        = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            List <object>    args          = e.Argument as List <object>;
            bool             looseMatching = (bool)args[0];

            string[] sourceFullNames = (args[1]) as string[];

            //string[] sourceFullNames = e.Argument as string[];


            // Check if asset has been previously imported into the system
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceFullNames.Length && !worker.CancellationPending; i++)
                string    sourceFullName      = sourceFullNames[i];
                ArrayList previousSourceFiles = new ArrayList();

                string message = "Importing:\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetDirectoryName(sourceFullName) + "\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetFileName(sourceFullName);
                worker.ReportProgress(i * 100 / sourceFullNames.Length, message);

                // Check if this is a directory?
                if (DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(sourceFullName))
                    // Obtain the list of contained files
                    ArrayList containedFiles = DosUtils.FileGetRecursiveList(sourceFullName, "*.*");
                    if (containedFiles != null)
                        // Map these filenames to all the possible assetnames
                        previousSourceFiles = MOG_ControllerProject.MapFilenamesToAssetNames(containedFiles, MOG_ControllerProject.GetPlatformName(), null);
                    // Map this filename to all possible assetnames
                    previousSourceFiles = MOG_ControllerProject.MapFilenameToAssetName(sourceFullName, MOG_ControllerProject.GetPlatformName(), MOG_ControllerProject.GetWorkspaceDirectory());

                // Are we loose matching?
                if (looseMatching)
                    // Did we get back only 2 files
                    if (previousSourceFiles.Count == 2)
                        // Is the second one a blank?
                        MOG_Filename file = previousSourceFiles[1] as MOG_Filename;
                        if (file.GetFullFilename().Length == 0)
                            // Then remove it!

                if (previousSourceFiles.Count == 1)
                    MOG_Filename previousFile = previousSourceFiles[0] as MOG_Filename;

                    if (MogMainForm.MainApp.AssetManagerAutoImportCheckBox.Checked)
                        // Create the correct controller
                        MOG_ControllerAsset.CreateAsset(sourceFullName, previousFile.GetEncodedFilename(), false);
                        // Create a new invalid name
                        ImportFile invalidName = new ImportFile(sourceFullName);

                        // Add all possible matches to this name
                        foreach (MOG_Filename potentialMatch in previousSourceFiles)
                            // Make sure we have a valid match?
                            if (potentialMatch != null &&
                                potentialMatch.GetOriginalFilename().Length > 0)

                        // Add to our invalidNames array
                    // Create a new invalid name
                    ImportFile invalidName = new ImportFile(sourceFullName);

                    // Add all possible matches to this name
                    foreach (MOG_Filename potentialMatch in previousSourceFiles)
                        // Make sure we have a valid match?
                        if (potentialMatch != null &&
                            potentialMatch.GetOriginalFilename().Length > 0)

                    // Add to our invalidNames array
Esempio n. 5
        private static void ImportAsOne_Worker(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker            = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            List <object>    args              = e.Argument as List <object>;
            bool             looseFileMatching = (bool)args[0];

            string[]         sourceFilenames = (string[])args[1];
            HybridDictionary exactAssetNames = new HybridDictionary();
            HybridDictionary looseAssetNames = new HybridDictionary();

            for (int i = 0; i < sourceFilenames.Length && !worker.CancellationPending; i++)
                string    filename   = sourceFilenames[i];
                ArrayList assetNames = new ArrayList();

                string message = "Mapping:\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetDirectoryName(filename) + "\n" +
                                 "     " + Path.GetFileName(filename);
                worker.ReportProgress(i * 100 / sourceFilenames.Length, message);

                if (DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(filename))
                    // Obtain the list of contained files
                    ArrayList containedFiles = DosUtils.FileGetRecursiveList(filename, "*.*");
                    if (containedFiles != null)
                        // Map these filenames to all the possible assetnames
                        assetNames = MOG_ControllerProject.MapFilenamesToAssetNames(containedFiles, "", worker);
                    // Map this filename to all possible assetnames
                    assetNames = MOG_ControllerProject.MapFilenameToAssetName(filename, "", "");

                // Check if we found some assetNames?
                if (assetNames != null)
                    // Check if we are allowing loose matches? and
                    // Check if this is a possible loose match?
                    if (looseFileMatching &&
                        assetNames.Count == 2)
                        // Check if this is a blank?
                        MOG_Filename assetName = assetNames[1] as MOG_Filename;
                        if (assetName.GetFullFilename().Length == 0)
                            // Turn this into an exact match

                    // Check if we found an exact match?
                    if (assetNames.Count == 1)
                        // Add this to our list of exactAssetNames if we haven't already found it
                        MOG_Filename assetName = assetNames[0] as MOG_Filename;
                        if (!exactAssetNames.Contains(assetName.GetAssetFullName()))
                            exactAssetNames[assetName.GetAssetFullName()] = assetName;
                        // Add all of the assetNames
                        foreach (MOG_Filename assetName in assetNames)
                            // Check if this is a blank?
                            if (assetName.GetFullFilename().Length == 0)

                            // Add this to our list of looseAssetNames if we haven't already found it
                            if (!looseAssetNames.Contains(assetName.GetAssetFullName()))
                                looseAssetNames[assetName.GetAssetFullName()] = assetName;

            // Check if we have any exact matches?
            if (exactAssetNames.Count > 0)
                e.Result = new ArrayList(exactAssetNames.Values);
                // Check if are allowing loose matching?
                if (looseFileMatching)
                    e.Result = new ArrayList(looseAssetNames.Values);
                    // Add back on the empty entry if it is needed
                    if (looseAssetNames.Count == 1)
                        looseAssetNames[""] = new MOG_Filename("");

                    // Return our list of foundAssets
                    e.Result = new ArrayList(looseAssetNames.Values);
Esempio n. 6
        // ---------------------------------------------------
        // performs purge - if purge scope is overriden, returns false; otherwise performs purge and returns true
        public bool ExecutePurge(PurgeCommand cmd)
            if (!DosUtils.DirectoryExistFast(this.trashPath))
                //MessageBox.Show("Rejected purge of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\n because dir does not exist");
                if (this.logActions)
                    Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Rejected purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } because the specified directory does not exist");


            if (cmd.Type != PurgeCommandType.FORCE)
                if (cmd.Scope == PurgeCommandScope.GLOBAL && this.overridesGlobal)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Rejected purge of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\n because it overrides global commands");
                    if (this.logActions)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Rejected purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } because it overrides global commands");

                    return(false);                              // don't purge if we override global commands

                if (cmd.Scope == PurgeCommandScope.PROJECT && this.overridesProject)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Rejected purge of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\n because it overrides project commands");
                    if (this.logActions)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Rejected purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } because it overrides project commands");

                    return(false);                              // don't purge if we override project commands

            // execute purge
            if (cmd.Type == PurgeCommandType.FORCE || cmd.Type == PurgeCommandType.INTERVAL)
                    Directory.Delete(this.trashPath, true);

                    this.lastPurged = DateTime.Now;

                    //MessageBox.Show("Purged \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\nat " + this.lastPurged.ToString(), "Purged");
                    if (this.logActions)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Purged '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " }");
                catch (Exception e)
                    //MessageBox.Show("Failed purge of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\nat " + this.lastPurged.ToString() + " due to an exception:\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, "Exception");
                    if (this.logActions)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Failed purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } due to an exception:\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
            else if (cmd.Type == PurgeCommandType.AGE)
                ArrayList filelist = DeleteFilesByAge(this.trashPath, cmd.DayInterval, cmd.HourInterval, cmd.MinInterval, true);
                //string msg = "";
                //foreach (string file in filelist)
                //	msg += "\t" + file + "\n";
                //MessageBox.Show("Age Purge of " + this.trashPath + " resulted in the following actions:\n\n" + msg);
                if (this.logActions)
                    Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Age-purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } resulted in the following actions:");
                    foreach (string file in filelist)
                        Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, "\t\t\t\t" + file);
            else if (cmd.Type == PurgeCommandType.MEGS)
                if (DirSizeInMegs(this.trashPath) > (float)cmd.MegsLimit)
                    // purge it baby
                        Directory.Delete(this.trashPath, true);

                        this.lastPurged = DateTime.Now;

                        //MessageBox.Show("Purged (MEGS) \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\nat " + this.lastPurged.ToString(), "Purged");
                        if (this.logActions)
                            Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Megs-purged '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " }");
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //MessageBox.Show("Failed purge (MEGS) of \n\n\t" + this.trashPath + "\n\t(COMMAND: " + cmd.ToString() + ")" + "\n\nat " + this.lastPurged.ToString() + " due to an exception:\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace, "Exception");
                        if (this.logActions)
                            Utils.AppendLineToFile(this.logFilename, DateTime.Now.ToString() + ":\tUserTrashBin: Failed megs-purge of '" + this.trashPath + "' from command { " + cmd.ToString() + " } due to an exception:\n\n" + e.Message + "\n" + e.StackTrace);
