Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the character index and offset by characters for the given word and given offset.<br/>
        /// If the location is below the word line then set the selection to the end.<br/>
        /// If the location is to the right of the word then set the selection to the end.<br/>
        /// If the offset is to the left of the word set the selection to the beginning.<br/>
        /// Otherwise calculate the width of each substring to find the char the location is on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">used to create graphics to measure string</param>
        /// <param name="word">the word to calculate its index and offset</param>
        /// <param name="loc">the location to calculate for</param>
        /// <param name="inclusive">is to include the first character in the calculation</param>
        /// <param name="selectionIndex">return the index of the char under the location</param>
        /// <param name="selectionOffset">return the offset of the char under the location</param>
        private static void CalculateWordCharIndexAndOffset(RControl control, CssRect word, RPoint loc, bool inclusive,
                                                            out int selectionIndex, out double selectionOffset)
            selectionIndex  = 0;
            selectionOffset = 0f;
            var offset = loc.X - word.Left;

            if (word.Text == null)
                // not a text word - set full selection
                selectionIndex  = -1;
                selectionOffset = -1;
            else if (offset > word.Width - word.OwnerBox.ActualWordSpacing ||
                     loc.Y > DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(word).LineBottom)
                // mouse under the line, to the right of the word - set to the end of the word
                selectionIndex  = word.Text.Length;
                selectionOffset = word.Width;
            else if (offset > 0)
                // calculate partial word selection
                int    charFit;
                double charFitWidth;
                var    maxWidth = offset + (inclusive ? 0 : 1.5f * word.LeftGlyphPadding);
                control.MeasureString(word.Text, word.OwnerBox.ActualFont, maxWidth, out charFit, out charFitWidth);

                selectionIndex  = charFit;
                selectionOffset = charFitWidth;
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw video image over the iframe if found.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawImage(RGraphics g, RPoint offset, RRect rect)
            if (_imageWord.Image != null)
                if (rect.Width > 0 && rect.Height > 0)
                    if (_imageWord.ImageRectangle == RRect.Empty)
                        g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, rect);
                        g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, rect, _imageWord.ImageRectangle);

                    if (_imageWord.Selected)
                        g.DrawRectangle(GetSelectionBackBrush(g, true), _imageWord.Left + offset.X,
                                        _imageWord.Top + offset.Y, _imageWord.Width + 2,
            else if (_isVideo && !_imageLoadingComplete)
                RenderUtils.DrawImageLoadingIcon(g, HtmlContainer, rect);
                if (rect.Width > 19 && rect.Height > 19)
                    g.DrawRectangle(g.GetPen(RColor.LightGray), rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw video image over the iframe if found.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawImage(IGraphics g, PointF offset, Rectangle rect)
            if (_imageWord.Image != null)
                if (_imageWord.ImageRectangle == Rectangle.Empty)
                    g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, rect);
                    g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, rect, _imageWord.ImageRectangle);

                if (_imageWord.Selected)
                    g.FillRectangle(GetSelectionBackBrush(true), _imageWord.Left + offset.X, _imageWord.Top + offset.Y,
                                    _imageWord.Width + 2, DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_imageWord).LineHeight);
            else if (_isVideo && !_imageLoadingComplete)
                RenderUtils.DrawImageLoadingIcon(g, rect);
                if (rect.Width > 19 && rect.Height > 19)
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGray, rect.X, rect.Y, rect.Width, rect.Height);
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if the selection direction is forward or backward.<br/>
 /// Is the selection start word is before the selection end word in DFS traversal.
 /// </summary>
 private void CheckSelectionDirection()
     if (_selectionStart == _selectionEnd)
         _backwardSelection = _selectionStartIndex > _selectionEndIndex;
     else if (DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_selectionStart) == DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_selectionEnd))
         _backwardSelection = _selectionStart.Left > _selectionEnd.Left;
         _backwardSelection = _selectionStart.Top >= _selectionEnd.Bottom;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the character index and offset by characters for the given word and given offset.<br/>
        /// If the location is below the word line then set the selection to the end.<br/>
        /// If the location is to the right of the word then set the selection to the end.<br/>
        /// If the offset is to the left of the word set the selection to the beginning.<br/>
        /// Otherwise calculate the width of each substring to find the char the location is on.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control">used to create graphics to measure string</param>
        /// <param name="word">the word to calculate its index and offset</param>
        /// <param name="loc">the location to calculate for</param>
        /// <param name="selectionIndex">return the index of the char under the location</param>
        /// <param name="selectionOffset">return the offset of the char under the location</param>
        /// <param name="inclusive">is to include the first character in the calculation</param>
        private static void CalculateWordCharIndexAndOffset(Control control, CssRect word, Point loc, bool inclusive,
                                                            out int selectionIndex, out float selectionOffset)
            selectionIndex  = 0;
            selectionOffset = 0f;
            float offset = loc.X - word.Left;

            if (word.Text == null)
                // not a text word - set full selection
                selectionIndex  = -1;
                selectionOffset = -1;
            else if (offset > word.Width - word.OwnerBox.ActualWordSpacing ||
                     loc.Y > DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(word).LineBottom)
                // mouse under the line, to the right of the word - set to the end of the word
                selectionIndex  = word.Text.Length;
                selectionOffset = word.Width;
            else if (offset > 0)
                // calculate partial word selection
                Font font = word.OwnerBox.ActualFont;
                using (var g = new WinGraphics(control.CreateGraphics(), false))
                    int   charFit;
                    int   charFitWidth;
                    float maxWidth = offset + (inclusive ? 0 : 1.5f * word.LeftGlyphPadding);
                    g.MeasureString(word.Text, font, maxWidth, out charFit, out charFitWidth);

                    selectionIndex  = charFit;
                    selectionOffset = charFitWidth;
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw to</param>
        protected override void PaintImp(RGraphics g)
            // load image if it is in visible rectangle
            if (_imageLoadHandler == null)
                _imageLoadHandler = new ImageLoadHandler(HtmlContainer, OnLoadImageComplete);
                _imageLoadHandler.LoadImage(GetAttribute("src"), HtmlTag != null ? HtmlTag.Attributes : null);

            var    rect   = CommonUtils.GetFirstValueOrDefault(Rectangles);
            RPoint offset = RPoint.Empty;

            if (!IsFixed)
                offset = HtmlContainer.ScrollOffset;


            var clipped = RenderUtils.ClipGraphicsByOverflow(g, this);

            PaintBackground(g, rect, true, true);
            BordersDrawHandler.DrawBoxBorders(g, this, rect, true, true);

            RRect r = _imageWord.Rectangle;

            r.Height -= ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualBorderBottomWidth + ActualPaddingTop + ActualPaddingBottom;
            r.Y      += ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualPaddingTop;
            r.X       = Math.Floor(r.X);
            r.Y       = Math.Floor(r.Y);

            if (_imageWord.Image != null)
                if (r.Width > 0 && r.Height > 0)
                    if (_imageWord.ImageRectangle == RRect.Empty)
                        g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, r);
                        g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, r, _imageWord.ImageRectangle);

                    if (_imageWord.Selected)
                        g.DrawRectangle(GetSelectionBackBrush(g, true), _imageWord.Left + offset.X, _imageWord.Top + offset.Y, _imageWord.Width + 2, DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_imageWord).LineHeight);
            else if (_imageLoadingComplete)
                if (_imageLoadingComplete && r.Width > 19 && r.Height > 19)
                    RenderUtils.DrawImageErrorIcon(g, HtmlContainer, r);
                RenderUtils.DrawImageLoadingIcon(g, HtmlContainer, r);
                if (r.Width > 19 && r.Height > 19)
                    g.DrawRectangle(g.GetPen(RColor.LightGray), r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);

            if (clipped)
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw to</param>
        protected override void PaintImp(IGraphics g)
            // load image iff it is in visible rectangle
            if (_imageLoadHandler == null)
                _imageLoadHandler = new ImageLoadHandler(HtmlContainer, OnLoadImageComplete);
                _imageLoadHandler.LoadImage(GetAttribute("src"), HtmlTag != null ? HtmlTag.Attributes : null);

            RectangleF rect   = CommonUtils.GetFirstValueOrDefault(Rectangles);
            PointF     offset = HtmlContainer.ScrollOffset;


            RectangleF prevClip = RenderUtils.ClipGraphicsByOverflow(g, this);

            PaintBackground(g, rect, true, true);
            BordersDrawHandler.DrawBoxBorders(g, this, rect, true, true);

            RectangleF r = _imageWord.Rectangle;

            r.Height -= ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualBorderBottomWidth + ActualPaddingTop + ActualPaddingBottom;
            r.Y      += ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualPaddingTop;
            r.X       = (float)Math.Floor(r.X);
            r.Y       = (float)Math.Floor(r.Y);

            if (_imageWord.Image != null)
                if (_imageWord.ImageRectangle == Rectangle.Empty)
                    g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, Rectangle.Round(r));
                    g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, Rectangle.Round(r), _imageWord.ImageRectangle);

                if (_imageWord.Selected)
                    g.FillRectangle(GetSelectionBackBrush(true), _imageWord.Left + offset.X, _imageWord.Top + offset.Y,
                                    _imageWord.Width + 2, DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_imageWord).LineHeight);
            else if (_imageLoadingComplete)
                if (_imageLoadingComplete && r.Width > 19 && r.Height > 19)
                    RenderUtils.DrawImageErrorIcon(g, r);
                RenderUtils.DrawImageLoadingIcon(g, r);
                if (r.Width > 19 && r.Height > 19)
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGray, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);

            RenderUtils.ReturnClip(g, prevClip);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">the device to draw to</param>
        protected override void PaintImp(Graphics g)
            var rects = CommonUtils.GetFirstValueOrDefault(Rectangles);

            PointF offset = HtmlContainer != null ? HtmlContainer.ScrollOffset : PointF.Empty;


            var prevClip = RenderUtils.ClipGraphicsByOverflow(g, this);

            PaintBackground(g, rects, true, true);
            PaintBorder(g, rects, true, true);

            RectangleF r = _imageWord.Rectangle;

            r.Height -= ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualBorderBottomWidth + ActualPaddingTop + ActualPaddingBottom;
            r.Y      += ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualPaddingTop;

            if (_imageWord.Image != null)
                if (_imageWord.ImageRectangle == Rectangle.Empty)
                    g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, Rectangle.Round(r));
                    g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, Rectangle.Round(r), _imageWord.ImageRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Point);

                if (_imageWord.Selected)
                    g.FillRectangle(CssUtils.SelectionBackcolor, _imageWord.Left - _imageWord.LastMeasureOffset.X + offset.X, _imageWord.Top + offset.Y, _imageWord.Width, DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_imageWord).LineHeight);
            else if (_imageLoadingComplete)
                if (_imageLoadingComplete && r.Width > 19 && r.Height > 19)
                    DrawingUtils.DrawImageErrorIcon(g, r);
                DrawingUtils.DrawImageLoadingIcon(g, r);
                if (r.Width > 19 && r.Height > 19)
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGray, Rectangle.Round(r));

            RenderUtils.ReturnClip(g, prevClip);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Paints the fragment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        private void PaintImp(Graphics g)
            if (Display != CssConstants.None && (Display != CssConstants.TableCell || EmptyCells != CssConstants.Hide || !IsSpaceOrEmpty))
                var areas = Rectangles.Count == 0 ? new List <RectangleF>(new[] { Bounds }) : new List <RectangleF>(Rectangles.Values);

                RectangleF[] rects  = areas.ToArray();
                PointF       offset = HtmlContainer != null ? HtmlContainer.ScrollOffset : PointF.Empty;

                for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++)
                    var actualRect = rects[i];

                    PaintBackground(g, actualRect, i == rects.Length - 1);
                    PaintBorder(g, actualRect, i == 0, i == rects.Length - 1);

                if (IsImage)
                    var        word = Words[0];
                    RectangleF r    = word.Bounds;
                    r.Height -= ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualBorderBottomWidth + ActualPaddingTop + ActualPaddingBottom;
                    r.Y      += ActualBorderTopWidth + ActualPaddingTop;

                    //HACK: round rectangle only when necessary
                    g.DrawImage(word.Image, Rectangle.Round(r));

                    if (word.Selected)
                        g.FillRectangle(CssUtils.SelectionBackcolor, word.Left - word.LastMeasureOffset.X + offset.X, word.Top + offset.Y, word.Width, DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(word).LineHeight);
                else if (Words.Count > 0)
                    Font font  = ActualFont;
                    var  brush = CssUtils.GetSolidBrush(CssValueParser.GetActualColor(Color));
                    foreach (var word in Words)
                        if (word.Selected)
                            // handle paint selected word background and with partial word selection
                            var left  = word.SelectedStartOffset > -1 ? word.SelectedStartOffset : 0;
                            var width = word.SelectedEndOffset > -1 ? word.SelectedEndOffset + word.LastMeasureOffset.X : word.Width;

                            //REFACTOR THIS STUFF
                            Brush      b   = CssUtils.SelectionBackcolor;
                            CssLineBox box = DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(word);
                            float      h   = box != null ? box.LineHeight : 0;
                            float      w   = width - left;
                            float      x   = word.Left - word.LastMeasureOffset.X + offset.X + left;
                            float      y   = word.Top + offset.Y;

                            g.FillRectangle(b, x, y, w, h);

                        g.DrawString(word.Text, font, brush, word.Left - word.LastMeasureOffset.X + offset.X, word.Top + offset.Y);

                for (int i = 0; i < rects.Length; i++)
                    var actualRect = rects[i];
                    PaintDecoration(g, actualRect, i == 0, i == rects.Length - 1);

                foreach (CssBox b in Boxes)


                if (ListItemBox != null)
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw video image over the iframe if found.
        /// </summary>
        private void DrawImage(Graphics g, PointF offset, Rectangle rect)
            if (_imageWord.Image != null)
                if (_imageWord.ImageRectangle == Rectangle.Empty)
                    g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, rect);
                    g.DrawImage(_imageWord.Image, rect, _imageWord.ImageRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Point);

                if (_imageWord.Selected)
                    g.FillRectangle(CssUtils.SelectionBackcolor, _imageWord.Left - _imageWord.LastMeasureOffset.X + offset.X, _imageWord.Top + offset.Y, _imageWord.Width, DomUtils.GetCssLineBoxByWord(_imageWord).LineHeight);
            else if (_isVideo && !_imageLoadingComplete)
                DrawingUtils.DrawImageLoadingIcon(g, rect);
                if (rect.Width > 19 && rect.Height > 19)
                    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightGray, rect);