private void ProcessSetterType(DomNode setter, string parentPropName, List <System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor> descriptors) { string curPropName = (string)setter.GetAttribute(SkinSchema.setterType.propertyNameAttribute); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curPropName)) { return; } string propName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentPropName) ? parentPropName + "->" + curPropName : curPropName; DomNode valInfo = setter.GetChild(SkinSchema.setterType.valueInfoChild); if (valInfo != null) { ProcessValueInfo(valInfo, propName, descriptors); } DomNode listInfo = setter.GetChild(SkinSchema.setterType.listInfoChild); if (listInfo != null) { foreach (var vInfo in listInfo.GetChildList(SkinSchema.listInfoType.valueInfoChild)) { ProcessValueInfo(vInfo, propName, descriptors); } } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts new object of given type using a transaction. Called by automated scripts during testing.</summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Type of object to insert</typeparam> /// <param name="insertingObject">DomNode that contains inserted object</param> /// <param name="insertionParent">Parent where object is inserted</param> /// <returns>Inserted object</returns> public T Insert <T>(DomNode insertingObject, DomNode insertionParent) where T : class { SetInsertionParent(insertionParent); insertingObject.SetAttribute(UISchema.UIType.nameAttribute, typeof(T).Name); DataObject dataObject = new DataObject(new object[] { insertingObject }); ITransactionContext transactionContext = this.As <ITransactionContext>(); transactionContext.DoTransaction( delegate { Insert(dataObject); }, "Scripted Insert Object"); T newItem = null; ChildInfo childInfo = GetChildInfo(insertionParent, insertingObject.Type); if (childInfo != null) { if (childInfo.IsList) { IList <DomNode> list = insertionParent.GetChildList(childInfo); //This assumes the new object is always appended at the end of the list DomNode newNode = list[list.Count - 1]; newItem = newNode.As <T>(); } else { DomNode newNode = insertionParent.GetChild(childInfo); newItem = newNode.As <T>(); } } return(newItem); }
public void TestAttributeChangesInTransaction() { DomNode child = m_root.GetChild(ChildInfo); DomNode grandchild = child.GetChild(ChildInfo); // Combine 3 attribute change events into one. m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo2"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo3"); }, "test transaction"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 1); CheckAttributeEvent(m_events[0], grandchild, "", "foo3"); // Make sure that TransactionReporter clears its internal state correctly. // Test that multiple attribute change events that leave the original value // equal to the final value do not raise a final attribute change event. grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); m_events.Clear(); m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo2"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); }, "test transaction 2"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 0); }
/// <summary> /// Creates effects dictionary</summary> /// <param name="bindMtrl">Bind material DomNode</param> /// <returns>Effects dictionary of string/Effect pairs</returns> public static Dictionary <string, Effect> CreateEffectDictionary(DomNode bindMtrl) { if (bindMtrl == null) { return(null); } var result = new Dictionary <string, Effect>(); DomNode techCommon = bindMtrl.GetChild(Schema.bind_material.technique_commonChild); IList <DomNode> instMtrls = techCommon.GetChildList(Schema.bind_material_technique_common.instance_materialChild); foreach (DomNode instMtrl in instMtrls) { DomNode material = instMtrl.GetAttribute(Schema.instance_material.targetAttribute).As <DomNode>(); DomNode instEffect = material.GetChild(Schema.material.instance_effectChild); Effect effect = instEffect.GetAttribute(Schema.instance_effect.urlAttribute).As <Effect>(); string symbol = instMtrl.GetAttribute(Schema.instance_material.symbolAttribute) as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(symbol)) { result.Add(symbol, effect); } } return((result.Count > 0) ? result : null); }
private bool Equals(DomNode n1, DomNode n2) { if (n1 == null || n2 == null) { return(n1 == n2); } if (n1.Type != n2.Type) { return(false); } if (n1.ChildInfo != n2.ChildInfo) { return(false); } foreach (AttributeInfo info in n1.Type.Attributes) { object val1 = n1.GetLocalAttribute(info); object val2 = n2.GetLocalAttribute(info); if (val1 == null || val2 == null) { if (val1 != val2) { return(false); } } } foreach (ChildInfo info in n1.Type.Children) { if (info.IsList) { IList <DomNode> children1 = n1.GetChildList(info); IList <DomNode> children2 = n1.GetChildList(info); if (children1.Count != children2.Count) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < children1.Count; i++) { if (!Equals(children1[i], children2[i])) { return(false); } } } else { DomNode child1 = n1.GetChild(info); DomNode child2 = n2.GetChild(info); if (!Equals(child1, child2)) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public Prototype(DomNode node, Uri ur) { m_node = node; m_uri = ur; IGameObject gob = m_node.GetChild(Schema.prototypeType.gameObjectChild).As <IGameObject>(); gob.Name = Type + "_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ur.LocalPath); }
private void SetVector(DomNode domNode, ChildInfo metaElement, AttributeInfo attributeInfo, Vec3F v) { if (domNode == null) { domNode = DomNode.GetChild(metaElement); } DomNodeUtil.SetVector(domNode, attributeInfo, v); }
/// <summary> /// Performs initialization when the adapter's node is set. /// This method is called each time the adapter is connected to its underlying node. /// Typically overridden by creators of DOM adapters.</summary> protected override void OnNodeSet() { base.OnNodeSet(); DomNode controller = DomNode.GetAttribute(Schema.instance_controller.urlAttribute).As <DomNode>(); DomNode skin = controller.GetChild(Schema.controller.skinChild); Geometry = skin.GetAttribute( <Geometry>(); Geometry.Effects = Tools.CreateEffectDictionary(GetChild <DomNode>(Schema.instance_controller.bind_materialChild)); }
/// <summary> /// Performs initialization when the adapter is connected to the diagram annotation's DomNode, /// creating child DomNode for transform and setting its scale.</summary> protected override void OnNodeSet() { DomNode transform = DomNode.GetChild(UISchema.UIControlType.TransformChild); if (transform == null) { transform = new DomNode(UISchema.UITransformType.Type); transform.SetAttribute(UISchema.UITransformType.ScaleAttribute, new float[] { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }); DomNode.SetChild(UISchema.UIControlType.TransformChild, transform); } }
private void ProcessValueInfo(DomNode valInfo, string propName, List <System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor> descriptors) { string typeName = (string)valInfo.GetAttribute(SkinSchema.valueInfoType.typeAttribute); Type type = SkinUtil.GetType(typeName); if (type == typeof(Font)) { FontDescriptor descr = new FontDescriptor(valInfo, propName, null, null, null, null); descriptors.Add(descr); } else { TypeConverter converter; object editor; GetEditorAndConverter(type, out editor, out converter); if (editor != null) { var descr = new SkinSetterAttributePropertyDescriptor(valInfo , propName, SkinSchema.valueInfoType.valueAttribute, null, null, false, editor, converter); descriptors.Add(descr); } else { DomNode ctorParams = valInfo.GetChild(SkinSchema.valueInfoType.constructorParamsChild); if (ctorParams != null) { var vInfoChildList = ctorParams.GetChildList(SkinSchema.constructorParamsType.valueInfoChild); if (vInfoChildList.Count == 1) { ProcessValueInfo(vInfoChildList[0], propName, descriptors); } else { int k = 1; string paramName = propName + " : Arg_"; foreach (DomNode vInfoChild in vInfoChildList) { string name = paramName + k; ProcessValueInfo(vInfoChild, name, descriptors); k++; } } } foreach (DomNode setterChild in valInfo.GetChildList(SkinSchema.valueInfoType.setterChild)) { ProcessSetterType(setterChild, propName, descriptors); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns DomNode's color components in array</summary> /// <param name="domNode">DomNode whose color is obtained</param> /// <returns>Array of DomNode's color components</returns> public static float[] GetColor(DomNode domNode) { float[] value = null; if (domNode != null) { DomNode color = domNode.GetChild(Schema.common_color_or_texture_type.colorChild); if (color != null) value = DoubleToFloat(color.GetAttribute(Schema.common_color_or_texture_type_color.Attribute) as double[]); } return value; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the child described by the given child metadata</summary> /// <typeparam name="T">The type to adapt the child DomNode to</typeparam> /// <param name="childInfo">Metadata to indicate which child type to look for</param> /// <returns>The child DomNode, adapted to the given type, or null</returns> protected T GetChild <T>(ChildInfo childInfo) where T : class { DomNode child = DomNode.GetChild(childInfo); if (child != null) { return(child.As <T>()); } return(null); }
public void TestOnAttributeSet() { DomNode root = CreateTree(); Validator validator = root.As <Validator>(); DomNode grandchild = root.GetChild(m_childInfo).GetChild(m_childInfo); grandchild.SetAttribute(m_stringAttrInfo, "foo"); Assert.AreSame(validator.Sender, root); AttributeEventArgs e = (AttributeEventArgs)validator.E; Assert.NotNull(e); Assert.AreSame(e.DomNode, grandchild); }
public void TestGetChildList() { DomNodeType type = new DomNodeType("type"); ChildInfo childInfo = new ChildInfo("child", type, true); type.Define(childInfo); DomNode parent = new DomNode(type); IList <DomNode> list = parent.GetChildList(childInfo); Assert.NotNull(list); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(delegate { parent.GetChild(childInfo); }); CollectionAssert.IsEmpty(list); }
/// <summary> /// Returns DomNode's color components in array</summary> /// <param name="domNode">DomNode whose color is obtained</param> /// <returns>Array of DomNode's color components</returns> public static float[] GetColor(DomNode domNode) { float[] value = null; if (domNode != null) { DomNode color = domNode.GetChild(Schema.common_color_or_texture_type.colorChild); if (color != null) { value = DoubleToFloat(color.GetAttribute(Schema.common_color_or_texture_type_color.Attribute) as double[]); } } return(value); }
public void TestGetChild() { DomNodeType type = new DomNodeType("type"); ChildInfo childInfo = new ChildInfo("child", type); type.Define(childInfo); DomNode parent = new DomNode(type); DomNode child = new DomNode(type); parent.SetChild(childInfo, child); Assert.AreSame(parent.GetChild(childInfo), child); Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(delegate { parent.GetChildList(childInfo); }); }
void ICommandClient.DoCommand(object commandTag) { if (!(commandTag is Command)) { return; } switch ((Command)commandTag) { case Command.CreateTerrain: { if (DomNode.GetChild(Schema.xleGameType.terrainChild) == null) { var newNode = LevelEditorXLE.Terrain.XLETerrainGob.CreateWithConfigure(); if (newNode != null) { DomNode.SetChild(Schema.xleGameType.terrainChild, newNode); } } break; } case Command.CreatePlacementsFolder: { if (DomNode.GetChild(Schema.xleGameType.placementsChild) == null) { var newNode = PlacementsFolder.CreateWithConfigure(); if (newNode != null) { DomNode.SetChild(Schema.xleGameType.placementsChild, newNode); } } break; } case Command.CreateEnvironmentSetting: { var envFolder = EnvSettingsFolder; envFolder.AddChild( XLEEnvSettings.Create(envFolder.GetNameForNewChild())); break; } case Command.CreateTriMeshMarker: { this.As <IGame>().RootGameObjectFolder.As <IHierarchical>().AddChild(Markers.TriMeshMarker.Create()); break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets float value associated with DomNode</summary> /// <param name="domNode">DomNode whose value is obtained</param> /// <returns>Float value associated with DomNode</returns> public static float GetFloat(DomNode domNode) { float value = default(float); if (domNode != null) { DomNode floatChild = domNode.GetChild(Schema.common_float_or_param_type.floatChild); if (floatChild != null) { double v = (double)floatChild.GetAttribute(Schema.common_float_or_param_type_float.Attribute); value = (float)v; } } return(value); }
public void TestAttributeChangesNoTransaction() { DomNode child = m_root.GetChild(ChildInfo); DomNode grandchild = child.GetChild(ChildInfo); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo2"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo3"); // Because there's no transaction, each DOM change event should yield a TransactionFinishedXxx event. Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 3); CheckAttributeEvent(m_events[0], grandchild, "", "foo1"); CheckAttributeEvent(m_events[1], grandchild, "foo1", "foo2"); CheckAttributeEvent(m_events[2], grandchild, "foo2", "foo3"); }
/// <summary> /// When overridden in a derived class, gets the result value of the property on a component</summary> /// <param name="component">The component with the property for which to retrieve the value</param> /// <returns>The value of a property for a given component.</returns> public override object GetValue(object component) { DomNode node = GetNode(component); if (node != null && node.Type.IsValid(m_childInfo)) { if (m_childInfo.IsList) { return(node.GetChildList(m_childInfo)); } return(node.GetChild(m_childInfo)); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the children of the given parent object</summary> /// <param name="parent">Parent object</param> /// <returns>Children of the parent object</returns> public IEnumerable <object> GetChildren(object parent) { DomNode node = parent as DomNode; if (node != null) { // get child Dom nodes and empty reference "slots" foreach (ChildInfo childInfo in node.Type.Children) { // skip over control points. if (childInfo == UISchema.curveType.controlPointChild) { continue; } // skip over UITransformType if (childInfo.Type == UISchema.UITransformType.Type) { continue; } if (childInfo.IsList) { foreach (DomNode child in node.GetChildList(childInfo)) { yield return(child); } } else { DomNode child = node.GetChild(childInfo); if (child != null) { yield return(child); } else if (childInfo.Type == UISchema.UIRefType.Type) { yield return(new EmptyRef(node, childInfo)); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets DOM object from component</summary> /// <param name="component">Component being edited</param> /// <returns>DomNode</returns> public override DomNode GetNode(object component) { DomNode domNode = component.As <DomNode>(); if (domNode != null) { // Check that the meta element path exists on the parent DOM object foreach (ChildInfo childInfo in m_childInfos) { ChildInfo classMeta = domNode.Type.GetChildInfo(childInfo.Name); if (classMeta != null) { return(domNode.GetChild(classMeta)); } } } return(domNode); }
protected override void OnNodeSet() { base.OnNodeSet(); var gameDocRegistry = Globals.MEFContainer.GetExportedValue <GameDocumentRegistry>(); if (gameDocRegistry.MasterDocument == null || gameDocRegistry.MasterDocument == this.As <IGameDocument>()) { m_layerRoot = DomNode.GetChild(Schema.gameType.layersChild); m_layers = new DomNodeListAdapter <ILayer>(m_layerRoot, Schema.layersType.layerChild); m_layerRoot.ChildInserted += DomNode_ChildInserted; m_layerRoot.ChildRemoved += DomNode_ChildRemoved; m_layerRoot.AttributeChanged += DomNode_AttributeChanged; GameContext gameContext = DomNode.Cast <GameContext>(); IValidationContext validationContext = (IValidationContext)gameContext; validationContext.Ended += validationContext_Ended; m_activeItem = m_layerRoot; } }
public void TestDomChangesInTransaction() { DomNode child = m_root.GetChild(ChildInfo); DomNode grandchild = child.GetChild(ChildInfo); // Remove and then add the parent of the DomNode whose attributes get changed. m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo2"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo3"); child.RemoveFromParent(); m_root.SetChild(ChildInfo, child); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo4"); }, "test transaction"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 2); CheckChildRemovedEvent(m_events[0], m_root, child); CheckChildInsertedEvent(m_events[1], m_root, child); }
public void TestDomChangesNoTransaction() { DomNode child = m_root.GetChild(ChildInfo); DomNode grandchild = child.GetChild(ChildInfo); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo2"); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo3"); child.RemoveFromParent(); m_root.SetChild(ChildInfo, child); grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo4"); // Because there's no transaction, each DOM change event should yield a TransactionFinishedXxx event. Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 6); CheckAttributeEvent(m_events[0], grandchild, "", "foo1"); CheckAttributeEvent(m_events[1], grandchild, "foo1", "foo2"); CheckAttributeEvent(m_events[2], grandchild, "foo2", "foo3"); CheckChildRemovedEvent(m_events[3], m_root, child); CheckChildInsertedEvent(m_events[4], m_root, child); CheckAttributeEvent(m_events[5], grandchild, "foo3", "foo4"); }
bool ICommandClient.CanDoCommand(object commandTag) { if (commandTag is Command) { switch ((Command)commandTag) { case Command.CreateTerrain: return(DomNode.GetChild(Schema.xleGameType.terrainChild) == null); case Command.CreatePlacementsFolder: return(DomNode.GetChild(Schema.xleGameType.placementsChild) == null); case Command.CreateEnvironmentSetting: return(true); case Command.CreateTriMeshMarker: return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Performs custom actions on NodeSet events. /// Called after successfully attaching to internal DOM object.</summary> protected override void OnNodeSet() { base.OnNodeSet(); // Initialize scale to (1, 1, 1) if missing DomNode.SetAttributeIfDefault(Schema.nodeType.scaleAttribute, new Vec3F(1, 1, 1)); m_rotation = DomNode.GetChild(Schema.nodeType.rotEulChild); m_rotationAxis = DomNode.GetChild(Schema.nodeType.rotAxisEulChild); Transform = TransformUtils.CalcTransform(this); Box boxValue = DomNodeUtil.GetBox(DomNode, Schema.nodeType.boundingBoxAttribute); if (boxValue.IsEmpty) { m_boundingBox = new Cached <Box>(CalculateBoundingBox); // don't set value and force to compute } else { m_boundingBox = new Cached <Box>(CalculateBoundingBox, boxValue); // non-default value found, use it } }
public void TestRemoveFromParent() { DomNodeType type = new DomNodeType("type"); ChildInfo childInfo = new ChildInfo("child", type); type.Define(childInfo); DomNode parent = new DomNode(type); DomNode child = new DomNode(type); parent.SetChild(childInfo, child); child.RemoveFromParent(); Assert.Null(parent.GetChild(childInfo)); Assert.Null(child.Parent); // Make sure the removed child has a null Parent. parent.SetChild(childInfo, child); DomNode newChild = new DomNode(type); parent.SetChild(childInfo, newChild); Assert.Null(child.Parent); Assert.True(newChild.Parent == parent); }
/// <summary> /// Writes the child elements recursively</summary> /// <param name="node">DomNode to write</param> /// <param name="writer">The XML writer. See <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlWriter"/>.</param> protected virtual void WriteChildElementsRecursive(DomNode node, XmlWriter writer) { // write child elements foreach (ChildInfo childInfo in node.Type.Children) { if (childInfo.IsList) { foreach (DomNode child in node.GetChildList(childInfo)) { WriteElement(child, writer); } } else { DomNode child = node.GetChild(childInfo); if (child != null) { WriteElement(child, writer); } } } }
public void TestReparentInTransaction() { DomNode a = m_root.GetChild(ChildInfo); DomNode b = a.GetChild(ChildInfo); b.RemoveFromParent(); // root -- a ==> // root -- b -- a m_events.Clear(); m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { a.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); a.RemoveFromParent(); m_root.SetChild(ChildInfo, b); b.SetChild(ChildInfo, a); b.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); }, "test transaction 1"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 2); CheckChildRemovedEvent(m_events[0], m_root, a); CheckChildInsertedEvent(m_events[1], m_root, b); }
/// <summary> /// Creates effects dictionary</summary> /// <param name="bindMtrl">Bind material DomNode</param> /// <returns>Effects dictionary of string/Effect pairs</returns> public static Dictionary<string, Effect> CreateEffectDictionary(DomNode bindMtrl) { if (bindMtrl == null) return null; var result = new Dictionary<string, Effect>(); DomNode techCommon = bindMtrl.GetChild(Schema.bind_material.technique_commonChild); IList<DomNode> instMtrls = techCommon.GetChildList(Schema.bind_material_technique_common.instance_materialChild); foreach (DomNode instMtrl in instMtrls) { DomNode material = instMtrl.GetAttribute(Schema.instance_material.targetAttribute).As<DomNode>(); DomNode instEffect = material.GetChild(Schema.material.instance_effectChild); Effect effect = instEffect.GetAttribute(Schema.instance_effect.urlAttribute).As<Effect>(); string symbol = instMtrl.GetAttribute(Schema.instance_material.symbolAttribute) as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(symbol)) result.Add(symbol, effect); } return (result.Count > 0) ? result : null; }
public void TestGetChild() { DomNodeType type = new DomNodeType("type"); ChildInfo childInfo = new ChildInfo("child", type); type.Define(childInfo); DomNode parent = new DomNode(type); DomNode child = new DomNode(type); parent.SetChild(childInfo, child); Assert.AreSame(parent.GetChild(childInfo), child); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(delegate { parent.GetChildList(childInfo); }); }
protected override void OnNodeSet() { base.OnNodeSet(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetAttribute <string>(moduleType.labelAttribute))) { SetAttribute(moduleType.labelAttribute, GetAttribute <string>(moduleType.nameAttribute)); } // Pull image icon image from node definition var nodeDef = DomNode.Type.GetTag <SF.Tong.Schema.NodeTypeInfo>(); m_Image = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeDef.Icon) ? null : ResourceUtil.GetImage32(nodeDef.Icon); // Create non-string child classes if (DomNode.Children != null) { foreach (var childInfo in DomNode.Type.Children) { if (childInfo.IsList) { continue; } if (DomNode.GetChild(childInfo) != null) { continue; } var newChild = new DomNode(childInfo.Type); DomNode.SetChild(childInfo, newChild); } } // Add sockets for attributes if (DomNode.Type.Attributes != null) { foreach (var attrInfo in DomNode.Type.Attributes) { var attrRule = attrInfo.GetRule <GameDataAttributeRule>(); if (attrRule == null || attrRule.SchemaProperty == null) { continue; } switch (attrRule.SchemaProperty.Socket) { case SF.Tong.Schema.SocketType.Input: m_Inputs.Add(new ElementType.Pin(attrInfo.Name, attrInfo.Type, m_Inputs.Count, allowFanIn: attrRule.SchemaProperty.AllowMultipleInput)); break; case SF.Tong.Schema.SocketType.Output: m_Outputs.Add(new ElementType.Pin(attrInfo.Name, attrInfo.Type, m_Outputs.Count, allowFanOut: attrRule.SchemaProperty.AllowMultipleOutput)); break; case SF.Tong.Schema.SocketType.InOut: m_Inputs.Add(new ElementType.Pin(attrInfo.Name, attrInfo.Type, m_Inputs.Count, allowFanIn: attrRule.SchemaProperty.AllowMultipleInput)); m_Outputs.Add(new ElementType.Pin(attrInfo.Name, attrInfo.Type, m_Outputs.Count, allowFanOut: attrRule.SchemaProperty.AllowMultipleOutput)); break; default: break; } } } // Create child sockets if (DomNode.Children != null) { foreach (var child in DomNode.Children) { if (child.ChildInfo.Type != socketType.Type) { continue; } string socketName = GetBaseNameFor(child.ChildInfo, child); // Only output can vary var newPin = new ElementType.Pin(socketName, AttributeType.BooleanType, m_Outputs.Count); m_Outputs.Add(newPin); } } // Update socket as new a child node is added DomNode.ChildInserted += (sender, args) => { if (DomNode != args.Parent) { return; } if (args.ChildInfo.Type == socketType.Type) { string socketName = GetBaseNameFor(args.ChildInfo, args.Child); // Only output can vary var newPin = new ElementType.Pin(socketName, AttributeType.BooleanType, m_Outputs.Count); m_Outputs.Add(newPin); } }; // Update socket as new a child node is removed DomNode.ChildRemoved += (sender, args) => { if (DomNode != args.Parent) { return; } if (args.ChildInfo.Type == socketType.Type) { string socketName = GetBaseNameFor(args.ChildInfo, args.Child); // Only output can vary int iSocket = 0; for (; iSocket < m_Outputs.Count; iSocket++) { var output = m_Outputs[iSocket]; if (output.Name == socketName) { m_Outputs.RemoveAt(iSocket); break; } } // fix up index for (; iSocket < m_Outputs.Count; iSocket++) { var output = m_Outputs[iSocket]; output.Index = iSocket; } } }; // For title text UpdateTitleText(); DomNode.AttributeChanged += OnAttributeChanged; }
private void ProcessSetterType(DomNode setter, string parentPropName, List<System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor> descriptors) { string curPropName = (string)setter.GetAttribute(SkinSchema.setterType.propertyNameAttribute); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(curPropName)) return; string propName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentPropName) ? parentPropName + "->" + curPropName : curPropName; DomNode valInfo = setter.GetChild(SkinSchema.setterType.valueInfoChild); if (valInfo != null) { ProcessValueInfo(valInfo, propName, descriptors); } DomNode listInfo = setter.GetChild(SkinSchema.setterType.listInfoChild); if (listInfo != null) { foreach (var vInfo in listInfo.GetChildList(SkinSchema.listInfoType.valueInfoChild)) ProcessValueInfo(vInfo, propName, descriptors); } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the child elements recursively</summary> /// <param name="node">DomNode to write</param> /// <param name="writer">The XML writer. See <see cref="T:System.Xml.XmlWriter"/>.</param> protected virtual void WriteChildElementsRecursive(DomNode node, XmlWriter writer) { // write child elements foreach (ChildInfo childInfo in node.Type.Children) { if (childInfo.IsList) { foreach (DomNode child in node.GetChildList(childInfo)) WriteElement(child, writer); } else { DomNode child = node.GetChild(childInfo); if (child != null) WriteElement(child, writer); } } }
private void ProcessValueInfo(DomNode valInfo, string propName, List<System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor> descriptors) { string typeName = (string)valInfo.GetAttribute(SkinSchema.valueInfoType.typeAttribute); Type type = SkinUtil.GetType(typeName); if (type == typeof(Font)) { FontDescriptor descr = new FontDescriptor(valInfo, propName, null, null, null, null); descriptors.Add(descr); } else { TypeConverter converter; object editor; GetEditorAndConverter(type, out editor, out converter); if (editor != null) { var descr = new SkinSetterAttributePropertyDescriptor(valInfo , propName, SkinSchema.valueInfoType.valueAttribute, null, null, false, editor, converter); descriptors.Add(descr); } else { DomNode ctorParams = valInfo.GetChild(SkinSchema.valueInfoType.constructorParamsChild); if (ctorParams != null) { var vInfoChildList = ctorParams.GetChildList(SkinSchema.constructorParamsType.valueInfoChild); if (vInfoChildList.Count == 1) { ProcessValueInfo(vInfoChildList[0], propName, descriptors); } else { // special handling for SyntaxEditorControl if (typeName == "Sce.Atf.Controls.SyntaxEditorControl.TextHighlightStyle") { string argName = (string)vInfoChildList[0].GetAttribute(SkinSchema.valueInfoType.valueAttribute); string name = propName + "->" + argName; ProcessValueInfo(vInfoChildList[1], name, descriptors); } else { int k = 1; string paramName = propName + " : Arg_"; foreach (DomNode vInfoChild in vInfoChildList) { string name = paramName + k; ProcessValueInfo(vInfoChild, name, descriptors); k++; } } } } foreach (DomNode setterChild in valInfo.GetChildList(SkinSchema.valueInfoType.setterChild)) { ProcessSetterType(setterChild, propName, descriptors); } } } }
private bool Equals(DomNode n1, DomNode n2) { if (n1 == null || n2 == null) return n1 == n2; if (n1.Type != n2.Type) return false; if (n1.ChildInfo != n2.ChildInfo) return false; foreach (AttributeInfo info in n1.Type.Attributes) { object val1 = n1.GetLocalAttribute(info); object val2 = n2.GetLocalAttribute(info); if (val1 == null || val2 == null) if (val1 != val2) return false; } foreach (ChildInfo info in n1.Type.Children) { if (info.IsList) { IList<DomNode> children1 = n1.GetChildList(info); IList<DomNode> children2 = n1.GetChildList(info); if (children1.Count != children2.Count) return false; for (int i = 0; i < children1.Count; i++) if (!Equals(children1[i], children2[i])) return false; } else { DomNode child1 = n1.GetChild(info); DomNode child2 = n2.GetChild(info); if (!Equals(child1, child2)) return false; } } return true; }
private static void Serialize(DomNode node, Dictionary<DomNode, int> nodeIds, BinaryWriter writer) { writer.Write(node.Type.Name); foreach (AttributeInfo info in node.Type.Attributes) { object value = node.GetLocalAttribute(info); // references are serialized as an integer id if (info.Type.Type == AttributeTypes.Reference) { DomNode reference = value as DomNode; int refId; if (reference == null || !nodeIds.TryGetValue(reference, out refId)) { // null, or reference was external to top level nodes and their subtrees writer.Write(false); } else { writer.Write(true); writer.Write(refId); } } else { if (value == null) { writer.Write(false); } else { writer.Write(true); writer.Write(info.Type.Convert(value)); } } } foreach (ChildInfo info in node.Type.Children) { if (info.IsList) { IList<DomNode> children = node.GetChildList(info); writer.Write(children.Count); foreach (DomNode child in children) Serialize(child, nodeIds, writer); } else { DomNode child = node.GetChild(info); if (child == null) { writer.Write(false); } else { writer.Write(true); Serialize(child, nodeIds, writer); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Writes the element corresponding to the DomNode</summary> /// <param name="node">DomNode to write</param> protected virtual void WriteElement(DomNode node, XmlWriter writer) { string elementNS = m_typeCollection.TargetNamespace; int index = node.ChildInfo.Name.LastIndexOf(':'); if (index >= 0) elementNS = node.ChildInfo.Name.Substring(0, index); string elementPrefix = string.Empty; // is this the root DomNode? if (node.Parent == null) { elementPrefix = m_typeCollection.GetPrefix(elementNS); if (elementPrefix == null) elementPrefix = GeneratePrefix(elementNS); writer.WriteStartElement(elementPrefix, node.ChildInfo.Name, elementNS); // define the xsi namespace writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "xsi", null, XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); // define schema namespaces foreach (XmlQualifiedName name in m_typeCollection.Namespaces) if (name.Name != elementPrefix) // don't redefine the element namespace writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", name.Name, null, name.Namespace); } else { // not the root, so all schema namespaces have been defined elementPrefix = writer.LookupPrefix(elementNS); if (elementPrefix == null) elementPrefix = GeneratePrefix(elementNS); writer.WriteStartElement(elementPrefix, node.ChildInfo.Name, elementNS); } // write type name if this is a polymorphic type DomNodeType type = node.Type; if (node.ChildInfo.Type != type) { string name = type.Name; index = name.LastIndexOf(':'); if (index >= 0) { string typeName = name.Substring(index + 1, type.Name.Length - index - 1); string typeNS = name.Substring(0, index); string typePrefix = writer.LookupPrefix(typeNS); if (typePrefix == null) { typePrefix = GeneratePrefix(typeNS); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", typePrefix, null, typeNS); } name = typeName; if (typePrefix != string.Empty) name = typePrefix + ":" + typeName; } writer.WriteAttributeString("xsi", "type", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace, name); } // write attributes AttributeInfo valueAttribute = null; foreach (AttributeInfo attributeInfo in type.Attributes) { // if attribute is required, or not the default, write it if (/*attributeInfo.Required ||*/ !node.IsAttributeDefault(attributeInfo)) { if (attributeInfo.Name == string.Empty) { valueAttribute = attributeInfo; } else { object value = node.GetAttribute(attributeInfo); string valueString = null; if (attributeInfo.Type.Type == AttributeTypes.Reference) { // if reference is a valid node, convert to string DomNode refNode = value as DomNode; if (refNode != null) valueString = GetNodeReferenceString(refNode, m_root, m_uri); } if (valueString == null) valueString = attributeInfo.Type.Convert(value); writer.WriteAttributeString(attributeInfo.Name, valueString); } } } // write value if not the default if (valueAttribute != null) { object value = node.GetAttribute(valueAttribute); writer.WriteString(valueAttribute.Type.Convert(value)); } // write child elements foreach (ChildInfo childInfo in type.Children) { if (childInfo.IsList) { foreach (DomNode child in node.GetChildList(childInfo)) WriteElement(child, writer); } else { DomNode child = node.GetChild(childInfo); if (child != null) WriteElement(child, writer); } } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
public Prototype(DomNode node, Uri ur) { m_node = node; m_uri = ur; IGameObject gob = m_node.GetChild(Schema.prototypeType.gameObjectChild).As<IGameObject>(); gob.Name = Type + "_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ur.LocalPath); }
/// <summary> /// Gets float value associated with DomNode</summary> /// <param name="domNode">DomNode whose value is obtained</param> /// <returns>Float value associated with DomNode</returns> public static float GetFloat(DomNode domNode) { float value = default(float); if (domNode != null) { DomNode floatChild = domNode.GetChild(Schema.common_float_or_param_type.floatChild); if (floatChild != null) { double v = (double)floatChild.GetAttribute(Schema.common_float_or_param_type_float.Attribute); value = (float)v; } } return value; }
public void TestGetChildList() { DomNodeType type = new DomNodeType("type"); ChildInfo childInfo = new ChildInfo("child", type, true); type.Define(childInfo); DomNode parent = new DomNode(type); IList<DomNode> list = parent.GetChildList(childInfo); Assert.NotNull(list); Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(delegate { parent.GetChild(childInfo); }); CollectionAssert.IsEmpty(list); }
private void WriteElement(DomNode node, XmlWriter writer) { // If writing the project settings file... if (!m_bWritingUserSettings) { // Don't save types that are not supposed to be saved if (s_lstExcludeDomNodeTypes.Contains(node.Type)) return; } var elementNs = m_typeCollection.TargetNamespace; var index = node.ChildInfo.Name.LastIndexOf(':'); if (index >= 0) elementNs = node.ChildInfo.Name.Substring(0, index); string elementPrefix; // is this the root DomNode (the one passed Write, above)? if (node == m_root) { elementPrefix = m_typeCollection.GetPrefix(elementNs) ?? GeneratePrefix(elementNs); writer.WriteStartElement(elementPrefix, node.ChildInfo.Name, elementNs); // define the xsi namespace writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", "xsi", null, XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace); // define schema namespaces foreach (var name in m_typeCollection.Namespaces) { if (string.Compare(name.Name, elementPrefix) != 0) writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", name.Name, null, name.Namespace); } } else { // not the root, so all schema namespaces have been defined elementPrefix = writer.LookupPrefix(elementNs) ?? GeneratePrefix(elementNs); writer.WriteStartElement(elementPrefix, node.ChildInfo.Name, elementNs); } // write type name if this is a polymorphic type var type = node.Type; if (node.ChildInfo.Type != type) { var name = type.Name; index = name.LastIndexOf(':'); if (index >= 0) { var typeName = name.Substring(index + 1, type.Name.Length - index - 1); var typeNs = name.Substring(0, index); var typePrefix = writer.LookupPrefix(typeNs); if (typePrefix == null) { typePrefix = GeneratePrefix(typeNs); writer.WriteAttributeString("xmlns", typePrefix, null, typeNs); } name = typeName; if (typePrefix != string.Empty) name = typePrefix + ":" + typeName; } writer.WriteAttributeString("xsi", "type", XmlSchema.InstanceNamespace, name); } // write attributes AttributeInfo valueAttribute = null; foreach (var attributeInfo in type.Attributes) { // if attribute is required, or not the default, write it if (/*attributeInfo.Required ||*/ !node.IsAttributeDefault(attributeInfo)) { if (attributeInfo.Name == string.Empty) { valueAttribute = attributeInfo; } else { var value = node.GetAttribute(attributeInfo); string valueString = null; if (attributeInfo.Type.Type == AttributeTypes.Reference) { // if reference is a valid node, convert to string var refNode = value as DomNode; if (refNode != null) valueString = GetNodeReferenceString(refNode, m_root); } if (valueString == null) valueString = attributeInfo.Type.Convert(value); var bWriteAttribute = true; if (!m_bWritingUserSettings) bWriteAttribute = !s_lstExcludeAttributes.Contains(attributeInfo.Name); if (bWriteAttribute) writer.WriteAttributeString(attributeInfo.Name, valueString); } } } // write value if not the default if (valueAttribute != null) { var value = node.GetAttribute(valueAttribute); writer.WriteString(valueAttribute.Type.Convert(value)); } // write child elements foreach (var childInfo in type.Children) { if (childInfo.IsList) { foreach (var child in node.GetChildList(childInfo)) WriteElement(child, writer); } else { var child = node.GetChild(childInfo); if (child != null) WriteElement(child, writer); } } writer.WriteEndElement(); }
public void TestAddChildAndModifyInTransaction() { DomNode child = m_root.GetChild(ChildInfo); DomNode grandchild = child.GetChild(ChildInfo); var greatGrandchild = new DomNode(ChildType, ChildInfo); // Add a great-grandchild and then modify it. The attribute changed events should be ignored. m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, greatGrandchild); greatGrandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo1"); }, "test transaction 1"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 1); CheckChildInsertedEvent(m_events[0], grandchild, greatGrandchild); // Make sure the TransactionReporter's state gets cleared for the next transaction. m_events.Clear(); m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, null);//remove great-grandchild greatGrandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, new DomNode(ChildType)); grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, greatGrandchild);//insert great-grandchild (and its child) greatGrandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo2"); greatGrandchild.GetChild(ChildInfo).SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "child foo2"); }, "test transaction 2"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 2); CheckChildRemovedEvent(m_events[0], grandchild, greatGrandchild); CheckChildInsertedEvent(m_events[1], grandchild, greatGrandchild); // This time, make sure that removing the child of a newly inserted tree doesn't generate new events. greatGrandchild.RemoveFromParent(); var great2Grandchild = new DomNode(ChildType); greatGrandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, great2Grandchild); m_events.Clear(); m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, greatGrandchild);//insert great-grandchild and great2Grandchild greatGrandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo3"); great2Grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo3"); great2Grandchild.RemoveFromParent(); }, "test transaction 3"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 1); CheckChildInsertedEvent(m_events[0], grandchild, greatGrandchild); // This time, make sure that removing two children of a newly inserted tree doesn't generate new events. grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, null); greatGrandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, great2Grandchild); var great3Grandchild = new DomNode(ChildType); great2Grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, great3Grandchild); m_events.Clear(); m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, greatGrandchild); greatGrandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo4"); great2Grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo4"); great3Grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo4"); great3Grandchild.RemoveFromParent(); great2Grandchild.RemoveFromParent(); }, "test transaction 4"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 1); CheckChildInsertedEvent(m_events[0], grandchild, greatGrandchild); // Check that removing all the inserted children generates no events. grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, null); greatGrandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, great2Grandchild); great2Grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, great3Grandchild); m_events.Clear(); m_transactionContext.DoTransaction(() => { grandchild.SetChild(ChildInfo, greatGrandchild); greatGrandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo5"); great2Grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo5"); great3Grandchild.SetAttribute(StringAttrInfo, "foo5"); great3Grandchild.RemoveFromParent(); great2Grandchild.RemoveFromParent(); greatGrandchild.RemoveFromParent(); }, "test transaction 5"); Assert.IsTrue(m_events.Count == 0); }