void displayImage(DogModelClass dog, int id) { if (winflag) { timer.Stop(); return; } Image image = dog.image; long dogPos = Convert.ToInt64(image.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty)); //calculating the dog postion with respect to left property if (dogPos >= RaceTrack.Width - image.Width) //800 is the width of the panel { timer.Stop(); if (!winflag) { MessageBox.Show($"Dog {id} has won!!!"); CheckForWinner(id); winflag = true; InitializeDogModelPosition(); PunterList.Items.Refresh(); } } else { int pace = DogGeneratorClass.GenerateSteps(dog as DogBaseClass); Canvas.SetLeft(image, dogPos + pace); } }
// public DogModelClass(DogBaseClass dog) { image = new Image(); image.Width = 65; image.Height = 25; image.Source = new BitmapImage(new System.Uri(@"/dog.png", UriKind.Relative)); ID = DogGeneratorClass.GenerateID(); Breed_Type = dog.Breed_Type; Breed = dog.Breed; Steps = dog.Steps; Origin = dog.Origin; Size = dog.Size; }
private void CreateDogModel() { DogBaseClass dog = DogGeneratorClass.FactoryMethod(DogGeneratorClass.BEAGLE, "Be"); CreateDogModel(3, 7, dog); dog = DogGeneratorClass.FactoryMethod(DogGeneratorClass.BULLDOG, "Bull"); CreateDogModel(45, 7, dog); dog = DogGeneratorClass.FactoryMethod(DogGeneratorClass.GERMAN_SHEPHARD, "GS"); CreateDogModel(90, 7, dog); // dog = DogGeneratorClass.FactoryMethod(DogGeneratorClass.GREAT_PYTENEES, "BIG"); CreateDogModel(130, 7, dog); }