/// <summary>
        /// Fills the metaverse object type data set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pilotConfig">if set to <c>true</c>, the pilot configuration is loaded. Otherwise, the production configuration is loaded.</param>
        private void FillMetaverseObjectTypeDataSet(bool pilotConfig)
            Logger.Instance.WriteMethodEntry("Pilot Config: '{0}'.", pilotConfig);

                var config  = pilotConfig ? this.PilotXml : this.ProductionXml;
                var dataSet = pilotConfig ? this.PilotDataSet : this.ProductionDataSet;

                var table  = dataSet.Tables[0];
                var table2 = dataSet.Tables[1];
                var table3 = dataSet.Tables[2];

                var attributes = config.XPathSelectElements("//mv-data//dsml:class[dsml:name = '" + this.currentObjectType + "' ]/dsml:attribute", Documenter.NamespaceManager);

                // Sort by name
                attributes                       = from attribute in attributes
                                        let name = (string)attribute.Attribute("ref")
                                                   orderby name
                                                   select attribute;

                for (var attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < attributes.Count(); ++attributeIndex)
                    var attribute     = attributes.ElementAt(attributeIndex);
                    var attributeName = ((string)attribute.Attribute("ref") ?? string.Empty).Trim('#');

                    // Set Logger call context items
                    Logger.SetContextItem(MetaverseDocumenter.LoggerContextItemMetaverseAttribute, attributeName);

                    Logger.Instance.WriteInfo("Processing Attribute Information.");

                    var attributeInfo = config.XPathSelectElement("//mv-data//dsml:attribute-type[dsml:name = '" + attributeName + "']", Documenter.NamespaceManager);

                    var attributeSyntax = (string)attributeInfo.Element(Documenter.DsmlNamespace + "syntax");

                    var row = table.NewRow();

                    row[0] = attributeName;
                    row[1] = Documenter.GetAttributeType(attributeSyntax, (string)attributeInfo.Attribute(Documenter.MmsDsmlNamespace + "indexable"));
                    row[2] = ((string)attributeInfo.Attribute("single-value") ?? string.Empty).Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "No" : "Yes";
                    row[3] = ((string)attributeInfo.Attribute(Documenter.MmsDsmlNamespace + "indexed") ?? string.Empty).Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? "Yes" : "No";

                    Documenter.AddRow(table, row);

                    Logger.Instance.WriteVerbose("Processed Attribute Information.");

                    // Fetch Sync Rules
                    var syncRules = config.XPathSelectElements("//synchronizationRule[targetObjectType = '" + this.currentObjectType + "' and direction = 'Inbound' " + Documenter.SyncRuleDisabledCondition + " and attribute-mappings/mapping/dest = '" + attributeName + "']");
                    syncRules = from syncRule in syncRules
                                let precedence = (int)syncRule.Element("precedence")
                                                 orderby precedence
                                                 select syncRule;

                    for (var syncRuleIndex = 0; syncRuleIndex < syncRules.Count(); ++syncRuleIndex)
                        var syncRule = syncRules.ElementAt(syncRuleIndex);
                        var row2     = table2.NewRow();
                        row2[0] = attributeName;
                        row2[1] = syncRuleIndex + 1; // Care only about the precedence relative rank here than actual value
                        var connector = ((string)syncRule.Element("connector") ?? string.Empty).ToUpperInvariant();

                        var connectorName = (string)config.XPathSelectElement("//Connectors/ma-data[translate(id, '" + Documenter.LowercaseLetters + "', '" + Documenter.UppercaseLetters + "') = '" + connector + "']/name");
                        var syncRuleName  = (string)syncRule.Element("name");
                        row2[2] = connectorName;
                        row2[3] = syncRuleName;

                        Logger.Instance.WriteVerbose("Processing Sync Rule Info for Connector: '{0}'. Sync Rule: '{1}'.", connectorName, syncRuleName);

                        var mappingExpression      = syncRule.XPathSelectElement("attribute-mappings/mapping[dest = '" + attributeName + "']/expression");
                        var mappingSourceAttribute = syncRule.XPathSelectElement("attribute-mappings/mapping[dest = '" + attributeName + "']/src/attr");
                        var mappingSource          = syncRule.XPathSelectElement("attribute-mappings/mapping[dest = '" + attributeName + "']/src");

                        row2[4] = (string)mappingExpression ?? (string)mappingSourceAttribute ?? (string)mappingSource ?? "??";
                        row2[5] = connector;
                        row2[6] = (string)syncRule.Element("id");

                        Documenter.AddRow(table2, row2);

                        Logger.Instance.WriteVerbose("Processed Sync Rule Info for Connector: '{0}'. Sync Rule: '{1}'.", connectorName, syncRuleName);

                        // Fetch Sync Rule Scoping Conditions
                        var conditions = syncRule.XPathSelectElements("synchronizationCriteria/conditions");
                        for (var conditionIndex = 0; conditionIndex < conditions.Count(); ++conditionIndex)
                            Logger.Instance.WriteVerbose("Processing Sync Rule Scope for Connector: '{0}'. Sync Rule: '{1}'.", connectorName, syncRuleName);

                            var condition = conditions.ElementAt(conditionIndex);
                            var scopes    = condition.Elements("scope");
                            for (var scopeIndex = 0; scopeIndex < scopes.Count(); ++scopeIndex)
                                var scope = scopes.ElementAt(scopeIndex);
                                var row3  = table3.NewRow();
                                row3[0] = attributeName;
                                row3[1] = connectorName;
                                row3[2] = syncRuleName;
                                row3[3] = conditionIndex;
                                row3[4] = scopeIndex;
                                row3[5] = (string)scope.Element("csAttribute");
                                row3[6] = (string)scope.Element("csOperator");
                                row3[7] = (string)scope.Element("csValue");
                                row3[8] = connector;
                                row3[9] = (string)syncRule.Element("id");

                                Documenter.AddRow(table3, row3);

                            Logger.Instance.WriteVerbose("Processed Sync Rule Scope for Connector: '{0}'. Sync Rule: '{1}'.", connectorName, syncRuleName);

                Logger.Instance.WriteMethodExit("Pilot Config: '{0}'.", pilotConfig);

                // Clear Logger call context items