public void Crud_Success()
            var newPage = Models.CreateDocumentationPage();

            Assert.AreEqual(0, newPage.Id, "The page id should not be set until after data layer Page_Create method is called.");

            Assert.AreNotEqual(0, newPage.Id, "The page id should have been set by the data layer.");

            var oldTitle = newPage.Title;

            newPage.Title = "New Page Title";

            var existingPage = DocumentationPageRepository.Read(newPage.Id);

            Assert.IsNotNull(existingPage, "The page should exist in the database.");
            Assert.AreNotEqual(oldTitle, existingPage.Title, "The page's title should have been updated.");
            Assert.AreEqual(newPage.Content, existingPage.Content, "The rest of the page instances' contents should be the same.");


            var deletedPage = DocumentationPageRepository.Read(newPage.Id);

            Assert.That(deletedPage, Is.Null, "The page should have been deleted from the database.");
        public void ReadByParentId_Success()
            // Arrange
            var parentPage = Models.CreateDocumentationPage();

            var childPage1 = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(parentPageId: parentPage.Id);

            var childPage2 = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(parentPageId: parentPage.Id);

            var noisePage = Models.CreateDocumentationPage();


            // Act
            var results = DocumentationPageRepository.ReadByParentId(parentPage.Id);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, results.Count(), "Two child pages exist and should be returned.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(results.Where(p => p.Id == childPage1.Id).FirstOrDefault(), "The results should contain childPage1.");
            var childPage2Result = results.Where(p => p.Id == childPage2.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.IsNotNull(childPage2Result, "The results should contain childPage2.");
        public void DeleteExcept_EmptyList()
            // Arrange

            // Act
            DocumentationPageRepository.DeleteExcept(new List <int>());

            // Assert
            // Above method call should not throw a SqlException.
        public void Import_NewPage()
            // Arrange
            var page = Models.CreateDocumentationPage();

            page.Id = 10573;

            // Act
            var result = DocumentationPageRepository.Read(page.Id);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null, "The page should have been created with the supplied id.");
            Assert.That(result.Title, Is.EqualTo(page.Title), "The page Title should have been added to the data store.");
        public void Import_ExistingPage()
            // Arrange
            var page = Models.CreateDocumentationPage();


            page.Title = "Imported existing page title.";

            // Act
            var result = DocumentationPageRepository.Read(page.Id);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(result, Is.Not.Null, "The page should still exist in the repository.");
            Assert.That(result.Title, Is.EqualTo(page.Title), "The title should have been updated on import.");
        public void ReadTableOfContents_Visible()
            // Arrange
            var root = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(order: 1, isHidden: false);

            var child = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(order: 1, parentPageId: root.Id, isHidden: true);

            var grandchild = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(order: 1, parentPageId: child.Id, isHidden: false);


            // Act
            var toc = DocumentationPageRepository.ReadTableOfContents(false);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, toc.Count(), "Only one page should be returned because all other pages are hidden or beneath hidden pages.");
            Assert.AreEqual(root.Id, toc[0].Id, "The root page should be the only page included in the table of contents.");
        public void ReadTableOfContents_All()
            // Arrange
            var root_1 = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(order: 1);

            var child_1_1 = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(parentPageId: root_1.Id, order: 1);

            var child_1_1_1 = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(parentPageId: child_1_1.Id, order: 1);

            var child_1_2 = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(parentPageId: root_1.Id, order: 2);

            var root_2 = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(order: 2);

            var child_2_1 = Models.CreateDocumentationPage(parentPageId: root_2.Id, order: 1);


            // Act
            var toc = DocumentationPageRepository.ReadTableOfContents(true);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(6, toc.Count(), "Six pages should be returned in the table of contents.");
            Assert.IsNull(toc[0].Content, "Content should not be returned in the table of contents.");

            // Nodes are returned first by their depth starting with root nodes, then by their order, then by name.
            Assert.AreEqual(root_1.Id, toc[0].Id, "The first root node should be first in the table of contents.");
            Assert.AreEqual(root_2.Id, toc[1].Id, "The second root node should be returned second in the table of contents.");
            Assert.AreEqual(child_1_1.Id, toc[2].Id, "The first child node of the first root node should be returned third in the table of contents.");
            Assert.AreEqual(child_2_1.Id, toc[3].Id, "The child node of the second root node should be returned fourth in the table of contents.");
            Assert.AreEqual(child_1_2.Id, toc[4].Id, "The second child node of the first root node should be returned fifth in the table of contents.");
            Assert.AreEqual(child_1_1_1.Id, toc[5].Id, "The grandchild node should be returned sixth in the table of contents.");
        public void DeleteExcept_Success()
            // Arrange
            var keptPage = Models.CreateDocumentationPage();

            var deletedPage = Models.CreateDocumentationPage();

            var anotherDeletedPage = Models.CreateDocumentationPage();


            // Act
            DocumentationPageRepository.DeleteExcept(new List <int> {

            // Assert
            var pages = DocumentationPageRepository.ReadAll().ToList();

            Assert.That(pages.Count, Is.EqualTo(1), "Only one page should be left in the repository.");
            Assert.That(pages[0].Id, Is.EqualTo(keptPage.Id), "The kept page should remain because its id was in the list.");