protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            if (!DesignMode)
                // Check if have a previous operation
                var findText = _documentViewer.Text.LastFindText;
                if (findText == null)
                    findText = new DocumentViewerFindText();

                _matchCaseCheckBox.Checked      = findText.MatchCase;
                _wholeWordsOnlyCheckBox.Checked = findText.WholeWordsOnly;

                _findTextBox.Text = findText.Text;

        private void FindText(bool findNext)
            var text = _findTextBox.Text;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

            var findTextOptions = _documentViewer.Text.LastFindText;

            if (findTextOptions == null)
                findTextOptions = new DocumentViewerFindText();

            findTextOptions.Text = text;
            findTextOptions.SelectFirstResult = true;

            // Set both to true to highlight all results
            findTextOptions.FindAll       = false;
            findTextOptions.RenderResults = false;

            findTextOptions.MatchCase      = _matchCaseCheckBox.Checked;
            findTextOptions.WholeWordsOnly = _wholeWordsOnlyCheckBox.Checked;
            findTextOptions.Loop           = true;

            // We search the whole document, or just one page (more combinations are possible)
            DocumentViewerTextPosition searchBoundsBegin = null;
            DocumentViewerTextPosition searchBoundsEnd   = null;
            bool currentPageOnly = _currentPageOnlyCheckBox.Checked;
            int  currentPage     = _documentViewer.CurrentPageNumber;
            var  firstPosition   = DocumentViewerTextPosition.CreateBeginOfPage(currentPageOnly ? currentPage : 1);
            var  lastPosition    = DocumentViewerTextPosition.CreateEndOfPage(currentPageOnly ? currentPage : _documentViewer.PageCount);

            if (findNext)
                searchBoundsBegin = firstPosition;
                searchBoundsEnd   = lastPosition;
                searchBoundsBegin = lastPosition;
                searchBoundsEnd   = firstPosition;
            findTextOptions.BeginPosition = searchBoundsBegin;
            findTextOptions.EndPosition   = searchBoundsEnd;

            if (_documentViewer.Text.HasAnySelectedText)
                // If we have a selection, we can start our search with the character after it (in direction of search,
                // as specified by beginPosition/endPosition)
                // If no selected text actually exists, search will default to beginPosition
                findTextOptions.Start = DocumentViewerFindTextStart.AfterSelection;

            // Find out if this might take some time, if so, run it as a busy operation
            // Condition is we have a previous find, and we either have all text cached
            // or we have text for current page and the operation is in current page only
            var mightTakeTime = !_documentViewer.Text.HasDocumentPageText(0);

            if (mightTakeTime)
                // is it same page and we have text for it?
                if (currentPageOnly && _documentViewer.Text.HasDocumentPageText(currentPage))
                    mightTakeTime = false;

            MainForm mainForm = this.Owner as MainForm;

            new BusyOperation <bool>("Find Text")
                Begin = () =>
                    if (mightTakeTime)
                        this.Enabled = false;

                InThread = () =>
                    var found = _documentViewer.Text.Find(findTextOptions) != null;

                End = () =>
                    if (mightTakeTime)

                        if (this.InvokeRequired)
                            BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker) delegate
                                this.Enabled = true;
                            this.Enabled = true;

                ThenInvoke = (bool textFound) =>
                    if (!textFound)
                        // Check if we have all the text, if not, let the user know
                        var message = "Finished searching. No more results found";
                        if (!_documentViewer.Text.AutoGetText && !_documentViewer.Text.HasDocumentPageText(0))
                            message = Helper.AddTextNote(message, false);

                        Helper.ShowInformation(this, message);

                Error = (Exception ex) =>
                    Helper.ShowError(this, ex);