public async Task <IActionResult> Download(string id) { if (id == null) { return(Content("filename not present")); } int idInt = 0; int.TryParse(id, out idInt); var document = _dbContext.tbl_Documents.Where(w => w.DocumentId == idInt).FirstOrDefault(); if (document == null) { return(Content("filename not present")); } DocumentUtility _documentUtility = new DocumentUtility(); var path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", "Document", document.FileName); var memory = new MemoryStream(); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { stream.CopyTo(memory); } memory.Position = 0; return(File(memory, _documentUtility.GetContentType(path), Path.GetFileName(path))); }
public void InitView() { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_model.Invoice.Cpf) && DocumentUtility.IsCpfValid(_model.Invoice.Cpf)) { _model.User = new User { Cpf = _model.Invoice.Cpf }; if (OnStepCompletedEventHandler != null) { OnStepCompletedEventHandler(); } } _view.InitInstruction = AppConfigUtility.sMessageInformCpf; _view.SetFocus(); _view.SetEnabled(true); if (OnStepStartTimeoutEventHandler != null) { TimeoutHandler = new Timer { Interval = AppConfigUtility.iNoInteractionTimeOut }; OnStepStartTimeoutEventHandler(); } }
private Invoice GetInvoiceFromQrCode(string sQrCode) { var oInvoice = new Invoice(); var oKeys = ParseQrCodeInput(sQrCode); if (oKeys == null) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("chNFe")) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("nVersao")) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("tpAmb")) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("dhEmi")) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("vNF")) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("vICMS")) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("digVal")) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("cIdToken")) { return(null); } if (!oKeys.ContainsKey("cHashQRCode")) { return(null); } oInvoice.QrCode = oKeys["QrCode"]; oInvoice.HashQrCode = oKeys["cHashQRCode"]; oInvoice.Cpf = oKeys.ContainsKey("cDest") ? DocumentUtility.IsCpfValid(oKeys["cDest"]) ? oKeys["cDest"] : string.Empty : string.Empty; oInvoice.Cnpj = oKeys["chNFe"].Substring(6, 14); oInvoice.Value = Convert.ToDecimal(oKeys["vNF"].Replace('.', ',')); oInvoice.Icms = Convert.ToDecimal(oKeys["vICMS"].Replace('.', ',')); return(oInvoice); }
public void Add(OutreachDTO entry) { string user = Membership.GetUser().UserName; if (entry.OutreachType.Id == 1) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.EmailRecipient) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.EmailBody) || entry.PersonaId > 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.EmailRecipient) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(entry.EmailBody) || entry.PersonaId < 1) { throw new Exception("Recipient, Sender, and Email Content must all be populated before sending an email."); } else { string attachmentPath = null; if (entry.ArticleId > 0) { ArticleRepository articleRepo = new ArticleRepository(); ArticleDTO article = articleRepo.GetArticleById(entry.ArticleId); DocumentUtility docUtil = new DocumentUtility(); attachmentPath = docUtil.ConvertHtmlToDocPath(new DocumentDTO() { Title = article.Title, Content = article.Content }); } PersonaDTO persona = new PersonaRepository().GetById(entry.PersonaId); string smtpServer = persona.SMTPServer; int smtpPort = persona.SMTPPort; string smtpUsername = persona.SMTPUsername; string smtpPassword = persona.SMTPPassword; if (persona.Email.ToLower().Contains("")) { smtpServer = ""; smtpPort = 587; smtpUsername = persona.GmailUsername; smtpPassword = persona.GmailPassword; } MessagingHelper.SendEmail(persona.Email, entry.EmailRecipient, entry.EmailSubject, entry.EmailBody, attachmentPath, smtpServer, smtpPort, smtpUsername, smtpPassword); } } } repo.AddOutreach(entry, user); }
public ActionResult Add(DocumentViewModel model, IFormFile file) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { DbfunctionUtility dbfunction = new DbfunctionUtility(_appSettings); var query = "select * from Documents where Name = '" + model.Name + "' and seasonId = " + model.SeasonId + ""; DataSet ds = dbfunction.GetDataset(query); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { var document = new Document { Name = model.Name, IsActive = true, CreatedBy = UserId, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, FileName = file.FileName, Description = model.Description, SeasonId = model.SeasonId }; _dbContext.tbl_Documents.Add(document); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); var fileName = document.DocumentId.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); document.FileName = fileName; _dbContext.SaveChanges(); DocumentUtility _documentUtility = new DocumentUtility(); _documentUtility.SaveFile(document.DocumentId.ToString(), "Document", file); ViewBag.SuccessMessage = "File added successfully"; } else { ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "File is already exists"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(View(model)); }
protected override IEnumerable <ValidationResult> ValidateInternal(object value, DocumentValidationContext <TDocument> validationContext) { var typedValue = value as string; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typedValue)) { yield break; } if (!CaseSensitive) { typedValue = typedValue.ToLower(); } var andClauses = new List <IMongoQuery>(); andClauses.Add(Query.NE("_id", validationContext.Document.ID)); andClauses.Add(CaseSensitive ? Query.EQ(_propertyName, BsonValue.Create(typedValue)) : Query.Matches(_propertyName, new BsonRegularExpression("^" + Regex.Escape(typedValue) + "$", "i"))); if (Scope != null && Scope.Length > 0) { foreach (var scopeProperty in Scope) { string scopePropertyName = ExpressionUtility.GetPropertyName(scopeProperty); object scopePropertyValue = scopeProperty.Compile()(validationContext.Document); if (scopePropertyValue != null && ReflectionUtility.IsSubclassOfRawGeneric(typeof(Document <>), scopePropertyValue.GetType())) { scopePropertyValue = DocumentUtility.GetDocumentID(scopePropertyValue); } andClauses.Add(Query.EQ(scopePropertyName, BsonValue.Create(scopePropertyValue))); } } var query = Query.And(andClauses.ToArray()); var results = Document <TDocument> .GetCollection().Find(query); if (results.Any()) { yield return(new ValidationResult(validationContext.DisplayName + " must be unique")); } }
public void HandleCpfInput(string sCpf) { try { if (!sCpf.Length.Equals(11)) { return; } _view.SetEnabled(false); if (DocumentUtility.IsCpfValid(sCpf)) { _model.User = new User { Cpf = sCpf }; if (OnStepCompletedEventHandler != null) { OnStepCompletedEventHandler(); } } else { throw new AlertMessageException(AppConfigUtility.sMessageInvalidCpf); } } catch (AlertMessageException ex) { if (OnStepWarningEventHandler != null) { OnStepWarningEventHandler(ex.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogUtility.Log(LogUtility.LogType.SystemError, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex.Message); if (OnStepErrorEventHandler != null) { OnStepErrorEventHandler(AppConfigUtility.sMessageGenericInvoiceError); } } }