private List <PawnDocRegVO> GetDocumentToArchOnlyRecovery(out bool dbCreateError, out bool docGetError) { List <PawnDocRegVO> list = null; dbCreateError = false; docGetError = false; int errorCode; if (!isRecoveryOnceExecuted) //check the once executed flag and quit the second time { //to avoid infinite loop isRecoveryOnceExecuted = true; } else { return(null); //return null second time } if (!DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetDocumentSets(ref list)) { docGetError = true; return(null); } else { if (!getDBNames(list)) { dbCreateError = true; } return(list); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int docID; if (!int.TryParse(Request.QueryString["id"], out docID)) { throw new Exception("Brak ID w wywołaniu"); } XmlReader xr = new DocumentDAO().GetDataMatrix(docID); BarcodeData data; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(BarcodeData)); data = serializer.Deserialize(xr) as BarcodeData; if (data == null) { return; } IDataMatrixService service = new DataMatrixService(); string content = service.GetDataMatrixAsHtml(data); Response.ClearContent(); Response.Write(content); Response.Flush(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Redirect("~/shared/error.aspx"); } }
public void testRun() { int pendCount = 0; int errorCode = 0; string errorMsg = ""; dao = DocumentDAO.getInstance(); //List<PawnDocRegVO> vo1 = null; log.Info("Calling proc for count"); try { //dao.GetDocumentSetsForCount(0, out pendCount, out errorCode, out errorMsg); dao.GetTempGetDocsIDs_ForAdd(ref vo1, 20000, true, 0); if (errorCode != 0) { execSuccess = false; } else { execSuccess = true; this.totalRecords = 1000000; } } catch (Exception e) { log.Error("Exception in TestDocumentDAOThread" + e.Message); return; } }
public string GetDocumentTypeName(string code) { string text2; string text = ""; try { if (code == "") { return(text); } EntityData documentTypeByCode = DocumentDAO.GetDocumentTypeByCode(code); if (documentTypeByCode.CurrentTable.Rows.Count > 0) { text = documentTypeByCode.CurrentRow["TypeName"].ToString(); } documentTypeByCode.Dispose(); text2 = text; } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } return(text2); }
private void Next_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int errorCode = 0; string errorMsg = ""; var dao = new DocumentProcDAO(); getLastIndex(); //resultTable = dao.GetDocuments(startIndex, out totalDoc, out errorCode, out errorMsg); List <PawnDocRegVO> docList = null; int pendCount = 0; this.Enabled = false; if (Properties.Settings.Default.TempFetch) { DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetTempGetDocsIDs_ForAdd(ref docList, 20000, false, startIndex); } else { DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetDocumentSets(startIndex, out docList, out pendCount, out errorCode, out errorMsg); } this.Enabled = true; if (errorCode != 0 || totalDoc == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No Documents found :" + errorMsg); return; } resultTable = CouchConsoleApp.thread.ThreadForDocList.getDataTableFromVO(docList); this.resultBindingSource.DataSource = resultTable; //enable below for continues looping of proc //loopThroughProc(); }
private void LoadData() { try { if (this.txtDocumentTypeCode.Value != "") { EntityData entity = DocumentDAO.GetDocumentTypeByCode(this.txtDocumentTypeCode.Value); if (entity.HasRecord()) { this.txtTypeName.Value = entity.GetString("TypeName"); this.txtDescription.Value = entity.GetString("Description"); this.txtParentCode.Value = entity.GetString("ParentCode"); } else { Response.Write(Rms.Web.JavaScript.Alert(true, "文档类型不存在")); Response.Write(Rms.Web.JavaScript.WinClose(true)); } entity.Dispose(); } this.lblParentName.Text = BLL.DocumentRule.Instance().GetDocumentTypeName(this.txtParentCode.Value); } catch (Exception ex) { ApplicationLog.WriteLog(this.ToString(), ex, "显示文档类型错误"); Response.Write(Rms.Web.JavaScript.Alert(true, "显示文档类型错误")); } }
public void Save() { string content = Serialize(); var document = new dbDocument(); var dao = new DocumentDAO(); bool documentExists = dao.hasDocument(uuid); //if( !documentExists ) // LogManager.Trace("Creating new Test Adapter Description with uuid of {0}", uuid); //else // LogManager.Trace("Saving Test Adapter Description with uuid of {0}", uuid); document.contentType = "text/xml"; document.documentDescription = "Test Adapter"; document.documentName = Identification.ModelName; document.documentVersion = version; document.documentSize = content.Length; document.documentTypeId = (int)dbDocument.DocumentType.TEST_ADAPTER_DESCRIPTION; document.documentContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(content); document.UUID = Guid.Parse(uuid); document.DataState = documentExists ? BASEBean.eDataState.DS_EDIT : BASEBean.eDataState.DS_ADD;; foreach (IdentificationNumber idNumber in Identification.IdentificationNumbers) { string type = Enum.GetName(typeof(IdentificationNumberType), idNumber.type); string number = idNumber.number; var asset = new AssetIdentificationBean(); asset.assetNumber = number; asset.assetType = type; asset.uuid = Guid.Parse(uuid); asset.DetermineDataState();; } }
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int pendCount = 0; int errorCode = 0; string errorMsg = ""; //var dao = new DocumentProcDAO(); startIndex = 0; //resultTable = dao.GetDocuments(startIndex, out totalDoc, out errorCode, out errorMsg); List <PawnDocRegVO> docList = null; this.Enabled = false; if (Properties.Settings.Default.TempFetch) { DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetTempGetDocsIDs_ForAdd(ref docList, 20000, true, 0); } else { DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetDocumentSets(0, out docList, out pendCount, out errorCode, out errorMsg); } this.Enabled = true; if (errorCode != 0 || docList == null || docList.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Show("No Documents found :" + errorMsg); return; } this.resultBindingSource.DataSource = CouchConsoleApp.thread.ThreadForDocList.getDataTableFromVO(docList); resultBindingSource.MoveLast(); DataRowView view = (DataRowView)resultBindingSource.Current; startIndex = Utilities.GetIntegerValue(view.Row.ItemArray[0]); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocumentDAO dao = new DocumentDAO(); CustomFormVisibilityDTO formVisibility = dao.GetCustomFormVisibility(DocumentId); if (formVisibility != null) { lblXml.Visible = formVisibility.LegalActXmlVisible; lblHistory.Visible = formVisibility.LegalActHistoryVisible; } lblHistory.CommandArgument = "~/Dokumenty/AktPrawnyHistoria.aspx?id=" + DocumentId; string currentOption = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); currentOption = currentOption.Substring(0, currentOption.LastIndexOf('.')); switch (currentOption.ToLower()) { case "aktprawnyhistoria": currentItem = lblHistory.ID; break; case "aktprawnyxml": currentItem = lblXml.ID; break; } }
public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateDoc(HttpPostedFileBase file, string DocID) { DocumentDAO docDao = new DocumentDAO(); DOCUMENT doc = new DOCUMENT(); doc.TOPIC_ID = docDao.GetTopicIDByDoc(DocID); doc.ID = DocID; // docDao.DeleteDocument(DocID); string title = docDao.GetTitle(DocID); FileStream stream; if (file != null) { // string a = file.FileName; //string b = file.ContentType; string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/tempFile"), file.FileName); file.SaveAs(path); stream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(path), FileMode.Open); await Task.Run(() => Delete(title)); await Task.Run(() => Upload(stream, file.FileName, path)); doc.TITLE = file.FileName; doc.LINK = CommonConstants.linkFile; if (docDao.UpdateDocument(doc)) { return(Json(new { status = true, file = new { filename = file.FileName, link = CommonConstants.linkFile } })); } } return(Json(new { status = false })); }
//Stream IDownloadFileTask.GetTempFileToPDF(string path, out string mimeType, out string fileName) //{ // if (!File.Exists(path)) // throw new ArgumentException("Nie ma takiego pliku"); // FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(path); // Image img = Image.FromStream(fs); // TiffImageSplitter tiff = new TiffImageSplitter(); // PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); // int pageCount = tiff.getPageCount(img); // for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) // { // PdfPage page = new PdfPage(); // Image tiffImg = tiff.getTiffImage(img, i); // XImage ximg = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(tiffImg); // page.Width = ximg.PointWidth; // page.Height = ximg.PointHeight; // doc.Pages.Add(page); // XGraphics xgr = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(doc.Pages[i]); // xgr.DrawImage(ximg, 0, 0); // } // mimeType = "application/pdf"; // fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(Path.GetFileName(path), "pdf"); // MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); // doc.Save(ms, false); // return ms; //} Stream IDownloadFileTask.GetFile(Guid imageID, out string mimeType, out string fileName, int pageNumber) { IItemStorage storage = ItemStorageFactory.Create(); DocumentDAO dao = new DocumentDAO(); DTO.DocumentItemDTO item = dao.GetItem(imageID); if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Nie ma takiego pliku"); } mimeType = item.MimeType; fileName = item.OriginalName; if (pageNumber > 0 && mimeType.ToLower() == "image/tiff") { Image img = new Bitmap(storage.Load(imageID)); img.SelectActiveFrame(FrameDimension.Page, pageNumber - 1); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); img.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff); return(ms); } else { return(storage.Load(imageID)); } }
private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { dgvM.DataSource = null; var documents = new DocumentDAO().GetDocument(int.Parse(txtCNE.Text)); dgvM.DataSource = documents; }
private void FrmDocuments_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { dgvM.DataSource = null; var documents = new DocumentDAO().GetDocuments(); dgvM.DataSource = documents; }
public static DocumentDAO getInstance() { if (documentDAO == null) { documentDAO = new DocumentDAOImplementation(); } return(documentDAO); }
private void BindHistory(int docID) { List <DataMatrixHistoryItem> historyItems = new DocumentDAO().GetDataMatrixHistory(docID); historyGrid.DataSource = historyItems; historyGrid.RowDataBound += new GridViewRowEventHandler(historyGrid_RowDataBound); historyGrid.DataBind(); }
protected void zapisz_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DocumentDAO dao = new DocumentDAO(); FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(Pemi.Esoda.Tools.Configuration.PhysicalTemporaryDirectory + "\\" + temporaryFileName); if (forceUpdate.Visible && forceUpdate.Checked) { dao.AddNewVersionOfDocumentItem(IdDokumentu, IdOryginalu, fileDescription.Text, fs, mimeType.Text, fileName.Text, DocumentItemCategory.Uploaded); IdOryginalu = Guid.Empty; } else { Guid itemId = Guid.Empty; dao.AddNewDocumentItem(IdDokumentu, fileName.Text, fileDescription.Text, fs, mimeType.Text, ref itemId, DocumentItemCategory.Uploaded); //int docId = dao.AddNewDocument(new Guid(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString()), md.GetXml()); DocumentItemDTO docItem = dao.GetItem(itemId); string imie = String.Empty, nazwisko = string.Empty; DbDataReader dr = (DbDataReader)(new UserDAO()).GetEmployee(new Guid(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString())); if (dr.Read()) { imie = dr["imie"].ToString(); nazwisko = dr["nazwisko"].ToString(); } dr.Close(); List <string> paramList = new List <string>(); paramList.Add(fileName.Text); ActionLogger al = new ActionLogger(new ActionContext(new Guid("9cd585bb-2a06-4c24-b415-aa3f8b00ea5f"), new Guid(Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString()), Membership.GetUser().UserName, Membership.GetUser().Comment, paramList)); al.AppliesToDocuments.Add(IdDokumentu); al.ActionData.Add("idDokumentu", IdDokumentu.ToString()); al.ActionData.Add("idPracownika", Membership.GetUser().UserName); al.ActionData.Add("imie", imie); al.ActionData.Add("nazwisko", nazwisko); al.ActionData.Add("dataDodania", docItem.CreationDate.ToString()); al.ActionData.Add("idPliku", docItem.ID.ToString()); al.ActionData.Add("nazwaPliku", fileName.Text); /* Nr systemowy dokumentu logicznego * Id pracownika (login) (który dokonuje operacji do³¹czenia) * imie pracownika * nazwisko pracownika, * Data dolaczenia pliku * Czas dolaczenia pliku * Id systemowe (guid?) dolaczanego pliku * Nazwa do³¹czanego pliku*/ al.Execute(); } fs.Close(); DeleteTemporaryFile(); Response.Redirect("~/Dokumenty/SkladnikiDokumentu.aspx?id=" + CoreObject.GetId(Request).ToString()); }
/// <summary> Retrieves in this DocumentCollection object all DocumentEntity objects which are related via a relation of type 'm:n' with the passed in ProductEntity. /// All current elements in the collection are removed from the collection.</summary> /// <param name="productInstance">ProductEntity object to be used as a filter in the m:n relation</param> /// <param name="maxNumberOfItemsToReturn"> The maximum number of items to return with this retrieval query.</param> /// <param name="sortClauses">The order by specifications for the sorting of the resultset. When not specified, no sorting is applied.</param> /// <param name="pageNumber">The page number to retrieve.</param> /// <param name="pageSize">The page size of the page to retrieve.</param> /// <returns>true if the retrieval succeeded, false otherwise</returns> public virtual bool GetMultiManyToManyUsingProductCollectionViaProductDocument(IEntity productInstance, long maxNumberOfItemsToReturn, ISortExpression sortClauses, int pageNumber, int pageSize) { if (!base.SuppressClearInGetMulti) { this.Clear(); } DocumentDAO dao = DAOFactory.CreateDocumentDAO(); return(dao.GetMultiUsingProductCollectionViaProductDocument(base.Transaction, this, maxNumberOfItemsToReturn, sortClauses, base.EntityFactoryToUse, productInstance, pageNumber, pageSize)); }
private void DisableCategoryAndType(int docId) { bool isFilled = new DocumentDAO().IsCustomFormFilled(docId); if (isFilled) { this.kategoria.Enabled = false; this.rodzaj.Enabled = false; } }
private void btnAddC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Document doc = new Document(0, txtNom.Text, txtPrenom.Text); doc.Etudiant = new EtudiantDAO().GetEtudiantByCNE(txtCNE.Text).FirstOrDefault <Etudiant>(); DocumentDAO docDAO = new DocumentDAO(); int rs = docDAO.InsertDocument(doc); MessageBox.Show("COco"); }
private DataManager() { equpmentDAO = new EquipmentDAO(); signalDAO = new SignalDAO(); helpDAO = new HelpDAO(); standardUnitMeasurementDAO = new StandardUnitMeasurementDAO(); lookupTablesDAO = new LookupTablesDAO(); documentDAO = new DocumentDAO(); schemaDAO = new SchemaDAO(); }
private int saveGenericDocument(string filePath, string originalFilename, string mimeType, Guid documentGuid, Guid?elementVersionGuid, string description, string desiredName, string ticket) { DocumentDAO dao = new DocumentDAO(); Guid userID = new MSOIntegrationDAO().GetUseGuidFromTicket(ticket); Guid itemId = Guid.Empty; int documentID = dao.GetDocumentIDForGuid(documentGuid); if (documentID == 0) { return(-1); } FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath); try { if (!elementVersionGuid.HasValue) { dao.AddNewDocumentItem(documentID, originalFilename, description, fs, mimeType, ref itemId, DocumentItemCategory.Created); DocumentItemDTO docItem = dao.GetItem(itemId); string[] fullname = Membership.GetUser(userID).Comment.Split(' '); string imie = fullname.Length >= 2 ? fullname[1] : string.Empty; string nazwisko = fullname.Length >= 1 ? fullname[0] : string.Empty; List <string> paramList = new List <string>(); paramList.Add(originalFilename); ActionLogger al = new ActionLogger(new ActionContext(new Guid("9cd585bb-2a06-4c24-b415-aa3f8b00ea5f"), userID, Membership.GetUser(userID).UserName, Membership.GetUser(userID).Comment, paramList)); al.AppliesToDocuments.Add(documentID); al.ActionData.Add("idDokumentu", documentID.ToString()); al.ActionData.Add("idPracownika", Membership.GetUser(userID).UserName); al.ActionData.Add("imie", imie); al.ActionData.Add("nazwisko", nazwisko); al.ActionData.Add("dataDodania", docItem.CreationDate.ToString()); al.ActionData.Add("idPliku", docItem.ID.ToString()); al.ActionData.Add("nazwaPliku", originalFilename); al.Execute(); } else { dao.AddNewVersionOfDocumentItem(documentID, elementVersionGuid.Value, description, fs, mimeType, desiredName, DocumentItemCategory.Created); } } catch { return(-2); } return(0); }
private void countProc_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <PawnDocRegVO> vo1 = new List <PawnDocRegVO>(); DocumentDAO dao = DocumentDAO.getInstance(); int pendCount = 0; int errorCode = 0; string errorMsg = ""; dao.CountProcTest(0, out vo1, out pendCount, out errorCode, out errorMsg); dao.GetDocumentSets(0, out vo1, out pendCount, out errorCode, out errorMsg); }
public static List <Document> GetDocumentsByType(int documentTypeId) { DocumentDAO documentDAO = DataManager.getDocumentDAO(); var documents = new List <Document>(); List <dbDocument> docs = documentDAO.GetDocumentsByType(documentTypeId); foreach (dbDocument doc in docs) { documents.Add(new Document(doc)); } return(documents); }
public async Task <JsonResult> DeleteDoc(string id) { DocumentDAO docDao = new DocumentDAO(); string title = docDao.GetTitle(id); if (docDao.DeleteDocument(id)) { await Task.Run(() => Delete(title)); return(Json(new { status = true })); } return(Json(new { status = false })); }
public static string CreateDocumentPlaceHolder(string partNumber, string assetType, string contentType, string docType, string description) { string refId = null; var asset = new AssetIdentificationBean(); DocumentDAO dao = DataManager.getDocumentDAO(); try { dao.StartTransaction(); //Lookup Part Number for document string rootPartNumber = partNumber.Split('#')[0]; Document document = GetDocument(rootPartNumber, (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(dbDocument.DocumentType), docType)); if (document == null) { document = new Document(); document.uuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); = rootPartNumber; document.Item = ""; //Content document.DocumentContent = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(document.Item); document.ContentType = contentType ?? ""; document.Description = (description.Length > 255?description.Substring(0, 254):description) ?? ""; document.DocumentType = (dbDocument.DocumentType)Enum.Parse(typeof(dbDocument.DocumentType), docType); SaveDocument(document); } //Add reference id to asset lookup asset = new AssetIdentificationBean(); asset.uuid = Guid.Parse(document.uuid); asset.assetType = assetType; asset.assetNumber = partNumber; asset.DataState = BASEBean.eDataState.DS_ADD;; refId = asset.uuid.ToString(); dao.CommitTransaction(); LogManager.Trace("A placeholder document for \"{0}\" has been created.", partNumber); } catch (Exception e) { dao.RollbackTransaction(); LogManager.Error(e, "An Error occurred creating a document for \"{0}\"", partNumber); } finally { dao.EndTransaction(); } return(refId); }
public AssetIdentificationBean DetermineDataState() { var dao = new DocumentDAO(); if (dao.HasAsset(assetType, assetNumber, uuid.ToString())) { DataState = eDataState.DS_EDIT; } else { DataState = eDataState.DS_ADD; } return(this); }
private void btnDeleteC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var eDAO = new DocumentDAO(); eDAO.DeleteDocument(int.Parse(dgvM.CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString())); dgvM.DataSource = null; var documents = new DocumentDAO().GetDocuments(); foreach (var item in documents) { Console.WriteLine(item); } dgvM.DataSource = documents; }
private List <PawnDocRegVO> GetDocumentToArchTemp(out bool dbCreateError, out bool docGetError) { List <PawnDocRegVO> list = null; dbCreateError = false; //tmp logic if (tempSoFarCount > 1000000) { docGetError = false; return(null); } if (this.archDocIndex == 0) { //DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetDocumentSets(ref list, fetchCount,true,0); docGetError = DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetTempGetDocsIDs(ref list, fetchCount, true, 0); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { archDocIndex = (list[list.Count - 1]).DocID; } // return list; } else { //DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetDocumentSets(ref list, fetchCount, false, archDocIndex); docGetError = DocumentDAO.getInstance().GetTempGetDocsIDs(ref list, fetchCount, false, archDocIndex); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { archDocIndex = (list[list.Count - 1]).DocID; } } if (!getDBNames(list)) { dbCreateError = true; } //tmp logic if (list != null) { tempSoFarCount += list.Count; } if (tempSoFarCount > 1000000) { return(null); } //tmp logic return(list); }
Stream IDownloadFileTask.GetTiffToPDF(Guid imageID, out string mimeType, out string fileName) { IItemStorage storage = ItemStorageFactory.Create(); DocumentDAO dao = new DocumentDAO(); DTO.DocumentItemDTO item = dao.GetItem(imageID); if (item == null) { throw new ArgumentException("Nie ma takiego pliku"); } if (item.MimeType.ToLower() == "image/tiff") { Image img = new Bitmap(storage.Load(imageID)); TiffImageSplitter tiff = new TiffImageSplitter(); PdfDocument doc = new PdfDocument(); int pageCount = tiff.getPageCount(img); for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; i++) { PdfPage page = new PdfPage(); Image tiffImg = tiff.getTiffImage(img, i); XImage ximg = XImage.FromGdiPlusImage(tiffImg); page.Width = ximg.PointWidth; page.Height = ximg.PointHeight; doc.Pages.Add(page); XGraphics xgr = XGraphics.FromPdfPage(doc.Pages[i]); xgr.DrawImage(ximg, 0, 0); } mimeType = "application/pdf"; fileName = Path.ChangeExtension(item.OriginalName, "pdf"); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); doc.Save(ms, false); return(ms); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Podany plik nie jest plikiem TIFF"); } }
private void loadScanPreview() { DocumentDAO dao = new DocumentDAO(); Collection <DocumentItemDTO> items = dao.GetItems(DocumentID); if (items.Count == 0) { previewUnavailable(); return; } IEnumerable <DocumentItemDTO> scans = items.OrderBy(item => item.Browsable).SkipWhile(item => item.Browsable == false); if (scans.Count() == 0) { previewUnavailable(); return; } foreach (DocumentItemDTO item in scans) { fsGuids.Add(item.ID); } ImageHelper helper = new ImageHelper(fsGuids[0]); helper.AktualnaSzerokosc = 600; if (PageNumber > 0 && PageNumber <= helper.LiczbaStron) { helper.AktualnaStrona = PageNumber; } else if (PageNumber > helper.LiczbaStron) { PageNumber = helper.LiczbaStron; } if (helper.LiczbaStron > 1) { btnNext.Enabled = true; btnPrev.Enabled = true; } else { btnNext.Enabled = false; btnPrev.Enabled = false; } imagePreview.ImageUrl = helper.UrlObrazka + "?" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); }