Esempio n. 1
        public DocCaseDO(DocFile docFile, GvaCaseType caseType)
            : this()
            if (docFile != null)
                this.DocFileId = docFile.DocFileId;
                this.Name = docFile.Name;

                this.File = new BlobDO()
                    Key = docFile.DocFileContentId,
                    Name = docFile.DocFileName,
                    RelativePath = "", //?

                this.DocFileKind = new NomValue()
                    NomValueId = docFile.DocFileKindId,
                    Name = docFile.DocFileKind.Name,
                    Alias = docFile.DocFileKind.Alias

            this.CaseType = new NomValue()
                NomValueId = caseType.GvaCaseTypeId,
                Name = caseType.Name,
                Alias = caseType.Alias
Esempio n. 2
 public FileDataDO(DocFile docFile)
     this.Name = docFile.DocFileName;
     this.Key = docFile.DocFileContentId;
     this.MimeType =
Esempio n. 3
        public ApplicationLotFileDO(GvaAppLotFile appFile, DocFile docFile)
            : this()
            this.HasAppFile = appFile == null ? false : true;

            if (appFile != null)
                this.GvaLotFileId = appFile.GvaLotFileId;
                this.PartIndex = appFile.GvaLotFile.LotPart.Index;
                this.SetPartName = appFile.GvaLotFile.LotPart.SetPart.Name;
                this.SetPartAlias = appFile.GvaLotFile.LotPart.SetPart.Alias;
                this.PageNumber = appFile.GvaLotFile.PageNumber;
                this.PageIndex = appFile.GvaLotFile.PageIndex;

                if (appFile.GvaLotFile.GvaCaseType != null)
                    this.GvaCaseTypeName = appFile.GvaLotFile.GvaCaseType.Name;

                if (appFile.DocFile != null)
                    this.DocFileId = appFile.DocFile.DocFileId;
                    this.DocFileKindId = appFile.DocFile.DocFileKindId;
                    this.DocFileTypeId = appFile.DocFile.DocFileTypeId;
                    this.DocId = appFile.DocFile.DocId;
                    this.Name = appFile.DocFile.Name;

                    this.File.Key = appFile.DocFile.DocFileContentId;
                    this.File.Name = appFile.DocFile.DocFileName;
                else if (appFile.GvaLotFile.GvaFile != null)
                    this.File.Key = appFile.GvaLotFile.GvaFile.FileContentId;
                    this.File.Name = appFile.GvaLotFile.GvaFile.Filename;
                else if (appFile.GvaLotFile.DocFile != null)
                    this.File.Key = appFile.GvaLotFile.DocFile.DocFileContentId;
                    this.File.Name = appFile.GvaLotFile.DocFile.DocFileName;
            else if (docFile != null)
                this.DocFileId = docFile.DocFileId;
                this.DocFileKindId = docFile.DocFileKindId;
                this.DocFileTypeId = docFile.DocFileTypeId;
                this.DocId = docFile.DocId;
                this.Name = docFile.Name;

                this.File.Key = docFile.DocFileContentId;
                this.File.Name = docFile.DocFileName;
Esempio n. 4
        public DocFileDO(DocFile d)
            : this()
            if (d != null)
                this.DocFileId = d.DocFileId;
                this.DocId = d.DocId;
                this.DocFileKindId = d.DocFileKindId;
                this.DocFileTypeId = d.DocFileTypeId;
                this.Name = d.Name;

                this.File.Key = d.DocFileContentId;
                this.File.Name = d.DocFileName;
                this.File.MimeType = MimeTypeHelper.GetFileMimeTypeByExtenstion(Path.GetExtension(d.DocFileName));
                this.File.RelativePath = ""; //?
                this.DocFileUrl = string.Format(

                if (d.DocFileKind != null)
                    this.DocFileKindAlias = d.DocFileKind.Alias;

                if (d.DocFileType != null)
                    this.DocFileTypealias = d.DocFileType.Alias;

                if (d.DocFileOriginType != null)
                    this.IsElectronicApplication = d.DocFileOriginType.Alias == "EApplication";
                    this.IsEditableFile = d.DocFileOriginType.Alias == "EditableFile";
	    /// <summary>
	    /// Scans the text content of a file and removes any "internal" comments/references
	    /// </summary>
	    /// <param name="sourceFile">File.</param>
	    /// <param name="destinationRoot"></param>
	    /// <param name="page"></param>
	    protected override async Task PublishFileToDestinationAsync(FileInfo sourceFile, DirectoryInfo destinationRoot, DocFile page)
		    this.LogMessage(new ValidationMessage(sourceFile.Name, "Scanning text file for internal content."));

            var outputPath = this.GetPublishedFilePath(sourceFile, destinationRoot);
            var writer = new StreamWriter(outputPath, false, Encoding.UTF8) { AutoFlush = true };

			StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(sourceFile.OpenRead());

			long lineNumber = 0;
			string nextLine;
			while ( (nextLine = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
				if (this.IsDoubleBlockQuote(nextLine))
				    this.LogMessage(new ValidationMessage(string.Concat(sourceFile, ":", lineNumber), "Removing DoubleBlockQuote: {0}", nextLine));
				await writer.WriteLineAsync(nextLine);
        protected virtual bool ShouldPublishFile(DocFile file)
            if (null != this.Options.FilesToPublish && this.Options.FilesToPublish.Length > 0)
                return this.Options.FilesToPublish.Any(filename => filename.Equals(file.DisplayName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            return true;
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the text content of a file and removes any "internal" comments/references
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">File.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationRoot"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
#pragma warning disable 1998
        protected virtual async Task PublishFileToDestinationAsync(FileInfo sourceFile, DirectoryInfo destinationRoot, DocFile page, IssueLogger issues)
#pragma warning restore 1998
            throw new NotImplementedException("This method is not implemented in the abstract class.");
Esempio n. 8
        private DocFile CreateReceiptDocFile(int docFileKindId, Doc receiptDoc, Guid fileKey, bool isDocAcknowledged)
            string docFileTypeAlias = isDocAcknowledged ? "ReceiptAcknowledgedMessage" : "ReceiptNotAcknowledgedMessage";

            DocFile docFile = new DocFile();
            docFile.Doc = receiptDoc;
            docFile.DocContentStorage = String.Empty;
            docFile.DocFileContentId = fileKey;
            docFile.DocFileTypeId = this.unitOfWork.DbContext.Set<DocFileType>().Single(e => e.Alias == docFileTypeAlias).DocFileTypeId;
            docFile.DocFileKindId = docFileKindId;
            docFile.Name = isDocAcknowledged ? "Съобщение, че получаването се потвърждава" : "Съобщение, че получаването не се потвърждава";
            docFile.DocFileName = isDocAcknowledged ? "ReceiptAcknowledgedMessage.xml" : "ReceiptNotAcknowledgedMessage.xml";
            docFile.DocFileOriginTypeId = this.unitOfWork.DbContext.Set<DocFileOriginType>().Single(e => e.Alias == "EApplication").DocFileOriginTypeId;
            docFile.IsPrimary = true;
            docFile.IsSigned = true;
            docFile.IsActive = true;

            return docFile;
Esempio n. 9
        private DocFile CreateInitialDocFile(Doc doc, Guid fileKey, int docFileTypeId, int docFileKindId, DateTime? applicationSigningTime)
            DocFile docFile = new DocFile();
            docFile.DocFileContentId = fileKey;
            docFile.DocContentStorage = String.Empty;

            docFile.Doc = doc;
            docFile.DocFileTypeId = docFileTypeId;
            docFile.DocFileKindId = docFileKindId;
            docFile.Name = "Електронно заявление";
            docFile.DocFileName = "E-Application.xml";
            docFile.DocFileOriginTypeId = this.unitOfWork.DbContext.Set<DocFileOriginType>().Single(e => e.Alias == "EApplication").DocFileOriginTypeId;
            docFile.SignDate = applicationSigningTime;
            docFile.IsPrimary = true;
            docFile.IsSigned = true;
            docFile.IsActive = true;

            return docFile;
Esempio n. 10
        private DocFile CreateEApplicationAttachDocFile(AttachedDocDo attachedDocument, Doc doc, int docFileKindId, Guid fileKey)
            DocFile docFile = new DocFile();
            docFile.Doc = doc;

            int docFileTypeId = docFileTypeId = this.unitOfWork.DbContext.Set<DocFileType>().SingleOrDefault(e => e.Alias.ToLower() == "UnknownBinary").DocFileTypeId;
            var fileExtension = MimeTypeHelper.GetFileExtenstionByMimeType(attachedDocument.MimeType);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileExtension))
                fileExtension = fileExtension.Substring(1);
                var docFileType = this.unitOfWork.DbContext.Set<DocFileType>().SingleOrDefault(e => e.Alias.ToLower() == fileExtension);

                if (docFileType != null)
                    docFileTypeId = docFileType.DocFileTypeId;

            docFile.DocFileTypeId = docFileTypeId;
            docFile.DocFileKindId = docFileKindId;
            docFile.DocFileOriginTypeId = this.unitOfWork.DbContext.Set<DocFileOriginType>().Single(e => e.Alias == "EApplicationAttachedFile").DocFileOriginTypeId;
            docFile.Name = attachedDocument.DocKind;
            docFile.DocFileName = attachedDocument.AbbcdnInfo.AttachedDocumentFileName;
            docFile.DocContentStorage = String.Empty;
            docFile.DocFileContentId = fileKey;
            docFile.IsPrimary = false;
            docFile.IsSigned = false;
            docFile.IsActive = true;

            return docFile;
Esempio n. 11
 protected bool IsDocFileInternal(DocFile file)
     return this.IsRelativePathInternal(file.DisplayName);
Esempio n. 12
 protected bool IsDocFileInternal(DocFile file)
Esempio n. 13
        public async Task ImportAllBranches()
            var branches = await _githubDataRepository.GetBranches();

            var        versions       = new List <DocVersion>();
            DocVersion defaultVersion = null;

            foreach (var branch in branches)

                var version = new DocVersion(BranchNameToPathString(branch.Name), branch.Name);

                if (branch.IsDefault)
                    defaultVersion = version;

                var archive = await _githubDataRepository.GetArchive(branch);

                using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(archive))
                    using (var gzipStream = new GZipStream(memoryStream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                        using (var tarReader = new TarReader(gzipStream))
                            string rootDirectory = null;
                            while (tarReader.Next() is var entry && entry != null)
                                if (entry.Header.Flag == TarHeaderFlag.Directory && rootDirectory == null)
                                    rootDirectory = entry.Header.Name;
                                if (entry.Header.Flag == TarHeaderFlag.NormalFile)
                                    if (Path.GetExtension(entry.Header.Name) == ".md")
                                        using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(entry))
                                            var markdown = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                                            var meta = ParseMeta(ref markdown);

                                            // Parse markdown
                                            var document = Markdig.Markdown.Parse(markdown,
                                                                                  new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()

                                            var sw       = new StringWriter();
                                            var renderer = new CustomHtmlRenderer(sw);
                                            var html = sw.ToString();

                                            var file = new DocFile
                                                Content = html,
                                                Meta    = meta

                                            var docPath = entry.Header.Name;

                                            if (rootDirectory != null && docPath.StartsWith(rootDirectory))
                                                docPath = docPath.Substring(rootDirectory.Length).TrimStart('/', '\\');

                                            var fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(docPath);
                                            docPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(docPath), fileName);

                                            if (fileName == "index")
                                                version.DefaultPage = meta.RedirectPage;

                                            meta.LastModification = entry.Header.LastModification ?? DateTime.UtcNow;
                                            meta.EditUrl          = $"{_githubDataRepository.PublicUrl}/blob/{branch.Name}/{docPath}.md";
                                            meta.Title            = meta.Title ?? fileName.Replace('-', ' ');

                                            _dataRepository.StoreDocFile(branch.Name, docPath, file);
                                        var assetPath = entry.Header.Name;

                                        if (rootDirectory != null && assetPath.StartsWith(rootDirectory))
                                            assetPath = assetPath.Substring(rootDirectory.Length).TrimStart('/', '\\');

                                        assetPath = assetPath.ToLower();

                                        // Skip unaccepted asset types
                                        if (_options.Value.AcceptedAssets.Contains(Path.GetExtension(assetPath)))
                                            _dataRepository.StoreAsset(branch.Name, assetPath, entry);

            var docConfig = new DocConfiguration
                Versions       = versions.ToArray(),
                DefaultVersion = defaultVersion

Esempio n. 14
        private string FolderRead(long DocPathID, string RealityPath, string FolderName)
            var DirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(RealityPath);
            var EF      = new EF();

            DocFolder DocFolder = null;

            if (FolderName == null)
                DocFolder = new DocFolder {
                    ID = 0
                DocFolder = EF.DocFolder.Where(i => i.Name == FolderName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (DocFolder == null)
                    EF.DocFolder.Add(DocFolder = new DocFolder
                        Name           = FolderName,
                        CreationTime   = DirInfo.CreationTime,
                        LastAccessTime = DirInfo.LastAccessTime
                else if (DocFolder.LastAccessTime == DirInfo.LastAccessTime)

            foreach (DirectoryInfo Folder in DirInfo.GetDirectories())
                FolderRead(DocPathID, Folder.FullName, FolderName + Folder.Name + "/");

            foreach (var iFile in DirInfo.GetFiles())
                var DocFile = EF.DocFile.Where(i => i.DocFolderID == DocFolder.ID && i.Name == iFile.Name).FirstOrDefault();
                if (DocFile == null)
                    EF.DocFile.Add(DocFile = new DocFile
                        DocPathID      = DocPathID,
                        DocFolderID    = DocFolder.ID,
                        Name           = iFile.Name,
                        ExtNameID      = SYS.DOC.GetFileExtName(iFile.Extension).ID,
                        Length         = iFile.Length,
                        MIMEID         = SYS.DOC.GetFileMIME(Utils.GetMime(Path.GetExtension(iFile.FullName).ToLower())).ID,
                        CreationTime   = iFile.CreationTime,
                        LastAccessTime = iFile.LastWriteTime
                    try { EF.SaveChanges(); }
                    catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
                        string error = "";
                        foreach (var item in ex.EntityValidationErrors)
                            foreach (var item2 in item.ValidationErrors)
                                error += string.Format("{0}:{1}\r\n", item2.PropertyName, item2.ErrorMessage);
                        throw new Exception(error);
                    catch (Exception) { throw; }
                else if (DocFile.LastAccessTime == iFile.LastAccessTime)

                FileSimpleHandler tFileSimpleHandler = new FileSimpleHandler(FileSimpleCreate);
                IAsyncResult      asyncResult        = tFileSimpleHandler.BeginInvoke(DocFile.ID, new AsyncCallback(FileSimpleCallback), DocFile);
                new LogManager().WriteLog("文件[" + DocFile.ID + "]创建预览开始。");

Esempio n. 15
 internal string RelativePathToFile(DocFile file, bool urlStyle = false)
     return(RelativePathToFile(file.FullPath, this.SourceFolderPath, urlStyle));
Esempio n. 16
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> Register(List <DocIn> lstDoc)
                // DocRef,docFile,DocImage,DocType,Lang
                foreach (var model in lstDoc)
                    if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                        var modelErrors = new List <string>();
                        foreach (var modelState in ModelState.Values)
                            foreach (var modelError in modelState.Errors)
                        return(Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, MessageResponse.Message(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest.ToString(), modelErrors[0].ToString()), new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()));

                    bool   status        = false;
                    string ValidFrom     = string.Empty;
                    string ValidTo       = string.Empty;
                    string DocClass      = string.Empty;
                    var    maxDocVersion = 0;
                    if (model.DocType.ToString().ToLower() == "profilephoto")
                        status = true;
                        string updateQuery  = @"SELECT * From " + _bucket.Name + " as Users where meta().id ='" + model.IndivID + "'";
                        var    userDocument = _bucket.Query <object>(updateQuery).ToList();
                        if (userDocument.Count > 0)
                            List <int> maxVersion = new List <int>();

                            if (((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken)userDocument[0]).Root["Users"]["documents"] != null)
                                var auditInfoVersion = ((Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JToken)userDocument[0]).Root["Users"]["documents"];
                                foreach (var itemTD in auditInfoVersion)
                                    if (itemTD["version"] != null)
                            if (maxVersion.Count != 0)
                                maxDocVersion = 1 + maxVersion.Max();
                                maxDocVersion = 1;
                        if (maxDocVersion == 0)
                            maxDocVersion = 1;

                        DocClass  = model.DocClass;
                        ValidFrom = DataConversion.ConvertYMDHMS(DateTime.Now.ToString());
                        ValidTo   = DataConversion.ConvertYMDHMS(DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToInt16(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ValidToProfilePhotoDays"))).ToString());
                        status = false;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ValidFrom))
                            //return Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, MessageResponse.Message(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest.ToString(), "190-document valid from is required"), new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ValidTo))
                            //return Content(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, MessageResponse.Message(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest.ToString(), "191-document valid to is required"), new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
                        ValidFrom = model.ValidFrom;
                        ValidTo   = model.ValidTo;
                    DocContent docContent = new DocContent();
                    if (model.DocContent != null)
                        docContent.Duration = model.DocContent.Duration;
                        docContent.Fees     = model.DocContent.Fees;
                    List <DocFile> lstDocFile = new List <DocFile>();
                    if (model.DocFile != null)
                        foreach (var df in model.DocFile)
                            DocFile docFile = new DocFile();
                            docFile.DocFormat = df.DocFormat;
                            docFile.DocImage  = df.DocImage;
                    var docID         = "DOCIN_" + GenerateRandamNumber();
                    var docInDocument = new Document <DocIn>()
                        Id      = docID,
                        Content = new DocIn
                            DocType    = model.DocType.ToLower(),
                            Version    = maxDocVersion,
                            DocRef     = model.DocRef,
                            Lang       = model.Lang,
                            Status     = false,
                            DateTime   = DataConversion.ConvertYMDHMS(DateTime.Now.ToString()),
                            DocClass   = model.DocClass,
                            ValidTo    = ValidTo,
                            ValidFrom  = ValidFrom,
                            RejReas    = "",
                            IndivID    = model.IndivID,
                            VehID      = model.VehID,
                            CompID     = model.CompID,
                            DocContent = docContent,
                            DocFile    = lstDocFile,
                            Id         = model.Id,
                            IssueDate  = model.IssueDate,
                            ExpiryDate = model.ExpiryDate,
                            Place      = model.Place,
                            Categories = model.Categories
                    var result = await _bucket.InsertAsync(docInDocument);

                    //if (!result.Success)
                    //    return Content(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, MessageResponse.Message(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError.ToString(), result.Message), new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
                    /////////////////////////////////// add document in IndivID
                    if (model.IndivID.Trim() != string.Empty)
                        string query1             = @"SELECT * From " + _bucket.Name + " as Individual where meta().id= 'individual_" + model.IndivID.Trim() + "'";
                        var    individualDocument = _bucket.Query <object>(query1).ToList();

                        if (individualDocument.Count > 0)
                            Documents addnewDocument = new Documents();
                            addnewDocument.DocumentID = docID;
                            // add document code
                            string query            = @"UPDATE " + _bucket.Name + " SET documents = ARRAY_APPEND(documents, " + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addnewDocument).ToString() + ") where meta().id='individual_" + model.IndivID.Trim() + "'";
                            var    resultIndividual = _bucket.Query <object>(query);
                    /////////////////////////////////// add document in CompID
                    if (model.CompID != null)
                        if (model.CompID.Trim() != string.Empty)
                            var companyDocument = _bucket.Query <object>(@"SELECT * From " + _bucket.Name + " as Company where meta().id= 'company_" + model.CompID.Trim() + "'").ToList();

                            if (companyDocument.Count > 0)
                                Documents addnewDocument = new Documents();
                                addnewDocument.DocumentID = docID;
                                // add document code
                                string query            = @"UPDATE " + _bucket.Name + " SET documents = ARRAY_APPEND(documents, " + Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(addnewDocument).ToString() + ") where meta().id='company_" + model.CompID.Trim() + "'";
                                var    resultIndividual = _bucket.Query <object>(query);
                return(Content(HttpStatusCode.OK, MessageResponse.Message(HttpStatusCode.OK.ToString(), "Documents uploaded sucessfully")));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Content(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, MessageResponse.Message(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError.ToString(), ex.StackTrace), new JsonMediaTypeFormatter()));
Esempio n. 17
        public static MethodDefinition FromRequest(string request, CodeBlockAnnotation annotation, DocFile source, IssueLogger issues)
            var method = new MethodDefinition
                Request             = request,
                RequestMetadata     = annotation,
                Identifier          = annotation.MethodName?.FirstOrDefault(),
                SourceFile          = source,
                RequiredScopes      = annotation.RequiredScopes,
                RequiredApiVersions = annotation.RequiredApiVersions,
                RequiredTags        = annotation.RequiredTags

            method.Title = method.Identifier;

            var methodIssues = issues.For(method.Identifier);

                HttpRequest requestExample;
                HttpParser.TryParseHttpRequest(request, out requestExample, methodIssues);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestExample?.Body) && requestExample.Body.Contains("{"))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(annotation.ResourceType))
                        annotation.ResourceType = "requestBodyResourceFor." + method.Identifier;

                    var body = requestExample.Body;
                    if (requestExample.ContentType.StartsWith(MimeTypeMultipartRelated, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        var multipartContent = new MultipartMime.MultipartMimeContent(requestExample.ContentType, body);
                        var part             = multipartContent.PartWithId("<metadata>");
                        body = part.Body;

                    var requestBodyResource = new JsonResourceDefinition(annotation, body, source, methodIssues);
                    if (requestBodyResource.Parameters != null)
            catch (Exception ex)
                methodIssues.Warning(ValidationErrorCode.HttpParserError, "Unable to parse request body resource", ex);

Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Scans the text content of a file and removes any "internal" comments/references
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">File.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationRoot"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        protected override async Task PublishFileToDestinationAsync(FileInfo sourceFile, DirectoryInfo destinationRoot, DocFile page)
            this.LogMessage(new ValidationMessage(sourceFile.Name, "Scanning text file for internal content."));

            var outputPath = this.GetPublishedFilePath(sourceFile, destinationRoot);
            var writer     = new StreamWriter(outputPath, false, Encoding.UTF8)
                AutoFlush = true

            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(sourceFile.OpenRead());

            long   lineNumber = 0;
            string nextLine;

            while ((nextLine = await reader.ReadLineAsync()) != null)
                if (this.IsDoubleBlockQuote(nextLine))
                    this.LogMessage(new ValidationMessage(string.Concat(sourceFile, ":", lineNumber), "Removing DoubleBlockQuote: {0}", nextLine));
                await writer.WriteLineAsync(nextLine);
Esempio n. 19
	    /// <summary>
	    /// Scans the text content of a file and removes any "internal" comments/references
	    /// </summary>
	    /// <param name="sourceFile">File.</param>
	    /// <param name="destinationRoot"></param>
	    /// <param name="page"></param>
#pragma warning disable 1998
	    protected virtual async Task PublishFileToDestinationAsync(FileInfo sourceFile, DirectoryInfo destinationRoot, DocFile page)
#pragma warning restore 1998
            throw new NotImplementedException("This method is not implemented in the abstract class.");
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert a JSON string into an instance of this class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="json"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CodeBlockAnnotation ParseMetadata(string json, MarkdownDeep.Block codeBlock = null, DocFile sourceFile = null)
            var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CodeBlockAnnotation>(json);

            response.originalRawJson = json;
            response.sourceFile      = sourceFile;

            // Check for Collection() syntax
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response.ResourceType))
                const string collectionPrefix = "collection(";
                const string collectionSuffix = ")";
                if (response.ResourceType.StartsWith(collectionPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && response.ResourceType.EndsWith(collectionSuffix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    response.IsCollection = true;
                    var newResourceType = response.ResourceType.Substring(collectionPrefix.Length);
                    newResourceType       = newResourceType.Substring(0, newResourceType.Length - collectionSuffix.Length);
                    response.ResourceType = newResourceType;

            if (codeBlock != null)
                // See if we can infer anything that's missing from response
                if (response.BlockType == CodeBlockType.Unknown)
                    response.BlockType = InferBlockType(codeBlock, response.ResourceType);