private static void Train(string baseName, string dataset, uint epoch, double learningRate, double minLearningRate, uint miniBatchSize, uint validation, bool useMean) { try { IList <Matrix <RgbPixel> > trainingImages; IList <uint> trainingLabels; IList <Matrix <RgbPixel> > testingImages; IList <uint> testingLabels; var mean = useMean ? Path.Combine(dataset, "train.mean.bmp") : null; Console.WriteLine("Start load train images"); Load("train", dataset, mean, out trainingImages, out trainingLabels); Console.WriteLine($"Load train images: {trainingImages.Count}"); Console.WriteLine("Start load test images"); Load("test", dataset, mean, out testingImages, out testingLabels); Console.WriteLine($"Load test images: {testingImages.Count}"); // So with that out of the way, we can make a network instance. var trainNet = NativeMethods.LossMulticlassLog_age_train_type_create(); var networkId = LossMulticlassLogRegistry.GetId(trainNet); LossMulticlassLogRegistry.Add(trainNet); using (var net = new LossMulticlassLog(networkId)) using (var trainer = new DnnTrainer <LossMulticlassLog>(net)) { trainer.SetLearningRate(learningRate); trainer.SetMinLearningRate(minLearningRate); trainer.SetMiniBatchSize(miniBatchSize); trainer.BeVerbose(); trainer.SetSynchronizationFile(baseName, 180); // create array box var trainingImagesCount = trainingImages.Count; var trainingLabelsCount = trainingLabels.Count; var maxIteration = (int)Math.Ceiling(trainingImagesCount / (float)miniBatchSize); var imageBatches = new Matrix <RgbPixel> [maxIteration][]; var labelBatches = new uint[maxIteration][]; for (var i = 0; i < maxIteration; i++) { if (miniBatchSize <= trainingImagesCount - i * miniBatchSize) { imageBatches[i] = new Matrix <RgbPixel> [miniBatchSize]; labelBatches[i] = new uint[miniBatchSize]; } else { imageBatches[i] = new Matrix <RgbPixel> [trainingImagesCount % miniBatchSize]; labelBatches[i] = new uint[trainingLabelsCount % miniBatchSize]; } } using (var fs = new FileStream($"{baseName}.log", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8)) for (var e = 0; e < epoch; e++) { var randomArray = Enumerable.Range(0, trainingImagesCount).OrderBy(i => Guid.NewGuid()).ToArray(); var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < imageBatches.Length; i++) { var currentImages = imageBatches[i]; var currentLabels = labelBatches[i]; for (var j = 0; j < imageBatches[i].Length; j++) { var rIndex = randomArray[index]; currentImages[j] = trainingImages[rIndex]; currentLabels[j] = trainingLabels[rIndex]; index++; } } for (var i = 0; i < maxIteration; i++) { LossMulticlassLog.TrainOneStep(trainer, imageBatches[i], labelBatches[i]); } var lr = trainer.GetLearningRate(); var loss = trainer.GetAverageLoss(); var trainLog = $"Epoch: {e}, learning Rate: {lr}, average loss: {loss}"; Console.WriteLine(trainLog); sw.WriteLine(trainLog); if (e > 0 && e % validation == 0) { Validation(baseName, net, trainingImages, trainingLabels, testingImages, testingLabels, false, false, out var trainAccuracy, out var testAccuracy); var validationLog = $"Epoch: {e}, train accuracy: {trainAccuracy}, test accuracy: {testAccuracy}"; Console.WriteLine(validationLog); sw.WriteLine(validationLog); } if (lr < minLearningRate) { break; } } // wait for training threads to stop trainer.GetNet(); Console.WriteLine("done training"); net.Clean(); LossMulticlassLog.Serialize(net, $"{baseName}.dat"); // Now let's run the training images through the network. This statement runs all the // images through it and asks the loss layer to convert the network's raw output into // labels. In our case, these labels are the numbers between 0 and 9. Validation(baseName, net, trainingImages, trainingLabels, testingImages, testingLabels, true, true, out _, out _); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private static int Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("To run this program you need a copy of the PASCAL VOC2012 dataset."); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("You call this program like this: "); Console.WriteLine("./dnn_semantic_segmentation_train_ex /path/to/VOC2012"); return(1); } Console.WriteLine("\nSCANNING PASCAL VOC2012 DATASET\n"); var listing = PascalVOC2012.GetPascalVoc2012TrainListing(args[0]).ToArray(); Console.WriteLine($"images in dataset: {listing.Length}"); if (listing.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Didn't find the VOC2012 dataset."); return(1); } const double initialLearningRate = 0.1; const double weightDecay = 0.0001; const double momentum = 0.9; using (var net = new LossMulticlassLogPerPixel(0)) using (var sgd = new Sgd((float)weightDecay, (float)momentum)) using (var trainer = new DnnTrainer <LossMulticlassLogPerPixel>(net, sgd)) { trainer.BeVerbose(); trainer.SetLearningRate(initialLearningRate); trainer.SetSynchronizationFile("pascal_voc2012_trainer_state_file.dat", 10 * 60); // This threshold is probably excessively large. trainer.SetIterationsWithoutProgressThreshold(5000); // Since the progress threshold is so large might as well set the batch normalization // stats window to something big too. Dlib.SetAllBnRunningStatsWindowSizes(net, 1000); // Output training parameters. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(trainer); var samples = new List <Matrix <RgbPixel> >(); var labels = new List <Matrix <ushort> >(); //// Start a bunch of threads that read images from disk and pull out random crops. It's //// important to be sure to feed the GPU fast enough to keep it busy. Using multiple //// thread for this kind of data preparation helps us do that. Each thread puts the //// crops into the data queue. using (var data = new Pipe <TrainingSample>(200)) { var function = new Action <object>(seed => { using (var rnd = new Rand((ulong)seed)) { while (data.IsEnabled) { // Pick a random input image. var imageInfo = listing[rnd.GetRandom32BitNumber() % listing.Length]; // Load the input image. using (var inputImage = Dlib.LoadImageAsMatrix <RgbPixel>(imageInfo.ImageFilename)) { // Load the ground-truth (RGB) labels. using (var rgbLabelImage = Dlib.LoadImageAsMatrix <RgbPixel>(imageInfo.ClassLabelFilename)) { // Convert the indexes to RGB values. using (var indexLabelImage = new Matrix <ushort>()) { PascalVOC2012.RgbLabelImageToIndexLabelImage(rgbLabelImage, indexLabelImage); // Randomly pick a part of the image. var temp = new TrainingSample(); RandomlyCropImage(inputImage, indexLabelImage, temp, rnd); // Push the result to be used by the trainer. data.Enqueue(temp); } } } } } }); var threads = Enumerable.Range(1, 1).Select(i => { var dataLoader = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(function)) { Name = $"dataLoader{i}" }; dataLoader.Start((ulong)i); return(dataLoader); }).ToArray(); // The main training loop. Keep making mini-batches and giving them to the trainer. // We will run until the learning rate has dropped by a factor of 1e-4. while (trainer.GetLearningRate() >= 1e-4) { samples.DisposeElement(); labels.DisposeElement(); samples.Clear(); labels.Clear(); // make a 30-image mini-batch while (samples.Count < 30) { data.Dequeue(out var temp); samples.Add(temp.InputImage); labels.Add(temp.LabelImage); temp.Dispose(); } LossMulticlassLogPerPixel.TrainOneStep(trainer, samples, labels); } // Training done, tell threads to stop and make sure to wait for them to finish before // moving on. data.Disable(); foreach (var thread in threads) { thread.Join(); } // also wait for threaded processing to stop in the trainer. trainer.GetNet(); net.Clean(); Console.WriteLine("saving network"); LossMulticlassLogPerPixel.Serialize(net, "semantic_segmentation_voc2012net.dnn"); } // Make a copy of the network to use it for inference. using (var anet = net.CloneAs(1)) { Console.WriteLine("Testing the network..."); // Find the accuracy of the newly trained network on both the training and the validation sets. Console.WriteLine($"train accuracy : {CalculateAccuracy(anet, PascalVOC2012.GetPascalVoc2012TrainListing(args[0]))}"); Console.WriteLine($"val accuracy : {CalculateAccuracy(anet, PascalVOC2012.GetPascalVoc2012ValListing(args[0]))}"); } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return(1); } return(0); }
private void Train(Parameter parameter) { try { IList <Matrix <C> > trainingImages; IList <T> trainingLabels; IList <Matrix <C> > testingImages; IList <T> testingLabels; Logger.Info("Start load train images"); Load(parameter.Dataset, "train", out trainingImages, out trainingLabels); Logger.Info($"Load train images: {trainingImages.Count}"); Logger.Info("Start load test images"); Load(parameter.Dataset, "test", out testingImages, out testingLabels); Logger.Info($"Load test images: {testingImages.Count}"); Logger.Info(""); // So with that out of the way, we can make a network instance. var networkId = SetupNetwork(); using (var net = new LossMulticlassLog(networkId)) using (var solver = new Adam()) using (var trainer = new DnnTrainer <LossMulticlassLog>(net, solver)) { var learningRate = parameter.LearningRate; var minLearningRate = parameter.MinLearningRate; var miniBatchSize = parameter.MiniBatchSize; var baseName = parameter.BaseName; var epoch = parameter.Epoch; var validation = parameter.Validation; trainer.SetLearningRate(learningRate); trainer.SetMinLearningRate(minLearningRate); trainer.SetMiniBatchSize(miniBatchSize); trainer.BeVerbose(); trainer.SetSynchronizationFile(baseName, 180); // create array box var trainingImagesCount = trainingImages.Count; var trainingLabelsCount = trainingLabels.Count; var maxIteration = (int)Math.Ceiling(trainingImagesCount / (float)miniBatchSize); var imageBatches = new Matrix <C> [maxIteration][]; var labelBatches = new uint[maxIteration][]; for (var i = 0; i < maxIteration; i++) { if (miniBatchSize <= trainingImagesCount - i * miniBatchSize) { imageBatches[i] = new Matrix <C> [miniBatchSize]; labelBatches[i] = new uint[miniBatchSize]; } else { imageBatches[i] = new Matrix <C> [trainingImagesCount % miniBatchSize]; labelBatches[i] = new uint[trainingLabelsCount % miniBatchSize]; } } using (var fs = new FileStream($"{baseName}.log", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Write)) using (var sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.UTF8)) for (var e = 0; e < epoch; e++) { var randomArray = Enumerable.Range(0, trainingImagesCount).OrderBy(i => Guid.NewGuid()).ToArray(); var index = 0; for (var i = 0; i < imageBatches.Length; i++) { var currentImages = imageBatches[i]; var currentLabels = labelBatches[i]; for (var j = 0; j < imageBatches[i].Length; j++) { var rIndex = randomArray[index]; currentImages[j] = trainingImages[rIndex]; currentLabels[j] = this.Cast(trainingLabels[rIndex]); index++; } } for (var i = 0; i < maxIteration; i++) { LossMulticlassLog.TrainOneStep(trainer, imageBatches[i], labelBatches[i]); } var lr = trainer.GetLearningRate(); var loss = trainer.GetAverageLoss(); var trainLog = $"Epoch: {e}, learning Rate: {lr}, average loss: {loss}"; Logger.Info(trainLog); sw.WriteLine(trainLog); if (e >= 0 && e % validation == 0) { var validationParameter = new ValidationParameter <T, C> { BaseName = parameter.BaseName, Output = parameter.Output, Trainer = net, TrainingImages = trainingImages, TrainingLabels = trainingLabels, TestingImages = testingImages, TestingLabels = testingLabels, UseConsole = true, SaveToXml = true, OutputDiffLog = true }; Validation(validationParameter, out var trainAccuracy, out var testAccuracy); var validationLog = $"Epoch: {e}, train accuracy: {trainAccuracy}, test accuracy: {testAccuracy}"; Logger.Info(validationLog); sw.WriteLine(validationLog); var name = this.GetBaseName(parameter.Epoch, parameter.LearningRate, parameter.MinLearningRate, parameter.MiniBatchSize); UpdateBestModelFile(net, testAccuracy, parameter.Output, name, "test"); UpdateBestModelFile(net, trainAccuracy, parameter.Output, name, "train"); } if (lr < minLearningRate) { Logger.Info($"Stop training: {lr} < {minLearningRate}"); break; } } // wait for training threads to stop trainer.GetNet(); Logger.Info("done training"); net.Clean(); LossMulticlassLog.Serialize(net, $"{baseName}.tmp"); // Now let's run the training images through the network. This statement runs all the // images through it and asks the loss layer to convert the network's raw output into // labels. In our case, these labels are the numbers between 0 and 9. var validationParameter2 = new ValidationParameter <T, C> { BaseName = parameter.BaseName, Output = parameter.Output, Trainer = net, TrainingImages = trainingImages, TrainingLabels = trainingLabels, TestingImages = testingImages, TestingLabels = testingLabels, UseConsole = true, SaveToXml = true, OutputDiffLog = true }; Validation(validationParameter2, out _, out _); // clean up tmp files Clean(parameter.Output); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e.Message); } }
private static void Main() { try { // The API for doing metric learning is very similar to the API for // multi-class classification. In fact, the inputs are the same, a bunch of // labeled objects. So here we create our dataset. We make up some simple // vectors and label them with the integers 1,2,3,4. The specific values of // the integer labels don't matter. var samples = new List <Matrix <double> >(); var labels = new List <uint>(); // class 1 training vectors samples.Add(new Matrix <double>(new MatrixTemplateSizeParameter(0, 1), new double[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 })); labels.Add(1); samples.Add(new Matrix <double>(new MatrixTemplateSizeParameter(0, 1), new double[] { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 })); labels.Add(1); // class 2 training vectors samples.Add(new Matrix <double>(new MatrixTemplateSizeParameter(0, 1), new double[] { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 })); labels.Add(2); samples.Add(new Matrix <double>(new MatrixTemplateSizeParameter(0, 1), new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 })); labels.Add(2); // class 3 training vectors samples.Add(new Matrix <double>(new MatrixTemplateSizeParameter(0, 1), new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 })); labels.Add(3); samples.Add(new Matrix <double>(new MatrixTemplateSizeParameter(0, 1), new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 })); labels.Add(3); // class 4 training vectors samples.Add(new Matrix <double>(new MatrixTemplateSizeParameter(0, 1), new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 })); labels.Add(4); samples.Add(new Matrix <double>(new MatrixTemplateSizeParameter(0, 1), new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 })); labels.Add(4); // Make a network that simply learns a linear mapping from 8D vectors to 2D // vectors. using (var net = new LossMetric(1)) using (var trainer = new DnnTrainer <LossMetric>(net)) { trainer.SetLearningRate(0.1); // It should be emphasized out that it's really important that each mini-batch contain // multiple instances of each class of object. This is because the metric learning // algorithm needs to consider pairs of objects that should be close as well as pairs // of objects that should be far apart during each training step. Here we just keep // training on the same small batch so this constraint is trivially satisfied. while (trainer.GetLearningRate() >= 1e-4) { LossMetric.TrainOneStep(trainer, samples, labels); } // Wait for training threads to stop trainer.GetNet().Dispose(); Console.WriteLine("done training"); // Run all the samples through the network to get their 2D vector embeddings. var embedded = net.Operator(samples); // Print the embedding for each sample to the screen. If you look at the // outputs carefully you should notice that they are grouped together in 2D // space according to their label. for (var i = 0; i < embedded.Count(); ++i) { using (var trans = Dlib.Trans(embedded[i])) Console.Write($"label: {labels[i]}\t{trans}"); } // Now, check if the embedding puts things with the same labels near each other and // things with different labels far apart. var numRight = 0; var numWrong = 0; for (var i = 0; i < embedded.Count(); ++i) { for (var j = i + 1; j < embedded.Count(); ++j) { if (labels[i] == labels[j]) { // The loss_metric layer will cause things with the same label to be less // than net.loss_details().get_distance_threshold() distance from each // other. So we can use that distance value as our testing threshold for // "being near to each other". if (Dlib.Length(embedded[i] - embedded[j]) < net.GetLossDetails().GetDistanceThreshold()) { ++numRight; } else { ++numWrong; } } else { if (Dlib.Length(embedded[i] - embedded[j]) >= net.GetLossDetails().GetDistanceThreshold()) { ++numRight; } else { ++numWrong; } } } } Console.WriteLine($"num_right: {numRight}"); Console.WriteLine($"num_wrong: {numWrong}"); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { try { if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Give the path to a folder containing training.xml and testing.xml files."); Console.WriteLine("This example program is specifically designed to run on the dlib vehicle "); Console.WriteLine("detection dataset, which is available at this URL: "); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("So download that dataset, extract it somewhere, and then run this program"); Console.WriteLine("with the dlib_rear_end_vehicles folder as an argument. E.g. if you extract"); Console.WriteLine("the dataset to the current folder then you should run this example program"); Console.WriteLine("by typing: "); Console.WriteLine(" ./dnn_mmod_train_find_cars_ex dlib_rear_end_vehicles"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("It takes about a day to finish if run on a high end GPU like a 1080ti."); Console.WriteLine(); return; } var dataDirectory = args[0]; IList <Matrix <RgbPixel> > imagesTrain; IList <Matrix <RgbPixel> > imagesTest; IList <IList <MModRect> > boxesTrain; IList <IList <MModRect> > boxesTest; Dlib.LoadImageDataset(dataDirectory + "/training.xml", out imagesTrain, out boxesTrain); Dlib.LoadImageDataset(dataDirectory + "/testing.xml", out imagesTest, out boxesTest); // When I was creating the dlib vehicle detection dataset I had to label all the cars // in each image. MMOD requires all cars to be labeled, since any unlabeled part of an // image is implicitly assumed to be not a car, and the algorithm will use it as // negative training data. So every car must be labeled, either with a normal // rectangle or an "ignore" rectangle that tells MMOD to simply ignore it (i.e. neither // treat it as a thing to detect nor as negative training data). // // In our present case, many images contain very tiny cars in the distance, ones that // are essentially just dark smudges. It's not reasonable to expect the CNN // architecture we defined to detect such vehicles. However, I erred on the side of // having more complete annotations when creating the dataset. So when I labeled these // images I labeled many of these really difficult cases as vehicles to detect. // // So the first thing we are going to do is clean up our dataset a little bit. In // particular, we are going to mark boxes smaller than 35*35 pixels as ignore since // only really small and blurry cars appear at those sizes. We will also mark boxes // that are heavily overlapped by another box as ignore. We do this because we want to // allow for stronger non-maximum suppression logic in the learned detector, since that // will help make it easier to learn a good detector. // // To explain this non-max suppression idea further it's important to understand how // the detector works. Essentially, sliding window detectors scan all image locations // and ask "is there a car here?". If there really is a car in a specific location in // an image then usually many slightly different sliding window locations will produce // high detection scores, indicating that there is a car at those locations. If we // just stopped there then each car would produce multiple detections. But that isn't // what we want. We want each car to produce just one detection. So it's common for // detectors to include "non-maximum suppression" logic which simply takes the // strongest detection and then deletes all detections "close to" the strongest. This // is a simple post-processing step that can eliminate duplicate detections. However, // we have to define what "close to" means. We can do this by looking at your training // data and checking how close the closest target boxes are to each other, and then // picking a "close to" measure that doesn't suppress those target boxes but is // otherwise as tight as possible. This is exactly what the mmod_options object does // by default. // // Importantly, this means that if your training dataset contains an image with two // target boxes that really overlap a whole lot, then the non-maximum suppression // "close to" measure will be configured to allow detections to really overlap a whole // lot. On the other hand, if your dataset didn't contain any overlapped boxes at all, // then the non-max suppression logic would be configured to filter out any boxes that // overlapped at all, and thus would be performing a much stronger non-max suppression. // // Why does this matter? Well, remember that we want to avoid duplicate detections. // If non-max suppression just kills everything in a really wide area around a car then // the CNN doesn't really need to learn anything about avoiding duplicate detections. // However, if non-max suppression only suppresses a tiny area around each detection // then the CNN will need to learn to output small detection scores for those areas of // the image not suppressed. The smaller the non-max suppression region the more the // CNN has to learn and the more difficult the learning problem will become. This is // why we remove highly overlapped objects from the training dataset. That is, we do // it so the non-max suppression logic will be able to be reasonably effective. Here // we are ensuring that any boxes that are entirely contained by another are // suppressed. We also ensure that boxes with an intersection over union of 0.5 or // greater are suppressed. This will improve the resulting detector since it will be // able to use more aggressive non-max suppression settings. var numOverlappedIgnoredTest = 0; foreach (var v in boxesTest) { using (var overlap = new TestBoxOverlap(0.50, 0.95)) numOverlappedIgnoredTest += IgnoreOverlappedBoxes(v, overlap); } var numOverlappedIgnored = 0; var numAdditionalIgnored = 0; foreach (var v in boxesTrain) { using (var overlap = new TestBoxOverlap(0.50, 0.95)) numOverlappedIgnored += IgnoreOverlappedBoxes(v, overlap); foreach (var bb in v) { if (bb.Rect.Width < 35 && bb.Rect.Height < 35) { if (!bb.Ignore) { bb.Ignore = true; ++numAdditionalIgnored; } } // The dlib vehicle detection dataset doesn't contain any detections with // really extreme aspect ratios. However, some datasets do, often because of // bad labeling. So it's a good idea to check for that and either eliminate // those boxes or set them to ignore. Although, this depends on your // application. // // For instance, if your dataset has boxes with an aspect ratio // of 10 then you should think about what that means for the network // architecture. Does the receptive field even cover the entirety of the box // in those cases? Do you care about these boxes? Are they labeling errors? // I find that many people will download some dataset from the internet and // just take it as given. They run it through some training algorithm and take // the dataset as unchallengeable truth. But many datasets are full of // labeling errors. There are also a lot of datasets that aren't full of // errors, but are annotated in a sloppy and inconsistent way. Fixing those // errors and inconsistencies can often greatly improve models trained from // such data. It's almost always worth the time to try and improve your // training dataset. // // In any case, my point is that there are other types of dataset cleaning you // could put here. What exactly you need depends on your application. But you // should carefully consider it and not take your dataset as a given. The work // of creating a good detector is largely about creating a high quality // training dataset. } } // When modifying a dataset like this, it's a really good idea to print a log of how // many boxes you ignored. It's easy to accidentally ignore a huge block of data, so // you should always look and see that things are doing what you expect. Console.WriteLine($"num_overlapped_ignored: {numOverlappedIgnored}"); Console.WriteLine($"num_additional_ignored: {numAdditionalIgnored}"); Console.WriteLine($"num_overlapped_ignored_test: {numOverlappedIgnoredTest}"); Console.WriteLine($"num training images: {imagesTrain.Count()}"); Console.WriteLine($"num testing images: {imagesTest.Count()}"); // Our vehicle detection dataset has basically 3 different types of boxes. Square // boxes, tall and skinny boxes (e.g. semi trucks), and short and wide boxes (e.g. // sedans). Here we are telling the MMOD algorithm that a vehicle is recognizable as // long as the longest box side is at least 70 pixels long and the shortest box side is // at least 30 pixels long. mmod_options will use these parameters to decide how large // each of the sliding windows needs to be so as to be able to detect all the vehicles. // Since our dataset has basically these 3 different aspect ratios, it will decide to // use 3 different sliding windows. This means the final con layer in the network will // have 3 filters, one for each of these aspect ratios. // // Another thing to consider when setting the sliding window size is the "stride" of // your network. The network we defined above downsamples the image by a factor of 8x // in the first few layers. So when the sliding windows are scanning the image, they // are stepping over it with a stride of 8 pixels. If you set the sliding window size // too small then the stride will become an issue. For instance, if you set the // sliding window size to 4 pixels, then it means a 4x4 window will be moved by 8 // pixels at a time when scanning. This is obviously a problem since 75% of the image // won't even be visited by the sliding window. So you need to set the window size to // be big enough relative to the stride of your network. In our case, the windows are // at least 30 pixels in length, so being moved by 8 pixel steps is fine. using (var options = new MModOptions(boxesTrain, 70, 30)) { // This setting is very important and dataset specific. The vehicle detection dataset // contains boxes that are marked as "ignore", as we discussed above. Some of them are // ignored because we set ignore to true in the above code. However, the xml files // also contained a lot of ignore boxes. Some of them are large boxes that encompass // large parts of an image and the intention is to have everything inside those boxes // be ignored. Therefore, we need to tell the MMOD algorithm to do that, which we do // by setting options.overlaps_ignore appropriately. // // But first, we need to understand exactly what this option does. The MMOD loss // is essentially counting the number of false alarms + missed detections produced by // the detector for each image. During training, the code is running the detector on // each image in a mini-batch and looking at its output and counting the number of // mistakes. The optimizer tries to find parameters settings that minimize the number // of detector mistakes. // // This overlaps_ignore option allows you to tell the loss that some outputs from the // detector should be totally ignored, as if they never happened. In particular, if a // detection overlaps a box in the training data with ignore==true then that detection // is ignored. This overlap is determined by calling // options.overlaps_ignore(the_detection, the_ignored_training_box). If it returns // true then that detection is ignored. // // You should read the documentation for test_box_overlap, the class type for // overlaps_ignore for full details. However, the gist is that the default behavior is // to only consider boxes as overlapping if their intersection over union is > 0.5. // However, the dlib vehicle detection dataset contains large boxes that are meant to // mask out large areas of an image. So intersection over union isn't an appropriate // way to measure "overlaps with box" in this case. We want any box that is contained // inside one of these big regions to be ignored, even if the detection box is really // small. So we set overlaps_ignore to behave that way with this line. options.OverlapsIgnore = new TestBoxOverlap(0.5, 0.95); using (var net = new LossMmod(options, 3)) { // The final layer of the network must be a con layer that contains // options.detector_windows.size() filters. This is because these final filters are // what perform the final "sliding window" detection in the network. For the dlib // vehicle dataset, there will be 3 sliding window detectors, so we will be setting // num_filters to 3 here. var detectorWindows = options.DetectorWindows.ToArray(); using (var subnet = net.GetSubnet()) using (var details = subnet.GetLayerDetails()) { details.SetNumFilters(detectorWindows.Length); using (var trainer = new DnnTrainer <LossMmod>(net)) { trainer.SetLearningRate(0.1); trainer.BeVerbose(); // While training, we are going to use early stopping. That is, we will be checking // how good the detector is performing on our test data and when it stops getting // better on the test data we will drop the learning rate. We will keep doing that // until the learning rate is less than 1e-4. These two settings tell the trainer to // do that. Essentially, we are setting the first argument to infinity, and only the // test iterations without progress threshold will matter. In particular, it says that // once we observe 1000 testing mini-batches where the test loss clearly isn't // decreasing we will lower the learning rate. trainer.SetIterationsWithoutProgressThreshold(50000); trainer.SetTestIterationsWithoutProgressThreshold(1000); const string syncFilename = "mmod_cars_sync"; trainer.SetSynchronizationFile(syncFilename, 5 * 60); IEnumerable <Matrix <RgbPixel> > mini_batch_samples; IEnumerable <IEnumerable <MModRect> > mini_batch_labels; using (var cropper = new RandomCropper()) { cropper.SetSeed(0); cropper.SetChipDims(350, 350); // Usually you want to give the cropper whatever min sizes you passed to the // mmod_options constructor, or very slightly smaller sizes, which is what we do here. cropper.SetMinObjectSize(69, 28); cropper.MaxRotationDegrees = 2; using (var rnd = new Rand()) { // Log the training parameters to the console Console.WriteLine($"{trainer}{cropper}"); var cnt = 1; // Run the trainer until the learning rate gets small. while (trainer.GetLearningRate() >= 1e-4) { // Every 30 mini-batches we do a testing mini-batch. if (cnt % 30 != 0 || !imagesTest.Any()) { cropper.Operator(87, imagesTrain, boxesTrain, out mini_batch_samples, out mini_batch_labels); // We can also randomly jitter the colors and that often helps a detector // generalize better to new images. foreach (var img in mini_batch_samples) { Dlib.DisturbColors(img, rnd); } // It's a good idea to, at least once, put code here that displays the images // and boxes the random cropper is generating. You should look at them and // think about if the output makes sense for your problem. Most of the time // it will be fine, but sometimes you will realize that the pattern of cropping // isn't really appropriate for your problem and you will need to make some // change to how the mini-batches are being generated. Maybe you will tweak // some of the cropper's settings, or write your own entirely separate code to // create mini-batches. But either way, if you don't look you will never know. // An easy way to do this is to create a dlib::image_window to display the // images and boxes. LossMmod.TrainOneStep(trainer, mini_batch_samples, mini_batch_labels); mini_batch_samples.DisposeElement(); mini_batch_labels.DisposeElement(); } else { cropper.Operator(87, imagesTest, boxesTest, out mini_batch_samples, out mini_batch_labels); // We can also randomly jitter the colors and that often helps a detector // generalize better to new images. foreach (var img in mini_batch_samples) { Dlib.DisturbColors(img, rnd); } LossMmod.TestOneStep(trainer, mini_batch_samples, mini_batch_labels); mini_batch_samples.DisposeElement(); mini_batch_labels.DisposeElement(); } ++cnt; } // wait for training threads to stop trainer.GetNet(); Console.WriteLine("done training"); // Save the network to disk net.Clean(); LossMmod.Serialize(net, "mmod_rear_end_vehicle_detector.dat"); // It's a really good idea to print the training parameters. This is because you will // invariably be running multiple rounds of training and should be logging the output // to a file. This print statement will include many of the training parameters in // your log. Console.WriteLine($"{trainer}{cropper}"); Console.WriteLine($"\nsync_filename: {syncFilename}"); Console.WriteLine($"num training images: {imagesTrain.Count()}"); using (var _ = new TestBoxOverlap()) using (var matrix = Dlib.TestObjectDetectionFunction(net, imagesTrain, boxesTrain, _, 0, options.OverlapsIgnore)) Console.WriteLine($"training results: {matrix}"); // Upsampling the data will allow the detector to find smaller cars. Recall that // we configured it to use a sliding window nominally 70 pixels in size. So upsampling // here will let it find things nominally 35 pixels in size. Although we include a // limit of 1800*1800 here which means "don't upsample an image if it's already larger // than 1800*1800". We do this so we don't run out of RAM, which is a concern because // some of the images in the dlib vehicle dataset are really high resolution. Dlib.UpsampleImageDataset(2, imagesTrain, boxesTrain, 1800 * 1800); using (var _ = new TestBoxOverlap()) using (var matrix = Dlib.TestObjectDetectionFunction(net, imagesTrain, boxesTrain, _, 0, options.OverlapsIgnore)) Console.WriteLine($"training upsampled results: {matrix}"); Console.WriteLine("num testing images: {images_test.Count()}"); using (var _ = new TestBoxOverlap()) using (var matrix = Dlib.TestObjectDetectionFunction(net, imagesTest, boxesTest, _, 0, options.OverlapsIgnore)) Console.WriteLine($"testing results: {matrix}"); Dlib.UpsampleImageDataset(2, imagesTest, boxesTest, 1800 * 1800); using (var _ = new TestBoxOverlap()) using (var matrix = Dlib.TestObjectDetectionFunction(net, imagesTest, boxesTest, _, 0, options.OverlapsIgnore)) Console.WriteLine($"testing upsampled results: {matrix}"); /* * This program takes many hours to execute on a high end GPU. It took about a day to * train on a NVIDIA 1080ti. The resulting model file is available at * * It should be noted that this file on has a dlib::shape_predictor appended * onto the end of it (see dnn_mmod_find_cars_ex.cpp for an example of its use). This * explains why the model file on is larger than the * mmod_rear_end_vehicle_detector.dat output by this program. * * You can see some videos of this vehicle detector running on YouTube: * * * * Also, the training and testing accuracies were: * num training images: 2217 * training results: 0.990738 0.736431 0.736073 * training upsampled results: 0.986837 0.937694 0.936912 * num testing images: 135 * testing results: 0.988827 0.471372 0.470806 * testing upsampled results: 0.987879 0.651132 0.650399 */ } } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { try { // In this example we are going to train a face detector based on the // small faces dataset in the examples/faces directory. So the first // thing we do is load that dataset. This means you need to supply the // path to this faces folder as a command line argument so we will know // where it is. if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("Give the path to the examples/faces directory as the argument to this"); Console.WriteLine("program. For example, if you are in the examples folder then execute "); Console.WriteLine("this program by running: "); Console.WriteLine(" ./dnn_mmod_ex faces"); return; } var facesDirectory = args[0]; // The faces directory contains a training dataset and a separate // testing dataset. The training data consists of 4 images, each // annotated with rectangles that bound each human face. The idea is // to use this training data to learn to identify human faces in new // images. // // Once you have trained an object detector it is always important to // test it on data it wasn't trained on. Therefore, we will also load // a separate testing set of 5 images. Once we have a face detector // created from the training data we will see how well it works by // running it on the testing images. // // So here we create the variables that will hold our dataset. // images_train will hold the 4 training images and face_boxes_train // holds the locations of the faces in the training images. So for // example, the image images_train[0] has the faces given by the // rectangles in face_boxes_train[0]. IList <Matrix <RgbPixel> > imagesTrain; IList <Matrix <RgbPixel> > imagesTest; IList <IList <MModRect> > faceBoxesTrain; IList <IList <MModRect> > faceBoxesTest; // Now we load the data. These XML files list the images in each dataset // and also contain the positions of the face boxes. Obviously you can use // any kind of input format you like so long as you store the data into // images_train and face_boxes_train. But for convenience dlib comes with // tools for creating and loading XML image datasets. Here you see how to // load the data. To create the XML files you can use the imglab tool which // can be found in the tools/imglab folder. It is a simple graphical tool // for labeling objects in images with boxes. To see how to use it read the // tools/imglab/README.txt file. Dlib.LoadImageDataset(facesDirectory + "/training.xml", out imagesTrain, out faceBoxesTrain); Dlib.LoadImageDataset(facesDirectory + "/testing.xml", out imagesTest, out faceBoxesTest); Console.WriteLine($"num training images: {imagesTrain.Count()}"); Console.WriteLine($"num testing images: {imagesTest.Count()}"); // The MMOD algorithm has some options you can set to control its behavior. However, // you can also call the constructor with your training annotations and a "target // object size" and it will automatically configure itself in a reasonable way for your // problem. Here we are saying that faces are still recognizably faces when they are // 40x40 pixels in size. You should generally pick the smallest size where this is // true. Based on this information the mmod_options constructor will automatically // pick a good sliding window width and height. It will also automatically set the // non-max-suppression parameters to something reasonable. For further details see the // mmod_options documentation. using (var options = new MModOptions(faceBoxesTrain, 40, 40)) { // The detector will automatically decide to use multiple sliding windows if needed. // For the face data, only one is needed however. var detectorWindows = options.DetectorWindows.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine($"num detector windows: {detectorWindows.Length}"); foreach (var w in detectorWindows) { Console.WriteLine($"detector window width by height: {w.Width} x {w.Height}"); } Console.WriteLine($"overlap NMS IOU thresh: {options.OverlapsNms.GetIouThresh()}"); Console.WriteLine($"overlap NMS percent covered thresh: {options.OverlapsNms.GetPercentCoveredThresh()}"); // Now we are ready to create our network and trainer. using (var net = new LossMmod(options, 2)) { // The MMOD loss requires that the number of filters in the final network layer equal // options.detector_windows.size(). So we set that here as well. using (var subnet = net.GetSubnet()) using (var details = subnet.GetLayerDetails()) { details.SetNumFilters(detectorWindows.Length); using (var trainer = new DnnTrainer <LossMmod>(net)) { trainer.SetLearningRate(0.1); trainer.BeVerbose(); trainer.SetSynchronizationFile("mmod_sync", 5 * 60); trainer.SetIterationsWithoutProgressThreshold(300); // Now let's train the network. We are going to use mini-batches of 150 // images. The images are random crops from our training set (see // random_cropper_ex.cpp for a discussion of the random_cropper). IEnumerable <Matrix <RgbPixel> > miniBatchSamples; //IEnumerable<IEnumerable<RgbPixel>> mini_batch_labels; IEnumerable <IEnumerable <MModRect> > miniBatchLabels; using (var cropper = new RandomCropper()) using (var chipDims = new ChipDims(200, 200)) { cropper.ChipDims = chipDims; // Usually you want to give the cropper whatever min sizes you passed to the // mmod_options constructor, which is what we do here. cropper.SetMinObjectSize(40, 40); using (var rnd = new Rand()) { // Run the trainer until the learning rate gets small. This will probably take several // hours. while (trainer.GetLearningRate() >= 1e-4) { cropper.Operator(150, imagesTrain, faceBoxesTrain, out miniBatchSamples, out miniBatchLabels); // We can also randomly jitter the colors and that often helps a detector // generalize better to new images. foreach (var img in miniBatchSamples) { Dlib.DisturbColors(img, rnd); } LossMmod.TrainOneStep(trainer, miniBatchSamples, miniBatchLabels); miniBatchSamples.DisposeElement(); miniBatchLabels.DisposeElement(); } // wait for training threads to stop trainer.GetNet(); Console.WriteLine("done training"); // Save the network to disk net.Clean(); LossMmod.Serialize(net, "mmod_network.dat"); // Now that we have a face detector we can test it. The first statement tests it // on the training data. It will print the precision, recall, and then average precision. // This statement should indicate that the network works perfectly on the // training data. using (var matrix = Dlib.TestObjectDetectionFunction(net, imagesTrain, faceBoxesTrain)) Console.WriteLine($"training results: {matrix}"); // However, to get an idea if it really worked without overfitting we need to run // it on images it wasn't trained on. The next line does this. Happily, // this statement indicates that the detector finds most of the faces in the // testing data. using (var matrix = Dlib.TestObjectDetectionFunction(net, imagesTest, faceBoxesTest)) Console.WriteLine($"testing results: {matrix}"); // If you are running many experiments, it's also useful to log the settings used // during the training experiment. This statement will print the settings we used to // the screen. Console.WriteLine($"{trainer}{cropper}"); // Now lets run the detector on the testing images and look at the outputs. using (var win = new ImageWindow()) foreach (var img in imagesTest) { Dlib.PyramidUp(img); var dets = net.Operator(img); win.ClearOverlay(); win.SetImage(img); foreach (var d in dets[0]) { win.AddOverlay(d); } Console.ReadKey(); foreach (var det in dets) { foreach (var d in det) { d.Dispose(); } } } // Now that you finished this example, you should read dnn_mmod_train_find_cars_ex.cpp, // which is a more advanced example. It discusses many issues surrounding properly // setting the MMOD parameters and creating a good training dataset. } } } } } detectorWindows.DisposeElement(); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }