public static ContactBase AddADRecipientToContacts(UserContext userContext, ADRecipient adRecipient) { if (userContext == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("userContext"); } if (adRecipient == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("adRecipient"); } Participant primaryParticipant = ContactUtilities.GetPrimaryParticipant(adRecipient); if (primaryParticipant == null) { return(null); } if (adRecipient is IADDistributionList) { DistributionList distributionList = DistributionList.Create(userContext.MailboxSession, userContext.ContactsFolderId); distributionList.Add(new Participant(adRecipient)); distributionList.DisplayName = (string)adRecipient[ADRecipientSchema.DisplayName]; distributionList.Save(SaveMode.ResolveConflicts); return(distributionList); } Contact contact = Contact.Create(userContext.MailboxSession, userContext.ContactsFolderId); ContactUtilities.AddContactProperties(userContext, contact, adRecipient, primaryParticipant); contact.Save(SaveMode.ResolveConflicts); return(contact); }
public DistributionList generateRandomDist(int count) { var dists = new DistributionList(); var dist = new DistributionSummary(); var rand = new Random(); bool hasDeposit = false; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { hasDeposit = rand.Next(1, 10) % 2 == 0; dist = new DistributionSummary() { OriginalDistributionID = rand.Next(100000, 999999), TargetAgentID = rand.Next(100, 10000), TargetAgentName = "Random Branch #" + i, RequestTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(rand.Next(100, 10000) * -1), Amount = rand.Next(10, 10000) * 1000, HasDeposit = hasDeposit, BankName = hasDeposit ? "Random Bank #" + i : null, AccountNumber = hasDeposit ? rand.Next(1000000, 9999999).ToString() : null, ReferenceNumber = hasDeposit ? rand.Next(10000, 99999).ToString() : null, DepositComment = "Deposit comment #" + i }; if (hasDeposit) { dist.DepositDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(rand.Next(100, 10000) * -1); } dists.Add(dist); } return(dists); }
// Token: 0x06002DA8 RID: 11688 RVA: 0x00102654 File Offset: 0x00100854 private static void AddMembersToDL(DistributionList distributionList, RecipientInfo[] recipients, int validCount) { int num = 0; while (num < recipients.Length && num < validCount) { Participant participant; recipients[num].ToParticipant(out participant); distributionList.Add(participant); num++; } }
private void SettingsChangedMethod(object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { //different kind of changes that may have occurred in collection if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add) { foreach (Setting item in e.NewItems) { item.PropertyChanged += Setting_PropertyChanged; if (item.Scope == Setting.Scopes.DistributionSource.ToString() && item.Key != null) { DistributionSourceMap[item.Key] = item.Value; NotifyPropertyChanged("DistributionSourceMap"); } if (item.Scope == Setting.Scopes.DistributionTarget.ToString() && item.Key != null) { DistributionList.Add(new DistributionItem() { Folder = item.Key }); DistributionTargetMap[item.Key] = item.Value; NotifyPropertyChanged("DistributionTargetMap"); } if (item.Scope == Setting.Scopes.DistributionExe.ToString() && item.Key != null) { if (!Executables.Contains(item.Value)) { Executables.Add(item.Value); } var distribution = DistributionList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Folder == item.Key); if (distribution != null) { distribution.Executable = item.Value; } } } } if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace) { foreach (Setting item in e.OldItems) { item.PropertyChanged -= Setting_PropertyChanged; } foreach (Setting item in e.NewItems) { item.PropertyChanged += Setting_PropertyChanged; } } if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove) { foreach (Setting item in e.OldItems) { item.PropertyChanged -= Setting_PropertyChanged; if (item.Scope == Setting.Scopes.DistributionSource.ToString() && item.Key != null) { DistributionSourceMap.Remove(item.Key); } if (item.Scope == Setting.Scopes.DistributionTarget.ToString() && item.Key != null) { DistributionTargetMap.Remove(item.Key); } if (item.Scope == Setting.Scopes.DistributionExe.ToString() && item.Key != null) { var setting = SettingsList.First(x => (x.Scope == item.Scope && x.Value == item.Value)); if (setting == null && Executables.Contains(item.Value)) { Executables.Remove(item.Value); } var distribution = DistributionList.First(x => x.Folder == item.Key); if (distribution != null) { distribution.Executable = ""; } } } } if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move) { //your code } }