private async void GenerateDistressSuggestions()
            //Bottom Half. Again most of the work is done in Database class
            DistressResponses = await App.database.GetDistressInterventions(DistressType);

            if (DistressType.Equals("Acute") && DistressExpressions.Any(p => p.Override != null && p.Override.Equals("LT-Acute")))
                DistressSuggestions = await App.database.GetDistressSuggestions("LT-Acute");
                DistressSuggestions = await App.database.GetDistressSuggestions(DistressType);
         * private void ResetChart() {
         *  List<ChartEntry> entries = new List<ChartEntry>();
         *  foreach (UserInputDistressLevel timestamp in FilteredHistory) {
         *      Magnitude.TryGetValue(timestamp.DistressLevelType, out int value);
         *      entries.Add(new ChartEntry(value) {
         *          Label = "",
         *          ValueLabel = timestamp.StartTime.ToString(),
         *          Color = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
         *      });
         *  }
         *  LineChart = new LineChart() { Entries = entries };
         * }
         * private void ResetChart() {
         *  string level;
         *  string entryDate;
         *  string entryTime;
         *  string labelEntry;
         *  List<ChartEntry> entries = new List<ChartEntry>();
         *  foreach (UserInputDistressLevel timestamp in FilteredHistory) {
         *      Magnitude.TryGetValue(timestamp.DistressLevelType, out int value);
         *      //assign appropriate distress colour level to entry
         *      switch (value) {
         *          case 4:
         *              //Acute Red
         *              level = "#ff0000";
         *              break;
         *          case 3:
         *              //Moderate Orange
         *              //level = "#f05828";
         *              level = "#ffa500";
         *              break;
         *          case 2:
         *              //Mild Yellow
         *              //level = "f8d90f";
         *              level = "#ffff00";
         *              break;
         *          case 1:
         *              //calm - does not have a magniture but color is light green (Neon)
         *              //level = "#8dc63f";
         *              //level = "#32cd32";
         *              level = "#39ff14";
         *              break;
         *          default:
         *              level = "#b455b6";
         *              break;
         *      }
         *      entryTime = timestamp.StartTime.ToString("hh:mm tt");
         *      entryDate = timestamp.StartTime.ToString("dd MMM"); //Gets short Date
         *      labelEntry = entryTime + " " + entryDate;
         *      entries.Add(new ChartEntry(value) {
         *          //Label = "", Label appears underneath Bar Chart as the magnitude of the Bar
         *          Label = value.ToString(),
         *          TextColor = SKColor.Parse("#ffffff"),
         *          //ValueLabel = timestamp.StartTime.ToString(),
         *          //ValueLabel appears on top of the Bar as timestamp
         *          ValueLabel = labelEntry,
         *          ValueLabelColor = SKColor.Parse("#ffffff"),
         *          //Color = SKColor.Parse("#b455b6")
         *          Color = SKColor.Parse(level)
         *      });
         *  }
         *  //LineChart = new LineChart() { Entries = entries, MaxValue = 4, MinValue = 1, LineAreaAlpha = 1, BackgroundColor =SKColor.Parse("#FF90EE90")  };
         *  BarChart = new BarChart() { Entries = entries, MaxValue = 4, MinValue = 1, LabelOrientation = Orientation.Horizontal, ValueLabelOrientation = Orientation.Vertical, BackgroundColor = SKColor.Parse("#006738"), LabelColor = SKColor.Parse("#ffffff"), LabelTextSize = 25f };
         * }

        public void ResetChart()
             * PlotModel -> PlotModel Series -> List of Plot Items

            PlotModel newModel = new PlotModel()  //Instantiates the PlotModel, you can define metadata such as Background or Title here
                Background = OxyColor.Parse("#006738"),

            //Instantiates the barseries, which will be added to the model after the items are added to the series
            var barSeries = new ColumnSeries();

            List <ColumnItem> columnItems = new List <ColumnItem>();

            foreach (UserInputDistressLevel timestamp in FilteredHistory)
                ColumnItem columnItem = new ColumnItem()
                    Color = OxyColor.Parse(DistressType.DistressTypeColour(DistressType.DistressTypeValue(timestamp.DistressLevelType))),
                    Value = DistressType.DistressTypeValue(timestamp.DistressLevelType),

            barSeries.ItemsSource = columnItems; //Sets barseries ItemSource
            newModel.Series.Add(barSeries);      //Sets the barseries

            var yAxis = new LinearAxis()
                Position  = AxisPosition.Left,
                MajorStep = 1,
                MinorStep = 1,
                Maximum   = 4,

            var xAxis = new CategoryAxis()
                Position = AxisPosition.Bottom,


            if (columnItems.Count > 0)
                //Also, if the user has a lot of recorded items, it would be difficult to see these in detail.

                 * if(columnItems.Count > 10){
                 *  //More than 10 items, Graph will be 500px + (50 * number of extra records)
                 *  GraphWidth = 500 + ((columnItems.Count - 10) * 50);
                 * }
                Model = newModel;
                //No Items in Filtered history, set Model to null so axis don't show
                Model = null;