Esempio n. 1
        public static List <String> Searching(Dictionary <String, List <String> > dicVisualWords, List <Dot_RGB> listDot, Size input)
            if (listDot == null || listDot.Count == 0)

            float cellWidth  = input.Width / (float)ConfigPCT.PCT_NUMBER_OF_HORIZONTAL_REGION;
            float cellHeight = input.Height / (float)ConfigPCT.PCT_NUMBER_OF_VERTICAL_REGION;

            Dot_RGB dot    = listDot[0];
            int     xIndex = (int)(listDot[0].location.X / cellWidth);
            int     yIndex = (int)(listDot[0].location.Y / cellHeight);

            List <Color> colorVisualWord = ColorHelper.GenerateColorVisualWord_Rgb();
            Color        color           = colorVisualWord[DistanceHelper.ColorKNN_RGB(dot.color, colorVisualWord)];
            String       key             = color.R + "_" + color.G + "_" + color.B + "_" + xIndex + "_" + yIndex;

            if (dicVisualWords.ContainsKey(key))

Esempio n. 2
        public static List <String> SearchingV3_RGB(Dictionary <string, string> dicVisualWords, List <Dot_RGB> listDotDrawn, Size paperDrawingSize)
            if (listDotDrawn == null || listDotDrawn.Count == 0)

            // init
            bool         SEARCH_MULTI_REGION_FOR_INPUT_DOTS = true;
            List <Color> colorsVisualWord = ColorHelper.GenerateColorVisualWord_Rgb();

            // Get list visual-words match the list input colors >> dicMatched
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            List <string> listKeyMatchTheInputDot = new List <string>();

            foreach (Dot_RGB dot in listDotDrawn)
                Color color = colorsVisualWord[DistanceHelper.ColorKNN_RGB(dot.color, colorsVisualWord)];
                List <RegionOfFrame> listRegionsDotBelongTo = Utils.RegionOfFrameHelper.GetListRegionDotBelongTo(dot.location, dot.radius, paperDrawingSize.Width, paperDrawingSize.Height);
                foreach (RegionOfFrame region in listRegionsDotBelongTo)
                    string key = color.R + "_" + color.G + "_" + color.B + "_" + region.X + "_" + region.Y;
                    //if (!dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ContainsKey(key))
                    //    dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.Add(key, dicVisualWords[key]);
                    if (!listKeyMatchTheInputDot.Contains(key))
                    if (!SEARCH_MULTI_REGION_FOR_INPUT_DOTS)

            // Intersect all item in dicMatched (để lọc bỏ frame trùng ở kết quả)
            //List<string> listFramesResult = dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ElementAt(0).Value;
            List <string> listFramesResult = FileManager.GetInstance().GetAllLinesFromFile(dicVisualWords[listKeyMatchTheInputDot[0]].Replace("D:", ConfigCommon.PCT_INDEX_STORAGE[0] + ":"));

            for (int i = 1; i < listKeyMatchTheInputDot.Count; i++)
                //listFramesResult = dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ElementAt(i).Value.Intersect(listFramesResult).ToList();
                List <string> listFrame = FileManager.GetInstance().GetAllLinesFromFile(dicVisualWords[listKeyMatchTheInputDot[i]].Replace("D:", ConfigCommon.PCT_INDEX_STORAGE[0] + ":"));
                listFramesResult = listFramesResult.Intersect(listFrame).ToList();

Esempio n. 3
        public static List <String> SearchingV2_RGB(Dictionary <string, List <string> > dicVisualWords, List <Dot_RGB> listDotDrawn, Size paperDrawingSize)
            if (listDotDrawn == null || listDotDrawn.Count == 0)

            // init
            bool         SEARCH_MULTI_REGION_FOR_INPUT_DOTS = true;
            List <Color> colorsVisualWord = ColorHelper.GenerateColorVisualWord_Rgb();

            // Get list visual-words match the list input colors >> dicMatched
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

            foreach (Dot_RGB dot in listDotDrawn)
                Color color = dot.color;
                color = colorsVisualWord[DistanceHelper.ColorKNN_RGB(dot.color, colorsVisualWord)];
                List <RegionOfFrame> listRegionsDotBelongTo = Utils.RegionOfFrameHelper.GetListRegionDotBelongTo(dot.location, dot.radius, paperDrawingSize.Width, paperDrawingSize.Height);
                foreach (RegionOfFrame region in listRegionsDotBelongTo)
                    String key = color.R + "_" + color.G + "_" + color.B + "_" + region.X + "_" + region.Y;
                    if (!dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ContainsKey(key))
                        dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.Add(key, dicVisualWords[key]);
                    if (!SEARCH_MULTI_REGION_FOR_INPUT_DOTS)

            // Intersect all item in dicMatched
            List <string> listFramesResult = dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ElementAt(0).Value;

            for (int i = 1; i < dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.Count; i++)
                listFramesResult = dicInputColorsMatchedTheIndex.ElementAt(i).Value.Intersect(listFramesResult).ToList();

        private static int CountColorsVW_RGB(PCTFeature_RGB pct, List <Color> colorVisualWord)
            //Dictionary<String, Color> map = new Dictionary<string, Color>();
            List <string> listColorVWs = new List <string>();

            foreach (var item in pct.ListColorPoint)
                Color  color = colorVisualWord[DistanceHelper.ColorKNN_RGB(item.color, colorVisualWord)];
                String key   = color.R + "_" + color.G + "_" + color.B;
                if (!listColorVWs.Contains(key))
                //if (!map.ContainsKey(key))
                //    map.Add(key, color);
            //int totalColor = map.Count;
            //return totalColor;
        public static void RunIndexing_RGB(string imageIndexStoragePath)
            #region init
            List <Color> visualWordColor = ColorHelper.GenerateColorVisualWord_Rgb();                     // *
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > visualWordMain = new Dictionary <String, List <string> >();
            List <VisualWordCell_RGB>           listKeys       = VisualWordHelper.CreateListVWKeys_Rgb(); // *
            foreach (var item in listKeys)
                // *
                String key = item.Color.R + "_" + item.Color.G + "_" + item.Color.B + "_" + item.XIndex + "_" + item.YIndex;
                visualWordMain.Add(key, new List <String>());
            string indexFileNameExtension = GetIndexFileNameExtension();

            // for each folder
            int      count   = 0;
            string[] SubDirs = Directory.GetDirectories(ConfigCommon.PCT_OUTPUT_PATH);
            foreach (String folderPath in SubDirs)
                Console.WriteLine((++count) + ". " + folderPath);
                FileInfo[] fileInfos = FileManager.GetInstance().GetAllFileInFolder(folderPath);
                int        sizeFiles = fileInfos.Length;
                // for each X file (X = PCTConfig.PCT_STEP_INDEX_FILE)
                for (int i = 0; i < sizeFiles; i += ConfigPCT.PCT_STEP_INDEX_FILE)
                    // read data PCT from file
                    PCTFeature_RGB dataPCT = PCTReadingFeature.ReadingFeatureFromFile_RGB(fileInfos[i].FullName); // *

                    // if number of color visual-word > Y, skip (Y = PCTConfig.COLOR_NOISE_THRESHOLD)
                    int numberColor = CountColorsVW_RGB(dataPCT, visualWordColor);
                    if (numberColor > ConfigPCT.COLOR_NOISE_THRESHOLD)

                    foreach (Dot_RGB colorPoint in dataPCT.ListColorPoint)
                        // if radius >= Z, index it (Z = PCTConfig.RADIUS_THRESHOLD)
                        if (colorPoint.radius >= ConfigPCT.RADIUS_THRESHOLD)
                            List <RegionOfFrame> listRegionDotBelongTo = Utils.RegionOfFrameHelper.GetListRegionDotBelongTo(colorPoint.location, colorPoint.radius, dataPCT.Width, dataPCT.Height);
                            Color color = visualWordColor[DistanceHelper.ColorKNN_RGB(colorPoint.color, visualWordColor)];

                            foreach (RegionOfFrame region in listRegionDotBelongTo)
                                String key = color.R + "_" + color.G + "_" + color.B + "_" + region.X + "_" + region.Y;

            foreach (var item in listKeys)
                string key = item.Color.R + "_" + item.Color.G + "_" + item.Color.B + "_" + item.XIndex + "_" + item.YIndex;
                visualWordMain[key] = visualWordMain[key].Distinct().ToList();
            // save the indexing to a file
            //String json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(visualWordMain);
            //FileManager.GetInstance().WriteFile(json, Path.Combine(imageIndexStoragePath, "index.json"));
            string fileSavePath = Path.Combine(imageIndexStoragePath, indexFileNameExtension);
            if (File.Exists(fileSavePath))
            FileManager.GetInstance().WriteDicIndexingToFiles(visualWordMain, fileSavePath);