public VehicleState FindProjection(VehicleState state, int waypoint)
            var nearest          = Segments.First().State;
            var smallestDistance = Distance.Between(state.Position, nearest.Position);

            foreach (var segment in Segments)
                if (segment.TargetWayPoint < waypoint)

                if (segment.TargetWayPoint > waypoint + 1)

                var distance = Distance.Between(state.Position, segment.State.Position);
                if (distance < smallestDistance)
                    nearest          = segment.State;
                    smallestDistance = distance;

        public void Distance_between_DublinSpire_and_GuinnessStorehouse_is_between_194and195()
            var distance = Distance.Between(DublinSpire, GuinnessStorehouse);

            Assert.True(distance > Distance.From(1.94, UnitType.Km) && distance < Distance.From(1.95, UnitType.Km));
        public void Distance_between_Moscow_and_NewYork_is_between_7505and7506()
            var distance = Distance.Between(Moscow, NewYork);

            Assert.True(distance > Distance.From(7500, UnitType.Km) && distance < Distance.From(7510, UnitType.Km));
Esempio n. 4
        private static ISummary log(IPlan plan)
            var log           = new Log();
            var previousState = plan.Trajectory.First().State;
            var distance      = 0.0;

            foreach (var trajectory in plan.Trajectory)
                var state  = trajectory.State;
                var action = trajectory.Action;

                if (action != null)


                distance += Distance.Between(previousState.Position, state.Position);

                previousState = state;

            return(new SimulationSummary(plan.TimeToGoal, Result.Suceeded, log.History, distance));
Esempio n. 5
        public void Between_getsThreePoints_returns2dDistance()
            Record record = new Record();

            record.Number = 1;
            int[] a = { 1, 1, 4 };
            record.Pixels = a;

            Record record1 = new Record();

            record.Number = 1;
            int[] b = { 1, 3, 4 };
            record1.Pixels = b;

            Result expectedResult = new Result();

            expectedResult.Distance = 2;
            expectedResult.Number   = 1;

            Distance distance = new Distance();
            var result = distance.Between(record, record1);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult.Distance, result.Distance);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Calculations_Work_GivenDifferentMetricUnits()
            double meters     = Distance.Between(p1, p2).In(MetricUnit.meters);
            double kilometers = Distance.Between(p1, p2).In(MetricUnit.kilometers);

            Assert.AreEqual(meters / 1000, kilometers);
        public void Generate(PlayerInfo owner, GameState state, ActionCandidates candidates)
            if (!owner.IsBallOwner)

            foreach (var pass in Velocities)
                var path = BallPath.Create(owner.Position, pass, PickUpTimer, MaximumPathLength);

                // We don't want to risk passes ending up in our own goal.
                if (path.End != BallPath.Ending.GoalOwn)
                    var catchUp = path.GetCatchUps(state.Current.Players).FirstOrDefault();

                    // safe to pass.
                    if (catchUp == null || catchUp.Player.IsOwn && catchUp.Player != owner)
                        var length = catchUp == null ? path.Count : catchUp.Turn;
                        var target = catchUp == null?path.Last() : catchUp.Position;

                        if (Distance.Between(target, owner) > MinimumPassDistance)
                                Evaluator.GetPositionImprovement(owner, target, length),
                                Actions.Shoot(owner, owner.Position + pass, PassPower));
        /// <summary>Creates a player path.</summary>
        public static PlayerPath Create(Position player, Velocity velocity, IPoint target, int fallenTimer, int maxLength, Distance tolerance)
            var path = new PlayerPath();

            for (var fallen = fallenTimer; fallen < 0; fallen++)

            var pos = player;
            var vel = velocity;

            for (var turn = -fallenTimer; turn < maxLength; turn++)
                if (Distance.Between(pos, target) < tolerance)
                    path.ReachedTarget = true;
                pos += vel;
                vel  = NewVelocity(vel, pos, target);
Esempio n. 9
        public static Angle GetShootAngle(IPoint ball, IPoint opponent, Power power)
            var speed    = power.Speed;
            var distance = (float)Distance.Between(ball, opponent);

            return(ShootAngles[SpeedToKey(speed), DistanceToKey(distance)]);
        private double fitnessOf(ISummary summary)
            var fitness = 0.0;

            // time-out x crashing x nothing
            switch (summary.Result)
            case Result.TimeOut:

            case Result.Failed:
                // still better than timing out

            case Result.Suceeded:
                fitness += 100;     // on top of the "distance travelled" score

            // points for every way point passed
            fitness += summary.DistanceTravelled * 100 / Math.Max(1.0, summary.SimulationTime.TotalSeconds);

            var actionsInTotal = 0;
            var actionsWithHightThrottleAndSmallSteeringAngle = 0;

            var          totalDistanceTravelled = 0.0;
            VehicleState?previous = null;

            foreach (var log in summary.Log)
                // ideas:
                // - proportion of time when it was going at max speed
                // - minimize number of direction changes
                if (log is IActionSelectedEvent selected)

                    if (selected.Action.Throttle > 0.75 && Math.Abs(selected.Action.Steering) < 0.2)
                else if (log is VehicleStateUpdatedEvent updated)
                    if (previous.HasValue)
                        totalDistanceTravelled += Distance.Between(updated.State.Position, previous.Value.Position);

                    previous = updated.State;

            fitness += 10 * ((double)actionsWithHightThrottleAndSmallSteeringAngle / actionsInTotal);
            fitness += 10 * summary.SimulationTime.TotalSeconds / totalDistanceTravelled;

            return(Math.Max(0.0, fitness));
Esempio n. 11
        public void GetDistance_From3x150yToOwn_233f02()
            var point = new Position(3, 150);

            var act = Goal.Own.GetDistance(point);
            var exp = Distance.Between(point, new Position(0, 383));

            Assert.AreEqual(exp, act);
Esempio n. 12
        public void GetDistance_From1500x750yToOwn_1501f()
            var point = new Position(1500, 750);

            var act = Goal.Own.GetDistance(point);
            var exp = Distance.Between(point, new Position(0, 695));

            Assert.AreEqual(exp, act);
        private VehicleState interpolate(VehicleState state, VehicleState target, VehicleState afterTarget, double lookahead)
            var intermediatePosition = calculateIntersection(state.Position, lookahead, target.Position, afterTarget.Position);
            var t = Distance.Between(intermediatePosition, target.Position) / Distance.Between(afterTarget.Position, target.Position);

            return(new VehicleState(
                       position: intermediatePosition,
                       headingAngle: t * target.HeadingAngle + (1 - t) * afterTarget.HeadingAngle,
                       angularVelocity: t * target.AngularVelocity + (1 - t) * afterTarget.AngularVelocity,
                       speed: t * target.Speed + (1 - t) * afterTarget.Speed));
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>Gets the distance to the goal.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If above or under the goal, it takes the closed corner, otherwise
        /// it takes the X difference.
        /// </remarks>
        public Distance GetDistance(IPoint other)
            var goal = Bottom;

            // above the goal.
            if (other.Y <= MinimumY)
                goal = Top;
            // between Top and bottom
            else if (other.Y < MaximumY)
                return(new Distance(X - other.X));
            return(Distance.Between(goal, other));
        public double DistanceToClosestObstacle(Vector origin, double angle)
            var ray       = origin;
            var direction = Vector.From(track.TileSize, angle);

            while (!track.IsOccupied(ray + direction))
                ray += direction;
                if (Distance.Between(origin, ray) > maximumDistance)

            return(Distance.Between(origin, ray));
Esempio n. 16
        private int findClosestPoint(VehicleState state)
            var closestState     = 0;
            var shortestDistance = double.MaxValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < path.Count; i++)
                var segment  = path[i];
                var distance = Distance.Between(state.Position, segment.State.Position);
                if (distance < shortestDistance)
                    closestState     = i;
                    shortestDistance = distance;

        private ShortestPathNode simplifyPath(ShortestPathNode head)
            var start = head;
            var node = head.Next;

            while (node != null)
                if (node.IsGoal || node.Next != null && (!areInLineOfSight(start.Position, node.Next.Position) || start.TargetWayPoint != node.TargetWayPoint))
                    start.Next = node;
                    start.CostToNext = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Distance.Between(start.Position, node.Position) / maxSpeed);
                    start = node;

                node = node.Next;

            return head;
Esempio n. 18
        private double calculateSteering(VehicleState currentState, int target)
            var targetPosition         = path[target].State.Position;
            var followingPointPosition = target < path.Count - 1
                ? path[target + 1].State.Position
                : targetPosition + (targetPosition - path[target - 1].State.Position); // extend the last segment in the same direction
            var targetDirection   = followingPointPosition - targetPosition;
            var directionToTarget = targetPosition - currentState.Position;
            var leftOrRight       = Math.Sign(targetDirection.Cross(directionToTarget));

            var distance = Distance.Between(targetPosition, currentState.Position);

            crossTrackError.OnNext(leftOrRight * distance);

            var steering = -steeringController.Calculate(target: 0, leftOrRight * distance);

            Console.WriteLine($"cte={leftOrRight * distance}, steering={steering}");

            return(Math.Clamp(steering, -1, 1));
Esempio n. 19
        private double travelledDistance(VehicleState vehicleState, IReadOnlyList <IGoal> wayPoints, int lastTargetWayPoint)
            if (lastTargetWayPoint == wayPoints.Count)

            var distanceBetweenWayPoints = Distance.Between(
                lastTargetWayPoint > 0
                    ? wayPoints[lastTargetWayPoint - 1].Position
                    : world.Track.Circuit.Start);

            var distanceToTheWayPoint = Distance.Between(wayPoints[lastTargetWayPoint].Position, vehicleState.Position);

            var distanceProportion = distanceToTheWayPoint / distanceBetweenWayPoints;
            var distanceTravelledBetweenWayPoints = Math.Clamp(1 - distanceProportion, -1.0, 1.0);

            return((double)lastTargetWayPoint / wayPoints.Count + distanceTravelledBetweenWayPoints / wayPoints.Count);
        public void Generate(PlayerInfo owner, GameState state, ActionCandidates candidates)
            if (!owner.IsBallOwner || owner.DistanceToOtherGoal > MaximumShootDistance)

            var veloTop    = Goal.Other.Top - owner.Position;
            var veloBot    = Goal.Other.Bottom - owner.Position;
            var goalAngle  = Angle.Between(veloTop, veloBot);
            var power95Per = Power.Maximum * (0.5f * (float)goalAngle / (float)TwoStandardDeviation);

            var target = owner.Position + veloBot.Rotate((double)goalAngle * 0.5);

            var turns = (float)Distance.Between(owner, target) / (float)power95Per;

            if (turns <= PickUpTimer)
                candidates.Add(float.MaxValue, Actions.Shoot(owner, target, power95Per));
                foreach (var power in ShootPowers)
                    foreach (var goal in GoalTargets)
                        var velocity = Shoot.ToTarget(owner, goal, power);
                        var path     = BallPath.Create(owner.Position, velocity, 7, 200);
                        var catchUp  = path.GetCatchUps(state.Current.OtherPlayers).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (catchUp == null)
                            candidates.Add(1000, Actions.Shoot(owner, goal, power));
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>Gets the catch ups for the path.</summary>
        public static IEnumerable <CatchUp> GetCatchUps(List <Position> path, int pickUpTimer, IEnumerable <PlayerInfo> players)
            var queue = new Queue <PlayerInfo>(players);

            for (var turn = pickUpTimer; turn < path.Count; turn++)
                if (queue.Count == 0)
                for (var p = 0; p < queue.Count; p++)
                    var player = queue.Dequeue();
                    // the player can not run yet.
                    if (-player.FallenTimer > turn)
                        queue.Enqueue(player); continue;

                    var distanceToBall = Distance.Between(path[turn], player.Position);
                    var speed          = PlayerPath.GetInitialSpeed(player, path[turn]);
                    var playerReach    = PlayerPath.GetDistance(speed, turn + player.FallenTimer, 40);

                    if (distanceToBall <= playerReach)
                        yield return(new CatchUp()
                            Turn = turn,
                            Player = player,
                            Position = path[turn],
        public VehicleState FindTarget(VehicleState state, int waypoint, double lookahead)
            var lastSegment       = Segments.Count - 1;
            var target            = lastSegment;
            var orderedCandidates = Segments.Where(segment => segment.TargetWayPoint == waypoint).Reverse();

            for (var i = lastSegment; i >= 0; i--)
                if (Distance.Between(state.Position, Segments[i].State.Position) < lookahead)
                    target = i;

            if (target == lastSegment)
                // if the target is the last point, don't look any further

            // calculate a point along the segment between the next points
            return(interpolate(state, Segments[target].State, Segments[target + 1].State, lookahead));
Esempio n. 23
 public void Between_ReturnsPointToPointDistance_GivenTwoGeoPoints()
     Assert.IsInstanceOfType(Distance.Between(p1, p2), typeof(PointToPointDistance));
Esempio n. 24
 public double DistanceBetween(Vector a, Vector b)
 => (Distance.Between(a, b) / maximumDistance);
Esempio n. 25
 public void Calculations_ReturnsSaneValues()
     Assert.AreEqual(492451, Math.Round(Distance.Between(p1, p2).In(MetricUnit.meters)));
Esempio n. 26
        public void Distance_MustBeReflexive()
            Distance distance = Distance.Between(p1, p2);

            Assert.AreEqual(distance, Distance.Between(p2, p1));
        private ShortestPathNode? findShortestPath(Vector start, IReadOnlyList<IGoal> wayPoints, double stepSize)
            var open = new BinaryHeapOpenSet<GridKey, GridSearchNode>();
            var closed = new ClosedSet<GridKey>();

                new GridSearchNode(
                    key: new GridKey(start, wayPoints.Count),
                    previous: null,
                    distanceFromStart: 0.0,
                    estimatedCost: 0.0,
                    targetWayPoint: 0));

            while (!open.IsEmpty)
                var nodeToExpand = open.DequeueMostPromissing();

                if (nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints.Count == 0)
                    var head = new ShortestPathNode(
                        wayPoints.Last().Position, // use the goal position directly
                        targetWayPoint: wayPoints.Count - 1); // the goal way point should be kept here

                    var backtrackingNode = nodeToExpand.Previous;
                    while (backtrackingNode != null)
                        var node = new ShortestPathNode(backtrackingNode.Position, backtrackingNode.TargetWayPoint);
                        node.CostToNext = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Distance.Between(node.Position, head.Position) / maxSpeed);
                        node.Next = head;
                        head = node;
                        backtrackingNode = backtrackingNode.Previous;

                    return head;


                for (var dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++)
                    for (var dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++)
                        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) continue;

                        var nextPoint = new Vector(
                            nodeToExpand.Position.X + dx * stepSize,
                            nodeToExpand.Position.Y + dy * stepSize);

                        var reachedWayPoint = nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints[0].ReachedGoal(nextPoint);
                        var remainingWayPoints = reachedWayPoint
                            ? nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints.Skip(1).ToList().AsReadOnly()
                            : nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints;

                        var targetWayPoint = wayPoints.Count - nodeToExpand.RemainingWayPoints.Count; // I want to keep the ID of the waypoint in the node which reaches the waypoint and only increase it for its childer

                        var key = new GridKey(nextPoint, remainingWayPoints.Count);
                        if (closed.Contains(key))

                        if (collisionDetector.IsCollision(nextPoint))

                        var distance = nodeToExpand.DistanceFromStart + (nextPoint - nodeToExpand.Position).CalculateLength();
                        var node = new GridSearchNode(key, nextPoint, nodeToExpand, distance, distance + 0, remainingWayPoints, targetWayPoint);
                        if (open.Contains(node.Key))
                            if (node.DistanceFromStart < open.Get(node.Key).DistanceFromStart)

            return null;
Esempio n. 28
 public void Calculations_ReturnFixedDistances()
     Assert.IsInstanceOfType(Distance.Between(p1, p2).AddDistance(Distance.Meters(100)), typeof(FixedDistance));
     Assert.IsInstanceOfType(Distance.Between(p1, p2).SubtractDistance(Distance.Meters(100)), typeof(FixedDistance));
Esempio n. 29
        protected override void TraverseNext(ref Path path, ref Path unvisitedCities, ref int calculationAmount)
            var  shortestDistance = double.MaxValue;
            City nextCity         = null;
            var  index            = 0;

            // Path is empty, so start at first city
            if (path.Count == 0)
                // Next city is the first city in the queue
                nextCity = unvisitedCities.First();

                // Add next city
            // Make first edge
            else if (path.Count == 1)
                foreach (var unvisitedCity in unvisitedCities)
                    var distance = Distance.Between(unvisitedCity, path.Last());

                    // Increase calculation counter

                    if (distance < shortestDistance)
                        shortestDistance = distance;
                        nextCity         = unvisitedCity;

                // Add next city
            // Search for closest city to an edge in the path
                foreach (var unvisitedCity in unvisitedCities)
                    for (int i = 0; i < path.Count - 1; i++)
                        var firstEdgeCity  = path[i];
                        var secondEdgeCity = path[i + 1];

                        // Distance from unvisited city to the line segment between first edge city and second edge city
                        var distance = Distance.Between(unvisitedCity, firstEdgeCity, secondEdgeCity);

                        // Increment calculation counter

                        if (distance < shortestDistance)
                            // Update shortest distance and the next city
                            shortestDistance = distance;
                            nextCity         = unvisitedCity;
                            index            = path.IndexOf(secondEdgeCity);

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write($"{nextCity.Name} -> ");

                // Add next city
                path.Insert(index, nextCity);
Esempio n. 30
        public void Project_ReturnsExpectedDistance()
            GeoPoint pointTwo = geoPoint.Project(Distance.Meters(587), Bearing.DecimalDegrees(237));

            Assert.AreEqual(587, Math.Round(Distance.Between(geoPoint, pointTwo).In(MetricUnit.meters)));