Esempio n. 1
        public void should_hide_external_numbers()
            var s      = "*****@*****.**";
            var result = DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(s);

            Assert.AreEqual("Externt nummer", result);
Esempio n. 2
        public void should_handle_empty_string()
            var s      = string.Empty;
            var result = DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(s);

            Assert.AreEqual(s, result);
Esempio n. 3
        public void should_not_anonymize_standard_sipaddresses()
            var s      = "*****@*****.**";
            var result = DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(s);

            Assert.AreEqual(s, result);
Esempio n. 4
 private OldCall MapToOldCall(CallHistoryEntity dbCall, bool anonymize)
     return(new OldCall
         CallId = GuidString(dbCall.CallId),
         Started = dbCall.Started.ToLocalTime(),
         Ended = dbCall.Ended.ToLocalTime(),
         Duration = dbCall.Ended.Subtract(dbCall.Started).ToString(@"dd\d\ hh\:mm\:ss"),
         IsPhoneCall = dbCall.IsPhoneCall,
         FromId = GuidString(dbCall.FromId),
         FromSip = anonymize ? DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(dbCall.FromUsername) : dbCall.FromUsername,
         FromCodecTypeColor = dbCall.FromCodecTypeColor,
         FromCodecTypeName = dbCall.FromCodecTypeName,
         FromComment = dbCall.FromComment,
         FromDisplayName = anonymize ? DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizeDisplayName(dbCall.FromDisplayName) : dbCall.FromDisplayName,
         FromLocationName = dbCall.FromLocationName,
         FromLocationShortName = dbCall.FromLocationShortName,
         FromRegionName = dbCall.FromRegionName,
         ToId = GuidString(dbCall.ToId),
         ToSip = anonymize ? DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(dbCall.ToUsername) : dbCall.ToUsername,
         ToCodecTypeColor = dbCall.ToCodecTypeColor,
         ToCodecTypeName = dbCall.ToCodecTypeName,
         ToComment = dbCall.ToComment,
         ToDisplayName = anonymize ? DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizeDisplayName(dbCall.ToDisplayName) : dbCall.ToDisplayName,
         ToLocationName = dbCall.ToLocationName,
         ToLocationShortName = dbCall.ToLocationShortName,
         ToRegionName = dbCall.ToRegionName
        public static RegisteredSipOverviewDto MapToDto(RegisteredSipDto regSip, string sipDomain)
            return(new RegisteredSipOverviewDto
                InCall = regSip.InCall,
                Sip = regSip.Sip,
                Id = regSip.Id,
                //DisplayName = regSip.DisplayName,

                DisplayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(regSip.DisplayName, regSip.UserDisplayName,
                                                               string.Empty, regSip.UserName, regSip.Sip, "", sipDomain),

                Location = regSip.LocationName,
                LocationShortName = regSip.LocationShortName,
                Comment = regSip.Comment,
                Image = regSip.Image,
                CodecTypeName = regSip.CodecTypeName,
                CodecTypeColor = regSip.CodecTypeColor,
                UserName = regSip.UserName,
                UserDisplayName = regSip.UserDisplayName,
                UserComment = regSip.Comment,
                InCallWithId = regSip.InCallWithId,
                InCallWithSip = DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(regSip.InCallWithSip),
                InCallWithName = DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizeDisplayName(regSip.InCallWithName),
                RegionName = regSip.RegionName,
                Updated = regSip.Updated
        private void Validate(InquireModel model, IFormFile uploadedResume)
            if (_resumeValidator.UploadedResumeIsValid(uploadedResume, out var errorMessage))
                ModelState.AddModelError("Resume", errorMessage);

            if (!model.Availability.Any(l => l.Checked))
                ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(model.Availability), "At least one value should be selected.");
            else if (model.Availability.Any(l => l.Checked && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l.Hours)))
                ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(model.Availability), $"{DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(model.GetType(), nameof(model.Availability))} is required.");

            if (model.JobType == JobTypeEnum.Doctor.Description() && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Specialty))
                ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(model.Specialty), $"{DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(model.GetType(), nameof(model.Specialty))} is required.");

            if (model.WorkExperience == WorkExperienceEnum.Other.ToString() && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.WorkExperienceOther))
                ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(model.WorkExperienceOther), $"{DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(model.GetType(), nameof(model.WorkExperienceOther))} is required.");
        public static string GetMessageDetail(Quote quote)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append(string.Format(YahooFinanceLink, quote.Symbol.Trim()));
            sb.Append("<table border=\"1\" style=\"border-collapse : collapse; border : 1px solid orange;\"><tr>");
            var i = DisplayColumns;

            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in typeof(Quote).GetProperties())
                sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td><td>{1}</td>", DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(prop), prop.GetValue(quote, null)));
                if (i % ((DisplayColumns - 1) == 0 ? 1 : (DisplayColumns - 1)) == 0)
            if (i % ((DisplayColumns - 1) == 0 ? 1 : (DisplayColumns - 1)) == 1)

Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// 将集合导出为DataTable
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">泛型</typeparam>
        /// <param name="data">需要导出的集合</param>
        /// <param name="propertyNameList">需要包含显示的实体类的属性</param>
        /// <returns>DataTable</returns>
        /// 时间:2016/10/16 15:54
        /// 备注:
        public static DataTable ToDataTable <T>(IEnumerable <T> data, string[] propertyNameList)
            where T : class
            ValidateOperator.Begin().NotNull(data, "需要导出的集合");
            ICollection <PropertyInfo> _properties = GetCacheProperties <T>(propertyNameList);

            DataTable _dataTable = new DataTable(typeof(T).Name);

            foreach (PropertyInfo prop in _properties)

            foreach (T item in data)
                object[] _values = new object[_properties.Count];
                int      _index  = 0;

                foreach (PropertyInfo prop in _properties)
                    _values[_index] = prop.GetValue(item, null);


Esempio n. 9
        private OnGoingCall MapToOngoingCall(CallEntity dbCall, string sipDomain, bool anonymize)
            var fromDisplayName = CallDisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(dbCall.FromSip, dbCall.FromDisplayName, dbCall.FromUsername, sipDomain);
            var toDisplayName   = CallDisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(dbCall.ToSip, dbCall.ToDisplayName, dbCall.ToUsername, sipDomain);

            var onGoingCall = new OnGoingCall
                CallId                = GuidHelper.GuidString(dbCall.Id),
                Started               = dbCall.Started,
                FromId                = GuidHelper.GuidString(dbCall.FromId),
                FromSip               = anonymize ? DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(dbCall.FromUsername) : dbCall.FromUsername,
                FromDisplayName       = anonymize ? DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizeDisplayName(fromDisplayName) : fromDisplayName,
                FromCodecTypeColor    = dbCall.FromSip != null && dbCall.FromSip.User != null && dbCall.FromSip.User.CodecType != null ? dbCall.FromSip.User.CodecType.Color : string.Empty,
                FromCodecTypeName     = dbCall.FromSip != null && dbCall.FromSip.User != null && dbCall.FromSip.User.CodecType != null ? dbCall.FromSip.User.CodecType.Name : string.Empty,
                FromComment           = dbCall.FromSip != null && dbCall.FromSip.User != null ? dbCall.FromSip.User.Comment : string.Empty,
                FromLocationName      = dbCall.FromSip != null && dbCall.FromSip.Location != null ? dbCall.FromSip.Location.Name : string.Empty,
                FromLocationShortName = dbCall.FromSip != null && dbCall.FromSip.Location != null ? dbCall.FromSip.Location.ShortName : string.Empty,
                FromRegionName        = dbCall.FromSip != null && dbCall.FromSip.Location != null && dbCall.FromSip.Location.Region != null ? dbCall.FromSip.Location.Region.Name : string.Empty,
                ToId                = GuidHelper.GuidString(dbCall.ToId),
                ToSip               = anonymize ? DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(dbCall.ToUsername) : dbCall.ToUsername,
                ToDisplayName       = anonymize ? DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizeDisplayName(toDisplayName) : toDisplayName,
                ToCodecTypeColor    = dbCall.ToSip != null && dbCall.ToSip.User != null && dbCall.ToSip.User.CodecType != null ? dbCall.ToSip.User.CodecType.Color : string.Empty,
                ToCodecTypeName     = dbCall.ToSip != null && dbCall.ToSip.User != null && dbCall.ToSip.User.CodecType != null ? dbCall.ToSip.User.CodecType.Name : string.Empty,
                ToComment           = dbCall.ToSip != null && dbCall.ToSip.User != null ? dbCall.ToSip.User.Comment : string.Empty,
                ToLocationName      = dbCall.ToSip != null && dbCall.ToSip.Location != null ? dbCall.ToSip.Location.Name : string.Empty,
                ToLocationShortName = dbCall.ToSip != null && dbCall.ToSip.Location != null ? dbCall.ToSip.Location.ShortName : string.Empty,
                ToRegionName        = dbCall.ToSip != null && dbCall.ToSip.Location != null && dbCall.ToSip.Location.Region != null ? dbCall.ToSip.Location.Region.Name : string.Empty

Esempio n. 10
        private static string GenerateMessageFromModel(object model)
            var emailBody = new StringBuilder();

            var type       = model.GetType();
            var properties = type.GetProperties();

            emailBody.Append("<h2>Summary of the form: </h2>");

            foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
                if (propertyInfo.CanRead)
                    if (propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(string) || propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(Boolean) || propertyInfo.PropertyType == typeof(Int32))
                        if (propertyInfo.GetValue(model, null) != null)
                            emailBody.Append("<p><strong>" + DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(propertyInfo) + ": </strong>" + propertyInfo.GetValue(model, null) + "</p>");

Esempio n. 11
        public void should_show_internal_number_without_host()
            var s      = "*****@*****.**";
            var result = DisplayNameHelper.AnonymizePhonenumber(s);

            Assert.AreEqual("840200", result);
        public IEnumerable <CodecStatusViewModel> GetAllCodecsIncludeOffline()
            // TODO: Try to remove this one as an endpoint
            var registeredUserAgents = _registeredSipRepository.GetRegisteredUserAgents();
            var sipDomain            = _settingsManager.SipDomain;
            var ongoingCalls         = _callRepository.GetOngoingCalls(true);

            var userAgentsOnline = registeredUserAgents.Select(regSip =>
                string displayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(regSip.DisplayName, regSip.UserDisplayName,
                                                                      string.Empty, regSip.Username, regSip.SipUri, "", sipDomain);

                var result = new CodecStatusViewModel
                    SipAddress       = regSip.SipUri,
                    Id               = regSip.Id,
                    PresentationName = displayName,
                    DisplayName      = displayName

                var call      = ongoingCalls.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FromSip == regSip.SipUri || c.ToSip == regSip.SipUri);
                bool inCall   = call != null;
                result.InCall = inCall;

                if (inCall)
                    var isFromCaller                   = call.FromSip == regSip.SipUri;
                    result.IsCallingPart               = isFromCaller;
                    result.ConnectedToSipAddress       = isFromCaller ? call.ToSip : call.FromSip;
                    result.ConnectedToPresentationName = isFromCaller
                        ? DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(call.ToDisplayName, null, null, "", call.ToSip, "", sipDomain)
                        : DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(call.FromDisplayName, null, null, "", call.FromSip, "", sipDomain);
                    result.ConnectedToLocation = isFromCaller ? call.ToLocationName : call.FromLocationName;
                    result.CallStartedAt       = call.Started;
                // TODO: In Call with DisplayName is lacking the actual Display name (on user) entered in CCM. Not sure the importance.

                result.State = regSip.Id == Guid.Empty
                    ? CodecState.NotRegistered
                    : (inCall ? CodecState.InCall : CodecState.Available);


            // Add the offline accounts to the list
            var userAgentsIdsOnline = userAgentsOnline.Select(rs => rs.SipAddress);
            var sipAccounts         = _sipAccountRepository.GetAll();
            var accountsNotOnline   = sipAccounts.Where(a => !userAgentsIdsOnline.Contains(a.UserName));

            IEnumerable <CodecStatusViewModel> notRegisteredSips = accountsNotOnline.Select(a => new CodecStatusViewModel
                Id          = Guid.Empty,
                SipAddress  = a.UserName,
                DisplayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName("", a.DisplayName, string.Empty, "", a.UserName, "", sipDomain),
                State       = CodecState.NotRegistered

Esempio n. 13
        private string GetDisplayName(RegisteredSipDetails registeredSip)
            var sipDomain = _settingsManager.SipDomain;

                       registeredSip.DisplayName, registeredSip.UserDisplayName, string.Empty,
                       registeredSip.Sip, string.Empty, string.Empty, sipDomain));
Esempio n. 14
        private string SaveReportInFile()
            DataTable     dt = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < DataGridName.Columns.Count; i++)
                if (DataGridName.Columns[i].Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                                   .Replace(" ", "_")
                                   .Replace("[", "")
                                   .Replace("]", "")
                                   .Replace("%", "procent"));

            foreach (var rowObject in DataGridName.Items)
                DataRow datar = dt.NewRow();
                foreach (DataGridColumn column in DataGridName.Columns)
                    if (column.Visibility == Visibility.Visible)
                        var correctRow = DisplayNameHelper.GetPropertyValues(rowObject, column.Header.ToString());

                        foreach (var item in correctRow)
                            if (item.Key == column.Header.ToString())
                                      .Replace(" ", "_")
                                      .Replace("[", "")
                                      .Replace("]", "")
                                      .Replace("%", "procent")] = item.Value;


            IEnumerable <string> columnNames = dt.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().
                                               Select(column => column.ColumnName);

            sb.AppendLine(string.Join(";", columnNames));

            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                IEnumerable <string> fields = row.ItemArray.Select(field => field.ToString());
                sb.AppendLine(string.Join(";", fields));


            File.WriteAllText("D:\\ApkaRaporty\\test.csv", sb.ToString());
Esempio n. 15
        //public static long ToInt64(this Enum value)
        //    return Convert.ToInt64(value);

        public static string GetDisplayName(this Enum value)
            var field = value.GetType().GetField(value.ToString());

            return(field == null ? null : DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayNameForProperty(field));

            //var attributes = field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayAttribute), true).ToArray();
            //return attributes.Length > 0 ? ((DisplayAttribute)attributes[0]).GetName() : value.ToString();
Esempio n. 16
        private void RefreshAllSeries()
            GeneticAlgorithm?    algorithm       = null;
            Population?          population      = null;
            IEnumerable <Metric>?selectedMetrics = null;

            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                algorithm       = this.Algorithm;
                population      = this.Population;
                selectedMetrics = this.SelectedMetrics;


            if (algorithm != null && population != null)
                IEnumerable <Metric> metrics = selectedMetrics ?? algorithm.Metrics;
                foreach (Metric metric in metrics)
                    LineSeries series = new LineSeries
                        Title      = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(metric),
                        ToolTip    = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayNameWithTypeInfo(metric),
                        DataFieldX = nameof(MetricResult.GenerationIndex),
                        DataFieldY = nameof(MetricResult.ResultValue)

                    ObservableCollection <MetricResult> results = metric.GetResults(population.Index);
                    series.ItemsSource = results;

                    // Verify the results contain values of types that can be converted to double
                    // for the chart to plot.
                    MetricResult firstResult = results.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (firstResult != null)
                        bool exceptionThrown = false;
                            Convert.ToDouble(firstResult.ResultValue, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                        catch (Exception)
                            exceptionThrown = true;

                        if (!exceptionThrown)

Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Intersects registered callees profiles and callerProfiles to return a list with available
        /// user agents to call for a certain caller.
        /// </summary>
        private UserAgentsResultDto MatchProfilesAndUserAgents(IEnumerable <RegisteredUserAgentAndProfilesDiscovery> registeredUserAgents, IList <ProfileDto> callerProfiles)
            //TODO: Verify speed
            var userAgents = new List <UserAgentDto>();

                if (!callerProfiles.Any())
                    log.Error("CallerProfiles is null, can not intersect callerProfiles with callees. Expecting empty result.");

                var callerProfileNames = callerProfiles.Select(p => p.Name).ToList();

                // INFO: The order of common profiles is be based on callee's (destinations) profile order
                // INFO: The profiles has been sorted by first User-Agent Profiles Order -> Location Profile Group Order -> Callee Profiles Order
                foreach (var callee in registeredUserAgents)
                    // Match profiles from callee with the callers
                    var matchingProfiles = callee.OrderedProfiles.Intersect(callerProfileNames).ToList();

                    if (matchingProfiles.Any())
                        var displayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(callee.DisplayName, callee.UserDisplayName, "", callee.SipUri, "", "", _settingsManager.SipDomain);
                        // TODO: WARNING!! Why is this DisplayNameHelper here.. just get something from the class ...
                        var userAgent = new UserAgentDto
                            SipId            = string.Format("{0} <{1}>", displayName, callee.SipUri),
                            PresentationName = displayName,
                            ConnectedTo      = callee.InCallWithName ?? string.Empty,
                            InCall           = callee.InCall,
                            MetaData         = callee.MetaData?.Select(meta => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(meta.Key, meta.Value)).ToList(), // TODO: needs to be in a new list again?
                            Profiles         = matchingProfiles,
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error(ex, "Error while matching registered user agents with caller profiles.");
                return(new UserAgentsResultDto());

            var allMatchingProfileNames = userAgents.SelectMany(ua => ua.Profiles.Select(p => p)).Distinct().ToList();

            var result = new UserAgentsResultDto
                UserAgents = userAgents.OrderBy(ua => ua.SipId).ToList(),
                Profiles   = callerProfiles.Where(p => allMatchingProfileNames.Contains(p.Name)).ToList()

Esempio n. 18
 public static string GetDisplayName(Entities.RegisteredSipEntity regSip, string callDisplayName, string callUserName, string sipDomain)
                regSip != null ? regSip.DisplayName : string.Empty,
                regSip != null && regSip.User != null ? regSip.User.DisplayName : string.Empty,
                regSip != null ? regSip.Username : string.Empty,
                regSip != null ? regSip.SIP : string.Empty,
        public void GetTest()
            string _actual = DisplayNameHelper.Get <Address>("City");

            Assert.AreEqual("城市", _actual);
            _actual = DisplayNameHelper.Get <Address>("AddressID");
            Assert.AreEqual("AddressID", _actual);
            _actual = DisplayNameHelper.Get <Address>(c => c.AddressID);
            Assert.AreEqual("AddressID", _actual);
            _actual = DisplayNameHelper.Get <Address>(c => c.City);
            Assert.AreEqual("城市", _actual);
        public IEnumerable <ModelClientValidationRule> GetClientValidationRules(ModelMetadata metadata, ControllerContext context)
            _propertyToCompareDisplayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(_propertyToCompare, metadata, context);
            ModelClientValidationRule rule = new ModelClientValidationRule
                ValidationType = "notequalto",
                ErrorMessage   = FormatErrorMessage(metadata.DisplayName),

            rule.ValidationParameters.Add("another", _propertyToCompare);
            yield return(rule);
Esempio n. 21
        private void Validate(BuyPracticeModel model)
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));

            if (model.MinPurchaseAmount >= model.MaxPurchaseAmount)
                                         $"{DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(model.GetType(), nameof(model.MinPurchaseAmount))} must be less than {DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(model.GetType(), nameof(model.MaxPurchaseAmount))}");
Esempio n. 22
        private void SpecializeMembers <T>(SimpleTypeLookup <MemberAction <T> > lookup, AssemblyDefinition toTargetAssembly)
            where T : MemberReference, IMemberDefinition
            foreach (var item in lookup[typeof(ModifiesMemberAttribute), typeof(MemberAliasAttribute)])
                item.TargetMember = GetPatchedMember(item.TypeAction.TargetType, item.YourMember, item.ActionAttribute);

                if (item.TargetMember == null)
                    var memberName = GetPatchedMemberName(item.YourMember, item.ActionAttribute);
                    throw Errors.Missing_member_in_attribute(DisplayNameHelper.CommonNameForMemberDef <T>(), item.YourMember, memberName);
Esempio n. 23
        public static string GetDisplayName <TModel, TProperty>(this TModel model, Expression <Func <TModel, TProperty> > expression)
            if (expression == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(expression));

            var me = expression.Body as MemberExpression;

            if (me == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Must be a MemberExpression.", nameof(expression));

        private void Validate(CreateModel model)
            if (!model.JobHours.Any(j => j.Checked))
                ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(model.JobHours), "At least one value should be selected.");
            else if (model.JobHours.Any(m => m.Checked && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.Hours)))
                ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(model.JobHours), $"{DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(model.GetType(), nameof(model.JobHours))} is required.");

            if (model.JobType == JobTypeEnum.Doctor.Description() && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Specialty))
                ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(CreateModel.Specialty), "Specialty is required for doctor.");
Esempio n. 25
        private string GetInCallWith(RegisteredSipDetails registeredSip, Call call)
            var sipDomain = _settingsManager.SipDomain;

            string inCallWith;

            if (call.FromSip == registeredSip.Sip)
                inCallWith = call.To != null?DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(call.To, sipDomain) : call.ToSip;
                inCallWith = call.From != null?DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(call.From, sipDomain) : call.FromSip;

Esempio n. 26
        private static string GetDisplayValue(Expression expressionBody, string propertyName)
            var memberExpression = expressionBody as MemberExpression;

            if (memberExpression == null)
            var objectType  = memberExpression.Member.ReflectedType;
            var displayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(objectType, propertyName);

            if (displayName != null && propertyName != displayName)
            if (objectType == null)
            var property = objectType.GetProperty(propertyName);
            var t        = typeof(DisplayAttribute);
            var first    = (DisplayAttribute)property.GetCustomAttributes(t, false).FirstOrDefault();

            if (first != null)
            var metaAttr =
                objectType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(MetadataTypeAttribute), true);

            if (metaAttr.Length <= 0)
            foreach (var attr in metaAttr)
                var subType = attr.MetadataClassType;
                var pi      = subType.GetField(propertyName);
                if (pi != null)
                    first = (DisplayAttribute)pi.GetCustomAttributes(t, false).FirstOrDefault();
            return(first == null ? propertyName : first.Name);
Esempio n. 27
        private UserAgentsResultDto ProfilesAndUserAgents(IEnumerable <RegisteredSipDto> callees, IList <ProfileDto> callerProfiles)
            var userAgents = new List <UserAgentDto>();

                var callerProfileNames = callerProfiles.Select(p => p.Name).ToList();

                foreach (var callee in callees)
                    // INFO: Viktigt att ordningen på gemensamma profiler baseras på callee's profilordning.
                    var matchingProfiles = callee.Profiles.Intersect(callerProfileNames).ToList();

                    if (matchingProfiles.Any())
                        var displayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(callee, _settingsManager.SipDomain);
                        var userAgent   = new UserAgentDto
                            SipId            = string.Format("{0} <{1}>", displayName, callee.Sip),
                            PresentationName = displayName,
                            ConnectedTo      = callee.InCallWithName ?? string.Empty,
                            InCall           = callee.InCall,
                            MetaData         = callee.MetaData.Select(meta => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(meta.Key, meta.Value)).ToList(),
                            Profiles         = matchingProfiles,
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error(ex, "Error while getting user agents.");
                return(new UserAgentsResultDto());

            var allMatchingProfileNames = userAgents.SelectMany(ua => ua.Profiles.Select(p => p)).Distinct().ToList();

            var result = new UserAgentsResultDto
                UserAgents = userAgents.OrderBy(ua => ua.SipId).ToList(),
                Profiles   = callerProfiles.Where(p => allMatchingProfileNames.Contains(p.Name)).ToList()

        public IEnumerable <CodecStatusViewModel> GetAll()
            var registeredUserAgents = _registeredSipRepository.GetRegisteredUserAgents();
            var sipDomain            = _settingsManager.SipDomain;
            var ongoingCalls         = _callRepository.GetOngoingCalls(true);

            var userAgentsOnline = registeredUserAgents.Select(regSip =>
                string displayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(regSip.DisplayName, regSip.UserDisplayName,
                                                                      string.Empty, regSip.Username, regSip.SipUri, "", sipDomain);

                var result = new CodecStatusViewModel
                    SipAddress       = regSip.SipUri,
                    Id               = regSip.Id,
                    PresentationName = displayName,
                    DisplayName      = displayName

                var call      = ongoingCalls.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FromSip == regSip.SipUri || c.ToSip == regSip.SipUri);
                bool inCall   = call != null;
                result.InCall = inCall;

                if (inCall)
                    var isFromCaller                   = call.FromSip == regSip.SipUri;
                    result.IsCallingPart               = isFromCaller;
                    result.ConnectedToSipAddress       = isFromCaller ? call.ToSip : call.FromSip;
                    result.ConnectedToPresentationName = isFromCaller
                        ? DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(call.ToDisplayName, null, null, "", call.ToSip, "", sipDomain)
                        : DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(call.FromDisplayName, null, null, "", call.FromSip, "", sipDomain);
                    result.ConnectedToLocation = isFromCaller ? call.ToLocationName : call.FromLocationName;
                    result.CallStartedAt       = call.Started;
                // TODO: In Call with DisplayName is lacking the actual Display name (on user) entered in CCM. Not sure the importance.

                result.State = regSip.Id == Guid.Empty
                    ? CodecState.NotRegistered
                    : (inCall ? CodecState.InCall : CodecState.Available);


Esempio n. 29
        private UserAgentsResultDto ProfilesAndUserAgents(IEnumerable <CachedRegisteredSip> sipsOnline, IList <ProfileDto> callerProfiles)
            var allMatchingProfiles = new List <string>(); // Lista med samtliga matchande profiler
            var userAgents          = new List <UserAgentDto>();

                var callerProfileNames = callerProfiles.Select(p => p.Name).ToList();

                foreach (var sip in sipsOnline)
                    var matchingProfiles = callerProfileNames.Intersect(sip.Profiles).ToList();

                    if (matchingProfiles.Any())
                        var displayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(sip, _settingsManager.SipDomain);
                        var userAgent   = new UserAgentDto
                            SipId            = string.Format("{0} <{1}>", displayName, sip.Sip),
                            PresentationName = displayName,
                            ConnectedTo      = sip.InCallWithName ?? string.Empty,
                            InCall           = sip.InCall,
                            MetaData         = sip.MetaData.Select(meta => new KeyValuePairDto(meta.Key, meta.Value)).ToList(),
                            Profiles         = matchingProfiles,
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("Error while getting user agents.", ex);
                return(new UserAgentsResultDto());

            var result = new UserAgentsResultDto
                UserAgents = userAgents.OrderBy(ua => ua.SipId).ToList(),
                Profiles   = callerProfiles.Where(p => allMatchingProfiles.Distinct().Contains(p.Name)).ToList()

        public IEnumerable <RegisteredUserAgentViewModel> GetAll()
            var registeredUserAgents = _registeredSipRepository.GetRegisteredUserAgents();
            var sipDomain            = _settingsManager.SipDomain;

            var calls = _callRepository.GetOngoingCalls(true);

            var userAgentsOnline = registeredUserAgents.Select(regSip =>
                var result = new RegisteredUserAgentViewModel
                    Sip = regSip.SipUri,
                    Id  = regSip.Id,

                    DisplayName = DisplayNameHelper.GetDisplayName(regSip.DisplayName, regSip.UserDisplayName,
                                                                   string.Empty, regSip.Username, regSip.SipUri, "", sipDomain),

                    Location          = regSip.Location,
                    LocationShortName = regSip.LocationShortName,
                    Image             = regSip.Image,
                    CodecTypeName     = regSip.CodecTypeName,
                    CodecTypeColor    = regSip.CodecTypeColor,
                    UserName          = regSip.Username,
                    UserComment       = regSip.UserComment,
                    RegionName        = regSip.RegionName

                var call      = calls.FirstOrDefault(c => c.FromSip == regSip.SipUri || c.ToSip == regSip.SipUri);
                bool inCall   = call != null;
                result.InCall = inCall;

                if (inCall)
                    var isFromCaller      = call.FromSip == regSip.SipUri;
                    result.InCallWithId   = isFromCaller ? call.ToId : call.FromId;
                    result.InCallWithSip  = isFromCaller ? call.ToSip : call.FromSip;
                    result.InCallWithName = isFromCaller ? call.ToDisplayName : call.FromDisplayName;

