Esempio n. 1
 public ConfigurationDataPhxBit()
     : base()
     PassKey = new HiddenItem { Name = "PassKey", Value = "" };
     CredentialsWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Credentials Configuration</b> (<i>Private Tracker</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li><b>Username</b> is your account name on this tracker.</li><li><b>Password</b> is your password associated to your account name.</li></ul>") { Name = "Credentials" };
     Username = new StringItem { Name = "Username (Required)", Value = "" };
     Password = new StringItem { Name = "Password (Required)", Value = "" };
     PagesWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Preferences Configuration</b> (<i>Tweak your search settings</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li><b>Max Pages to Process</b> let you specify how many page (max) Jackett can process when doing a search. Setting a value <b>higher than 4 is dangerous</b> for you account ! (<b>Result of too many requests to tracker...that <u>will be suspect</u></b>).</li></ul>") { Name  = "Preferences" };
     Pages = new StringItem { Name = "Max Pages to Process (Required)", Value = "4" };
     SecurityWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Security Configuration</b> (<i>Read this area carefully !</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li><b>Latency Simulation</b> will simulate human browsing with Jacket by pausing Jacket for an random time between each request, to fake a real content browsing.</li><li><b>Browser Simulation</b> will simulate a real human browser by injecting additionals headers when doing requests to tracker.</li></ul>") { Name = "Security" };
     Latency = new BoolItem() { Name = "Latency Simulation (Optional)", Value = false };
     Browser = new BoolItem() { Name = "Browser Simulation (Optional)", Value = true };
     LatencyWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Latency Configuration</b> (<i>Required if latency simulation enabled</i>),<br /><br/> <ul><li>By filling this range, <b>Jackett will make a random timed pause</b> <u>between requests</u> to tracker <u>to simulate a real browser</u>.</li><li>MilliSeconds <b>only</b></li></ul>") { Name = "Simulate Latency" };
     LatencyStart = new StringItem { Name = "Minimum Latency (ms)", Value = "1589" };
     LatencyEnd = new StringItem { Name = "Maximum Latency (ms)", Value = "3674" };
     HeadersWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Browser Headers Configuration</b> (<i>Required if browser simulation enabled</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li>By filling these fields, <b>Jackett will inject headers</b> with your values <u>to simulate a real browser</u>.</li><li>You can get <b>your browser values</b> here: <a href='' target='blank'></a></li></ul><br /><i><b>Note that</b> some headers are not necessary because they are injected automatically by this provider such as Accept_Encoding, Connection, Host or X-Requested-With</i>") { Name = "Injecting headers" };
     HeaderAccept = new StringItem { Name = "Accept", Value = "" };
     HeaderAcceptLang = new StringItem { Name = "Accept-Language", Value = "" };
     HeaderDNT = new BoolItem { Name = "DNT", Value = false };
     HeaderUpgradeInsecure = new BoolItem { Name = "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", Value = false };
     HeaderUserAgent = new StringItem { Name = "User-Agent", Value = "" };
     DevWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Development Facility</b> (<i>For Developers ONLY</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li>By enabling development mode, <b>Jackett will bypass his cache</b> and will <u>output debug messages to console</u> instead of his log file.</li><li>By enabling Hard Drive Cache, <b>This provider</b> will <u>save each query answers from tracker</u> in temp directory, in fact this reduce drastically HTTP requests when building a provider at parsing step for example. So, <b> Jackett will search for a cached query answer on hard drive before executing query on tracker side !</b> <i>DEV MODE must be enabled to use it !</li></ul>") { Name = "Development" };
     DevMode = new BoolItem { Name = "Enable DEV MODE (Developers ONLY)", Value = false };
     HardDriveCache = new BoolItem { Name = "Enable HARD DRIVE CACHE (Developers ONLY)", Value = false };
     HardDriveCacheKeepTime = new StringItem { Name = "Keep Cached files for (ms)", Value = "300000" };
 public ConfigurationDataAnimeBytes()
     : base()
     IncludeRaw = new BoolItem() { Name = "IncludeRaw", Value = false };
     DateWarning = new DisplayItem("This tracker does not supply upload dates so they are based off year of release.") { Name = "DateWarning" };
     InsertSeason = new BoolItem() { Name = "Prefix episode number with S01 for Sonarr Compatability", Value = false };
Esempio n. 3
 public ConfigurationSonarr()
     Host = new StringItem { Name = "Host", Value = "http://localhost" };
     Port = new StringItem { Name = "Port", Value = "8989" };
     ApiKey = new StringItem { Name = "API Key" };
     ApiInfo = new DisplayItem("API Key can be found in Sonarr > Settings > General > Security") { Name = "API Info" };
 public ConfigurationDataBasicLoginWithAlternateLink(string instructionMessageOptional = null)
     Username = new StringItem { Name = "Username" };
     Password = new StringItem { Name = "Password" };
     Instructions = new DisplayItem(instructionMessageOptional) { Name = "" };
     AlternateLink = new StringItem { Name = "Alternate Link" };
 public ConfigurationDataBasicLoginWithRSSAndDisplay()
     Username = new StringItem { Name = "Username" };
     Password = new StringItem { Name = "Password" };
     RSSKey = new HiddenItem { Name = "RSSKey" };
     DisplayText = new DisplayItem(""){ Name = "" };
 public ConfigurationDataRecaptchaLogin(string instructionMessageOptional = null)
     Username = new StringItem { Name = "Username" };
     Password = new StringItem { Name = "Password" };
     Captcha = new RecaptchaItem() { Name = "Recaptcha" };
     Instructions = new DisplayItem(instructionMessageOptional) { Name = "" };
Esempio n. 7
 public ConfigurationDataWiHD()
     : base()
     CredentialsWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Credentials Configuration</b> (<i>Private Tracker</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li><b>Username</b> is your account name on this tracker.</li><li><b>Password</b> is your password associated to your account name.</li></ul>") { Name = "Credentials" };
     Username = new StringItem { Name = "Username (Required)", Value = "" };
     Password = new StringItem { Name = "Password (Required)", Value = "" };
     PagesWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Preferences Configuration</b> (<i>Tweak your search settings</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li><b>Max Pages to Process</b> let you specify how many page (max) Jackett can process when doing a search. Setting a value <b>higher than 4 is dangerous</b> for you account ! (<b>Result of too many requests to tracker...that <u>will be suspect</u></b>).</li><li><b>Exclusive Only</b> let you search <u>only</u> for torrents which are marked Exclusive.</li><li><b>Freeleech Only</b> let you search <u>only</u> for torrents which are marked Freeleech.</li><li><b>Reseed Only</b> let you search <u>only</u> for torrents which need to be seeded.</li></ul>") { Name  = "Preferences" };
     Pages = new StringItem { Name = "Max Pages to Process (Required)", Value = "4" };
     Exclusive = new BoolItem() { Name = "Exclusive Only (Optional)", Value = false };
     Freeleech = new BoolItem() { Name = "Freeleech Only (Optional)", Value = false };
     Reseed = new BoolItem() { Name = "Reseed Needed Only (Optional)", Value = false };
     SecurityWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Security Configuration</b> (<i>Read this area carefully !</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li><b>Latency Simulation</b> will simulate human browsing with Jacket by pausing Jacket for an random time between each request, to fake a real content browsing.</li><li><b>Browser Simulation</b> will simulate a real human browser by injecting additionals headers when doing requests to tracker.</li></ul>") { Name = "Security" };
     Latency = new BoolItem() { Name = "Latency Simulation (Optional)", Value = true };
     Browser = new BoolItem() { Name = "Browser Simulation (Optional)", Value = true };
     LatencyWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Latency Configuration</b> (<i>Required if latency simulation enabled</i>),<br /><br/> <ul><li>By filling this range, <b>Jackett will make a random timed pause</b> <u>between requests</u> to tracker <u>to simulate a real browser</u>.</li><li>MilliSeconds <b>only</b></li></ul>") { Name = "Simulate Latency" };
     LatencyStart = new StringItem { Name = "Minimum Latency (ms)", Value = "1589" };
     LatencyEnd = new StringItem { Name = "Maximum Latency (ms)", Value = "3674" };
     HeadersWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Browser Headers Configuration</b> (<i>Required if browser simulation enabled</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li>By filling these fields, <b>Jackett will inject headers</b> with your values <u>to simulate a real browser</u>.</li><li>You can get <b>your browser values</b> here: <a href='' target='blank'></a></li></ul><br /><i><b>Note that</b> some headers are not necessary because they are injected automatically by this provider such as Accept_Encoding, Connection, Host or X-Requested-With</i>") { Name = "Injecting headers" };
     HeaderAccept = new StringItem { Name = "Accept", Value = "" };
     HeaderAcceptLang = new StringItem { Name = "Accept-Language", Value = "" };
     HeaderDNT = new BoolItem { Name = "DNT", Value = false };
     HeaderUpgradeInsecure = new BoolItem { Name = "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests", Value = false };
     HeaderUserAgent = new StringItem { Name = "User-Agent", Value = "" };
     DevWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Devlopement Facility</b> (<i>For Developers ONLY</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li>By enabling devlopement mode, <b>Jackett will bypass his cache</b> and will <u>output debug messages to console</u> instead of his log file.</li></ul>") { Name = "Devlopement" };
     DevMode = new BoolItem { Name = "Enable DEV MODE (Developers ONLY)", Value = false };
 /// <param name="instructionMessageOptional">Enter any instructions the user will need to setup the tracker</param>
 public ConfigurationDataCaptchaLogin(string instructionMessageOptional = null)
     Username = new StringItem { Name = "Username" };
     Password = new StringItem { Name = "Password" };
     CaptchaImage = new ImageItem { Name = "Captcha Image" };
     CaptchaText = new StringItem { Name = "Captcha Text" };
     CaptchaCookie = new HiddenItem("") { Name = "Captcha Cookie" };
     Instructions = new DisplayItem(instructionMessageOptional) { Name = "" };
 public ConfigurationDataBlueTigers(string displayInstructions)
     Username = new StringItem { Name = "Username", Value = "" };
     Password = new StringItem { Name = "Password", Value = "" };
     Instructions = new DisplayItem(displayInstructions) { Name = "" };
     French = new BoolItem { Name = "French", Value = true };
     English = new BoolItem { Name = "English", Value = true };
     Spanish = new BoolItem { Name = "Spanish", Value = true };
 public ConfigurationDataBasicLoginWithFilter(string FilterInstructions)
     Username = new StringItem { Name = "Username" };
     Password = new StringItem { Name = "Password" };
     FilterExample = new DisplayItem(FilterInstructions)
         Name = ""
     FilterString = new StringItem { Name = "Filters (optional)" };
 public ConfigurationDataFileList()
     : base("Note this is <b>not</b> your <i>password</i>.<ul><li>Login to the FileList Website</li><li>Click on the <b>Profile</b> link</li><li>Scroll down to the <b>Reset Passkey</b> section</li><li>Copy the <b>passkey</b>.</li><li>Also be aware of not leaving a trailing blank at the end of the passkey after pasting it here.</li></ul>")
     IncludeRomanianReleases = new BoolItem {
         Name = "IncludeRomanianReleases", Value = false
     CatWarning = new DisplayItem("When mapping TV ensure you add category 5000 in addition to 5030, 5040.")
         Name = "CatWarning"
        public ConfigurationDataGazelleTracker(bool has2Fa    = false, bool supportsFreeleechToken       = false,
                                               bool useApiKey = false, string instructionMessageOptional = null)
            if (useApiKey)
                ApiKey = new StringItem {
                    Name = "APIKey"
                Username = new StringItem {
                    Name = "Username"
                Password = new StringItem {
                    Name = "Password"

            if (has2Fa)
                CookieHint = new DisplayItem(
                    @"Use the Cookie field only if 2FA is enabled for your account, let it empty otherwise.
<ol><li>Login to this tracker with your browser
<li>Open the <b>DevTools</b> panel by pressing <b>F12</b>
<li>Select the <b>Network</b> tab
<li>Click on the <b>Doc</b> button
<li>Refresh the page by pressing <b>F5</b>
<li>Select the <b>Headers</b> tab
<li>Find 'cookie:' in the <b>Request Headers</b> section
<li>Copy & paste the whole cookie string to here.</ol>")
                    Name = "CookieHint"
                CookieItem = new StringItem {
                    Name = "Cookie", Value = ""

            if (supportsFreeleechToken)
                UseTokenItem = new BoolItem {
                    Name = "Use Freeleech Tokens when Available", Value = false

            Instructions = new DisplayItem(instructionMessageOptional)
                Name = ""
Esempio n. 13
 public ConfigurationDataXthor()
     : base()
     CredentialsWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Credentials Configuration</b> (<i>Private Tracker</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li><b>PassKey</b> is your private key on your account</li></ul>") { Name = "Credentials" };
     PassKey = new StringItem { Name = "PassKey", Value = "" };
     PagesWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Preferences Configuration</b> (<i>Tweak your search settings</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li><b>Freeleech Only</b> let you search <u>only</u> for torrents which are marked Freeleech.</li></ul>") { Name  = "Preferences" };
     Freeleech = new BoolItem() { Name = "Freeleech Only (Optional)", Value = false };
     DevWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>Development Facility</b> (<i>For Developers ONLY</i>),<br /><br /> <ul><li>By enabling development mode, <b>Jackett will bypass his cache</b> and will <u>output debug messages to console</u> instead of his log file.</li><li>By enabling Hard Drive Cache, <b>This provider</b> will <u>save each query answers from tracker</u> in temp directory, in fact this reduce drastically HTTP requests when building a provider at parsing step for example. So, <b> Jackett will search for a cached query answer on hard drive before executing query on tracker side !</b> <i>DEV MODE must be enabled to use it !</li></ul>") { Name = "Development" };
     DevMode = new BoolItem { Name = "Enable DEV MODE (Developers ONLY)", Value = false };
     HardDriveCache = new BoolItem { Name = "Enable HARD DRIVE CACHE (Developers ONLY)", Value = false };
     HardDriveCacheKeepTime = new StringItem { Name = "Keep Cached files for (ms)", Value = "300000" };
Esempio n. 14
 public void deleteSlot()
     displayInfo = null;
     if (toolTip)
Esempio n. 15
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        itemDetails = GetComponent <DisplayItem>();

        //weapSlot = equipGo.transform.GetChild(3).gameObject;
        //bodySlot = equipGo.transform.GetChild(2).gameObject;
        //headSlot = equipGo.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject;
        //accSlot = equipGo.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject;

        //selectedItemDescrip = itemDescription.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Text>();
        //equippedItemDescrip = itemDescription.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent<Text>();
        public override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task ExecuteLoadSchedulesCommand()
            if (IsBusy)

            if (!IsRefreshing)
                IsBusy = true;

                if (!Users.Any())
                    var lookups = await DataService.GetLookups(1000);

                    lookups.Users.ForEach(u => Users.Add(u));

                ScheduleDateFormatted = ScheduleDate.ToShortDateString();

                var items = await DataService.GetItemsAsync <Schedule>($"schedules?start={ScheduleDate.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")}&end={ScheduleDate.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy")}{(CanManageSchedule ? "" : "&assigned=true")}");

                NoSchedules = !items.Data.Any();
                this.WeekUnpublished = false;
                foreach (var item in items.Data.OrderBy(d => d.User == null ? "zzzzzz" : d.User.FirstName))
                    if (item.UserId != null && !item.PublishedValue)
                        this.WeekUnpublished = true;
                    var displayItem = new DisplayItem();
                    scheduleToDisplayItem(displayItem, item);
            catch (Exception ex)
                IsBusy       = false;
                IsRefreshing = false;
                IsBusy       = false;
                IsRefreshing = false;
Esempio n. 17
 public void gamble()
     targetItem = gambleItem();
     if (targetItem == null)
 protected override void scheduleToDisplayItem(DisplayItem displayItem, Schedule schedule)
     displayItem.Line1 = schedule.User == null ? "Unassigned" : schedule.User.DisplayName;
     displayItem.Line2 = $"{CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.AbbreviatedDayNames[schedule.DayOfWeekValue]}, {schedule.ScheduleDateValue.ToString("MM/dd")} - {schedule.StartTimeTimezonedValue.ToShortTimeString()} - {schedule.EndTimeTimezonedValue.ToShortTimeString()}";
     displayItem.Line3 = $"{schedule.Shift.ShiftName} - {schedule.Task.TaskName}";
     displayItem.Tag   = schedule;
     displayItem.Tag2  = string.IsNullOrEmpty(schedule.Task.TextColor) ? Color.LightGray : Color.FromHex(schedule.Task.TextColor);
     displayItem.Tag3  = schedule.User == null ? Color.Maroon : Color.Black;
     displayItem.Tag4  = schedule.User == null;
     displayItem.Tag5  = schedule.User != null;
     displayItem.Tag6  = schedule.User == null && !schedule.ScheduleTrades.Any();
Esempio n. 19
 public ConfigurationDataAnimeBytes()
     : base()
     IncludeRaw = new BoolItem()
         Name = "IncludeRaw", Value = false
     DateWarning = new DisplayItem("This tracker does not supply upload dates so they are based off year of release.")
         Name = "DateWarning"
 public ConfigurationDataCookie()
     Cookie = new StringItem {
         Name = "Cookie"
     CookieInstructions = new DisplayItem(
         "Please enter the cookie for the site manually. <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">See here</a> on how get the cookies." +
         "<br>Example cookie header (usually longer than this):<br><code>PHPSESSID=8rk27odm; ipsconnect_63ad9c=1; more_stuff=etc;</code>")
         Name = "Cookie Instructions"
 public ConfigurationDataRutracker()
     : base()
     StripRussianLetters = new BoolItem()
         Name = "Strip Russian Letters", Value = true
     CaptchaWarning = new DisplayItem("<b>About Captcha:</b> If the Captcha Image is missing then leave the Captcha Text empty.")
         Name = "Captcha Info"
Esempio n. 22
 public ConfigurationDataFileList()
     : base()
     IncludeRomanianReleases = new BoolItem()
         Name = "IncludeRomanianReleases", Value = false
     CatWarning = new DisplayItem("When mapping TV ensure you add category 5000 in addition to 5030,5040.")
         Name = "CatWarning"
Esempio n. 23
        private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task editInventoryItem(DisplayItem item)
            var editViewModel = new InventoryEditViewModel(_viewModel.OriginalVendors.ToList(), _viewModel.OriginalCategories.ToList(), item.Tag as InventoryItem);

            editViewModel.ItemSaved += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                _viewModel.InventoryItemSaved(item.Tag as InventoryItem, item);
            var page = new InventoryEditPage();

            page.BindingContext = editViewModel;
            await((MainPage)App.Current.MainPage).NavigateTo(page, true);
        private void setComplete(DisplayItem userProgressDisplayItem)
            var usr = LoginHelper.GetLoggedInUser();
            var userProgressItem = userProgressDisplayItem.Tag as UserProgressItem;

            userProgressItem.CompletedDate      = DateTime.Now;
            userProgressItem.CompletedBy        = usr.User;
            userProgressItem.CompletedByIdValue = usr.User.UserIdValue;
            //if (IsNotNew)
            //	await saveChecklist(false);
            itemToDisplayItem(userProgressItem, userProgressDisplayItem);
Esempio n. 25
 private void SetImageVisibility()
     if (_imgTop.CssClass == VISIBLE)
         _imgBottom          = _nextItem;
         _imgBottom.CssClass = TRANSPARENT;
         _imgTop          = _nextItem;
         _imgTop.CssClass = TRANSPARENT;
Esempio n. 26
 public ConfigurationDataLoginLink()
     LoginLink = new StringItem {
         Name = "Login Link"
     RSSKey = new HiddenItem {
         Name = "RSSKey"
     DisplayText = new DisplayItem("")
         Name = ""
        private async System.Threading.Tasks.Task editMaintenanceItem(DisplayItem item)
            var editViewModel = new MaintenanceRequestEditViewModel(item.Tag as MaintenanceRequest, _viewModel.Lookups);

            editViewModel.ItemSaved += (object sender, EventArgs e) =>
                _viewModel.MaintenanceRequestSaved(item.Tag as MaintenanceRequest, item);
            var page = new MaintenanceRequestEditPage();

            page.BindingContext = editViewModel;
            await((MainPage)App.Current.MainPage).NavigateTo(page, true);
 public ConfigurationDataBasicLogin(string instructionMessageOptional = null)
     Username = new StringItem {
         Name = "Username"
     Password = new StringItem {
         Name = "Password"
     Instructions = new DisplayItem(instructionMessageOptional)
         Name = ""
Esempio n. 29
 public ConfigurationDataUserPasskey(string instructionMessageOptional = null)
     Username = new StringItem {
         Name = "Username"
     Passkey = new StringItem {
         Name = "Passkey"
     Instructions = new DisplayItem(instructionMessageOptional)
         Name = ""
Esempio n. 30
 public void Initialize(GameObject artifact, ArticraftingConfirmationModal modal, ArticraftingCraftingMenu menu)
     targetArtifact           = artifact;
     artifactBonus            = artifact.GetComponent <ArtifactBonus>();
     artifactText             = artifact.GetComponent <Text>();
     artifactDisplayItem      = artifact.GetComponent <DisplayItem>();
     tileImage.sprite         = artifactDisplayItem.displayIcon;
     tileImage.preserveAspect = true;
     toolTip      = PlayerProperties.playerInventory.toolTip;
     confirmModal = modal;
     this.craftingMenu = menu;
Esempio n. 31
        private void AddDisplayItem(IDisplayItem displayItem)
            var item = new DisplayItem(displayItem);

            item.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Hidden;


            Canvas.SetTop(item, 0);
            Canvas.SetLeft(item, 0);

 public ConfigurationDataBasicLoginWithEmail(string instructionMessageOptional = null)
     Email = new StringItem {
         Name = "Email"
     Password = new StringItem {
         Name = "Password"
     Instructions = new DisplayItem(instructionMessageOptional)
         Name = ""
Esempio n. 33
    void Update()
        if (0 == _displayItems.Count)

        float       deltaTime = Time.deltaTime;
        DisplayItem item      = _displayItems[_curDisplayIndex];

        if (item.stage == FadeStage.IN)
            item.alpha += 1.0f / fadeInDuration * deltaTime;
            if (item.alpha >= 1.0f)
                item.alpha = 1.0f;
                item.stage = FadeStage.KEEP;
        else if (item.stage == FadeStage.KEEP)
            item.elapsedOnKeep += deltaTime;
            if (item.elapsedOnKeep >= keepDuration)
                item.stage = FadeStage.OUT;
        else if (item.stage == FadeStage.OUT)
            item.alpha -= 1.0f / fadeOutDuration * deltaTime;
            if (item.alpha < 0.0f)
                item.alpha = 0;

        //Debug.Log("tip alpha " + item.alpha);

        _tipText.text = item.text;
        Color c = _tipText.color;

        c.a            = item.alpha;
        _tipText.color = c;

        if (_curDisplayIndex >= _displayItems.Count)
Esempio n. 34
 private void _list_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (_list.SelectedIndex >= 0)
         _selectedItem = (DisplayItem)_list.SelectedItem;
         Text          = _selectedItem.ToString();
         Text          = "";
         _selectedItem = null;
Esempio n. 35
        /// <param name="value">值</param>
        void refreshKey(DisplayItem item, JsonData value)
            if (item.obj == null)

             * Debug.Log("refreshKey: " + name + ": key: " + item.key +
             *  " value:" + (value == null ? "NULL" : value.ToJson()));
            switch (item.type)
            case DisplayItem.Type.Text: processTextDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.Sign: processSignDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.Percent: processPercentDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.SignPercent: processSignDisplayItem(item, value, true); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.TimeSpan: processTimeSpanDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.TimeSpanWithHour: processTimeSpanDisplayItem(item, value, true); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.Show: processShowDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.Hide: processShowDisplayItem(item, value, true); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.Date: processDateDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.DateTime: processDateTimeDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.Color: processColorDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.ScaleX: processScaleXDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.ScaleY: processScaleYDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.AnchorX: processAnchorXDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.AnchorY: processAnchorYDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.Fill: processFillDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            case DisplayItem.Type.ParamDisplay: processParamDisplayItem(item, value); break;

            default: processExtended(item, value); break;
        private void inventoryItemToDisplayItem(InventoryItem invItem, DisplayItem displayItem)
            var invCat = invItem.InventoryCategoryId != null?InventoryCategories.FirstOrDefault(ic => ic.InventoryCategoryId == invItem.InventoryCategoryId) : null;

            var vendor = invItem.VendorId != null?Vendors.FirstOrDefault(v => v.VendorId == invItem.VendorId) : null;

            bool isNeeded = invItem.QuantityOnHand.GetValueOrDefault() < invItem.MinimumQuantity.GetValueOrDefault();

            displayItem.Line1 = invItem.InventoryItemName;
            displayItem.Line2 = (invCat == null ? "" : invCat.CategoryName) + (vendor == null ? "" : $" - {vendor.VendorName}");
            displayItem.Line3 = $"In Stock: {invItem.QuantityOnHand.GetValueOrDefault()} | Min Qty: {invItem.MinimumQuantity.GetValueOrDefault()} | Needed: {(isNeeded ? (invItem.MinimumQuantity.GetValueOrDefault() - invItem.QuantityOnHand.GetValueOrDefault()) : 0)}";
            displayItem.Tag   = invItem;
            displayItem.Tag2  = isNeeded ? Color.Red : Color.LightGray;
    public virtual void InitDisplayOnScreen(GameObject source, string text, ButtonManager.ButtonID button)
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++)
            if (elements[i].source == source)

        DisplayItem item = new DisplayItem(source, text, button);

Esempio n. 38
        /// <summary>
        ///   The add element.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddElement()
            var displayElement = new DisplayItem();
            var viewModel      = new DisplayItemEditorViewModel {
                DisplayItem = displayElement
            var editor = new DisplayItemEditorView {
                DataContext = viewModel

            CurrentDisplayElement = displayElement;
        public VerificationPage()

            CustomerName.Text    =;
            CustomerAddress.Text =;
            if ( != null && == "")
                DeliveryInstructions.Text +=;
                DeliveryInstructions.Text += "No delivery instructions for this order";

            //Debug.WriteLine("PHONE (PARSHED) FROM LINE 24: " + Delivery.parsedPhone);
            //Debug.WriteLine("PHONE  FROM LINE 25: " +;
            //CurrentIndex = Index;
            //LocalDelivery = Delivery;

            var items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ObservableCollection <DeliveryItem> >(;

            listOfItem = items;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (DeliveryItem item in items)
                var el = new DisplayItem();
                el.itemUID      = item.item_uid;
                el.img          = item.img;
                el.title        = + " (" + item.unit + ") ";
                el.itemName     =;
                el.quantity     = item.qty.ToString();
                el.opacityValue = 1;
                el.index        = i;
                if (item.qty > 1)
                    el.color = Color.Red;
                    el.color = Color.Black;

            ItemList.ItemsSource = Items;
Esempio n. 40
 public void deleteItem()
     if (displayInfo != null && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) && SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name != "Tutorial" && FindObjectOfType <ConsumableConfirm>() == null)
         FindObjectOfType <AudioManager>().PlaySound("Destroy Item");
         if (displayInfo.GetComponent <ArtifactEffect>())
             displayInfo.GetComponent <ArtifactEffect>().artifactDestroyed();
         displayInfo = null;
 public ConfigurationDataCookie()
     Cookie = new StringItem { Name = "Cookie" };
     CookieHint = new DisplayItem(
     "<ol><li>Login to BeyondHD in your browser <li>Open the developer console, go the network tab <li>Find 'cookie' in the request headers <li>Copy & paste it to here</ol>")
         Name = "CookieHint"
     CookieExample = new DisplayItem(
     "Example cookie header (usually longer than this):<br><code>PHPSESSID=8rk27odm; ipsconnect_63ad9c=1; more_stuff=etc;</code>")
         Name = "CookieExample"
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a channel contains sailing terms and is therefore a sailing channel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="terms"></param>
        /// <param name="channel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CheckSailingTerms(IReadOnlyCollection <SailingTerm> terms, DisplayItem channel)
            string body = channel.Title.ToLower() + " " + channel.Description.ToLower();

            foreach (var term in terms)
                if (body.Contains(term.Id))

Esempio n. 43
File: Program.cs Progetto: xcjs/u413
        private static void Display(DisplayItem displayItem)
            Console.ForegroundColor = _foregroundColor;
            Console.BackgroundColor = _backgroundColor;

            if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Inverted) != 0)
                Console.ForegroundColor = _backgroundColor;
                Console.BackgroundColor = _foregroundColor;
                displayItem.Text = string.Format(" {0} ", displayItem.Text);
            if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Dim) != 0)
                Console.ForegroundColor = _dimColor;
            if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Parse) != 0)
                displayItem.Text = U413.Domain.Utilities.BBCodeUtility.ConvertTagsForConsole(displayItem.Text);

            if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.DontType) != 0)
                if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Mute) == 0)
                foreach (char c in displayItem.Text)
                Console.Write(' ');
                if ((displayItem.DisplayMode & DisplayMode.Mute) == 0)

            Console.ForegroundColor = _foregroundColor;
            Console.BackgroundColor = _backgroundColor;
Esempio n. 44
 private void SetDisplayItemZ(DisplayItem displayItem, int pos)
     foreach (PreviewPixel p in displayItem.Shape.Pixels)
         p.Z = pos;
Esempio n. 45
        private void SetupLine(bool horizontal)
            preview.Data = new VixenPreviewData();
            preview.BackgroundAlpha = 0;
            displayItem = new DisplayItem();
            PreviewPoint p1, p2;
            if (horizontal) {
                p1 = new PreviewPoint(10, preview.Height/2);
                p2 = new PreviewPoint(preview.Width - 10, preview.Height/2);
            else {
                p1 = new PreviewPoint(preview.Width/2, preview.Height - 10);
                p2 = new PreviewPoint(preview.Width/2, 10);
            PreviewLine line = new PreviewLine(p1, p2, PixelsPerString(), null, 1);

            line.PixelCount = PixelsPerString();
            line.PixelSize = Data.PixelSize;
            line.PixelColor = Color.White;
            displayItem.Shape = line;

Esempio n. 46
        private void SetupCane()
            preview.Data = new VixenPreviewData();
            preview.BackgroundAlpha = 0;
            displayItem = new DisplayItem();

            PreviewCane cane = new PreviewCane(new PreviewPoint(10, 10), null, 1);
            cane.StringType = PreviewBaseShape.StringTypes.Pixel;

            cane.LinePixelCount = PixelsPerString() / 2;
            cane.ArchPixelCount = PixelsPerString() / 2;
            cane.PixelSize = Data.PixelSize;
            cane.PixelColor = Color.White;

            cane.ArchLeft = new Point(0, preview.Height / 4);
            cane.TopLeft = new Point(preview.Width / 4, preview.Height / 8);
            cane.BottomRight = new Point((preview.Width / 4) + (preview.Width / 2), (preview.Height / 4) + (preview.Height / 2));

            displayItem.Shape = cane;

Esempio n. 47
        private void SetupArch()
            preview.Data = new VixenPreviewData();
            preview.BackgroundAlpha = 0;
            displayItem = new DisplayItem();
            PreviewArch arch = new PreviewArch(new PreviewPoint(10, 10), null, 1);
            arch.PixelCount = PixelsPerString();
            arch.PixelSize = Data.PixelSize;
            arch.PixelColor = Color.White;
            arch.TopLeft = new Point(10, preview.Height/2);
            arch.BottomRight = new Point((int) (preview.Width - 10), (int) (preview.Height - 10));
            displayItem.Shape = arch;

Esempio n. 48
 public void AddTtemplateToPreview(string fileName)
     if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileName)) {
         // Read the entire template file (stoopid waste of resources, but how else?)
         string xml = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName);
         DisplayItem newDisplayItem = PreviewTools.DeSerializeToDisplayItem(xml, typeof (DisplayItem));
         if (newDisplayItem != null) {
             _selectedDisplayItem = newDisplayItem;
             OnSelectDisplayItem(this, _selectedDisplayItem);
             _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.MoveTo(10, 10);
Esempio n. 49
        private void SelectItemUnderPoint(PreviewPoint point, bool addToSelection)
            if (!_mouseCaptured)
                // First, see if we have an item already selected, but want to add to it
                if (addToSelection)
                    if (_selectedDisplayItem != null)
                    DisplayItem item = DisplayItemAtPoint(point);
                    if (item != null)
                    // First, deselect any currently selected item

                    _selectedDisplayItem = DisplayItemAtPoint(point);
                    if (_selectedDisplayItem != null)
                        OnSelectDisplayItem(this, _selectedDisplayItem);
Esempio n. 50
        private void VixenPreviewControl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_editMode)
                bool controlPressed = (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control);
                PreviewPoint translatedPoint = new PreviewPoint(e.X + hScroll.Value, e.Y + vScroll.Value);
                if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
                    if (_currentTool == Tools.Select)
                        if (controlPressed)
                            DisplayItem item = DisplayItemAtPoint(translatedPoint);
                            if (item != null && SelectedDisplayItems.Contains(item))
                                SelectItemUnderPoint(translatedPoint, controlPressed);

                        // Is there a single dislay item selected?
                        if (_selectedDisplayItem != null && !controlPressed)
                            // Lets see if we've got a drag point.
                            PreviewPoint selectedPoint = _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.PointInSelectPoint(translatedPoint);
                            if (selectedPoint != null)
                                dragStart = translatedPoint.ToPoint();
                                Capture = true;
                                _mouseCaptured = true;
                            // If we're not resizing, see if we're moving a single shape
                            else if (_selectedDisplayItem.Shape.PointInShape(translatedPoint))
                                StartMove(translatedPoint.X, translatedPoint.Y);
                            // If we get here, we're outside the shape, deselect
                        // Are there multiple items selected?
                        // If so, we're moving, can't resize them...
                        else if (SelectedDisplayItems.Count > 1 && !controlPressed)
                            //if (MouseOverSelectedDisplayItems(e.X, e.Y)) {
                            //    StartMove(e.X, e.Y);
                            //else {
                            //    SelectedDisplayItems.Clear();
                            if (MouseOverSelectedDisplayItems(translatedPoint.X, translatedPoint.Y))
                                StartMove(translatedPoint.X, translatedPoint.Y);

                        SelectItemUnderPoint(translatedPoint, controlPressed);

                        // If we get this far, and we've got nothing selected, we're drawing a rubber band!
                        if (_selectedDisplayItem == null && SelectedDisplayItems.Count == 0)
                            // Capture the mouse in case we want to draw a rubber band
                            dragStart = translatedPoint.ToPoint();
                            Capture = true;
                            _mouseCaptured = true;
                            _bandRect.Width = 0;
                            _bandRect.Height = 0;
                            _banding = true;

                    else if (_selectedDisplayItem != null && _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.PointInShape(translatedPoint) && !_selectedDisplayItem.Shape.Creating)
                        StartMove(translatedPoint.X, translatedPoint.Y);

                    // If we're not Selecting items, we're drawing them
                    else if (_currentTool == Tools.PolyLine && _mouseCaptured)
                    else if (_currentTool == Tools.MultiString && _mouseCaptured)

                        DisplayItem newDisplayItem = null;
                        if (_currentTool == Tools.String)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewLine(translatedPoint, translatedPoint, 50,
                                                                   elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Arch)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewArch(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Rectangle)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewRectangle(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Single)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem
                                Shape = new PreviewSingle(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel)
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Ellipse)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewEllipse(translatedPoint, 50, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Triangle)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewTriangle(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Net)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewNet(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Cane)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewCane(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Star)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewStar(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.StarBurst)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewStarBurst(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Flood)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewFlood(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.MegaTree)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewMegaTree(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.PixelGrid)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewPixelGrid(translatedPoint, elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.Icicle)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewIcicle(translatedPoint, translatedPoint,
                                                                     elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.PolyLine)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewPolyLine(translatedPoint, translatedPoint,
                                                                       elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);
                        else if (_currentTool == Tools.MultiString)
                            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
                            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewMultiString(translatedPoint, translatedPoint,
                                                                          elementsForm.SelectedNode, ZoomLevel);

                        // Now add the newely created display item to the screen.
                        if (newDisplayItem != null)
                            newDisplayItem.ZoomLevel = ZoomLevel;
                            _selectedDisplayItem = newDisplayItem;
                            _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.PixelSize = 3;
                            dragStart = translatedPoint.ToPoint();
                            Capture = true;
                            _mouseCaptured = true;
                else if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right)
                    SelectItemUnderPoint(translatedPoint, false);

                    if (_selectedDisplayItem != null)
                        PreviewPoint selectedPoint = _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.PointInSelectPoint(translatedPoint);
                        if (_selectedDisplayItem.Shape.PointInShape(translatedPoint))
                            if (_selectedDisplayItem.Shape.GetType().ToString().Contains("PreviewCustom"))
                                contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "Separate Template Items", Tag = "Separate", Image = Common.Resources.Properties.Resources.Split });
                    else if (SelectedDisplayItems.Count > 1)
                        contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "Create Group...", Tag = "CreateGroup", Image = });
                        contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
                        contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "Create Template...", Tag = "CreateTemplate", Image = Common.Resources.Properties.Resources.document_font });
                    if (_selectedDisplayItem != null)
                        contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "Cut", Tag = "Cut", Image = Common.Resources.Properties.Resources.cut });
                        contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "Copy", Tag = "Copy", Image = Common.Resources.Properties.Resources.page_copy });
                    if (ClipboardPopulated)
                        if (_selectedDisplayItem == null & SelectedDisplayItems.Count > 1)
                            contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
                        contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "Paste", Tag = "Paste", Image = Common.Resources.Properties.Resources.paste_plain });
                    if (_selectedDisplayItem != null)
                        contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "Delete", Tag = "Delete", Image = Common.Resources.Properties.Resources.delete });
                    if (_selectedDisplayItem != null)
                        contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());

                        if (Data.SaveLocations & _selectedDisplayItem != null)
                            // Z location menu
                            contextMenuStrip1.Items.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "Set Z Location to" });
                            // Z sub menu items
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "0 Front", Tag = "0" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "1", Tag = "1" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "2", Tag = "2" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "3", Tag = "3" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "4 Middle", Tag = "4" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "5", Tag = "5" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "6", Tag = "6" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "7", Tag = "7" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "8", Tag = "8" });
                            (contextMenuStrip1.Items[contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count - 1] as ToolStripMenuItem).DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripMenuItem { Text = "9 Back", Tag = "9" });
                    if (contextMenuStrip1.Items.Count > 0)
                        contextMenuStrip1.Show(this, e.Location);
                else if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle)
                    // Pan
                    zoomTo = MousePointToZoomPoint(e.Location);
Esempio n. 51
 protected void AddItem( DisplayItem item )
     AddRawItem( item );
Esempio n. 52
 public void OnItemContextMenuClick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
     string tag = (sender as MenuItem).Tag.ToString();
     switch (tag) {
         case "CreateTemplate":
             _selectedDisplayItem = CreateTemplate();
             if (_selectedDisplayItem != null) {
         case "CreateGroup":
             _selectedDisplayItem = CreateGroup();
             if (_selectedDisplayItem != null) {
         case "Separate":
             if (_selectedDisplayItem != null)
         case "Cut":
         case "Copy":
         case "Paste":
         case "Delete":
         case "0":
         case "1":
         case "2":
         case "3":
         case "4":
         case "5":
         case "6":
         case "7":
         case "8":
         case "9":
Esempio n. 53
 public void DeSelectSelectedDisplayItemNoNotify()
     if (_selectedDisplayItem != null) {
         _selectedDisplayItem = null;
Esempio n. 54
 public void DeSelectSelectedDisplayItem()
     if (_selectedDisplayItem != null) {
         OnDeSelectDisplayItem(this, _selectedDisplayItem);
         _selectedDisplayItem = null;
Esempio n. 55
        public DisplayItem CreateGroup()
            foreach (DisplayItem item in SelectedDisplayItems) {
                if (item.Shape.GetType().ToString().Contains("PreviewCustom")) {
                    //messageBox Arguments are (Text, Title, No Button Visible, Cancel Button Visible)
                    MessageBoxForm.msgIcon = SystemIcons.Error; //this is used if you want to add a system icon to the message form.
                    var messageBox = new MessageBoxForm("You cannot create a group or a template with an item that is already grouped or a template item. First, separate the items and then re-group all the items you would like.",
                        "Grouping Error", false, true);
                    return null;
            DisplayItem newDisplayItem;
            newDisplayItem = new DisplayItem();
            newDisplayItem.Shape = new PreviewCustom(new PreviewPoint(100, 100), SelectedShapes());
            foreach (DisplayItem item in SelectedDisplayItems) {

            return newDisplayItem;
Esempio n. 56
 public ConfigurationDataStrike(string url) : base(url)
     StrikeWarning = new DisplayItem("This indexer does not support RSS Sync, only Search") { Name = "Warning" };
Esempio n. 57
        private void SetupMegaTree(int degrees)
            int stringCount = StringCount;
            if (stringCount < 2) return;
            preview.Data = new VixenPreviewData();
            preview.BackgroundAlpha = 0;
            displayItem = new DisplayItem();
            PreviewMegaTree tree = new PreviewMegaTree(new PreviewPoint(10, 10), null, 1);
            tree.BaseHeight = 25;
            tree.TopHeight = 1;
            tree.TopWidth = 1;
            tree.StringType = PreviewBaseShape.StringTypes.Pixel;
            tree.Degrees = degrees;

            tree.StringCount = stringCount;

            tree.PixelCount = PixelsPerString();
            tree.PixelSize = Data.PixelSize;
            tree.PixelColor = Color.White;
            tree.Top = 10;
            tree.Left = 10;
            tree.BottomRight = new Point(preview.Width - 10, preview.Height - 10);
            displayItem.Shape = tree;

Esempio n. 58
        private void SetupPixelGrid()
            if (StringCount < 2) return;
            preview.Data = new VixenPreviewData();
            preview.BackgroundAlpha = 0;
            displayItem = new DisplayItem();

            PreviewPixelGrid grid = new PreviewPixelGrid(new PreviewPoint(10, 10), null, 1);

            grid.StringType = PreviewBaseShape.StringTypes.Pixel;
            grid.StringCount = StringCount;
            grid.LightsPerString = PixelsPerString();
            grid.PixelSize = Data.PixelSize;
            grid.PixelColor = Color.White;
            grid.Top = 10;
            grid.Left = 10;
            if (Data.StringOrienation == NutcrackerEffects.StringOrientations.Horizontal)
                grid.StringOrientation = PreviewPixelGrid.StringOrientations.Horizontal;
                grid.BottomRight = new Point(Math.Min(StringCount * Data.PixelSize * 2, preview.Width - 10), preview.Width - 10); ;
                grid.BottomLeft.Y = Math.Min(StringCount * Data.PixelSize * 2, preview.Width - 10);
                grid.BottomRight = new Point(Math.Min(grid.LightsPerString * Data.PixelSize * 2, preview.Width - 10), preview.Width - 10);
                grid.Left = Math.Max( (preview.Width - 10 - (grid.LightsPerString * Data.PixelSize * 2))/2 , 10);
                grid.BottomRight = new Point(preview.Width-10,preview.Height-10);

            displayItem.Shape = grid;

Esempio n. 59
        private void VixenPreviewControl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (_mouseCaptured) {
                if (_currentTool != Tools.Select) {
                    // If control is pressed, deselect the shape and immediately allow drawing another shape
                    //if ((Control.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0) {
                    //    _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.MouseUp(sender, e);
                    //    DeSelectSelectedDisplayItem();
                    if (_selectedDisplayItem != null &&
                        _currentTool == Tools.PolyLine &&
                        e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left  &&
                        // If we are drawing a PolyLine, we want all the mouse events to be passed to the shape
                        _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.MouseUp(sender, e);
                    else if (_selectedDisplayItem != null &&
                             _currentTool == Tools.MultiString &&
                             e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left &&
                        // If we are drawing a MultiString, we want all the mouse events to be passed to the shape
                        _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.MouseUp(sender, e);
                        //_currentTool = Tools.Select;

                if (_selectedDisplayItem != null) {
                    _selectedDisplayItem.Shape.MouseUp(sender, e);
                    OnSelectDisplayItem(this, _selectedDisplayItem);
                // Ok, if this is true, we've got a rubber band and something is selected, now what?
                else if (SelectedDisplayItems.Count > 0) {
                    // If we only have one item, just select it and go on.
                    if (SelectedDisplayItems.Count == 1) {
                        _selectedDisplayItem = SelectedDisplayItems[0];
                        OnSelectDisplayItem(this, _selectedDisplayItem);
                    else {
                        // Do nothing...
Esempio n. 60
 public void AddDisplayItem(DisplayItem displayItem)