void Awake() { GUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GUI"); displayEditor = GUI.GetComponent <DisplayEditor> (); buttonColour = GUI.GetComponent <ButtonColour> (); gameInstructions = GUI.GetComponent <GameInstructions> (); scriptHolder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScriptHolder"); teamChecker = scriptHolder.GetComponent <TeamChecker> (); attack = scriptHolder.GetComponent <Attack> (); countryManagement = scriptHolder.GetComponent <CountryManagement> (); }
void Awake() { scriptHolder = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("ScriptHolder"); allocateSoldiers = scriptHolder.GetComponent <AllocateSoldiers> (); targetCountry = scriptHolder.GetComponent <TargetCountry> (); phases = scriptHolder.GetComponent <Phases> (); armyMovement = scriptHolder.GetComponent <ArmyMovement> (); playerTurn = scriptHolder.GetComponent <PlayerTurn> (); audioFadeOut = scriptHolder.GetComponent <AudioFadeOut> (); teamChecker = scriptHolder.GetComponent <TeamChecker> (); GUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GUI"); displayEditor = GUI.GetComponent <DisplayEditor> (); buttonColour = GUI.GetComponent <ButtonColour> (); }
void Awake() { GUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GUI"); gameInstructions = GUI.GetComponent <GameInstructions> (); displayEditor = GUI.GetComponent <DisplayEditor> (); targetingNetwork = this.GetComponent <TargetingNetwork> (); armyManagement = this.GetComponent <ArmyManagement>(); countryManagement = this.GetComponent <CountryManagement> (); takeControl = this.GetComponent <TakeControl> (); diceRoll = this.GetComponent <DiceRoll>(); phases = this.GetComponent <Phases> (); teamChecker = this.GetComponent <TeamChecker> (); targetCountry = this.GetComponent <TargetCountry> (); audioFadeOut = this.GetComponent <AudioFadeOut> (); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the viewer. /// Method searches for assemblies constructed with name of data type assembly + extension. /// For example, if provided extensions are '.UI.WPF.dll' and '.UI.dll' /// and data is of type TLArtifactsCollection from assembly TraceLabSDK.Types.dll, /// method will search for TraceLabSDK.Types.WPF.UI.dll and TraceLabSDK.Types.UI.dll in that order /// for type TLArtifactsCollectionEditor (namespace of both must be the same) /// /// The provided display functions will try to display windows based on their types. /// Typically, one will check for Windows Form and the other for Gui specific editor. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data.</param> /// <param name="windowTitle">The window title.</param> /// <param name="assemblyExtensions">The list of assembly extensions to check; </param> /// <param name="displayUnitEditors">The display unit editors.</param> /// <param name="error">The error.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool LoadViewer(object data, string windowTitle, string[] assemblyExtensions, DisplayEditor[] displayUnitEditors, out string error) { bool success = false; Type editorType; Type dataType = data.GetType(); error = String.Empty; try { if(GetEditorType(dataType, assemblyExtensions, out editorType)) { ConstructorInfo constructor = editorType.GetConstructor (Type.EmptyTypes); if (constructor != null) { IWorkspaceUnitEditor createdEditor = (IWorkspaceUnitEditor)constructor.Invoke (null); createdEditor.Data = data; //try all display functions foreach (DisplayEditor displayFunc in displayUnitEditors) { success = displayFunc(createdEditor, windowTitle); if (success == true) { break; } } } } else { success = false; error = "Editor has not been found for type: " + dataType.FullName; } } catch(Exception ex) { //format errors if loading was not successful StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("Unable to create editor for type: " + dataType.FullName); builder.AppendLine(ex.Message); error = builder.ToString(); } return success; }
void Awake() { territories = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Territories"); troopCount = territories.GetComponent <TroopCount> (); GUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GUI"); gameInstructions = GUI.GetComponent <GameInstructions> (); buttonColour = GUI.GetComponent <ButtonColour> (); displayEditor = GUI.GetComponent <DisplayEditor> (); phases = this.GetComponent <Phases> (); countryManagement = this.GetComponent <CountryManagement> (); addSoldier = this.GetComponent <AddSoldier> (); linkedTerritories = this.GetComponent <LinkedTerritories> (); playerTurn = this.GetComponent <PlayerTurn> (); teamChecker = this.GetComponent <TeamChecker> (); }
void Awake() { GUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GUI"); receiveBonus = GUI.GetComponent <ReceiveBonus> (); gameInstructions = GUI.GetComponent <GameInstructions> (); buttonColour = GUI.GetComponent <ButtonColour> (); openingDeployment = GUI.GetComponent <OpeningDeployment> (); endGame = GUI.GetComponent <EndGame>(); displayEditor = GUI.GetComponent <DisplayEditor>(); territories = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Territories"); territoryCount = territories.GetComponent <TerritoryCount> (); playerTurn = this.GetComponent <PlayerTurn> (); deploySoldiers = this.GetComponent <DeploySoldiers> (); armyMovement = this.GetComponent <ArmyMovement> (); }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { territories = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Territories"); troopCount = territories.GetComponent <TroopCount> (); boardSetUp = territories.GetComponent <BoardSetUp> (); changeCategory = territories.GetComponent <ChangeCatagory> (); GUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GUI"); openingDeployment = GUI.GetComponent <OpeningDeployment> (); displayEditor = GUI.GetComponent <DisplayEditor> (); buttonColour = GUI.GetComponent <ButtonColour> (); countryManagement = this.GetComponent <CountryManagement> (); playerTurn = this.GetComponent <PlayerTurn> (); teamChecker = this.GetComponent <TeamChecker> (); phases = this.GetComponent <Phases> (); globalFunctions = this.GetComponent <GlobalFunctions> (); }
void Awake() { countryManagement = this.GetComponent <CountryManagement> (); phases = this.GetComponent <Phases> (); teamChecker = this.GetComponent <TeamChecker> (); playerTurn = this.GetComponent <PlayerTurn> (); deploySoldiers = this.GetComponent <DeploySoldiers> (); attack = this.GetComponent <Attack> (); audioFadeOut = this.GetComponent <AudioFadeOut> (); territories = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Territories"); troopCount = territories.GetComponent <TroopCount> (); GUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GUI"); displayEditor = GUI.GetComponent <DisplayEditor> (); receiveBonus = GUI.GetComponent <ReceiveBonus> (); buttonColour = GUI.GetComponent <ButtonColour> (); }
//******************************************************************************** // OnInspectorGUI //******************************************************************************** public override void OnInspectorGUI() { Info.Reset(m_creature_control); if (m_creature_debug != null) { m_creature_control.Display.ShowDebug = m_creature_debug.enabled; } else { m_creature_control.Display.ShowDebug = false; } GUI.changed = false; EditorGUILayout.Separator(); // COCKPIT DisplayEditor.Print(m_creature_control); InfoEditor.Print(m_creature_control); // WIZARD //EditorWizard.Print( m_creature_control ); // ESSENTIALS EssentialsEditor.Print(m_creature_control); // STATUS StatusEditor.Print(m_creature_control); // MISSIONS MissionsEditor.Print(m_creature_control); // INTERACTION InteractionEditor.Print(m_creature_control); // ENVIRONMENT EnvironmentEditor.Print(m_creature_control); //BEHAVIOURS BehaviourEditor.Print(m_creature_control); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(" - ICECreatureControl v" + Info.Version + " - ", EditorStyles.centeredGreyMiniLabel); if (m_creature_control.Display.ShowDebug) { if (m_creature_debug == null) { m_creature_debug = m_creature_control.gameObject.AddComponent <ICECreatureControlDebug>(); } else if (m_creature_debug.enabled == false) { m_creature_debug.enabled = true; } } else if (m_creature_debug != null) { m_creature_debug.enabled = false; /* * DestroyImmediate( m_creature_control.GetComponent<ICECreatureControlDebug>() ); * EditorGUIUtility.ExitGUI();*/ } MarkSceneDirty(m_creature_control); }