Esempio n. 1
        internal async ReusableTask TryHashPendingFilesAsync ()
            // If we cannot handle peer messages then we should not try to async hash.
            // This adds a little bit of a double meaning to the property (for now).
            // Any mode which doesn't allow processing peer messages also does not allow
            // partial hashing.
            if (hashingPendingFiles || !Manager.HasMetadata || !CanHandleMessages)

            // FIXME: Handle errors from DiskManager and also handle cancellation if the Mode is replaced.
            hashingPendingFiles = true;
            try {
                foreach (TorrentFile file in Manager.Torrent.Files) {
                    // If the start piece *and* end piece have been hashed, then every piece in between must've been hashed!
                    if (file.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload && (Manager.UnhashedPieces[file.StartPieceIndex] || Manager.UnhashedPieces[file.EndPieceIndex])) {
                        for (int index = file.StartPieceIndex; index <= file.EndPieceIndex; index++) {
                            if (Manager.UnhashedPieces[index]) {
                                byte[] hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync (Manager.Torrent, index);
                                Cancellation.Token.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ();

                                bool hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid (hash, index);
                                Manager.OnPieceHashed (index, hashPassed, 1, 1);

                                if (hashPassed)
                                    Manager.finishedPieces.Enqueue (new HaveMessage (index));
            } finally {
                hashingPendingFiles = false;
        public async Task WaitForHashingToComplete()
            if (!Manager.HasMetadata)
                throw new TorrentException("A hash check cannot be performed if TorrentManager.HasMetadata is false.");

            Manager.HashFails = 0;

            // Delete any existing fast resume data. We will need to recreate it after hashing completes.
            await Manager.MaybeDeleteFastResumeAsync();

            bool atLeastOneDoNotDownload = Manager.Files.Any(t => t.Priority == Priority.DoNotDownload);

            if (await DiskManager.CheckAnyFilesExistAsync(Manager))
                int piecesHashed = 0;
                // bep52: Properly support this
                using var hashBuffer = MemoryPool.Default.Rent(Manager.InfoHashes.GetMaxByteCount(), out Memory <byte> hashMemory);
                var hashes = new PieceHash(hashMemory);
                for (int index = 0; index < Manager.Torrent !.PieceCount; index++)
                    if (atLeastOneDoNotDownload && !Manager.Files.Any(f => index >= f.StartPieceIndex && index <= f.EndPieceIndex && f.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload))
                        // If a file is marked 'do not download' ensure we update the TorrentFiles
                        // so they also report that the piece is not available/downloaded.
                        Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, false, piecesHashed, Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount);
                        // Then mark this piece as being unhashed so we don't try to download it.
                        Manager.UnhashedPieces[index] = true;

                    await PausedCompletionSource.Task;

                    var successful = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager, index, hashes);

                    if (Cancellation.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        await DiskManager.CloseFilesAsync(Manager);


                    bool hashPassed = successful && Manager.PieceHashes.IsValid(hashes, index);
                    Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed, ++piecesHashed, Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount);
                await PausedCompletionSource.Task;
                for (int i = 0; i < Manager.Torrent !.PieceCount; i++)
                    Manager.OnPieceHashed(i, false, i + 1, Manager.Torrent.PieceCount);
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task WaitForHashingToComplete()
            if (!Manager.HasMetadata)
                throw new TorrentException("A hash check cannot be performed if TorrentManager.HasMetadata is false.");

            // Ensure the partial progress selector is up to date before we start hashing

            int piecesHashed = 0;

            Manager.HashFails = 0;

            // Delete any existing fast resume data. We will need to recreate it after hashing completes.
            await Manager.MaybeDeleteFastResumeAsync();

            if (await DiskManager.CheckAnyFilesExistAsync(Manager))
                for (int index = 0; index < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; index++)
                    if (!Manager.Files.Any(f => index >= f.StartPieceIndex && index <= f.EndPieceIndex && f.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload))
                        // If a file is marked 'do not download' ensure we update the TorrentFiles
                        // so they also report that the piece is not available/downloaded.
                        Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, false, piecesHashed, Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount);
                        // Then mark this piece as being unhashed so we don't try to download it.
                        Manager.UnhashedPieces[index] = true;

                    await PausedCompletionSource.Task;

                    byte[] hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager, index);

                    if (Cancellation.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        await DiskManager.CloseFilesAsync(Manager);


                    bool hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid(hash, index);
                    Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed, ++piecesHashed, Manager.PartialProgressSelector.TrueCount);
                await PausedCompletionSource.Task;

                for (int i = 0; i < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; i++)
                    Manager.OnPieceHashed(i, false, ++piecesHashed, Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count);
Esempio n. 4
        async void WritePieceAsync (PieceMessage message, Piece piece)
            long offset = (long) message.PieceIndex * Manager.Torrent.PieceLength + message.StartOffset;

            try {
                await DiskManager.WriteAsync (Manager.Torrent, offset, message.Data, message.RequestLength);
                if (Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Manager.TrySetError (Reason.WriteFailure, ex);
            } finally {
                ClientEngine.BufferPool.Return (message.Data);


            // If we haven't received all the pieces to disk, there's no point in hash checking
            if (!piece.AllBlocksWritten)

            // Hashcheck the piece as we now have all the blocks.
            byte[] hash;
            try {
                hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync (Manager.Torrent, piece.Index);
                if (Cancellation.IsCancellationRequested)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Manager.TrySetError (Reason.ReadFailure, ex);

            bool result = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid (hash, piece.Index);
            Manager.OnPieceHashed (piece.Index, result, 1, 1);
            Manager.PieceManager.PendingHashCheckPieces[piece.Index] = false;
            if (!result)

            for (int i = 0; i < piece.Blocks.Length; i++)
                if (piece.Blocks[i].RequestedOff != null)
                    peers.Add ((PeerId) piece.Blocks[i].RequestedOff);

            foreach (PeerId peer in peers) {
                peer.Peer.HashedPiece (result);
                if (peer.Peer.TotalHashFails == 5)
                    ConnectionManager.CleanupSocket (Manager, peer);
            peers.Clear ();

            // If the piece was successfully hashed, enqueue a new "have" message to be sent out
            if (result)
                Manager.finishedPieces.Enqueue (new HaveMessage (piece.Index));
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task WaitForHashingToComplete()
            if (!Manager.HasMetadata)
                throw new TorrentException("A hash check cannot be performed if TorrentManager.HasMetadata is false.");

            Manager.HashFails = 0;
            if (await DiskManager.CheckAnyFilesExistAsync(Manager.Torrent))
                for (int index = 0; index < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; index++)
                    if (!Manager.Torrent.Files.Any(f => index >= f.StartPieceIndex && index <= f.EndPieceIndex && f.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload))
                        // If a file is marked 'do not download' ensure we update the TorrentFiles
                        // so they also report that the piece is not available/downloaded.
                        Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, false);
                        // Then mark this piece as being unhashed so we don't try to download it.
                        Manager.UnhashedPieces[index] = true;

                    await PausedCompletionSource.Task;

                    var hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager.Torrent, index);

                    if (Cancellation.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        await DiskManager.CloseFilesAsync(Manager.Torrent);


                    var hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid(hash, index);
                    Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed);
                await PausedCompletionSource.Task;

                for (int i = 0; i < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; i++)
                    Manager.OnPieceHashed(i, false);
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task WaitForHashingToComplete()
            if (!Manager.HasMetadata)
                throw new TorrentException("A hash check cannot be performed if TorrentManager.HasMetadata is false.");

            Manager.HashFails = 0;
            if (await DiskManager.CheckAnyFilesExistAsync(Manager.Torrent))
                for (int index = 0; index < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; index++)
                    if (!Manager.Torrent.Files.Any(f => index >= f.StartPieceIndex && index <= f.EndPieceIndex && f.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload))
                        Manager.Bitfield [index] = false;

                    await PausedCompletionSource.Task;

                    var hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager.Torrent, index);

                    if (Cancellation.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                        await DiskManager.CloseFilesAsync(Manager.Torrent);


                    var hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid(hash, index);
                    Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed);
                await PausedCompletionSource.Task;

                for (int i = 0; i < Manager.Torrent.Pieces.Count; i++)
                    Manager.OnPieceHashed(i, false);
Esempio n. 7
        internal async Task TryHashPendingFilesAsync()
            if (hashingPendingFiles || !Manager.HasMetadata)

            // FIXME: Handle errors from DiskManager and also handle cancellation if the Mode is replaced.
            hashingPendingFiles = true;
            try {
                foreach (var file in Manager.Torrent.Files)
                    // If the start piece *and* end piece have been hashed, then every piece in between must've been hashed!
                    if (file.Priority != Priority.DoNotDownload && (Manager.UnhashedPieces[file.StartPieceIndex] || Manager.UnhashedPieces[file.EndPieceIndex]))
                        for (int index = file.StartPieceIndex; index <= file.EndPieceIndex; index++)
                            if (Manager.UnhashedPieces [index])
                                var hash = await DiskManager.GetHashAsync(Manager.Torrent, index);


                                var hashPassed = hash != null && Manager.Torrent.Pieces.IsValid(hash, index);
                                Manager.OnPieceHashed(index, hashPassed);

                                if (hashPassed)
                                    Manager.finishedPieces.Enqueue(new HaveMessage(index));
            } finally {
                hashingPendingFiles = false;