Esempio n. 1
        private static void InsertTopics()
            // Fetching Categories First: Technology and Sports.
            IList <Category> categories;

            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                categories = context.Categories
                             .Where(c =>
                                    c.Name == DiscussionCategories.Technology ||
                                    c.Name == DiscussionCategories.Sports)
            // Time to Create a Topic which will fall under The above 2 Categories
            Topic topic = new Topic
                StartDate = System.DateTime.Now,
                IsActive  = true,
                TopicName = "Will Mr.Gates ever buy a Basketball Team?"

            foreach (var _category in categories)
                var categoryRec = new Category
                    CategoryId = _category.CategoryId,
                    Name       = _category.Name
            // Saving New Topic
            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                context.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine;

                // Everything in the Graph will be marked as Added Now!
                // Including the Category Records...

                // Marking Category Records as UnChanged - No Insert required!
                foreach (var entry in context.ChangeTracker.Entries <Category>())
                    entry.State = EntityState.Unchanged;

Esempio n. 2
        private static Boolean InterestsExists()
            IList <Interest> interests;

            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                interests = context.Interests.Where(i =>
                                                    i.InterestName == DiscussionCategories.Science ||
                                                    i.InterestName == DiscussionCategories.Sports ||
                                                    i.InterestName == DiscussionCategories.Technology ||
                                                    i.InterestName == DiscussionCategories.Politics ||
                                                    i.InterestName == DiscussionCategories.Philosophy
            return(interests.Count > 0);
Esempio n. 3
        private static void UpdateRandomCommentInDisconnectedState()
            // Fetching a Random Comment
            Comment comment;

            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                // Get me a random comment
                comment = context.Comments.FirstOrDefault();

            // Update the data now
            // This will mimick us fetching data and passing
            // it to some sort of client - example a Web page
            // for update.

            // Mimicking Update the Web Client will do
            comment.CommentDetail = "Comment Updated by: " +
                                    "UpdateRandomCommentInDisconnectedState()" +
                                    " Method on DateTime" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

            // Now, the data HashSet to TransactionalBehavior saved.

            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                context.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine;

                // Note* This Context has NO IDEA of what has happened to the
                // above Comment Object - It has no Knowledge that it has been
                // Updated!

                // We need to apprise it of the changes we have made to the
                // Comment Object!

                // Marking the object as Updated/Modified for the Context to
                // take action and fire a Update Statement for the relevant
                // Comment Object.
                context.Entry(comment).State = EntityState.Modified;

                // Save the Updated Comment Object
Esempio n. 4
        private static void UpdateRandomComment()
            // Fetching a Random Comment
            Comment comment;

            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                context.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine;

                // Get me a random comment
                comment = context.Comments.FirstOrDefault();

                // Lets make some changes
                comment.CommentDetail = "Comment Updated by: UpdateRandomComment()" +
                                        " Method on DateTime" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

                // Save the Updated Comment Object
Esempio n. 5
        private static void InsertInterests()
            IList <Interest> interests = new List <Interest>();
            // Fetching Members...
            IList <Member> members;

            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                members = context.Members
                          .Where(m => m.FirstName
            // Time to Create Interests for Members
            int enumCounter = 1;

            foreach (var member in members)
                var interest = new Interest
                    // the power of Enums!
                    InterestName = (DiscussionCategories)enumCounter,
                    // Use Foreign Key to indicate this is not a Insert!
                    MemberId = member.MemberId
            // Saving New Interests
            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                context.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine;

                // Everything in the Graph will be marked as Added Now!

Esempio n. 6
        private static void InsertMembers()
            IList <Member> members = new List <Member>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                var member = new Member
                    FirstName = "Member" + i,
                    LastName  = "SomeLastName" + i,

                    // BOTS have just been born.. RUN...
                    DateOfBirth = System.DateTime.Now,

                    // Adding ContactDetaiul record on the FLY!...
                    ContactDetail = new ContactDetail
                        MobilePhone  = "MobileNumber" + i,
                        TwitterAlias = "TwitterAlias" + i,
                        Facebook     = "Facebook" + i,
                        LinkedIn     = "Linkedin" + i
            // Saving New Members
            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                context.Database.Log = Console.WriteLine;

                // Everything in the Graph will be marked as Added Now!
                // Including the ContactDetail Records...

Esempio n. 7
        private static void GetMembers()
            // Instantiate our Discussion Board Context
            using (var context = new DiscussionBoardContext())
                // Some Notes -
                // 1.
                // Make sure Refernce to DiscussionBoard.DomainClasses Project
                // has been added to this Console Application Project.
                // 2.
                // Execute a simple query to return all Members.
                // 3.
                // ToList() is a LINQ mehtod and also an Executing Method.
                // So the ToList() method will actually trigger the
                // query execution in this case! to return all the Members.
                var members = context.Members.ToList();

                foreach (var singleMember in members)
                    // Print the First Name on Console.