Esempio n. 1
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException"></exception>
        async Task ConnectLoop(bool resume, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            // Keep track of whether this is a resume or new session so
            // we can respond to the HELLO payload appropriately.
            isConnectionResuming = resume;

            log.LogVerbose($"[ConnectLoop] resume = {resume}");

            handshakeCompleteCancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                // Ensure previous socket has been closed
                if (socket != null)

                    if (resume)
                        // Store previous sequence
                        lastSequence = socket.Sequence;

                    if (socket.CanBeDisconnected)
                        log.LogVerbose("[ConnectLoop] Disconnecting previous socket...");

                        // If for some reason the socket cannot be disconnected gracefully,
                        // DisconnectAsync will abort the socket after 5s.

                        if (resume)
                            // Make sure to disconnect with a non 1000 code to ensure Discord doesn't
                            // force us to make a new session since we are resuming.
                            await socket.DisconnectAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.EndpointUnavailable,
                                                         "Reconnecting to resume...", cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                            await socket.DisconnectAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure,
                                                         "Starting new session...", cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);


                if (!resume)
                    // If not resuming, reset gateway session state.
                    lastSequence = 0;

                // Create a new socket
                socket = new GatewaySocket($"GatewaySocket#{shard.Id}", lastSequence,
                                           outboundPayloadRateLimiter, gameStatusUpdateRateLimiter, identifyRateLimiter);

                socket.OnHello = async() =>
                    if (isDisposed)

                    if (isConnectionResuming)
                        // Resume
                        await socket.SendResumePayload(botToken, sessionId, lastSequence);
                        // Identify
                        await socket.SendIdentifyPayload(botToken, lastShardStartConfig.GatewayLargeThreshold,
                                                         shard.Id, totalShards);


                // Get the gateway URL if we don't have one
                string gatewayUrl = GatewayUrlMemoryCache.GatewayUrl;

                if (gatewayUrl == null)
                        log.LogVerbose("[ConnectLoop] Retrieving Gateway URL...");

                        gatewayUrl = await http.GetGateway().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    catch (Exception ex) when(ex is DiscordHttpApiException || ex is HttpRequestException || ex is OperationCanceledException)
                        log.LogError($"[ConnectLoop:GetGateway] {ex}");
                        log.LogError("[ConnectLoop] No gateway URL to connect with, trying again in 10s...");

                        await Task.Delay(10 * 1000, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // This should never-ever happen, but we need to handle it just in-case.

                        log.LogError("[ConnectLoop] Uncaught severe error occured while getting the Gateway URL, setting state to Disconnected.");

                        state = GatewayState.Disconnected;

                        gatewayFailureData = new GatewayFailureData(
                            "Failed to retrieve the Gateway URL because of an unknown error.",
                            ShardFailureReason.Unknown, ex);


                        OnFailure?.Invoke(this, gatewayFailureData);


                log.LogVerbose($"[ConnectLoop] gatewayUrl = {gatewayUrl}");

                // Wait if necessary
                if (nextConnectionDelayMs > 0)
                    log.LogVerbose($"[ConnectLoop] Waiting {nextConnectionDelayMs}ms before connecting socket...");

                    await Task.Delay(nextConnectionDelayMs, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    nextConnectionDelayMs = 0;

                    // Attempt to connect
                    await socket.ConnectAsync(new Uri($"{gatewayUrl}?v={GATEWAY_VERSION}&encoding=json"), cancellationToken)

                    // At this point the socket has successfully connected
                    log.LogVerbose("[ConnectLoop] Socket connected successfully.");
                catch (WebSocketException wsex)

                    // Failed to connect
                    log.LogError("[ConnectLoop] Failed to connect: " +
                                 $"{wsex.WebSocketErrorCode} ({(int)wsex.WebSocketErrorCode}), {wsex.Message}");

                    // Invalidate the cached URL since we failed to connect the socket
                    log.LogVerbose("[ConnectLoop] Invalidating Gateway URL...");

                    // Wait 5s then retry
                    log.LogVerbose("[ConnectLoop] Waiting 5s before retrying...");
                    await Task.Delay(5000, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // If the token is cancelled between the socket successfully connecting and the loop exiting,
            // do not throw an exception because the connection did technically complete before the cancel.
            if (socket == null || !socket.IsConnected)
                // If the loop stopped from the token being cancelled, ensure an exception is still thrown.

            // If this is an automatic reconnection, fire OnReconnected event
            if (state == GatewayState.Connected)
                if (resume)
                    log.LogInfo("[ConnectLoop:Reconnection] Successfully started a resume.");
                    log.LogInfo("[ConnectLoop:Reconnection] Successfully started creating a new session.");

                OnReconnected?.Invoke(this, new GatewayReconnectedEventArgs(!resume));