Esempio n. 1
        internal override void Init(CommandGroupBuilder cgb)
            cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "lolchamp")
                  .Description("Shows League Of Legends champion statistics. If there are spaces/apostrophes or in the name - omit them. Optional second parameter is a role.\n**Usage**:~lolchamp Riven or ~lolchamp Annie sup")
                  .Parameter("champ", ParameterType.Required)
                  .Parameter("position", ParameterType.Unparsed)
                  .Do(async e =>
                          //get role
                          var role = ResolvePos(e.GetArg("position"));
                          var resolvedRole = role;
                          var name = e.GetArg("champ").Replace(" ", "").ToLower();
                          CachedChampion champ = null;
                          lock (cacheLock)
                              CachedChampionImages.TryGetValue(name + "_" + resolvedRole, out champ);
                          if (champ != null)
                              champ.ImageStream.Position = 0;
                              await e.Channel.SendFile("champ.png", champ.ImageStream);
                          var allData = JArray.Parse(await Classes.SearchHelper.GetResponseStringAsync($"{name}?api_key={NadekoBot.Creds.LOLAPIKey}"));
                          JToken data = null;
                          if (role != null)
                              for (var i = 0; i < allData.Count; i++)
                                  if (allData[i]["role"].ToString().Equals(role))
                                      data = allData[i];
                              if (data == null)
                                  await e.Channel.SendMessage("💢 Data for that role does not exist.");
                              data = allData[0];
                              role = allData[0]["role"].ToString();
                              resolvedRole = ResolvePos(role);
                          lock (cacheLock)
                              CachedChampionImages.TryGetValue(name + "_" + resolvedRole, out champ);
                          if (champ != null)
                              Console.WriteLine("Sending lol image from cache.");
                              champ.ImageStream.Position = 0;
                              await e.Channel.SendFile("champ.png", champ.ImageStream);
                          //name = data["title"].ToString();
                          // get all possible roles, and "select" the shown one
                          var roles = new string[allData.Count];
                          for (var i = 0; i < allData.Count; i++)
                              roles[i] = allData[i]["role"].ToString();
                              if (roles[i] == role)
                                  roles[i] = ">" + roles[i] + "<";
                          var general = JArray.Parse(await SearchHelper.GetResponseStringAsync($"" +
                                              .FirstOrDefault(jt => jt["role"].ToString() == role)?["general"];
                          if (general == null)
                              Console.WriteLine("General is null.");
                          //get build data for this role
                          var buildData = data["items"]["mostGames"]["items"];
                          var items = new string[6];
                          for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                              items[i] = buildData[i]["id"].ToString();

                          //get matchup data to show counters and countered champions
                          var matchupDataIE = data["matchups"].ToObject<List<MatchupModel>>();

                          var matchupData = matchupDataIE.OrderBy(m => m.StatScore).ToArray();

                          var countered = new[] { matchupData[0].Name, matchupData[1].Name, matchupData[2].Name };
                          var counters = new[] { matchupData[matchupData.Length - 1].Name, matchupData[matchupData.Length - 2].Name, matchupData[matchupData.Length - 3].Name };

                          //get runes data
                          var runesJArray = data["runes"]["mostGames"]["runes"] as JArray;
                          var runes = string.Join("\n", runesJArray.OrderBy(jt => int.Parse(jt["number"].ToString())).Select(jt => jt["number"].ToString() + "x" + jt["name"]));

                          // get masteries data

                          var masteries = (data["masteries"]["mostGames"]["masteries"] as JArray);

                          //get skill order data<API_KEY>

                          var orderArr = (data["skills"]["mostGames"]["order"] as JArray);

                          var img = Image.FromFile("data/lol/bg.png");
                          using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(img))
                              g.CompositingQuality = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingQuality.HighQuality;
                              //g.CompositingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.CompositingMode.SourceCopy;
                              const int margin = 5;
                              const int imageSize = 75;
                              var normalFont = new Font("Monaco", 8, FontStyle.Regular);
                              var smallFont = new Font("Monaco", 7, FontStyle.Regular);
                              //draw champ image
                              var champName = data["key"].ToString().Replace(" ", "");

                              g.DrawImage(GetImage(champName), new Rectangle(margin, margin, imageSize, imageSize));
                              //draw champ name
                              if (champName == "MonkeyKing")
                                  champName = "Wukong";
                              g.DrawString($"{champName}", new Font("Times New Roman", 24, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin + imageSize + margin, margin);
                              //draw champ surname

                              //draw skill order
                              float orderFormula = 120 / orderArr.Count;
                              const float orderVerticalSpacing = 10;
                              for (var i = 0; i < orderArr.Count; i++)
                                  var orderX = margin + margin + imageSize + orderFormula * i + i;
                                  float orderY = margin + 35;
                                  var spellName = orderArr[i].ToString().ToLowerInvariant();

                                  switch (spellName)
                                      case "w":
                                          orderY += orderVerticalSpacing;
                                      case "e":
                                          orderY += orderVerticalSpacing * 2;
                                      case "r":
                                          orderY += orderVerticalSpacing * 3;

                                  g.DrawString(spellName.ToUpperInvariant(), new Font("Monaco", 7), Brushes.LimeGreen, orderX, orderY);
                              //draw roles
                              g.DrawString("Roles: " + string.Join(", ", roles), normalFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin, margin + imageSize + margin);

                              //draw average stats
$@"    Average Stats

Kills: {general["kills"]}       CS: {general["minionsKilled"]}
Deaths: {general["deaths"]}   Win: {general["winPercent"]}%
Assists: {general["assists"]}  Ban: {general["banRate"]}%
", normalFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, img.Width - 150, margin);
                              //draw masteries
                              g.DrawString($"Masteries: {string.Join(" / ", masteries?.Select(jt => jt["total"]))}", normalFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin, margin + imageSize + margin + 20);
                              //draw runes
                              g.DrawString($"{runes}", smallFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin, margin + imageSize + margin + 40);
                              //draw counters
                              g.DrawString($"Best against", smallFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, margin, img.Height - imageSize + margin);
                              var smallImgSize = 50;

                              for (var i = 0; i < counters.Length; i++)
                                              new Rectangle(i * (smallImgSize + margin) + margin, img.Height - smallImgSize - margin,
                              //draw countered by
                              g.DrawString($"Worst against", smallFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, img.Width - 3 * (smallImgSize + margin), img.Height - imageSize + margin);

                              for (var i = 0; i < countered.Length; i++)
                                  var j = countered.Length - i;
                                              new Rectangle(img.Width - (j * (smallImgSize + margin) + margin), img.Height - smallImgSize - margin,
                              //draw item build
                              g.DrawString("Popular build", normalFont, Brushes.WhiteSmoke, img.Width - (3 * (smallImgSize + margin) + margin), 77);

                              for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                                  var inverseI = 5 - i;
                                  var j = inverseI % 3 + 1;
                                  var k = inverseI / 3;
                                  g.DrawImage(GetImage(items[i], GetImageType.Item),
                                              new Rectangle(img.Width - (j * (smallImgSize + margin) + margin), 92 + k * (smallImgSize + margin),
                          var cachedChamp = new CachedChampion { AddedAt = DateTime.Now, ImageStream = img.ToStream(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png), Name = name.ToLower() + "_" + resolvedRole };
                          CachedChampionImages.Add(cachedChamp.Name, cachedChamp);
                          await e.Channel.SendFile(data["title"] + "_stats.png", cachedChamp.ImageStream);
                      catch (Exception ex)
                          await e.Channel.SendMessage("💢 Failed retreiving data for that champion.");

            cgb.CreateCommand(Module.Prefix + "lolban")
                  .Description("Shows top 6 banned champions ordered by ban rate. Ban these champions and you will be Plat 5 in no time.")
                  .Do(async e =>

                      var showCount = 6;
                          var data = JObject.Parse(
                              await Classes
                                  .GetResponseStringAsync($"" +
                                                          $"api_key={NadekoBot.Creds.LOLAPIKey}&page=1&" +
                                                          $"limit={showCount}"))["data"] as JArray;

                          var sb = new StringBuilder();
                          sb.AppendLine($"**Showing {showCount} top banned champions.**");
                          sb.AppendLine($"`{trashTalk[new Random().Next(0, trashTalk.Length)]}`");
                          for (var i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                              if (i % 2 == 0 && i != 0)
                              sb.Append($"`{i + 1}.` **{data[i]["name"]}**  ");
                              //sb.AppendLine($" ({data[i]["general"]["banRate"]}%)");

                          await e.Channel.SendMessage(sb.ToString());
                      catch (Exception)
                          await e.Channel.SendMessage($":anger: Fail: didsabled ban data until next patch. Sorry for the inconvenience.");
Esempio n. 2
        public override void Install(ModuleManager manager)
            manager.CreateCommands("", cgb =>

                commands.ForEach(cmd => cmd.Init(cgb));

                cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "attack")
                    .Description("Attacks a target with the given move")
                    .Parameter("move", ParameterType.Required)
                    .Parameter("target", ParameterType.Unparsed)
                    .Do(async e =>
                        var move = e.GetArg("move");
                        var targetStr = e.GetArg("target")?.Trim();
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetStr))
                        var target = e.Server.FindUsers(targetStr).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (target == null)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("No such person.");
                        else if (target == e.User)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("You can't attack yourself.");
                        // Checking stats first, then move
                        //Set up the userstats
                        PokeStats userStats;
                        userStats = Stats.GetOrAdd(e.User.Id, new PokeStats());

                        //Check if able to move
                        //User not able if HP < 0, has made more than 4 attacks
                        if (userStats.Hp < 0)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.Mention} has fainted and was not able to move!");
                        if (userStats.MovesMade >= 5)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.Mention} has used too many moves in a row and was not able to move!");
                        if (userStats.LastAttacked.Contains(target.Id))
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.Mention} can't attack again without retaliation!");
                        //get target stats
                        PokeStats targetStats;
                        targetStats = Stats.GetOrAdd(target.Id, new PokeStats());

                        //If target's HP is below 0, no use attacking
                        if (targetStats.Hp <= 0)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{target.Mention} has already fainted!");

                        //Check whether move can be used
                        PokemonType userType = GetPokeType(e.User.Id);

                        var enabledMoves = userType.Moves;
                        if (!enabledMoves.Contains(move.ToLowerInvariant()))
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.Mention} was not able to use **{move}**, use `{Prefix}ml` to see moves you can use");

                        //get target type
                        PokemonType targetType = GetPokeType(target.Id);
                        //generate damage
                        int damage = GetDamage(userType, targetType);
                        //apply damage to target
                        targetStats.Hp -= damage;

                        var response = $"{e.User.Mention} used **{move}**{userType.Icon} on {target.Mention}{targetType.Icon} for **{damage}** damage";

                        //Damage type
                        if (damage < 40)
                            response += "\nIt's not effective..";
                        else if (damage > 60)
                            response += "\nIt's super effective!";
                            response += "\nIt's somewhat effective";

                        //check fainted

                        if (targetStats.Hp <= 0)
                            response += $"\n**{target.Name}** has fainted!";
                            response += $"\n**{target.Name}** has {targetStats.Hp} HP remaining";

                        //update other stats
                        targetStats.MovesMade = 0;
                        if (targetStats.LastAttacked.Contains(e.User.Id))

                        //update dictionary
                        //This can stay the same right?
                        Stats[e.User.Id] = userStats;
                        Stats[target.Id] = targetStats;

                        await e.Channel.SendMessage(response);

                cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "ml")
                    .Description("Lists the moves you are able to use")
                    .Do(async e =>
                        var userType = GetPokeType(e.User.Id);
                        var movesList = userType.Moves;
                        var str = $"**Moves for `{userType.Name}` type.**";
                        foreach (string m in movesList)
                            str += $"\n{userType.Icon}{m}";
                        await e.Channel.SendMessage(str);

                cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "heal")
                    .Description($"Heals someone. Revives those that fainted. Costs a {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencyName} \n**Usage**:{Prefix}revive @someone")
                    .Parameter("target", ParameterType.Unparsed)
                    .Do(async e =>
                        var targetStr = e.GetArg("target")?.Trim();
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetStr))
                        var usr = e.Server.FindUsers(targetStr).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (usr == null)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("No such person.");
                        if (Stats.ContainsKey(usr.Id))

                            var targetStats = Stats[usr.Id];
                            int HP = targetStats.Hp;
                            if (targetStats.Hp == targetStats.MaxHp)
                                await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{usr.Name} already has full HP!");
                            var amount = 1;
                            var pts = Classes.DbHandler.Instance.GetStateByUserId((long)e.User.Id)?.Value ?? 0;
                            if (pts < amount)
                                await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.Mention} you don't have enough {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencyName}s! \nYou still need {amount - pts} {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencySign} to be able to do this!");
                            var target = (usr.Id == e.User.Id) ? "yourself" : usr.Name;
                            FlowersHandler.RemoveFlowers(e.User, $"Poke-Heal {target}", amount);
                            targetStats.Hp = targetStats.MaxHp;
                            if (HP < 0)
                                //Could heal only for half HP?
                                Stats[usr.Id].Hp = (targetStats.MaxHp / 2);
                                await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.Name} revived {usr.Name} with one {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencySign}");
                            var vowelFirst = new[] { 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u' }.Contains(NadekoBot.Config.CurrencyName[0]);
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.Name} healed {usr.Name} for {targetStats.MaxHp - HP} HP with {(vowelFirst ? "an" : "a")} {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencySign}");
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{usr.Name} already has full HP!");

                cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "type")
                    .Description($"Get the poketype of the target.\n**Usage**: {Prefix}type @someone")
                    .Parameter("target", ParameterType.Unparsed)
                    .Do(async e =>
                        var usrStr = e.GetArg("target")?.Trim();
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(usrStr))
                        var usr = e.Server.FindUsers(usrStr).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (usr == null)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("No such person.");
                        var pType = GetPokeType(usr.Id);
                        await e.Channel.SendMessage($"Type of {usr.Name} is **{pType.Name.ToLowerInvariant()}**{pType.Icon}");


                cgb.CreateCommand(Prefix + "settype")
                    .Description($"Set your poketype. Costs a {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencyName}.\n**Usage**: {Prefix}settype fire")
                    .Parameter("targetType", ParameterType.Unparsed)
                    .Do(async e =>
                        var targetTypeStr = e.GetArg("targetType")?.ToUpperInvariant();
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(targetTypeStr))
                        var targetType = stringToPokemonType(targetTypeStr);
                        if (targetType == null)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage("Invalid type specified. Type must be one of:\nNORMAL, FIRE, WATER, ELECTRIC, GRASS, ICE, FIGHTING, POISON, GROUND, FLYING, PSYCHIC, BUG, ROCK, GHOST, DRAGON, DARK, STEEL");
                        if (targetType == GetPokeType(e.User.Id))
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"Your type is already {targetType.Name.ToLowerInvariant()}{targetType.Icon}");

                        var amount = 1;
                        var pts = DbHandler.Instance.GetStateByUserId((long)e.User.Id)?.Value ?? 0;
                        if (pts < amount)
                            await e.Channel.SendMessage($"{e.User.Mention} you don't have enough {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencyName}s! \nYou still need {amount - pts} {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencySign} to be able to do this!");
                        FlowersHandler.RemoveFlowers(e.User, $"set usertype to {targetTypeStr}", amount);
                        //Actually changing the type here
                        var preTypes = DbHandler.Instance.GetAllRows<UserPokeTypes>();
                        Dictionary<long, int> Dict = preTypes.ToDictionary(x => x.UserId, y => y.Id.Value);
                        if (Dict.ContainsKey((long)e.User.Id))
                            //delete previous type

                        DbHandler.Instance.InsertData(new UserPokeTypes
                            UserId = (long)e.User.Id,
                            type = targetType.Name

                        //Now for the response

                        await e.Channel.SendMessage($"Set type of {e.User.Mention} to {targetTypeStr}{targetType.Icon} for a {NadekoBot.Config.CurrencySign}");