Esempio n. 1
 public Color(uint id, string name, Discord.Color color, uint price)
     ID         = id;
     Name       = name;
     RightColor = color;
     Price      = price;
Esempio n. 2
 public static Windows.UI.Color ToWinColor(this Discord.Color color)
     if (color.RawValue == 0)
         return(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(0x99, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
     return(Windows.UI.Color.FromArgb(0xff, color.R, color.G, color.B));
Esempio n. 3
        public void GetDiscordColor_White()
            var rank = new Rank()
                ColorCode = "#ffffff"
            var color          = rank.GetDiscordColor();
            var colorToCompare = new Discord.Color(255, 255, 255);

Esempio n. 4
        public void GetDiscordColor_Purple()
            var rank = new Rank()
                ColorCode = "#9134b3"
            var color          = rank.GetDiscordColor();
            var colorToCompare = new Discord.Color(145, 52, 179);

Esempio n. 5
        public void GetDiscordColor_RedColor()
            var rank = new Rank()
                ColorCode = "#ff0000"
            var color          = rank.GetDiscordColor();
            var colorToCompare = new Discord.Color(255, 0, 0);

 public static bool TryParseDiscordColor(string colorString, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Discord.Color color)
         color = (Discord.Color)ColorTranslator.FromHtml(colorString);
         color = default;
Esempio n. 7
        internal void StartupInfo()
            CurseDict        = fileReader.DESERIALISE_DICT_LIST("Resources/Curses.json");
            CurrentCurseList = 1;
            //!modChannelID = 643313827915759617; //!GOG's MOD CHANNEL
            modChannelID = 694015797340667914; // CONCRETE's MOD CHANNEL

            GGCounter  = fileReader.DESERIALISE_DICT_STRING("Resources/Counter.json")["GG"];
            SnzCounter = fileReader.DESERIALISE_DICT_STRING("Resources/Counter.json")["Sneeze"];
            HckCounter = fileReader.DESERIALISE_DICT_STRING("Resources/Counter.json")["Hacker"];

            GOG_Gold   = new Discord.Color(250, 164, 5);
            GOG_Purple = new Discord.Color(177, 31, 224);
Esempio n. 8
        public static async Task ChangeRoleColor(CommandArgs e)
            if (!e.Server.GetUser(Convert.ToUInt64(ConstData.clientId)).ServerPermissions.ManageRoles)
                await e.Channel.SendMessage("I never thought I'd have to ask you that but.. I need you to give me more power.");


            if (!e.User.GetPermissions(e.Channel).ManagePermissions || !DataBase.IsUniqueUser(e.User.Id) || e.Args.Count() < 2)
                await e.Channel.SendMessage(Util.GetRandomGrump());


            Discord.Role role = e.Server.FindRoles(e.Args.ElementAt(1)).FirstOrDefault();
            if (role == null || role.Position > e.Server.GetUser(Convert.ToUInt64(ConstData.clientId)).Roles.FirstOrDefault().Position)
                await e.Channel.SendMessage(Util.GetRandomGrump());


            uint numColor = 0;

            if (!uint.TryParse(e.Args.ElementAt(2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out numColor))
                await e.Channel.SendMessage("I hate this color.");


            Discord.Color dcColor = null;
            if (numColor != 0)
                dcColor = new Discord.Color(numColor);
            if (dcColor == null)
                await e.Channel.SendMessage(Util.GetRandomGrump());


            await role.Edit(color : dcColor);

            await e.Channel.SendMessage(String.Format("The `{0}` role has successfully changed its color.", role.ToString()));
Esempio n. 9
        public override IList <Response> Execute(SenderSettings senderDetail, IMessageDetail args)
            StringBuilder        retVal         = new StringBuilder();
            ServerSettings       serverSettings = senderDetail.ServerSettings;
            CommandMessageHelper command        = new CommandMessageHelper(serverSettings.CommandSymbol, args.Message);

            string[]      commandParams = command.CommandParams;
            Command[]     commands      = commandController.GetCommandsForLanguage(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language);
            Discord.Color responseColor = Discord.Color.Green;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command.CommandDetail))
                var commandsByModule = commands.GroupBy(x => x.Module).ToDictionary(grouping => grouping.Key, grouping => grouping.ToList());
                foreach (var pair in commandsByModule)
                    retVal.AppendLine(string.Join(", ", pair.Value.Select(c => c.Aliases[0])));
                string  search = command.CommandArgs.First().ToLowerInvariant();
                Command found  = commands.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Aliases.Contains(search, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                if (found != null)
                    retVal.AppendLine(found.Help + "\r\n" + found.Examples);
                    retVal.AppendLine($"{Emojis.QuestionSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Error_IncorrectParameter")}");
                    responseColor = Discord.Color.Red;

            string   message  = retVal.ToString();
            Response response = new Response
                Embed        = Utility.EmbedUtility.ToEmbed(message, responseColor),
                Message      = message,
                ResponseType = ResponseType.Default

            return(new[] { response });
Esempio n. 10
        private bool TryGetFromName(string input, out Discord.Color?color)
            color = null;
                var wrongTypeColor = Color.FromName(input);
                if (wrongTypeColor.IsEmpty)

                color = new Discord.Color(wrongTypeColor.R, wrongTypeColor.G, wrongTypeColor.B);
Esempio n. 11
        public async Task PingAsync(string rolename, string color)
            var context = this.Context.User;

            Discord.Color col;

            if (color.Contains(","))
                var rgb = color.Split(',');
                if (rgb.Count() != 3)
                    await ReplyAsync("Invalid number of parameters");

                    col = new Discord.Color(Convert.ToInt32(rgb[0]), Convert.ToInt32(rgb[1]), Convert.ToInt32(rgb[2]));
            else if (color != string.Empty)
                col = new Discord.Color();
                FieldInfo[] fields = col.GetType().GetFields();

                var field = fields.Where(x => x.Name == color).First();
                col = (Discord.Color)field.GetValue(null);

                // Discord.Color.//GetType().GetField(color);
                await this.Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync(rolename);

            //Discord.Color col = new Discord.Color()
            await this.Context.Guild.CreateRoleAsync(rolename, null, col);
Esempio n. 12
 private bool TryGetFromRGB(string input, out Discord.Color?color)
     color = null;
         input = input.Replace(", ", ",");
         var rgbArr = input.Split(',', ';', '|', ' ');
         if (rgbArr.Length != 3 ||
             !byte.TryParse(rgbArr[0], out var r) ||
             !byte.TryParse(rgbArr[1], out var g) ||
             !byte.TryParse(rgbArr[2], out var b))
         color = new Discord.Color(r, g, b);
Esempio n. 13
        public override IList <Response> Execute(SenderSettings senderDetail, IMessageDetail args)
            ServerSettings       serverSettings = senderDetail.ServerSettings;
            CommandMessageHelper command        = new CommandMessageHelper(serverSettings.CommandSymbol, args.Message);

            Discord.Color responseColor;
            string        message;

            if (ImageManipulator.FindHexColour(command.CommandDetail, out string foundColour))
                var color = ImageManipulator.FromHexCode(foundColour);
                responseColor = new Discord.Color(color.R, color.G, color.B);

                var knownColor = color.ToKnownColor();
                message = knownColor != 0 ? $"✓ {knownColor}" : $"(~) {color.ToConsoleColor()}";
            else if (Enum.TryParse(command.CommandDetail, true, out KnownColor knownColor))
                var color = Color.FromKnownColor(knownColor);
                responseColor = new Discord.Color(color.R, color.G, color.B);
                message       = $"✓ {knownColor}";
                responseColor = Discord.Color.Default;
                message       = $"{Emojis.QuestionSymbol} {command.CommandDetail}";

            Response response = new Response
                Embed        = Utility.EmbedUtility.ToEmbed(message, responseColor),
                Message      = message,
                ResponseType = ResponseType.Default

            return(new[] { response });
Esempio n. 14
        public override IList <Response> Execute(SenderSettings senderDetail, IMessageDetail args)
            StringBuilder        sb             = new StringBuilder();
            ServerSettings       serverSettings = senderDetail.ServerSettings;
            CommandMessageHelper command        = new CommandMessageHelper(serverSettings.CommandSymbol, args.Message);

            string commandDetail = command.CommandDetail;

            Discord.Color?embedColour = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandDetail))
                // Remove decorators
                commandDetail = commandDetail.Replace("0x", "").Replace("0b", "").Replace("#", "");

                // Replace commas with spaces
                commandDetail = commandDetail.Replace(",", " ").Trim();

                // Special case hex to decimal in cases of 6 or 8 characters.
                bool is6Chars = commandDetail.Length == 6;
                bool is8Chars = commandDetail.Length == 8;
                if (fromBase == 16 && (is6Chars || is8Chars))
                    // Try and convert the source hex number into a colour.
                    if (uint.TryParse(commandDetail, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out uint argb))
                        // Remove alpha channel (N.B. this usually makes it transparent as a = 0, but Discord fixes this to fully opaque)
                        argb       &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                        embedColour = new Discord.Color(argb);

                    commandDetail += " ";
                    commandDetail += commandDetail.Substring(0, 2);
                    commandDetail += " ";
                    commandDetail += commandDetail.Substring(2, 2);
                    commandDetail += " ";
                    commandDetail += commandDetail.Substring(4, 2);
                    if (is8Chars)
                        commandDetail += " ";
                        commandDetail += commandDetail.Substring(6, 2);

                string[] commandParams = commandDetail.Split(' ').Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToArray();

                if (fromBase == 10)
                    // Try and convert the source decimal number(s) into a colour.
                    if (commandParams.Length == 1)
                        if (uint.TryParse(commandParams[0], out uint argb))
                            // Remove alpha channel (N.B. this usually makes it transparent as a = 0, but Discord fixes this to fully opaque)
                            argb       &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                            embedColour = new Discord.Color(argb);
                    else if (commandParams.Length == 3 || commandParams.Length == 4)
                        // Using -n here as alpha could be included at the front.
                        bool canParseColour = (byte.TryParse(commandParams[commandParams.Length - 3], out byte r));
                        canParseColour &= (byte.TryParse(commandParams[commandParams.Length - 2], out byte g));
                        canParseColour &= (byte.TryParse(commandParams[commandParams.Length - 1], out byte b));

                        if (canParseColour)
                            embedColour = new Discord.Color(r, g, b);

                foreach (string col in commandParams)
                        switch (fromBase)
                        case 2:
                        case 8:
                        case 10:
                        case 16:
                            long   part  = Convert.ToInt64(col, fromBase);
                            byte[] parts = BitConverter.GetBytes(part);
                            if (toBase == 64)
                                sb.Append(Convert.ToBase64String(parts) + " ");
                            else if (toBase == 16)
                                sb.Append(part.ToString("X2") + " ");
                                sb.Append(Convert.ToString(part, toBase) + " ");

                        case 64:
                            byte[] parts = Convert.FromBase64String(col);
                            long   part  = BitConverter.ToInt64(parts, 0);

                            if (toBase == 64)
                                sb.Append(Convert.ToBase64String(parts) + " ");
                            else if (toBase == 16)
                                sb.Append(part.ToString("X2") + " ");
                                sb.Append(Convert.ToString(part, toBase) + " ");
                    catch (FormatException)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{Emojis.CrossSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, "Error_IncorrectParameter")}: {col}.");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        sb.AppendLine($"{Emojis.CrossSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, "Error_Oops")}: {col} {ex.Message}");

                // If multiple things to translate, also provide the answer without spaces.
                if (command.CommandParams.Length > 2)
                    string outputWithoutSpace = sb.ToString().Replace(" ", "");
                    switch (toBase)
                    case 2: sb.Append("0b "); break;

                    case 8: sb.Append("0o "); break;

                    case 16: sb.Append("0x "); break;

            string   output   = sb.ToString();
            Response response = new Response
                Embed        = EmbedUtility.ToEmbed(output, embedColour),
                Message      = output,
                ResponseType = ResponseType.Default

            return(new[] { response });
Esempio n. 15
        public override IList <Response> Execute(SenderSettings senderDetail, IMessageDetail args)
            ServerSettings       serverSettings = senderDetail.ServerSettings;
            CommandMessageHelper command        = new CommandMessageHelper(serverSettings.CommandSymbol, args.Message);

            string[]      commandParams = command.CommandParams;
            Discord.Color responseColor = Discord.Color.Green;

            object        ans;
            StringBuilder output        = new StringBuilder();
            string        commandDetail = command.CommandDetail;

                if (commandDetail.Contains('!'))
                    output.AppendLine("*! is ambiguous, use ~ for 'bitwise-not'. Factorial is not yet supported. Assuming conditional-not.*");

                if (commandDetail.Contains('^'))
                    output.AppendLine("*Assumed ^ means XOR. For Power, use Pow(x,y).*");

                if (commandDetail.Contains('%'))
                    output.AppendLine("*Assumed % means modulo. For percentages, simply divide by 100.*");

                if (commandDetail.Count(c => c == '=') == 1)
                    output.AppendLine($"*Assumed = means is equal. For an equation solver, use the `{senderDetail.ServerSettings.CommandSymbol}wolframalpha` (`{senderDetail.ServerSettings.CommandSymbol}wa`) command.*");

                // Tidy up some common operator symbols.
                commandDetail = commandDetail
                                .Replace("fix", "floor") // before the x replacement
                                .Replace("x", "*")
                                .Replace("modulo", "mod")
                                .Replace("mod", "%")
                                .Replace("¬", "~")
                                .Replace("cosine", "cos")
                                .Replace("sine", "sin")
                                .Replace("tangent", "tan")
                                .Replace("sqr ", "sqrt ")
                                .Replace("root", "sqrt")
                                .Replace("√", "sqrt")
                                .Replace("atn", "atan")
                                .Replace("π", "[pi]")
                                .Replace("∞", "[infinity]")
                                .Replace("pi ", "[pi] ")
                                .Replace("infinity", "[infinity]")
                                .Replace("inf", "[infinity]");

                // Use ; to split statements. : can be used for more powerful functionality
                // such as [Convert]::ToString(1234, 16)
                foreach (string split in commandDetail.Split(';'))
                    Expression e = new Expression(split, EvaluateOptions.NoCache | EvaluateOptions.IgnoreCase);
                    e.Parameters["pi"]       = Math.PI;
                    e.Parameters["e"]        = Math.E;
                    e.Parameters["infinity"] = double.MaxValue;
                    ans = e.Evaluate();
                    if (ans == null)
                        output.AppendLine("I don't understand your input (undefined). Please check constants are enclosed by parentheses.");
                        if (e.HasErrors())
                            output.AppendLine(split + " == " + ans.ToString());
            catch (EvaluationException eEx)
                responseColor = Discord.Color.Red;
                output.AppendLine("I can't evaluate your input: " + eEx.Message + ".");
            catch (DivideByZeroException)
            catch (OverflowException)
                responseColor = Discord.Color.Red;

            Response response = new Response
                Embed        = Utility.EmbedUtility.ToEmbed(output.ToString(), responseColor),
                Message      = output.ToString(),
                ResponseType = ResponseType.Default

            return(new[] { response });
Esempio n. 16
        public async Task <Image <Rgba32> > GetLevelUpBadgeAsync(string name, long ulvl, string avatarUrl, Discord.Color color)
            if (color == Discord.Color.Default)
                color = Discord.Color.DarkerGrey;

            var msgText1 = "POZIOM";
            var msgText2 = "Awansuje na:";

            var textFont     = new Font(_latoRegular, 16);
            var nickNameFont = new Font(_latoBold, 22);
            var lvlFont      = new Font(_latoBold, 36);

            var msgText1Length = TextMeasurer.Measure(msgText1, new RendererOptions(textFont));
            var msgText2Length = TextMeasurer.Measure(msgText2, new RendererOptions(textFont));
            var nameLength     = TextMeasurer.Measure(name, new RendererOptions(nickNameFont));
            var lvlLength      = TextMeasurer.Measure($"{ulvl}", new RendererOptions(lvlFont));

            var textLength      = lvlLength.Width + msgText1Length.Width > nameLength.Width ? lvlLength.Width + msgText1Length.Width : nameLength.Width;
            var estimatedLength = 106 + (int)(textLength > msgText2Length.Width ? textLength : msgText2Length.Width);

            var nickNameColor = color.RawValue.ToString("X6");
            var baseImg       = new Image <Rgba32>((int)estimatedLength, 100);

            baseImg.Mutate(x => x.BackgroundColor(Rgba32.FromHex("#36393e")));
            baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawText(msgText1, textFont, Rgba32.Gray, new Point(98 + (int)lvlLength.Width, 75)));
            baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawText(name, nickNameFont, Rgba32.FromHex(nickNameColor), new Point(98, 10)));
            baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawText(msgText2, textFont, Rgba32.Gray, new Point(98, 33)));
            baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawText($"{ulvl}", lvlFont, Rgba32.Gray, new Point(96, 61)));

            using (var colorRec = new Image <Rgba32>(82, 82))
                colorRec.Mutate(x => x.BackgroundColor(Rgba32.FromHex(nickNameColor)));
                baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(colorRec, new Point(9, 9), 1));

                using (var stream = await GetImageFromUrlAsync(avatarUrl))
                    if (stream == null)

                    using (var avatar = Image.Load(stream))
                        avatar.Mutate(x => x.Resize(new ResizeOptions
                            Mode = ResizeMode.Crop,
                            Size = new Size(80, 80)
                        baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(avatar, new Point(10, 10), 1));

Esempio n. 17
        public override IList <Response> Execute(SenderSettings senderDetail, IMessageDetail args)
            StringBuilder        output         = new StringBuilder();
            ServerSettings       serverSettings = senderDetail.ServerSettings;
            CommandMessageHelper command        = new CommandMessageHelper(serverSettings.CommandSymbol, args.Message);

            string[] commandParams = command.CommandParams;

            long min = 0;
            long max;

            if (commandParams.Length == 1)
                max = 10;
            else if (commandParams.Length == 2)
                if (!long.TryParse(commandParams[1], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out max))
                    if (commandParams[1] == "∞" || commandParams[1].StartsWith("inf"))
                        max = long.MaxValue;
                    else if (commandParams[1] == "-∞" || commandParams[1].StartsWith("-inf"))
                        max = long.MinValue;
                        output.AppendLine($"{Emojis.CrossSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, Errors.ErrorCode.IncorrectParameter)}: {commandParams[1]}.");
                        max = 10;
                if (!long.TryParse(commandParams[1], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out min))
                    if (commandParams[1] == "∞" || commandParams[1].StartsWith("inf"))
                        min = long.MaxValue;
                    else if (commandParams[1] == "-∞" || commandParams[1].StartsWith("-inf"))
                        min = long.MinValue;
                        output.AppendLine($"{Emojis.CrossSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, Errors.ErrorCode.IncorrectParameter)}: {commandParams[1]}.");
                        min = 0;

                if (!long.TryParse(commandParams[2], NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out max))
                    if (commandParams[2] == "∞" || commandParams[2].StartsWith("inf"))
                        max = long.MaxValue;
                    else if (commandParams[2] == "-∞" || commandParams[2].StartsWith("-inf"))
                        max = long.MinValue;
                        output.AppendLine($"{Emojis.CrossSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, Errors.ErrorCode.IncorrectParameter)}: {commandParams[2]}.");
                        max = 10;
            if (min > max)
                // Swap
                long temp = max;
                max = min;
                min = temp;

            long num = rand.NextLong(min, max == long.MaxValue ? long.MaxValue : max + 1);

            output.AppendLine((min) + " -> " + (max) + ": " + num);

            ulong range = (ulong)(max - min);

            if (range == 0)
                range = 1;

            long  normNum    = (num - min);
            float percentage = (((float)normNum) / range) * 360;

            if (percentage > 360)
                percentage = 360;
            var drawingColour = Imaging.ImageManipulator.FromAHSB(255, percentage, 0.8f, 0.5f);
            var responseColor = new Discord.Color(drawingColour.R, drawingColour.G, drawingColour.B);

            string   retVal   = output.ToString();
            Response response = new Response
                Embed        = Utility.EmbedUtility.ToEmbed(retVal, responseColor),
                Message      = retVal,
                ResponseType = ResponseType.Default

            return(new[] { response });
Esempio n. 18
        public async Task <Image <Rgba32> > GetUserProfileAsync(IUserInfo shindenUser, User botUser, string avatarUrl, long topPos, string nickname, Discord.Color color)
            if (color == Discord.Color.Default)
                color = Discord.Color.DarkerGrey;

            string rangName  = shindenUser?.Rank ?? "";
            string colorRank = color.RawValue.ToString("X6");

            var nickFont  = GetFontSize(_latoBold, 28, nickname, 290);
            var rangFont  = new Font(_latoRegular, 16);
            var levelFont = new Font(_latoBold, 40);

            var template   = Image.Load("./Pictures/profileBody.png");
            var profilePic = new Image <Rgba32>(template.Width, template.Height);

            if (!File.Exists(botUser.BackgroundProfileUri))
                botUser.BackgroundProfileUri = "./Pictures/defBg.png";

            using (var userBg = Image.Load(botUser.BackgroundProfileUri))
                profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(userBg, new Point(0, 0), 1));
                profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(template, new Point(0, 0), 1));


            using (var avatar = Image.Load(await GetImageFromUrlAsync(avatarUrl)))
                using (var avBack = new Image <Rgba32>(82, 82))
                    avBack.Mutate(x => x.BackgroundColor(Rgba32.FromHex(colorRank)));
                    avBack.Mutate(x => x.Round(42));

                    profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(avBack, new Point(20, 115), 1));

                avatar.Mutate(x => x.Resize(new Size(80, 80)));
                avatar.Mutate(x => x.Round(42));

                profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(avatar, new Point(21, 116), 1));

            var defFontColor = Rgba32.FromHex("#7f7f7f");
            var posColor     = Rgba32.FromHex("#FFD700");

            if (topPos == 2)
                posColor = Rgba32.FromHex("#c0c0c0");
            else if (topPos == 3)
                posColor = Rgba32.FromHex("#cd7f32");
            else if (topPos > 3)
                posColor = defFontColor;

            profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawText(nickname, nickFont, Rgba32.FromHex("#a7a7a7"), new Point(132, 150 + (int)((30 - nickFont.Size) / 2))));
            profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawText(rangName, rangFont, defFontColor, new Point(132, 180)));

            var mLevel = TextMeasurer.Measure($"{botUser.Level}", new RendererOptions(levelFont));

            profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawText($"{botUser.Level}", levelFont, defFontColor, new Point((int)(125 - mLevel.Width) / 2, 206)));

            var mTopPos = TextMeasurer.Measure($"{topPos}", new RendererOptions(levelFont));

            profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawText($"{topPos}", levelFont, posColor, new Point((int)(125 - mTopPos.Width) / 2, 284)));

            var mScOwn = TextMeasurer.Measure($"{botUser.ScCnt}", new RendererOptions(rangFont));

            profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawText($"{botUser.ScCnt}", rangFont, defFontColor, new Point((int)(125 - mScOwn.Width) / 2, 365)));

            var mTcOwn = TextMeasurer.Measure($"{botUser.TcCnt}", new RendererOptions(rangFont));

            profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawText($"{botUser.TcCnt}", rangFont, defFontColor, new Point((int)(125 - mTcOwn.Width) / 2, 405)));

            var mMsg = TextMeasurer.Measure($"{botUser.MessagesCnt}", new RendererOptions(rangFont));

            profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawText($"{botUser.MessagesCnt}", rangFont, defFontColor, new Point((int)(125 - mMsg.Width) / 2, 445)));

            if (botUser.GameDeck.Waifu != 0 && botUser.ShowWaifuInProfile)
                var tChar = botUser.GameDeck.Cards.OrderBy(x => x.Rarity).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Character == botUser.GameDeck.Waifu);
                if (tChar != null)
                    using (var cardImage = await GetWaifuInProfileCardAsync(tChar))
                        cardImage.Mutate(x => x.Resize(new ResizeOptions
                            Mode = ResizeMode.Max,
                            Size = new Size(105, 0)
                        profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(cardImage, new Point(10, 350), 1));

            var prevLvlExp = ExperienceManager.CalculateExpForLevel(botUser.Level);
            var nextLvlExp = ExperienceManager.CalculateExpForLevel(botUser.Level + 1);
            var expOnLvl   = botUser.ExpCnt - prevLvlExp;
            var lvlExp     = nextLvlExp - prevLvlExp;

            if (expOnLvl < 0)
                expOnLvl = 0;
            if (lvlExp < 0)
                lvlExp = expOnLvl + 1;

            int progressBarLength = (int)(305f * ((double)expOnLvl / (double)lvlExp));

            if (progressBarLength > 0)
                using (var progressBar = new Image <Rgba32>(progressBarLength, 19))
                    progressBar.Mutate(x => x.BackgroundColor(Rgba32.FromHex("#828282")));
                    profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(progressBar, new Point(135, 201), 1));

            string expText = $"EXP: {expOnLvl} / {lvlExp}";
            var    mExp    = TextMeasurer.Measure(expText, new RendererOptions(rangFont));

            profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawText(expText, rangFont, Rgba32.FromHex("#ffffff"), new Point(135 + ((int)(305 - mExp.Width) / 2), 204)));

            using (var inside = GetProfileInside(shindenUser, botUser))
                profilePic.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(inside, new Point(125, 228), 1));

Esempio n. 19
        public async Task <Image <Rgba32> > GetSiteStatisticAsync(IUserInfo shindenInfo, Discord.Color color, List <ILastReaded> lastRead = null, List <ILastWatched> lastWatch = null)
            if (color == Discord.Color.Default)
                color = Discord.Color.DarkerGrey;

            var baseImg = new Image <Rgba32>(500, 320);

            baseImg.Mutate(x => x.BackgroundColor(Rgba32.FromHex("#36393e")));

            using (var template = Image.Load("./Pictures/siteStatsBody.png"))
                baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(template, new Point(0, 0), 1));

            using (var avatar = await GetSiteStatisticUserBadge(shindenInfo.AvatarUrl, shindenInfo.Name, color.RawValue.ToString("X6")))
                baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(avatar, new Point(0, 0), 1));

            using (var image = new Image <Rgba32>(325, 248))
                if (shindenInfo?.ListStats?.AnimeStatus != null)
                    using (var stats = GetRWStats(shindenInfo?.ListStats?.AnimeStatus,
                                                  "./Pictures/statsAnime.png", shindenInfo.GetMoreSeriesStats(false)))
                        image.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(stats, new Point(0, 0), 1));
                if (shindenInfo?.ListStats?.MangaStatus != null)
                    using (var stats = GetRWStats(shindenInfo?.ListStats?.MangaStatus,
                                                  "./Pictures/statsManga.png", shindenInfo.GetMoreSeriesStats(true)))
                        image.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(stats, new Point(0, 128), 1));
                baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(image, new Point(5, 71), 1));

            using (var image = await GetLastRWList(lastRead, lastWatch))
                baseImg.Mutate(x => x.DrawImage(image, new Point(330, 69), 1));

Esempio n. 20
 public ColorAttribute(Discord.Color color)
     Color = color;
Esempio n. 21
        public override IList <Response> Execute(SenderSettings senderDetail, IMessageDetail args)
            ServerSettings       serverSettings = senderDetail.ServerSettings;
            CultureInfo          cultureInfo    = languageHandler.GetCultureInfo(serverSettings.Language);
            CommandMessageHelper command        = new CommandMessageHelper(serverSettings.CommandSymbol, args.Message);

            string[]      commandParams = command.CommandParams;
            Discord.Color responseColor = Discord.Color.Green;

            string[] typeStrings;

            if (command.CommandDetail.Contains('-'))
                // User wrote e.g. normal-flying
                typeStrings = command.CommandDetail.Split('-');
                typeStrings = command.CommandArgs.Where(s => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s)).ToArray();

            if (typeStrings.Length == 0)
                // No types specified.

            List <string> incorrectTypes = new List <string>();
            List <string> duplicateTypes = new List <string>();

            var foundTypes = new HashSet <PokemonType>();

            // TODO - translate.
            if (typeStrings.Length == 1 && typeStrings[0].Equals("all", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                // Add all types.
                foreach (PokemonType t in PokemonTypeHandler.PokemonTypes)
                    if (t != PokemonType.NumberOfTypes)
                foreach (string typeStr in typeStrings)
                    bool found = PokemonTypeHandler.GetTypeFromLocalisedName(typeStr, cultureInfo, out PokemonType t);
                    if (found)
                        bool added = foundTypes.Add(t);
                        if (!added)

            bool foundAny = foundTypes.Any();

            if (!foundAny)
                // Check if is actually a Pokémon.
                Pokemon pokemon = (KnowledgeBase.GetOrFetchPokémon(command.CommandDetail));
                if (pokemon != null)
                    if (pokemon.SecondaryType != PokemonType.NumberOfTypes)

                    foundAny = true;

                    // Ignore the typing - it's a Pokémon.

            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            // Incorrect types
            if (incorrectTypes.Any())
                sb.Append($"{Emojis.CrossSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Error_IncorrectParameter")}");
                sb.Append(": ");
                sb.AppendLine(string.Join(" ", incorrectTypes));

            // Duplicate types
            if (duplicateTypes.Any())
                sb.Append($"{Emojis.ExclamationSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Warning_SameType")}");
                sb.Append(": ");
                sb.AppendLine(string.Join(" ", duplicateTypes));

            if (foundAny)
                sb.Append("// ");

                foreach (PokemonType foundType in foundTypes)
                    string foundTypeName = PokemonTypeHandler.GetLocalisedName(foundType, cultureInfo);
                    sb.Append(" ");

                // Attacking
                if (foundTypes.Count < 3)
                    sb.AppendLine($"# {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Attacking")}");
                    foreach (PokemonType foundType in foundTypes)
                        double[] attackingType1 = PokemonTypeHandler.GetAttacking(foundType);
                        for (int i = 0; i < attackingType1.Length; i++)
                            double eff = attackingType1[i];
                            if (eff != 1.0)
                                sb.Append(eff.ToString("G", cultureInfo.NumberFormat));
                                sb.Append($"x {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Against")} ");
                                sb.Append(PokemonTypeHandler.GetLocalisedName(PokemonTypeHandler.PokemonTypes[i], cultureInfo));
                                sb.Append($" {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "WhenAttackingWith")} ");
                                sb.Append(PokemonTypeHandler.GetLocalisedName(foundType, cultureInfo));

                // Defending
                sb.AppendLine($"# {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Defending")}");
                double[] defending = PokemonTypeHandler.GetDefending(foundTypes.ToArray());
                for (int i = 0; i < defending.Length; i++)
                    double eff = defending[i];
                    if (eff != 1.0)
                        sb.Append(eff.ToString("G", cultureInfo.NumberFormat));
                        sb.Append($"x {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "DamageTakenFrom")} ");
                        sb.AppendLine(PokemonTypeHandler.GetLocalisedName(PokemonTypeHandler.PokemonTypes[i], cultureInfo));

                // Add on status immunities.
                foreach (PokemonType foundType in foundTypes)
                    string immunity = PokemonTypeHandler.GetTypeStatusImmunityString(foundType, cultureInfo);
                    if (immunity != string.Empty)


            return(Response.CreateArrayFromString(sb.ToString(), responseColor));
        protected async Task <CommandResponse> FailCommandAsync(Message message, string reason, Discord.Color color, string title = null)
            if (title != null)
            var response = _responseBuilder.Build();
            await message.Channel.ReplyToAsync(message, response).ConfigureAwait(false);

Esempio n. 23
        public override IList <Response> Execute(SenderSettings senderDetail, IMessageDetail args)
            ServerSettings       serverSettings = senderDetail.ServerSettings;
            CultureInfo          cultureInfo    = languageHandler.GetCultureInfo(serverSettings.Language);
            CommandMessageHelper command        = new CommandMessageHelper(serverSettings.CommandSymbol, args.Message);

            Discord.Color responseColor = Discord.Color.Green;
            // First, check the cache if we already have this pokémon.
            string query = command.CommandDetail;

            if (args.URLs.Length > 0)
                var response = new[] { waitHandler.CreatePleaseWaitResponse(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language) };

                Task.Run(async() =>
                    Response asyncResponse = await CorrelatePokemonAsync(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, args);
                    if (asyncResponse == null)
                        string err    = ($"{Emojis.NoEntry} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Error_NoImageMessages")}");
                        asyncResponse = new Response
                            Embed        = EmbedUtility.ToEmbed(err),
                            Message      = err,
                            ResponseType = ResponseType.Default
                    await asyncResponder.SendResponseAsync(args, asyncResponse);


            query = query.Replace("(Pokemon)", "").Replace("(Pokémon)", "").Trim();
            query = query.Replace("(move)", "").Trim();

            StringBuilder output   = new StringBuilder();
            Pokemon       pokemon  = KnowledgeBase.GetPokémon(query);
            string        imageUrl = null;
            bool          isCached = (pokemon != null);

                // For now, assume that it is a Pokémon.
                string url    = "" + query.Capitalize() + "_(Pokémon)";
                string urlRaw = url + "?action=raw";

                if (!isCached)
                    // Assume correct URL
                    pokemon = Pokemon.ParsePage(urlRaw);

                if (pokemon != null)
                    string  p         = pokemon.Name + "_(Pokémon)";
                    dynamic imageJson = null;
                    .AppendLine("#") // # is for mobile where () is not correctly parsed in the URL parser
                    .AppendLine(MakeAPokemonString(pokemon, cultureInfo, serverSettings.Language));

                        Task.Run(async() =>
                            imageJson = await JSONHelper.GetJsonAsync(Uri.EscapeUriString("" + p)).ConfigureAwait(false);
                        }, cancellationTokenSource.Token).Wait();
                        JToken token = imageJson["query"]["pages"];
                        token    = token.First.First;
                        imageUrl = token["thumbnail"]["source"]?.ToString();
                    catch (TaskCanceledException tcex)
                        errorLogger.LogDebug("Did not query Bulbapedia in time to retrieve the Pokemon image.", true);
                        errorLogger.LogException(tcex, ErrorSeverity.Warning);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        errorLogger.LogDebug($"Exception occurred retrieving the Pokemon image for {pokemon?.Name}.\n" +
                                             $"imageUrl: {imageUrl}\n" +
                                             $"imageJson: {imageJson}", true);
                        errorLogger.LogException(ex, ErrorSeverity.Error);
                    output.AppendLine($"{Emojis.ExclamationSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Error_PokemonNotFound")}: {urlRaw}");
            catch (WebException)
                output.AppendLine($"{Emojis.CrossSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Error_PokemonNotFound")}: {query}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                output.AppendLine($"{languageHandler.GetPhrase(senderDetail.ServerSettings.Language, "Error_Oops")}: {ex.Message}");

            return(Response.CreateArrayFromString(output.ToString(), responseColor, pokemon.Name, imageUrl));
Esempio n. 24
 public static String HexConverter(Discord.Color c)
     return(c.R.ToString("X2") + c.G.ToString("X2") + c.B.ToString("X2"));
Esempio n. 25
        public override IList <Response> Execute(SenderSettings senderDetail, IMessageDetail args)
            string               retVal         = "";
            ServerSettings       serverSettings = senderDetail.ServerSettings;
            CommandMessageHelper command        = new CommandMessageHelper(serverSettings.CommandSymbol, args.Message);

            string[] commandParams = command.CommandParams;
            ushort   flips;

            Discord.Color responseColor = new Discord.Color(0);

            if (commandParams.Length == 1)
                flips = 1;
                if (!ushort.TryParse(commandParams[1], out flips) || flips <= 0)
                    retVal = ($"{Emojis.CrossSymbol} {languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, Errors.ErrorCode.IncorrectParameter)}: {commandParams[1]}. [1-{uint.MaxValue}].");

            if (flips > 0)
                int    heads = 0, tails = 0;
                string localeHead = languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, "CoinHead");
                string localeTail = languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, "CoinTail");

                if (flips == 1)
                    switch (rand.Next(2))
                    case 0: retVal = localeHead; heads++; break;

                    case 1: retVal = localeTail; tails++; break;
                    char headLetter = (localeHead)[0];
                    char tailLetter = (localeTail)[0];

                    string flipped = languageHandler.GetPhrase(serverSettings.Language, "Flipped");
                    if (flips > 100)
                        for (int i = 0; i < flips; i++)
                            switch (rand.Next(2))
                            case 0: heads++; break;

                            case 1: tails++; break;
                        retVal = ($"{flipped} {flips}x, `{localeHead}:` {heads}, `{localeTail}:` {tails}");
                        StringBuilder coinflips = new StringBuilder();
                        for (int i = 0; i < flips; i++)
                            switch (rand.Next(2))
                            case 0: coinflips.Append(headLetter); heads++; break;

                            case 1: coinflips.Append(tailLetter); tails++; break;

                        retVal = ($"{flipped} {flips}x, `{localeHead}:` {heads}, `{localeTail}:` {tails}: {coinflips.ToString()}");

                if (heads < tails)
                    responseColor = new Discord.Color(200, 50, 50);
                else if (heads > tails)
                    responseColor = new Discord.Color(50, 200, 50);
                    responseColor = new Discord.Color(200, 200, 50);

            Response response = new Response
                Embed        = Utility.EmbedUtility.ToEmbed(retVal, responseColor),
                Message      = retVal,
                ResponseType = ResponseType.Default

            return(new[] { response });
Esempio n. 26
 public static string ToRgbString(this DiscordColor color)
 => $"rgb({color.R}, {color.G}, {color.B})";