Esempio n. 1
 // If locationToCompare is "ahead" or equal rank of locationBase, return true, else false
 // "Ahead" being defined as closer to relative end of board while being in same file
 public bool IsAhead(Vector2 locationBase, Vector2 locationToCompare, PlayerColor playerColor)
     return(locationBase == locationToCompare ||
            (locationBase.x == locationToCompare.x &&
             (DirectionService.CalcDirection(playerColor) == Direction.UP
             ? locationBase.y <= locationToCompare.y : locationBase.y >= locationToCompare.y)));
Esempio n. 2
        public void CreatePiece(
            PlayerColor playerOwner,
            PieceType front,
            PieceType back,
            PieceSide side,
            int fileNum,
            int rankNum)
            var piece                   = prefabsDictionary.Instantiate("Piece");
            var pieceImpl               = piece.GetComponent <PieceImpl>();
            var pieceLocationMoveImpl   = piece.GetComponent <PieceLocationMoveImpl>();
            var pieceHighlightOwnerImpl = piece.GetComponent <PieceHighlightOwnerImpl>();

            entityFactory.BuildEntity <PieceED>(piece.GetInstanceID(), piece.GetComponents <IImplementor>());

            pieceImpl.Front     = front;
            pieceImpl.Back      = back;
            pieceImpl.PieceType = side == PieceSide.FRONT ? front : back;
            pieceImpl.Direction = DirectionService.CalcDirection(playerOwner);
            pieceHighlightOwnerImpl.PlayerColor = playerOwner;

            Vector2 location = CommonService.CalcTransformPosition(fileNum, rankNum);

            piece.transform.position                = new Vector3(location.x, location.y, 1);
            pieceLocationMoveImpl.Location          = new Vector2(fileNum, rankNum);
            pieceHighlightOwnerImpl.PlayChangeColor = true;
Esempio n. 3
        public void SetPiecePlayerOwner(PieceEV pieceEV, PlayerColor playerOwner, IEntitiesDB entitiesDB)
            Direction newDirection = DirectionService.CalcDirection(playerOwner);

                (ref PieceEV pieceToChange) =>
                pieceToChange.PlayerOwner.PlayerColor = playerOwner;
                pieceToChange.Piece.Direction         = newDirection;