Esempio n. 1
        public IActionResult ChangeDirection([FromBody] DirectionDescriptor directionDescriptor)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directionDescriptor?.Direction))

        public void ChangeDirectionPassNonExistingDirection_ShouldThrowArgumentException()
            // I'm trying to exception filters as a relatively new method of
            // handling exceptions in ASP.NET applications.
            // If you check through postman
            // result of changing direction to non existing direction
            // will be ok and server will not stop.
            // However if you launch web-api project using debug mode,
            // visual studio will stop you in ChangeDirection method
            // of GameService class.
            // It is just an exception that is caught by visual studio debugger before
            // exception-filter is applied (= OnExceptionAsync() is called)
            // If I try to write this code in test:

             *  var directionDescriptor = new DirectionDescriptor
             *  {
             *      Direction = "NonExistingDirection - I don't really know what this direction is"
             *  };
             *  var result = _gameBoardController.ChangeDirection(directionDescriptor);
             *  result.ShouldBeOfType<BadRequestResult>();
            // the same will work in unit-testing project: exception will be caught by vs
            // before exception filter is applied.
            // So test will not succeed in running.
            // I've been studying this problem, but didn't find any great solution.
            // So I'm not testing api call as it will work on server. I'm testing
            // only the fact that exception of desired type (ArgumentException) will be thrown.
            // So in this test-class I decided to test
            // that filter of type is applied to Post method 'ChangeDirection'
            //      Test Case: CheckChangeDirectionHasExceptionFilterApplied()

            // Arrange
            var directionDescriptor = new DirectionDescriptor
                Direction = "NonExistingDirection - I don't really know what this direction is"

            Action postRequestChangeDirection = () =>

            // Assert
            postRequestChangeDirection.ShouldThrow <ArgumentException>();
        public void ChangeDirectionPassNull_ShouldGetBadRequestResult()
            // Arrange
            DirectionDescriptor directionDescriptor = null;

            // Act
            var result = _gameBoardController.ChangeDirection(directionDescriptor);

            // Assert
            // no need to check direction not be changed
            // - it is obvious in method direction wouldn't be changed
        public void ChangeDirectionPassNullString_ShouldGetBadRequestResult()
            // Arrange
            var directionDescriptor = new DirectionDescriptor {
                Direction = null

            // Act
            var result = _gameBoardController.ChangeDirection(directionDescriptor);

            // Assert
        public void ChangeDirectionPassValidDirection_ShouldReturnOk()
            // Arrange
            var directionDescriptor = new DirectionDescriptor
                Direction = "Top"

            // Act
            var result = _gameBoardController.ChangeDirection(directionDescriptor);

            // Assert
            result.ShouldBeOfType <OkResult>();