Esempio n. 1
        private async Task CreateConversationAsync()
            var tokenInfo = await GetDirectLineTokenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

            // Create directLine client from token
            _dlClient = new DirectLineClient(tokenInfo.Token);
            _dlClient.SetRetryPolicy(new RetryPolicy(new HttpStatusCodeErrorDetectionStrategy(), 0));

            // From now on, we'll add an Origin header in directLine calls, with
            // the trusted origin we sent when acquiring the token as value.
            _dlClient.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(_originHeader.Key, _originHeader.Value);

            // Start the conversation now the the _dlClient has been initialized.
            _conversation = await _dlClient.Conversations.StartConversationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
Esempio n. 2
        public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
            // TODO: Replace with Check.NotNull (after preparing nuget package)
            if (container == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));


            var directLineClient = new DirectLineClient(
                new DirectLineClientCredentials(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DirectLineSecret")));

            directLineClient.HttpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
            var directLineTimeoutSetting = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("DirectLineMinutesForTimeout");
            int directLineTimeout;

            if (!int.TryParse(directLineTimeoutSetting, out directLineTimeout))
                directLineTimeout = 5;

                new RetryPolicy(
                    new TransientErrorIgnoreStrategy(),

                Component.For <IDirectLineClient>()
        private async Task StartConversationAsync()
            var tryCount = 0;
            var maxTries = _options.StartConversationMaxAttempts;

            while (tryCount < maxTries && !_activityQueue.Any() && !_futureQueue.Any())
                using var startConversationCts = new CancellationTokenSource(_options.StartConversationTimeout);
                    _logger.LogDebug($"{DateTime.Now} Attempting to start conversation (try {tryCount} of {maxTries}).");

                    // Obtain a token using the Direct Line secret
                    var tokenInfo = await GetDirectLineTokenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                    // Ensure we dispose the client after the retries (this helps us make sure we get a new conversation ID on each try)

                    // Create directLine client from token and initialize settings.
                    _dlClient = new DirectLineClient(tokenInfo.Token);
                    _dlClient.SetRetryPolicy(new RetryPolicy(new HttpStatusCodeErrorDetectionStrategy(), 0));

                    // From now on, we'll add an Origin header in directLine calls, with
                    // the trusted origin we sent when acquiring the token as value.
                    _dlClient.HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(_originHeader.Key, _originHeader.Value);

                    // Start the conversation now (this will send a ConversationUpdate to the bot)
                    _conversation = await _dlClient.Conversations.StartConversationAsync(startConversationCts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    _logger.LogDebug($"{DateTime.Now} Got conversation ID {_conversation.ConversationId} from direct line client.");
                    _logger.LogTrace($"{DateTime.Now} {Environment.NewLine}{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(_conversation, Formatting.Indented)}");

                    // Ensure we dispose the _webSocketClient after the retries.

                    // Initialize web socket client and listener
                    _webSocketClient = new ClientWebSocket();
                    await _webSocketClient.ConnectAsync(new Uri(_conversation.StreamUrl), startConversationCts.Token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    _logger.LogDebug($"{DateTime.Now} Connected to websocket, state is {_webSocketClient.State}.");

                    // Block and wait for the first response to come in.
                    ActivitySet activitySet = null;
                    while (activitySet == null)
                        activitySet = await ReceiveActivityAsync(startConversationCts).ConfigureAwait(false);

                        if (activitySet != null)
                            _logger.LogDebug($"{DateTime.Now} Got empty ActivitySet while attempting to start the conversation.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (tryCount < maxTries)
                        _logger.LogDebug($"{DateTime.Now} Failed to start conversation (attempt {tryCount} of {maxTries}), retrying...{Environment.NewLine}Exception{Environment.NewLine}{ex}");
                        _logger.LogCritical($"{DateTime.Now} Failed to start conversation after {maxTries} attempts.{Environment.NewLine}Exception{Environment.NewLine}{ex}");

            // We have started a conversation and got at least one activity back.
            // Start long running background task to read activities from the socket.
            _webSocketClientCts = new CancellationTokenSource();
            _ = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => ListenAsync(_webSocketClientCts), _webSocketClientCts.Token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Default);