public static void Initialize() { if (dinput == null) dinput = new DirectInput(); Devices = new List<GamePad>(); foreach (DeviceInstance device in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { Console.WriteLine("joydevice: {0} `{1}`", device.InstanceGuid, device.ProductName); if (device.ProductName.Contains("XBOX 360")) continue; // Don't input XBOX 360 controllers into here; we'll process them via XInput (there are limitations in some trigger axes when xbox pads go over xinput) var joystick = new Joystick(dinput, device.InstanceGuid); joystick.SetCooperativeLevel(GlobalWin.MainForm.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive); foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in joystick.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) joystick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-1000, 1000); } joystick.Acquire(); GamePad p = new GamePad(device.InstanceName, device.InstanceGuid, joystick); Devices.Add(p); } }
/// /// Construct, attach the joystick /// public SimpleJoystick() { DirectInput dinput = new DirectInput(); // Search for device foreach (DeviceInstance device in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { // Create device try { Joystick = new Joystick(dinput, device.InstanceGuid); break; } catch (DirectInputException) { } } if (Joystick == null) throw new Exception("No joystick found"); foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in Joystick.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) Joystick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-100, 100); } // Acquire sdevice Joystick.Acquire(); }
private Joystick GetJoystick() { var directInput = new DirectInput(); var form = new Form(); foreach (var device in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { var controller = new Joystick(directInput, device.InstanceGuid); controller.SetCooperativeLevel(form.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Exclusive | CooperativeLevel.Background); var retries = 0; while (controller.Acquire().IsFailure) { retries++; if (retries > 500) throw new Exception("Couldnt acquire SlimDX stick"); } if (controller.Information.InstanceName.Contains("PPJoy")) { foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in controller.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) controller.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-1000, 1000); } return controller; } } return null; }
public Mouse(DirectInput input, IntPtr wndHandle) { mMouse = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Mouse(input); mMouse.SetCooperativeLevel(wndHandle, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive); mMouse.Acquire(); State = mMouse.GetCurrentState(); }
public MainController() { var directInput = new DirectInput(); LogicState = new LogicState(); foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { try { gamepad = new Joystick(directInput, deviceInstance.InstanceGuid); gamepad.SetCooperativeLevel(Parent, CooperativeLevel.Exclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground); break; } catch (DirectInputException) { } } if (gamepad == null) return; foreach (var deviceObject in gamepad.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) gamepad.GetObjectPropertiesById((int) deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-1000, 1000); } gamepad.Acquire(); }
public static Joystick[] AllJoysticks() { using(DirectInput directInput = new DirectInput()) { IList<DeviceInstance> devices = directInput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly); return devices.Select(x => new Joystick(x.InstanceGuid)).ToArray(); } }
public NesVSUnisystemDIPKeyboardConnection(IntPtr handle, IInputSettingsVSUnisystemDIP settings) { DirectInput di = new DirectInput(); keyboard = new Keyboard(di); keyboard.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground); if (settings.CreditServiceButton != "") CreditServiceButton = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.CreditServiceButton); if (settings.DIPSwitch1 != "") DIPSwitch1 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch1); if (settings.DIPSwitch2 != "") DIPSwitch2 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch2); if (settings.DIPSwitch3 != "") DIPSwitch3 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch3); if (settings.DIPSwitch4 != "") DIPSwitch4 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch4); if (settings.DIPSwitch5 != "") DIPSwitch5 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch5); if (settings.DIPSwitch6 != "") DIPSwitch6 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch6); if (settings.DIPSwitch7 != "") DIPSwitch7 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch7); if (settings.DIPSwitch8 != "") DIPSwitch8 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch8); if (settings.CreditLeftCoinSlot != "") CreditLeftCoinSlot = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.CreditLeftCoinSlot); if (settings.CreditRightCoinSlot != "") CreditRightCoinSlot = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.CreditRightCoinSlot); NesEmu.EMUShutdown += NesEmu_EMUShutdown; }
/// <summary> /// Získání prvního gamepadu, ketrý je připojený k počítači /// </summary> /// <returns>zařízení</returns> /// <exception>Pokud se nepodařilo najít žádné funkční zařízení</exception> private SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick getGamepad() { dinput = new DirectInput(); SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick gamepad; string errorMessage = "Nebylo nalezeno žádné vnější ovládací zařízení."; foreach (DeviceInstance device in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { try { gamepad = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick(dinput, device.InstanceGuid); gamepad.Acquire(); foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in gamepad.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) { gamepad.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-100, 100); } } return gamepad; } catch (DirectInputException e) { dinput.Dispose(); errorMessage = e.Message; } } dinput.Dispose(); throw new DirectInputException(errorMessage); }
public NesJoypadPcJoystickConnection(IntPtr handle, string guid, IInputSettingsJoypad settings) { DirectInput di = new DirectInput(); joystick = new Joystick(di, Guid.Parse(guid)); joystick.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground); if (settings.ButtonUp != "") KeyUp = ParseKey(settings.ButtonUp); if (settings.ButtonDown != "") KeyDown = ParseKey(settings.ButtonDown); if (settings.ButtonLeft != "") KeyLeft = ParseKey(settings.ButtonLeft); if (settings.ButtonRight != "") KeyRight = ParseKey(settings.ButtonRight); if (settings.ButtonStart != "") KeyStart = ParseKey(settings.ButtonStart); if (settings.ButtonSelect != "") KeySelect = ParseKey(settings.ButtonSelect); if (settings.ButtonA != "") KeyA = ParseKey(settings.ButtonA); if (settings.ButtonB != "") KeyB = ParseKey(settings.ButtonB); if (settings.ButtonTurboA != "") KeyTurboA = ParseKey(settings.ButtonTurboA); if (settings.ButtonTurboB != "") KeyTurboB = ParseKey(settings.ButtonTurboB); }
public BasicInput(IntPtr controlHandle) { DirectInput directInput = new DirectInput(); CooperativeLevel cooperativeLevel = CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground | CooperativeLevel.NoWinKey; try { _keyboardDevice = new Device<KeyboardState>(directInput, SystemGuid.Keyboard); _keyboardDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(controlHandle, cooperativeLevel); _keyboardDevice.Properties.BufferSize = 16; } catch (DirectInputException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); return; } try { _mouseDevice = new Device<MouseState>(directInput, SystemGuid.Mouse); _mouseDevice.SetCooperativeLevel(controlHandle, cooperativeLevel); _mouseDevice.Properties.BufferSize = 16; } catch (DirectInputException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); return; } }
public static Joystick[] GetSticks(DirectInput input) { List<SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick> sticks = new List<SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick>(); // Creates the list of joysticks connected to the computer via USB. foreach (DeviceInstance device in input.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { // Creates a joystick for each game device in USB Ports try { Joystick stick = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick(input, device.InstanceGuid); stick.Acquire(); // Gets the joysticks properties and sets the range for them. foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in stick.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) stick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-100, 100); } // Adds how ever many joysticks are connected to the computer into the sticks list. sticks.Add(stick); } catch (DirectInputException) { } } return sticks.ToArray(); }
public static int NumJoysticks() { DirectInput direct = new DirectInput(); int count = direct.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly).Count; direct.Dispose(); return count; }
public GamepadReader() { Buttons = _buttons; Analogs = _analogs; _dinput = new DirectInput(); var devices = _dinput.GetDevices (DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly); if (devices.Count < 1) { throw new IOException ("GamepadReader could not find a connected gamepad."); } _joystick = new Joystick (_dinput, devices[0].InstanceGuid); foreach (var obj in _joystick.GetObjects()) { if ((obj.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) { _joystick.GetObjectPropertiesById ((int)obj.ObjectType).SetRange (-RANGE, RANGE); } } if (_joystick.Acquire().IsFailure) { throw new IOException ("Connected gamepad could not be acquired."); } _timer = new DispatcherTimer (); _timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (TIMER_MS); _timer.Tick += tick; _timer.Start (); }
public Joystick() { var di = new DirectInput(); // Get the first device try { var device = di.GetDevices()[0]; joystick = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick(di, device.InstanceGuid); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException e) { Console.WriteLine("No devices: {0}", e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } catch (DirectInputException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in joystick.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) joystick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-1000, 1000); } joystick.Acquire(); }
public void ConnectJoysticks() { // make sure that DirectInput has been initialized DirectInput dinput = new DirectInput(); // search for devices foreach (DeviceInstance device in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { // create the device try { JoysticksConnected.AddLast(new Joystick(dinput, device.InstanceGuid)); } catch (DirectInputException) { Utils.Log("Warning: Joystick did not init (DirectInputException)"); } } Utils.Log("joysticks connected: " + JoysticksConnected.Count); //Set the axises of all of the analog sticks, then claim the joystick foreach (Joystick joystick in JoysticksConnected) { foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in joystick.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) joystick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-AxisRange, AxisRange); } joystick.Acquire(); } }
private Joystick[] obtenerDispositivos() { var sticks = new List<SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick>(); DirectInput dinput = new DirectInput(); foreach (DeviceInstance device in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { // crear los dispositivos try { var stick = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick(dinput, device.InstanceGuid); stick.Acquire(); foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in stick.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) stick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-1000, 1000); } sticks.Add(stick); } catch (DirectInputException) { } } return sticks.ToArray(); }
public DirectInputManager() { var directInput = new DirectInput(); // Prefer a Driving device but make do with fallback to a Joystick if we have to var deviceInstance = FindAttachedDevice(directInput, DeviceType.Driving); if (null == deviceInstance) deviceInstance = FindAttachedDevice(directInput, DeviceType.Joystick); if (null == deviceInstance) throw new Exception("No Driving or Joystick devices attached."); joystickType = (DeviceType.Driving == deviceInstance.Type ? JoystickTypes.Driving : JoystickTypes.Joystick); // A little debug spew is often good for you Log.Spew("First Suitable Device Selected \"" + deviceInstance.InstanceName + "\":"); Log.Spew("\tProductName: " + deviceInstance.ProductName); Log.Spew("\tType: " + deviceInstance.Type); Log.Spew("\tSubType: " + deviceInstance.Subtype); // Data for both Driving and Joystick device types is received via Joystick joystick = new Joystick(directInput, deviceInstance.InstanceGuid); IntPtr consoleWindowHandle = GetConsoleWindow(); if (IntPtr.Zero != consoleWindowHandle) { CooperativeLevel cooperativeLevel = CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive; Log.Spew("Console window cooperative level: " + cooperativeLevel); if (!joystick.SetCooperativeLevel(consoleWindowHandle, cooperativeLevel).IsSuccess) throw new Exception("Failed to set cooperative level for DirectInput device in console window."); } var result = joystick.Acquire(); if (!result.IsSuccess) throw new Exception("Failed to acquire DirectInput device."); Log.Spew("Joystick acquired."); }
public NesVSUnisystemDIPJoystickConnection(IntPtr handle, string guid, IInputSettingsVSUnisystemDIP settings) { DirectInput di = new DirectInput(); joystick = new Joystick(di, Guid.Parse(guid)); joystick.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground); if (settings.CreditServiceButton != "") CreditServiceButton = ParseKey(settings.CreditServiceButton); if (settings.DIPSwitch1 != "") DIPSwitch1 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch1); if (settings.DIPSwitch2 != "") DIPSwitch2 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch2); if (settings.DIPSwitch3 != "") DIPSwitch3 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch3); if (settings.DIPSwitch4 != "") DIPSwitch4 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch4); if (settings.DIPSwitch5 != "") DIPSwitch5 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch5); if (settings.DIPSwitch6 != "") DIPSwitch6 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch6); if (settings.DIPSwitch7 != "") DIPSwitch7 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch7); if (settings.DIPSwitch8 != "") DIPSwitch8 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch8); if (settings.CreditLeftCoinSlot != "") CreditLeftCoinSlot = ParseKey(settings.CreditLeftCoinSlot); if (settings.CreditRightCoinSlot != "") CreditRightCoinSlot = ParseKey(settings.CreditRightCoinSlot); NesEmu.EMUShutdown += NesEmu_EMUShutdown; }
public Keyboard() { var directInput = new DirectInput(); mKeyboard = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Keyboard(directInput); mKeyboard.Acquire(); mState = new KeyboardState(); }
public NesJoypadPcKeyboardConnection(IntPtr handle, IInputSettingsJoypad settings) { DirectInput di = new DirectInput(); keyboard = new Keyboard(di); keyboard.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground); if (settings.ButtonUp != "") KeyUp = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonUp); if (settings.ButtonDown != "") KeyDown = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonDown); if (settings.ButtonLeft != "") KeyLeft = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonLeft); if (settings.ButtonRight != "") KeyRight = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonRight); if (settings.ButtonStart != "") KeyStart = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonStart); if (settings.ButtonSelect != "") KeySelect = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonSelect); if (settings.ButtonA != "") KeyA = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonA); if (settings.ButtonB != "") KeyB = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonB); if (settings.ButtonTurboA != "") KeyTurboA = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonTurboA); if (settings.ButtonTurboB != "") KeyTurboB = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.ButtonTurboB); }
public Joystick() { var di = new DirectInput(); foreach (var device in di.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { try { joystick = new SlimDX.DirectInput.Joystick(di, device.InstanceGuid); Connected = true; joystick.RunControlPanel(); break; } catch { } } /*foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in joystick.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) { joystick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(-1000, 1000); } }*/ if (Connected) joystick.Acquire(); }
public RuntimeDriver() { try { this.directInput = new DirectInput(); } catch { } }
public static IList<ControllerDevice> Available() { var dinput = new DirectInput(); return dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly) .Select(di => new ControllerDevice {Guid = di.InstanceGuid, Name = di.InstanceName}) .ToList(); }
private string _GetDeviceName(Guid instanceGuid) { using (DirectInput directInput = new DirectInput()) { IList<DeviceInstance> devices = directInput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly); DeviceInstance deviceInstance = devices.FirstOrDefault(x => x.InstanceGuid == instanceGuid); return (deviceInstance != null) ? deviceInstance.InstanceName : null; } }
public static void Initialize() { if (dinput == null) dinput = new DirectInput(); if (keyboard == null || keyboard.Disposed) keyboard = new Keyboard(dinput); keyboard.SetCooperativeLevel(GlobalWin.MainForm.Handle, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive); keyboard.Properties.BufferSize = 8; }
public static void Initialize(IntPtr parent) { if (dinput == null) dinput = new DirectInput(); if (keyboard == null || keyboard.Disposed) keyboard = new Keyboard(dinput); keyboard.SetCooperativeLevel(parent, CooperativeLevel.Background | CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive); keyboard.Properties.BufferSize = 8; }
public static void Init(Form mainWindow) { var dinput = new DirectInput(); _keyboard = new Keyboard(dinput); _keyboard.Acquire(); _mouse = new Mouse(dinput); _mouse.Acquire(); dinput.Dispose(); dinput = null; }
public ControllerManager(Control _handle) : base(BUS_CLASS_GUID) { directInput = new DirectInput(); devices = new ControllerDevice[4]; handle = _handle; ds4locks[0] = new object(); ds4locks[1] = new object(); ds4locks[2] = new object(); ds4locks[3] = new object(); }
private void attemptJoystickConnect(object state) { // Initialize DirectInput var directInput = new DirectInput(); // Find a Joystick Guid var joystickGuid = Guid.Empty; foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceType.Joystick, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices)) { joystickGuid = deviceInstance.InstanceGuid; } // If Joystick not found, throws an error if (joystickGuid == Guid.Empty) { return; } else { // Instantiate the joystick joystick = new Joystick(directInput, joystickGuid); Debug.WriteLine("Found Joystick/Gamepad with GUID: {0}", joystickGuid); // Query all suported ForceFeedback effects var allEffects = joystick.GetEffects(); foreach (var effectInfo in allEffects) { Debug.WriteLine("Effect available {0}", effectInfo.Name); } // Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data. joystick.Properties.BufferSize = 128; // Acquire the joystick joystick.Acquire(); // Poll events from joystick pollTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(getJoystickData, null, 0, 20); isDeviceAttached = true; // Stop connection timer if (connectTimer != null) { connectTimer.Dispose(); } if (OnConnectionEvent != null) { OnConnectionEvent(this, new joystickEventArgs(X, Y)); } } }
// コンストラクタ public CInputJoystick(IntPtr hWnd, DeviceInstance di, DirectInput directInput) { this.e入力デバイス種別 = E入力デバイス種別.Joystick; this.GUID = di.InstanceGuid.ToString(); this.ID = 0; try { this.devJoystick = new Joystick(directInput, di.InstanceGuid); this.devJoystick.SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, CooperativeLevel.Foreground | CooperativeLevel.Exclusive); this.devJoystick.Properties.BufferSize = 32; Trace.TraceInformation(this.devJoystick.Information.InstanceName + "を生成しました。"); } catch (DirectInputException) { if (this.devJoystick != null) { this.devJoystick.Dispose(); this.devJoystick = null; } Trace.TraceError(this.devJoystick.Information.InstanceName, new object[] { " の生成に失敗しました。" }); throw; } foreach (DeviceObjectInstance instance in this.devJoystick.GetObjects()) { if ((instance.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != ObjectDeviceType.All) { this.devJoystick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)instance.ObjectType).SetRange(-1000, 1000); this.devJoystick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)instance.ObjectType).DeadZone = 5000; // 50%をデッドゾーンに設定 // 軸をON/OFFの2値で使うならこれで十分 } } try { this.devJoystick.Acquire(); } catch (DirectInputException e) { Trace.TraceError(e.ToString()); Trace.TraceError("例外が発生しましたが処理を継続します。 (5658360e-2745-4c5c-ab2d-ff82287d3e8a)"); } for (int i = 0; i < this.bButtonState.Length; i++) { this.bButtonState[i] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < this.nPovState.Length; i++) { this.nPovState[i] = -1; } //this.timer = new CTimer( CTimer.E種別.MultiMedia ); this.list入力イベント = new List <STInputEvent>(32); }
public override object CreateGlobal() { var directInput = new DirectInput(); var handle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle; devices = new List <Device>(); Directory.CreateDirectory("joysticks".FreePiePath()); string pathlog = @"joysticks\joy.log".FreePiePath(); File.Delete(pathlog); XDocument xdoc; xdoc = new XDocument(new XElement("Devices")); //xdoc.Save(pathlog); // fin tkz var diDevices = directInput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameControl, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly); XElement el = xdoc.Element("Devices"); el.Add( new XElement("Joysticks_Connected", new XAttribute("NBR", diDevices == null ? 0: diDevices.Count()), from j in diDevices select new XElement("IDENT", new XAttribute("id", diDevices.IndexOf(j)), new XAttribute("Name", j.InstanceName.TrimEnd('\0')))) ); xdoc.Save(pathlog); var creator = new Func <DeviceInstance, JoystickGlobal>(d => { var controller = new Joystick(directInput, d.InstanceGuid); controller.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Exclusive | CooperativeLevel.Background); controller.Acquire(); var device = new Device(controller, pathlog, devices.Count()); devices.Add(device); return(new JoystickGlobal(device)); }); //return new GlobalIndexer<JoystickGlobal, int, string>(index => creator(diDevices[index]), index => creator(diDevices.Single(di => di.InstanceName.Contains(index)))); //example watch the pov's of dual thrustmaster T16000M joysticks //["T.16000M", 0].pov[0]) //["T.16000M", 1].pov[0]) //or specify the first device found same syntax as before (the index is optional and defaults to 0) //["T.16000M"].pov[0]) return(new GlobalIndexer <JoystickGlobal, int, string>(intIndex => creator(diDevices[intIndex]), (strIndex, idx) => { var d = diDevices.Where(di => di.InstanceName.TrimEnd('\0') == strIndex).ToArray(); return d.Length > 0 && d.Length > idx ? creator(d[idx]) : null; })); }
public static List <uint> GetDevices() { int amount = new DirectInput().GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly).Count; var result = new List <uint>(amount); for (uint i = 0; i < amount; i++) { result.Add(i); } return(result); }
/// <summary> データを読み取っている場合、それを停止する </summary> public void Stop() { LogOutput.Instance.Write("Stop Reading Gamepad"); _joystick?.Dispose(); _joystick = null; _directInput?.Dispose(); _directInput = null; _joystickReady = false; }
// TODO: Zapper with "Wild Gun Man" - The Gang Mode is not working ! public ZapperConnecter(IntPtr handle, int winPosX, int winPosY, int videoW, int videoH) { this.scanlinesCount = 240; this.videoW = videoW; this.videoH = videoH; this.winPosX = winPosX; this.winPosY = winPosY; DirectInput di = new DirectInput(); mouse = new Mouse(di); mouse.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground); }
public IList <DeviceInstance> Available() { IList <DeviceInstance> result = new List <DeviceInstance>(); DirectInput dinput = new DirectInput(); foreach (DeviceInstance di in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { result.Add(di); } return(result); }
public JoystickInput(string name, Guid guid, string codeId) { = name; this.guid = guid; this.codeId = codeId; DirectInput directInput = new DirectInput(); joy = new Joystick(directInput, guid); joy.Properties.BufferSize = 64; joy.Acquire(); }
static void input_test() { // Initialize DirectInput var directInput = new DirectInput(); // Find a Joystick Guid var joystickGuid = Guid.Empty; foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceType.Gamepad, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices)) { joystickGuid = deviceInstance.InstanceGuid; } // If Gamepad not found, look for a Joystick if (joystickGuid == Guid.Empty) { foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceType.Joystick, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices)) { joystickGuid = deviceInstance.InstanceGuid; } } // If Joystick not found, throws an error if (joystickGuid == Guid.Empty) { Console.WriteLine("No joystick/Gamepad found."); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(1); } // Instantiate the joystick var joystick = new Joystick(directInput, joystickGuid); Console.WriteLine("Found Joystick/Gamepad with GUID: {0}", joystickGuid); // Query all suported ForceFeedback effects var allEffects = joystick.GetEffects(); foreach (var effectInfo in allEffects) { Console.WriteLine("Effect available {0}", effectInfo.Name); } // Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data. joystick.Properties.BufferSize = 128; // Acquire the joystick joystick.Acquire(); // Poll events from joysti }
/// <summary> /// Set up the inputs for running in arcade board mode /// </summary> private void SetupArcadeInputs() { this.Buzzers = new List <Buzzer>(); this.arcadeJoystick = null; // Initialize DirectInput var directInput = new DirectInput(); // Find a Joystick Guid var joystickGuid = Guid.Empty; foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceType.Joystick, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices)) { joystickGuid = deviceInstance.InstanceGuid; } if (joystickGuid != Guid.Empty) { this.arcadeJoystick = new Joystick(directInput, joystickGuid); this.arcadeJoystick.Properties.BufferSize = 128; this.arcadeJoystick.Acquire(); int buzzerCount = 0; var buzzer = new Buzzer(); // Figure out how many players there are foreach (var joystickObject in this.arcadeJoystick.GetObjects()) { if (joystickObject.Name != null && joystickObject.Name.Contains("Button")) { buzzerCount++; } } this.lblBuzzersDetected.Text = buzzerCount.ToString(); buzzer.BuzzerIndex = 0; buzzer.AddPlayers(buzzerCount); this.Buzzers.Add(buzzer); } if (this.arcadeBuzzTimer != null) { this.arcadeBuzzTimer.Stop(); this.arcadeBuzzTimer.Dispose(); } this.arcadeBuzzTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(); this.arcadeBuzzTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(this.HandleArcadeBuzzes); this.arcadeBuzzTimer.Interval = 1; this.arcadeBuzzTimer.Start(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); Dispatcher.ShutdownStarted += Dispatcher_ShutdownStarted; safetyStatus = Resources["Status"] as SafetyStatus; directInput = new DirectInput(); udpClient = new UdpClient(); InitJoystick(); InitTimer(); }
public DeviceInformationCollection GetDevices(VjdStat[] status) { using (var input = new DirectInput()) { var deviceInstances = input.GetDevices().Where(w => w.ProductGuid.Equals(VJoyProductGuid)).ToList(); var result = new DeviceInformationCollection(); for (short i = 0; i < 16; i++) { var deviceId = Convert.ToUInt32(i); try { var joystick = new vJoy(); if (!joystick.isVJDExists(deviceId)) { continue; } var joyStatus = joystick.GetVJDStatus(deviceId); if (!status.Contains(joyStatus)) { continue; } foreach (var device in deviceInstances.Select(s => new Joystick(input, s.InstanceGuid))) { var objects = device.GetObjects(DeviceObjectTypeFlags.All); var first = objects.FirstOrDefault(fd => fd.ReportId.Equals(i)); if (first == null) { continue; } result.Add(first.ReportId, device.Information.ProductName.TrimEnd('\0'), device.Information.InstanceGuid, joyStatus); break; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } } return(result); } }
public void Refresh() { var devices = DirectInput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.All, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly); var controllers = new List <IController>(devices.Count); for (var x = 0; x < devices.Count; x++) { controllers.Add(AcquireController(devices[x], x)); } Controllers = controllers.ToArray(); }
internal bool Initialize(SystemConfiguration configuration, IntPtr windowsHandle) { // Screen the screen size which will be used for positioning the mouse cursor. _ScreenWidth = configuration.Width; _ScreenHeight = configuration.Height; // Initialize the location of the mouse on the screen. _MouseX = 0; _MouseY = 0; // Initialize the main direct input interface. _DirectInput = new DirectInput(); // Initialize the direct interface for the keyboard. _Keyboard = new Keyboard(_DirectInput); _Keyboard.Properties.BufferSize = 256; // Set the cooperative level of the keyboard to not share with other programs. _Keyboard.SetCooperativeLevel(windowsHandle, CooperativeLevel.Foreground | CooperativeLevel.Exclusive); // Now acquire the keyboard. try { _Keyboard.Acquire(); } catch (Exception) { #if !DEBUG throw; #endif } // Initialize the direct interface for the mouse. _Mouse = new Mouse(_DirectInput); _Mouse.Properties.AxisMode = DeviceAxisMode.Relative; // Set the cooperative level of the mouse to share with other programs. _Mouse.SetCooperativeLevel(windowsHandle, CooperativeLevel.Foreground | CooperativeLevel.NonExclusive); // Now acquire the mouse. try { _Mouse.Acquire(); } catch (Exception) { #if !DEBUG throw; #endif } return(true); }
public Controller(IntPtr Owner) { hWnd = Owner; currentDevice = null; Name = "NA"; full_scale = 100; ChannelMapping = null; CHANNEL = new int[(int)ChannelNumber.NUM_CHANNELS]; directInput = new DirectInput(); }
public static IDevice Create(object device, DirectInput di, Guid g) { if (device is Joystick) { return(new vJoystick(di, g)); } if (device is Mouse) { return(new vMouse(di)); } return(new vJoystick(di, g)); //defult }
public Input() { _directInput = new DirectInput(); try { Result result; _keyboard = new Keyboard(_directInput); IntPtr handle = Engine.GameEngine.Window; if ((result = _keyboard.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Background)) != ResultCode.Success) { Engine.GameEngine.Exception.Exceptions.Add(new ExceptionData(result.Description, result.Name, "keyboard cooperation")); } _mouse = new Mouse(_directInput); if ((result = _mouse.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Foreground | CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive)) != ResultCode.Success) { Engine.GameEngine.Exception.Exceptions.Add(new ExceptionData(result.Description, result.Name, "mouse cooperation")); } if ((result = _keyboard.Acquire()) != ResultCode.Success) { Engine.GameEngine.Exception.Exceptions.Add(new ExceptionData(result.Description, result.Name, "keyboard acquire")); } if ((result = _mouse.Acquire()) != ResultCode.Success) { Engine.GameEngine.Exception.Exceptions.Add(new ExceptionData(result.Description, result.Name, "mouse acquire")); } Engine.GameEngine.Exception.Exceptions.Add(new ExceptionData("worked", "worked", "worked")); } catch (DirectInputException e) { Engine.GameEngine.Exception.Exceptions.Add(new ExceptionData(e.Message, e.Source, e.StackTrace)); } catch (Exception e) { Engine.GameEngine.Exception.Exceptions.Add(new ExceptionData(e.Message, e.Source, e.StackTrace)); } finally { Dispose(); } }
public JoystickManager(DriverStationState st) { m_state = st; m_di = new DirectInput(); m_joysticks = new Dictionary <int, Joystick>(); SearchForJoysticks(); m_monitor = true; m_thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(MonitorJoysticks)); m_thread.Start(); }
// コンストラクタ public CInputJoystick(IntPtr hWnd, DeviceInstance di, DirectInput directInput) { this.eInputDeviceType = EInputDeviceType.Joystick; this.GUID = di.InstanceGuid.ToString(); this.ID = 0; try { this.devJoystick = new Joystick(directInput, di.InstanceGuid); this.devJoystick.SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, CooperativeLevel.Foreground | CooperativeLevel.Exclusive); this.devJoystick.Properties.BufferSize = 32; Trace.TraceInformation(this.devJoystick.Information.InstanceName + "を生成しました。"); this.strDeviceName = this.devJoystick.Information.InstanceName; } catch { if (this.devJoystick != null) { this.devJoystick.Dispose(); this.devJoystick = null; } Trace.TraceError(this.devJoystick.Information.InstanceName, new object[] { " の生成に失敗しました。" }); throw; } foreach (DeviceObjectInstance instance in this.devJoystick.GetObjects()) { if ((instance.ObjectId.Flags & DeviceObjectTypeFlags.Axis) != DeviceObjectTypeFlags.All) { this.devJoystick.GetObjectPropertiesById(instance.ObjectId).Range = new InputRange(-1000, 1000); this.devJoystick.GetObjectPropertiesById(instance.ObjectId).DeadZone = 5000; // 50%をデッドゾーンに設定 // 軸をON/OFFの2値で使うならこれで十分 } } try { this.devJoystick.Acquire(); } catch { } for (int i = 0; i < this.bButtonState.Length; i++) { this.bButtonState[i] = false; } for (int i = 0; i < this.nPovState.Length; i++) { this.nPovState[i] = -1; } //this.timer = new CTimer( CTimer.E種別.MultiMedia ); this.listInputEvent = new List <STInputEvent>(32); }
// The bulk of the clean-up code is implemented in Dispose(bool) protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { UnInitDeviceDetector(); if (Manager != null) { Manager.Dispose(); Manager = null; } } }
public static InputDeviceKeyboard CreateKeyboard() // direct keyboard make, not part of elite UI { DirectInput dinput = new DirectInput(); foreach (DeviceInstance di in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.Keyboard, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { InputDeviceKeyboard k = new InputDeviceKeyboard(dinput, di); return(k); } return(null); }
public void InitializeDirectInput() { directInput = new DirectInput(); keyboard = new Keyboard(directInput); mouse = new Mouse(directInput); keyboard.Acquire(); mouse.Acquire(); mainForm.Click += OnMouseClick; }
public NesVSUnisystemDIPJoystickConnection(IntPtr handle, string guid, IInputSettingsVSUnisystemDIP settings) { DirectInput di = new DirectInput(); joystick = new Joystick(di, Guid.Parse(guid)); joystick.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground); if (settings.CreditServiceButton != "") { CreditServiceButton = ParseKey(settings.CreditServiceButton); } if (settings.DIPSwitch1 != "") { DIPSwitch1 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch1); } if (settings.DIPSwitch2 != "") { DIPSwitch2 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch2); } if (settings.DIPSwitch3 != "") { DIPSwitch3 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch3); } if (settings.DIPSwitch4 != "") { DIPSwitch4 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch4); } if (settings.DIPSwitch5 != "") { DIPSwitch5 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch5); } if (settings.DIPSwitch6 != "") { DIPSwitch6 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch6); } if (settings.DIPSwitch7 != "") { DIPSwitch7 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch7); } if (settings.DIPSwitch8 != "") { DIPSwitch8 = ParseKey(settings.DIPSwitch8); } if (settings.CreditLeftCoinSlot != "") { CreditLeftCoinSlot = ParseKey(settings.CreditLeftCoinSlot); } if (settings.CreditRightCoinSlot != "") { CreditRightCoinSlot = ParseKey(settings.CreditRightCoinSlot); } NesEmu.EMUShutdown += NesEmu_EMUShutdown; }
public void Dispose() { Mouse?.Unacquire(); Mouse?.Dispose(); Mouse = null; Keyboard.Unacquire(); Keyboard.Dispose(); Keyboard = null; DirectInput.Dispose(); }
public void LoadPersistedData(string name, bool visualise = false) { /// Reseting the ID for every new deserialized item so the ids match the original ids. this.UI.classVisualisation.Reset(); CubeInfo[] infos = GetAllSavedCubes(); CubeInfo info = infos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name); if (info == null) { Debug.Log("No info with the given name!!!"); return; } List <ClassVisualisation.MethodAndParameterNodes[]> methodInfoWithParamInfo = new List <ClassVisualisation.MethodAndParameterNodes[]>(); /// Creating and regestering the class nodes for (int i = 0; i < info.ClassInfos.Length; i++) { ClassInfo cin = info.ClassInfos[i]; Type type = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(cin.Name); Vector3 position = cin.Position; var spellClass = this.UI.classVisualisation.GenerateClassVisualisation(this.UI.classVisualisation.GenerateNodeData(type), position, out Node one); this.UI.connTracker.RegisterClassNameForPersistence(new ClassTracking { Name = type.FullName, node = one }, info.Name); methodInfoWithParamInfo.Add(spellClass); } ///... List <InputCanvas.InputElements> inputs = new List <InputCanvas.InputElements>(); /// Establish the DirectInputs List <ResultCanvas.VariableInput> variablesForDisplay = new List <ResultCanvas.VariableInput>(); for (int i = 0; i < info.directInputs.Length; i++) { DirectInput DI = info.directInputs[i]; /// CONSTANT if (DI.Name == null) { var cnst = this.UI.inputCanvas.CreateInputCanvas(DI.Value, DI.ID, this.UI, false); this.UI.connTracker.RegisterDirectInput(new DirectInput(DI.ID, null, DI.Value), info.Name); inputs.Add(cnst); } else /// VARIABLE { var var = this.UI.inputCanvas.CreateInputCanvas(default, DI.ID, this.UI, true, DI.Name);
public ControllerManager() { var directInput = new DirectInput(); joystickIds = new List <Guid>(); foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceType.Gamepad, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices)) { joystickIds.Add(deviceInstance.InstanceGuid); } }
public NesVSUnisystemDIPKeyboardConnection(IntPtr handle, IInputSettingsVSUnisystemDIP settings, EmulationState emulationState) { DirectInput di = new DirectInput(); keyboard = new Keyboard(di); keyboard.SetCooperativeLevel(handle, CooperativeLevel.Nonexclusive | CooperativeLevel.Foreground); if (settings.CreditServiceButton != "") { CreditServiceButton = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.CreditServiceButton); } if (settings.DIPSwitch1 != "") { DIPSwitch1 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch1); } if (settings.DIPSwitch2 != "") { DIPSwitch2 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch2); } if (settings.DIPSwitch3 != "") { DIPSwitch3 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch3); } if (settings.DIPSwitch4 != "") { DIPSwitch4 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch4); } if (settings.DIPSwitch5 != "") { DIPSwitch5 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch5); } if (settings.DIPSwitch6 != "") { DIPSwitch6 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch6); } if (settings.DIPSwitch7 != "") { DIPSwitch7 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch7); } if (settings.DIPSwitch8 != "") { DIPSwitch8 = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.DIPSwitch8); } if (settings.CreditLeftCoinSlot != "") { CreditLeftCoinSlot = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.CreditLeftCoinSlot); } if (settings.CreditRightCoinSlot != "") { CreditRightCoinSlot = (SlimDX.DirectInput.Key)Enum.Parse(typeof(SlimDX.DirectInput.Key), settings.CreditRightCoinSlot); } emulationState.EMUShutdown += NesEmu_EMUShutdown; }
public FanatecExtControl(FanatecExtension ext, SimFeedbackExtensionFacade facade) { fanatecExt = ext; simFeedbackFacade = facade; // Initialize DirectInput directInput = new DirectInput(); InitializeComponent(); ListInputDevices(); trackBarMouseSpeed.Value = (int)(mouseSpeed * 10.0); }
public JoystickViewModel(IVehicleComponent vehicleComponent) { VehicleComponent = vehicleComponent; Messenger.Default.Register <VehicleSelected>(this, VehicleSelectedAction); SenderTimer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000 / 12) }; UiThread = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 1000 / 12) }; UiThread.Tick += UiThread_Tick; UiThread.Start(); _joystick = new MAVLink.mavlink_rc_channels_override_t(); // make sure that DirectInput has been initialized var dinput = new DirectInput(); // search for devices foreach (DeviceInstance device in dinput.GetDevices(DeviceClass.GameController, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AttachedOnly)) { // create the device try { joystick = new Joystick(dinput, device.InstanceGuid); break; } catch (DirectInputException exception) { Logger.Error("JoystickViewModel", exception); } } if (joystick == null) { //MessageBox.Show("There are no joysticks attached to the system."); return; } foreach (DeviceObjectInstance deviceObject in joystick.GetObjects()) { if ((deviceObject.ObjectType & ObjectDeviceType.Axis) != 0) { joystick.GetObjectPropertiesById((int)deviceObject.ObjectType).SetRange(MinJoystickRange, MaxJoystickRange); } } Equalisers = new ObservableCollection <Equaliser>(); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { Equalisers.Add(new Equaliser { Id = i + 1, Channel = 1, Value = 0, IsChecked = false, Receiver = 0 }); } }
private void InitiallizeGamePad() { // Initialize DirectInput var directInput = new DirectInput(); // Find a Joystick Guid var joystickGuid = Guid.Empty; foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceType.Gamepad, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices)) { joystickGuid = deviceInstance.InstanceGuid; } // If Gamepad not found, look for a Joystick if (joystickGuid == Guid.Empty) { foreach (var deviceInstance in directInput.GetDevices(DeviceType.Joystick, DeviceEnumerationFlags.AllDevices)) { joystickGuid = deviceInstance.InstanceGuid; } } // If Joystick not found, throws an error if (joystickGuid == Guid.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("HopScotch Matte nicht gefunden! "); } else { // Instantiate the joystick joystick = new Joystick(directInput, joystickGuid); Console.WriteLine("Found Joystick/Gamepad with GUID: {0}", joystickGuid); // Query all suported ForceFeedback effects var allEffects = joystick.GetEffects(); foreach (var effectInfo in allEffects) { Console.WriteLine("Effect available {0}", effectInfo.Name); } // Set BufferSize in order to use buffered data. joystick.Properties.BufferSize = 128; // Acquire the joystick joystick.Acquire(); tHopScotch.Start(); } }