public void Delete(string path, bool recursive)
            DirInfo di = FindInfo(path);

            if (di == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not find file '{0}'.", path));
            if (di.ToString() == "\\")
                if (!recursive)
                    throw new IOException("The archive root cannot be deleted.");
                StringCollection sa = new StringCollection(GetDirectories("\\"));
                foreach (string s in sa)
                    Delete("\\" + s, true);
            else if (di is FileInfo)
                FileInfo fi = (FileInfo)di;
                lock (stream)
                    foreach (int i in fi.seq)
                        stream.Position = GetOffset(i);
                        bw.Write(new byte[BLOCK_SIZE - 2]);
                StringCollection sa = new StringCollection(GetDirectories(di.ToString()));
                if (recursive)
                    foreach (string s in sa)
                        Delete(di.ToString() + '\\' + s, true);
                else if (sa.Count > 0)
                    throw new IOException("Directory is not empty.");
                if (di == current)
                    sa = new StringCollection(ResolvePath(di.ToString()));
                    sa.RemoveAt(sa.Count - 1);
                    current = FindInfo("\\" + string.Join("\\", sa.ToArray()));
        public void Move(string path, string dest)
            DirInfo d1 = FindInfo(path), d2 = FindInfo(dest);

            if (d1 == null)
                throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not find file '{0}'.", path));
            if (d2 == null)
                StringCollection sa = new StringCollection(ResolvePath(dest));
                string           s  = sa[sa.Count - 1];
                sa.RemoveAt(sa.Count - 1);
                d2 = FindInfo("\\" + string.Join("\\", sa.ToArray()));
                if (d2 == null)
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("Could not find file '{0}'.", dest));
                d1.Name = s;
            else if (d2 is FileInfo)
                throw new IOException("A file or folder with this name already exists.");
            d1.Parent = d2.Index;
            if (d1 == current)
                StringCollection sa = new StringCollection(ResolvePath(d1.ToString()));
                sa.RemoveAt(sa.Count - 1);
                current = FindInfo("\\" + string.Join("\\", sa.ToArray()));