Esempio n. 1
    private void SetStats()
        health        = baseHealth * diffMng.GetDifficultyMultiplier();
        moveSpeed     = baseMoveSpeed * diffMng.GetDifficultyMultiplier();
        rotationSpeed = baseRotationSpeed * diffMng.GetDifficultyMultiplier();

        expCount        = baseExpCount * diffMng.GetDifficultyMultiplier();
        scoreValue      = baseScoreValue * diffMng.GetDifficultyMultiplier();
        healthDropValue = Random.Range(0, (baseHealthDropValue * 2) / diffMng.GetDifficultyMultiplier());
Esempio n. 2
    private void SetNextFiringInterval()
        float randomIntervalCoef = Random.Range(MinFiringInterval, MaxFiringInterval);

        _nextFiringInterval = randomIntervalCoef / _difficultyManagerScript.GetDifficultyMultiplier(DifficultyParameter.DpShipFireRateIncrease);
Esempio n. 3
    //Generate new waves and spawn them on scene
    private void SpawnNewWave()
        EventLogger.PrintToLog("New Wave Spawn");

        //determine if current wave formation has an empty space bigger than the size of the player ship
        const int   randRange = 100;
        const float stepSize  = (float)randRange / GameConstants.DifficultyStepCount;       //step size is currently 20

        // 10 30 50 70 90 no exit probability for difficulties 1 2 3 4 5
        float noExitProbability =
            (_difficultyManagerScript.DifficultyCoefs[DifficultyParameter.DpWaveHasNoExitCoef] - 0.5f) * stepSize;
        bool hasNoExit = Random.Range(0, randRange) < noExitProbability;

        //I. Pick a random formation type
        int       selectedFormationIndex = Random.Range(0, _formations.Count);
        Formation selectedFormation      = _formations[selectedFormationIndex];

        //determine next wave spawn interval
        float randomIntervalCoef = Random.Range(MinWaveSpawnIntervalCoef, MaxWaveSpawnIntervalCoef);

        _waveSpawnInterval = randomIntervalCoef / _difficultyManagerScript.GetDifficultyMultiplier(DifficultyParameter.DpWaveSpawnRateIncrease);

        //II. Determine Horizontal Distance Between Enemies
        float nextWaveHorizontalDistance = _waveSpawnInterval * BasicEnemy.MoveSpeed;
        float maxEnemyHorizontalDist     = nextWaveHorizontalDistance - EnemySpawnMaxHorzDist;

        if (selectedFormation.HorizontalShipSpan > 1)
            maxEnemyHorizontalDist /= selectedFormation.HorizontalShipSpan;

        float enemyHorizontalDist;

        if (maxEnemyHorizontalDist < _enemySpawnMinHorzDist)
            enemyHorizontalDist = maxEnemyHorizontalDist;
            maxEnemyHorizontalDist = Mathf.Clamp(maxEnemyHorizontalDist, _enemySpawnMinHorzDist, EnemySpawnMaxHorzDist);
            enemyHorizontalDist    = Random.Range(_enemySpawnMinHorzDist, maxEnemyHorizontalDist);

        //III. Determine Vertical Distance Between Enemies
        float verticalMovementLength = _vertMaxShipSpawnCoord - _vertMinShipSpawnCoord;
        float minEnemyVerticalDist   = _enemySpawnMinVertDist;

        if (hasNoExit)
            int maxIntervalCount = selectedFormation.WaveEntities.Count - 1;

            float minVerticalDistance = (verticalMovementLength - ShipColliderVertSize) / maxIntervalCount;
            if (minVerticalDistance > minEnemyVerticalDist)
                minEnemyVerticalDist = minVerticalDistance;
        float enemyVerticalDist = Random.Range(minEnemyVerticalDist, EnemySpawnMaxVertDist);

        //IV. Determine Number of Enemies
        int lowerIntervalCount  = Mathf.FloorToInt((verticalMovementLength - ShipColliderVertSize) / enemyVerticalDist);
        int higherIntervalCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(verticalMovementLength / enemyVerticalDist);

        int maxPossibleVerticalIntervalCount = (lowerIntervalCount == higherIntervalCount) && !hasNoExit ? lowerIntervalCount : lowerIntervalCount + 1;

        float distBetweenFirstAndLastShip = enemyVerticalDist * maxPossibleVerticalIntervalCount;

        Assert.IsTrue(!hasNoExit || (distBetweenFirstAndLastShip >= verticalMovementLength - ShipColliderVertSize));

        int maxPossibleShipCount = maxPossibleVerticalIntervalCount + 1;
        int enemyCount;

        if (hasNoExit)
            enemyCount = maxPossibleShipCount;
            //no possible no-exits here, this is why we subtract 1 from max possible ship count, we want at least a sufficient opening
            int enemyMaxCount = Mathf.Min(maxPossibleShipCount - 1, selectedFormation.WaveEntities.Count);

            int minimumEnemyCountCoef = _difficultyManagerScript.DifficultyCoefs[DifficultyParameter.DpMinimumEnemyCountCoef];

            //diff param (1 2 3 4 5) : min count = max count - (4 3 2 1 0)
            //TODO LATER if 5 level difficulty is changed, enemy counts will break as we don't take min max difficulty difference into account
            int enemyMinCount = Mathf.Max(1, enemyMaxCount - (GameConstants.MaxDifficulty - minimumEnemyCountCoef));

            enemyCount = Random.Range(enemyMinCount, enemyMaxCount);

        int   actualVerticalIntervalCount = enemyCount - 1;
        float minVerticalStartCoord       = _vertMinShipSpawnCoord;
        float maxVerticalStartCoord       = _vertMaxShipSpawnCoord - actualVerticalIntervalCount * enemyVerticalDist;

        if (maxVerticalStartCoord < minVerticalStartCoord)
            //we just went off the line, this is only possible for no exit formations!

            //swap these two
            maxVerticalStartCoord += minVerticalStartCoord;
            minVerticalStartCoord  = maxVerticalStartCoord - minVerticalStartCoord;
            maxVerticalStartCoord -= minVerticalStartCoord;

            if (_hugeEnemyExists)
                if (!Mathf.Approximately(_vertMinShipSpawnCoord, Player.MinVerticalMovementLimit))
                    minVerticalStartCoord = maxVerticalStartCoord;
                else if (!Mathf.Approximately(_vertMaxShipSpawnCoord, Player.MaxVerticalMovementLimit))
                    maxVerticalStartCoord = minVerticalStartCoord;
                    Assert.IsTrue(false);                     //something is fishy, spawning a huge enemy didn't change vertical spawn coords
            Assert.IsTrue(distBetweenFirstAndLastShip <= verticalMovementLength);

        //V. Select Enemies From Formation List
        List <WaveEntity> selectedFormationEntities = SelectEnemiesFromFormation(selectedFormationIndex, enemyCount);

        //VI. Determine Advanced Enemy Count
        int enemyTypeCount = EnemyPrefabArray.Length;

        int[] enemyTypeSteps = new int[enemyTypeCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < enemyTypeSteps.Length; ++i)
            enemyTypeSteps[i] = Mathf.RoundToInt(i * 100.0f / (enemyTypeSteps.Length - 1));
            //enemyTypeSteps = {0, 100} for 2 enemies, {0, 50, 100} for 3 enemies, {0, 33, 67, 100} for 4 enemies, and so on

        float advancedEnemyPercentage = _difficultyManagerScript.DifficultyCoefs[DifficultyParameter.DpEnemyShipStrength] * stepSize - stepSize * 0.5f;

        int   advEnemyTypeIndex         = 1;
        float percentageOfStrongerEnemy = 0.0f;

        if (enemyTypeSteps.Length > 1)
            int currentEnemyTypeStep = enemyTypeSteps[advEnemyTypeIndex];
            while (advancedEnemyPercentage > currentEnemyTypeStep)
                Assert.IsTrue(advEnemyTypeIndex < enemyTypeSteps.Length);
                currentEnemyTypeStep = enemyTypeSteps[advEnemyTypeIndex];
            // if we're here, we know which two enemies we're gonna use
            int previousEnemyTypeStep = enemyTypeSteps[advEnemyTypeIndex - 1];
            percentageOfStrongerEnemy = (advancedEnemyPercentage - previousEnemyTypeStep) / (currentEnemyTypeStep - previousEnemyTypeStep);

        int minAdvancedEnemyCount = Mathf.FloorToInt(percentageOfStrongerEnemy * selectedFormationEntities.Count);
        int maxAdvancedEnemyCount = Mathf.CeilToInt(percentageOfStrongerEnemy * selectedFormationEntities.Count);
        int advancedEnemyCount    = Random.Range(minAdvancedEnemyCount, maxAdvancedEnemyCount + 1);

        //create ship types list
        int[] shipTypes = new int[selectedFormationEntities.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < shipTypes.Length; ++i)
            if (i < advancedEnemyCount)
                shipTypes[i] = advEnemyTypeIndex;
                shipTypes[i] = advEnemyTypeIndex - 1;

        //shuffle the list
        for (int i = 0; i < shipTypes.Length; ++i)
            int temp        = shipTypes[i];
            int randomIndex = Random.Range(i, shipTypes.Length);
            shipTypes[i]           = shipTypes[randomIndex];
            shipTypes[randomIndex] = temp;

        //VII. Spawn Enemies
        SpawnEnemies(selectedFormationEntities, shipTypes, minVerticalStartCoord, maxVerticalStartCoord, enemyHorizontalDist, enemyVerticalDist, maxEnemyHorizontalDist);