Esempio n. 1
        public void EqualBigDataTest()
            string left  = _big1;
            string right = _big1;

            DiffResult result = _sut.Diff(left, right);

            Assert.AreEqual("equal", result.Description);
Esempio n. 2
        protected IEnumerable <BaseCommand> GetCommands <T>(
            DtoMetadataCache cache,
            T oldDto,
            T newDto,
            int expectedDifferenceCount,
            int expectedOperationCount,
            int expectedInsertOperations,
            int expectedUpdateOperations,
            int expectedDeleteOperations,
            int expectedCommandCount,
            int expectedInsertCommands,
            int expectedUpdateCommands,
            int expectedDeleteCommands,
            bool assertOnCounts = true)
            var differ      = new Differ(cache);
            var differences = differ.Diff(oldDto, newDto);

            if (assertOnCounts)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDifferenceCount, differences.Count(), "Unexpected number of differences.");

            var operationBuilder = new OperationBuilder();
            var operations       = operationBuilder.Build(differences);

            var commandBuilder = new CommandBuilder();
            var commands       = commandBuilder.Coalesce(operations);

            if (assertOnCounts)
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedOperationCount, operations.Count(), "Unexpected number of operations.");
                var counts = CountItemsByType(operations);
                CheckCount(counts, typeof(InsertOperation), expectedInsertOperations);
                CheckCount(counts, typeof(UpdateOperation), expectedUpdateOperations);
                CheckCount(counts, typeof(DeleteOperation), expectedDeleteOperations);

                Assert.AreEqual(expectedCommandCount, commands.Count(), "Unexpected number of commands.");
                counts = CountItemsByType(commands);
                CheckCount(counts, typeof(InsertCommand), expectedInsertCommands);
                CheckCount(counts, typeof(UpdateCommand), expectedUpdateCommands);
                CheckCount(counts, typeof(DeleteCommand), expectedDeleteCommands);

            var scriptBuilder     = new ScriptBuilder(cache);
            var transactionScript = scriptBuilder.Build(commands);

            Assert.IsNotNull(transactionScript, "#badtimes - null transaction script");
            Assert.IsTrue(transactionScript.Count > 0, "Should be at least one script.");
            foreach (var script in transactionScript)
                Assert.IsTrue(script.Buffer.Length > 0, "#badtimes - empty transaction script");


Esempio n. 3
        public string DiffTest(string left, string right, bool NoOrderInBasicTypeValueJArray = false)
            Differ differ = new Differ(NoOrderInBasicTypeValueJArray);
            JArray r      = differ.Diff(left, right);
            string s      = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r);

Esempio n. 4
        public void diff_does_not_drill_past_simple_save_ignore_where_differences_beneath()
            var dao1 = CreateApplicationForUpdateWithAcquiringOffer();
            var dao2 = CreateApplicationForUpdateWithAcquiringOffer();

            dao2.Locations[0].Opportunities[0].CurrentOffer.AcquiringOffer.TypeOfTransaction = new TypeOfTransactionLutDao()
                FieldItemKey = 0,
                FieldItem    = new FieldItemLutDao()
                    FieldItemKey = 0,
                TypeOfTransactionEnumKey = OppTypeOfTransactionEnum.None

            var differ = new Differ(new DtoMetadataCache());
            var diffs  = differ.Diff(dao1, dao2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, diffs.Count, "Should not have found any differences.");
Esempio n. 5
        public void diff_shows_differences_between_nested_objects()
            var dao1 = CreateAcquiringOfferTrnDao();
            var dao2 = CreateAcquiringOfferTrnDao();

            dao2.TypeOfTransaction = new TypeOfTransactionLutDao()
                FieldItemKey = 0,
                FieldItem    = new FieldItemLutDao()
                    FieldItemKey = 0,
                TypeOfTransactionEnumKey = OppTypeOfTransactionEnum.None

            var differ = new Differ(new DtoMetadataCache());
            var diffs  = differ.Diff(dao1, dao2);

            Assert.IsTrue(diffs.Count > 0, "Should have found some differences.");
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Main running method for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Commandline arguments to the application.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the application error code.</returns>
        private int Run(string[] args)
            Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder binder = null;
            Differ   differ   = null;
            Unbinder unbinder = null;

            TempFileCollection tempFileCollection = null;

                // parse the command line

                // validate the inputs
                if (this.xmlInputs && this.adminImage)
                    this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.IllegalCommandlineArgumentCombination("a", "xi"));
                    this.showHelp = true;

                string[] allValidExtensions               = new string[] { wixMstExtension, wixOutExtension, wixPdbExtension, msiExtension };
                string[] expectedSingleInputExtensions    = new string[] { wixMstExtension, wixOutExtension };
                string[] expectedDoubleInputXmlExtensions = new string[] { wixOutExtension, wixPdbExtension };
                string[] expectedDoubleInputMsiExtensions = new string[] { msiExtension };

                // Validate that all inputs have the correct extension and we dont have too many inputs.
                if (1 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    string inputFile = this.inputFiles[0];

                    bool hasValidExtension = false;
                    foreach (string extension in expectedSingleInputExtensions)
                        if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            hasValidExtension = true;

                    if (!hasValidExtension)
                        bool missingInput = false;

                        // Check if its using an extension that could be valid in other scenarios.
                        foreach (string validExtension in allValidExtensions)
                            if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), validExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.WrongFileExtensionForNumberOfInputs(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), inputFile));
                                missingInput = true;

                        if (!missingInput)
                            this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedFileExtension(inputFile, String.Join(", ", expectedSingleInputExtensions)));
                else if (2 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    foreach (string inputFile in inputFiles)
                        bool     hasValidExtension  = false;
                        string[] expectedExtensions = allValidExtensions;
                        if (this.xmlInputs)
                            foreach (string extension in expectedDoubleInputXmlExtensions)
                                if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    hasValidExtension  = true;
                                    expectedExtensions = expectedDoubleInputXmlExtensions;
                            foreach (string extension in expectedDoubleInputMsiExtensions)
                                if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    hasValidExtension  = true;
                                    expectedExtensions = expectedDoubleInputMsiExtensions;

                        if (!hasValidExtension)
                            this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedFileExtension(inputFile, String.Join(", ", expectedExtensions)));
                    this.showHelp = true;

                // exit if there was an error parsing the command line or with a file extension (otherwise the logo appears after error messages)
                if (this.messageHandler.EncounteredError)

                if (null == this.outputFile)
                    this.showHelp = true;

                if (this.showLogo)

                if (this.showHelp)

                foreach (string parameter in this.invalidArgs)
                    this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixWarnings.UnsupportedCommandLineArgument(parameter));
                this.invalidArgs = null;

                binder   = new Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder();
                differ   = new Differ();
                unbinder = new Unbinder();

                // load any extensions
                foreach (string extension in this.extensionList)
                    WixExtension wixExtension = WixExtension.Load(extension);

                binder.Message   += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);
                differ.Message   += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);
                unbinder.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);

                binder.TempFilesLocation   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");
                unbinder.TempFilesLocation = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");
                tempFileCollection         = new TempFileCollection(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP"));

                binder.WixVariableResolver       = new WixVariableResolver();
                differ.PreserveUnchangedRows     = this.preserveUnchangedRows;
                differ.ShowPedanticMessages      = this.showPedanticMessages;
                unbinder.SuppressExtractCabinets = true;
                unbinder.IsAdminImage            = this.adminImage;

                if (null == this.exportBasePath)
                    this.exportBasePath = tempFileCollection.BasePath;

                // load and process the inputs
                Output transform;
                if (1 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    transform = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[0], false, false);
                    if (OutputType.Transform != transform.Type)
                        this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.InvalidWixTransform(this.inputFiles[0]));
                else // 2 inputs
                    Output targetOutput;
                    Output updatedOutput;

                    if (this.xmlInputs)
                        // load the target database
                        if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFiles[0]), wixPdbExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Pdb targetPdb = Pdb.Load(this.inputFiles[0], false, false);
                            targetOutput = targetPdb.Output;
                            targetOutput = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[0], false, false);

                        // load the updated database
                        if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFiles[1]), wixPdbExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Pdb updatedPdb = Pdb.Load(this.inputFiles[1], false, false);
                            updatedOutput = updatedPdb.Output;
                            updatedOutput = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[1], false, false);

                        this.xmlOutput = true;
                        // load the target database
                        targetOutput = unbinder.Unbind(this.inputFiles[0], OutputType.Product, Path.Combine(this.exportBasePath, "targetBinaries"));

                        // load the updated database
                        updatedOutput = unbinder.Unbind(this.inputFiles[1], OutputType.Product, Path.Combine(this.exportBasePath, "updatedBinaries"));

                    // diff the target and updated databases
                    transform = differ.Diff(targetOutput, updatedOutput, this.validationFlags);

                    if (null == transform.Tables || 0 >= transform.Tables.Count)
                        throw new WixException(WixErrors.NoDifferencesInTransform(transform.SourceLineNumbers));

                // output the transform
                if (null != transform)
                    // If either the user selected xml output or gave xml input, save as xml output.
                    // With xml inputs, many funtions of the binder have not been performed on the inputs (ie. file sequencing). This results in bad IDT files which cannot be put in a transform.
                    if (this.xmlOutput)
                        transform.Save(this.outputFile, null, null, tempFileCollection.BasePath);
                        binder.Bind(transform, this.outputFile);
            catch (WixException we)
                if (we is WixInvalidIdtException)
                    // make sure the IDT files stay around
                    this.tidy = false;

                this.messageHandler.Display(this, we.Error);
            catch (Exception e)
                // make sure the files stay around for debugging
                this.tidy = false;

                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedException(e.Message, e.GetType().ToString(), e.StackTrace));
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)
                if (null != binder)
                    if (this.tidy)
                        if (!binder.DeleteTempFiles())
                            Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.WAR_FailedToDeleteTempDir, binder.TempFilesLocation);
                        Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.INF_BinderTempDirLocatedAt, binder.TempFilesLocation);

                if (null != unbinder)
                    if (this.tidy)
                        if (!unbinder.DeleteTempFiles())
                            Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.WAR_FailedToDeleteTempDir, binder.TempFilesLocation);
                        Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.INF_UnbinderTempDirLocatedAt, binder.TempFilesLocation);

                if (null != tempFileCollection)
                    if (this.tidy)
                            Directory.Delete(tempFileCollection.BasePath, true);
                        catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                            // if the path doesn't exist, then there is nothing for us to worry about
                            Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.WAR_FailedToDeleteTempDir, tempFileCollection.BasePath);
                        Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.INF_TorchTempDirLocatedAt, tempFileCollection.BasePath);

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare two Outputs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetOutput"></param>
        /// <param name="updatedOutput"></param>
        /// <returns>Any differences found.</returns>
        private static ArrayList CompareOutput(Output targetOutput, Output updatedOutput)
            ArrayList differences = new ArrayList();

            Differ differ = new Differ();
            differ.SuppressKeepingSpecialRows = true;
            Output transform = differ.Diff(targetOutput, updatedOutput);

            foreach (Table table in transform.Tables)
                switch (table.Operation)
                    case TableOperation.Add:
                        differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table has been added.", table.Name));
                    case TableOperation.Drop:
                        differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table has been dropped.", table.Name));

                // index the target rows for better error messages
                Hashtable targetRows = new Hashtable();
                Table targetTable = targetOutput.Tables[table.Name];
                if (null != targetTable)
                    foreach (Row row in targetTable.Rows)
                        string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');

                        // only index rows with primary keys since these are the ones that can be modified
                        if (null != primaryKey)
                            targetRows.Add(primaryKey, row);

                foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                    switch (row.Operation)
                        case RowOperation.Add:
                            differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has been added.", table.Name, row.ToString()));
                        case RowOperation.Delete:
                            differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has been deleted.", table.Name, row.ToString()));
                        case RowOperation.Modify:
                            if (!Ignore(row))
                                string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');
                                Row targetRow = (Row)targetRows[primaryKey];

                                differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has changed to '{2}'.", table.Name, targetRow.ToString(), row.ToString()));
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown diff row.");

            return differences;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare two Outputs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetOutput">The expected output</param>
        /// <param name="updatedOutput">The actual output</param>
        /// <param name="tables">The list of tables to compare</param>
        /// <returns>Any differences found.</returns>
        private static ArrayList CompareOutput(Output targetOutput, Output updatedOutput, params string[] tables)
            ArrayList differences = new ArrayList();

            Differ differ = new Differ();

            differ.SuppressKeepingSpecialRows = true;
            Output transform = differ.Diff(targetOutput, updatedOutput);

            foreach (Table table in transform.Tables)
                if (null != tables && -1 == Array.IndexOf(tables, table.Name))
                    // Skip this table

                switch (table.Operation)
                case TableOperation.Add:
                    differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table has been added.", table.Name));

                case TableOperation.Drop:
                    differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table has been dropped.", table.Name));

                // index the target rows for better error messages
                Hashtable targetRows  = new Hashtable();
                Table     targetTable = targetOutput.Tables[table.Name];
                if (null != targetTable)
                    foreach (Row row in targetTable.Rows)
                        string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');

                        // only index rows with primary keys since these are the ones that can be modified
                        if (null != primaryKey)
                            targetRows.Add(primaryKey, row);

                foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                    switch (row.Operation)
                    case RowOperation.Add:
                        differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has been added.", table.Name, row.ToString()));

                    case RowOperation.Delete:
                        differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has been deleted.", table.Name, row.ToString()));

                    case RowOperation.Modify:
                        if (!Verifier.Ignore(row))
                            string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');
                            Row    targetRow  = (Row)targetRows[primaryKey];

                            differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has changed to '{2}'.", table.Name, targetRow.ToString(), row.ToString()));

                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown diff row.");

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Main running method for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Commandline arguments to the application.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the application error code.</returns>
        private int Run(string[] args)
            Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder binder = null;
            Differ differ = null;
            Unbinder unbinder = null;

            TempFileCollection tempFileCollection = null;

                // parse the command line

                // validate the inputs
                if (this.xmlInputs && this.adminImage)
                    this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.IllegalCommandlineArgumentCombination("a", "xi"));
                    this.showHelp = true;

                string[] allValidExtensions = new string[] { wixMstExtension, wixOutExtension, wixPdbExtension, msiExtension };
                string[] expectedSingleInputExtensions = new string[] { wixMstExtension, wixOutExtension };
                string[] expectedDoubleInputXmlExtensions = new string[] { wixOutExtension, wixPdbExtension };
                string[] expectedDoubleInputMsiExtensions = new string[] { msiExtension };

                // Validate that all inputs have the correct extension and we dont have too many inputs.
                if (1 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    string inputFile = this.inputFiles[0];

                    bool hasValidExtension = false;
                    foreach (string extension in expectedSingleInputExtensions)
                        if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            hasValidExtension = true;

                    if (!hasValidExtension)
                        bool missingInput = false;

                        // Check if its using an extension that could be valid in other scenarios.
                        foreach (string validExtension in allValidExtensions)
                            if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), validExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.WrongFileExtensionForNumberOfInputs(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), inputFile));
                                missingInput = true;

                        if (!missingInput)
                            this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedFileExtension(inputFile, String.Join(", ", expectedSingleInputExtensions)));
                else if (2 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    foreach (string inputFile in inputFiles)
                        bool hasValidExtension = false;
                        string[] expectedExtensions = allValidExtensions;
                        if (this.xmlInputs)
                            foreach (string extension in expectedDoubleInputXmlExtensions)
                                if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    hasValidExtension = true;
                                    expectedExtensions = expectedDoubleInputXmlExtensions;
                            foreach (string extension in expectedDoubleInputMsiExtensions)
                                if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), extension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    hasValidExtension = true;
                                    expectedExtensions = expectedDoubleInputMsiExtensions;

                        if (!hasValidExtension)
                            this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedFileExtension(inputFile, String.Join(", ", expectedExtensions)));
                    this.showHelp = true;

                // exit if there was an error parsing the command line or with a file extension (otherwise the logo appears after error messages)
                if (this.messageHandler.EncounteredError)
                    return this.messageHandler.LastErrorNumber;

                if (null == this.outputFile)
                    this.showHelp = true;

                if (this.showLogo)

                if (this.showHelp)
                    return this.messageHandler.LastErrorNumber;

                foreach (string parameter in this.invalidArgs)
                    this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixWarnings.UnsupportedCommandLineArgument(parameter));
                this.invalidArgs = null;

                binder = new Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder();
                differ = new Differ();
                unbinder = new Unbinder();

                // load any extensions
                foreach (string extension in this.extensionList)
                    WixExtension wixExtension = WixExtension.Load(extension);

                binder.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);
                differ.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);
                unbinder.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);

                binder.TempFilesLocation = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");
                unbinder.TempFilesLocation = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");
                tempFileCollection = new TempFileCollection(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP"));

                binder.WixVariableResolver = new WixVariableResolver();
                differ.PreserveUnchangedRows = this.preserveUnchangedRows;
                differ.ShowPedanticMessages = this.showPedanticMessages;
                unbinder.SuppressExtractCabinets = true;
                unbinder.IsAdminImage = this.adminImage;

                if (null == this.exportBasePath)
                    this.exportBasePath = tempFileCollection.BasePath;

                // load and process the inputs
                Output transform;
                if (1 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    transform = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[0], false, false);
                    if (OutputType.Transform != transform.Type)
                        this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.InvalidWixTransform(this.inputFiles[0]));
                        return this.messageHandler.LastErrorNumber;
                else // 2 inputs
                    Output targetOutput;
                    Output updatedOutput;

                    if (this.xmlInputs)
                        // load the target database
                        if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFiles[0]), wixPdbExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Pdb targetPdb = Pdb.Load(this.inputFiles[0], false, false);
                            targetOutput = targetPdb.Output;
                            targetOutput = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[0], false, false);

                        // load the updated database
                        if (String.Equals(Path.GetExtension(inputFiles[1]), wixPdbExtension, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            Pdb updatedPdb = Pdb.Load(this.inputFiles[1], false, false);
                            updatedOutput = updatedPdb.Output;
                            updatedOutput = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[1], false, false);

                        this.xmlOutput = true;
                        // load the target database
                        targetOutput = unbinder.Unbind(this.inputFiles[0], OutputType.Product, Path.Combine(this.exportBasePath, "targetBinaries"));

                        // load the updated database
                        updatedOutput = unbinder.Unbind(this.inputFiles[1], OutputType.Product, Path.Combine(this.exportBasePath, "updatedBinaries"));

                    // diff the target and updated databases
                    transform = differ.Diff(targetOutput, updatedOutput, this.validationFlags);

                    if (null == transform.Tables || 0 >= transform.Tables.Count)
                        throw new WixException(WixErrors.NoDifferencesInTransform(transform.SourceLineNumbers));

                // output the transform
                if (null != transform)
                    // If either the user selected xml output or gave xml input, save as xml output.
                    // With xml inputs, many funtions of the binder have not been performed on the inputs (ie. file sequencing). This results in bad IDT files which cannot be put in a transform.
                    if (this.xmlOutput)
                        transform.Save(this.outputFile, null, null, tempFileCollection.BasePath);
                        binder.Bind(transform, this.outputFile);
            catch (WixException we)
                if (we is WixInvalidIdtException)
                    // make sure the IDT files stay around
                    this.tidy = false;

                this.messageHandler.Display(this, we.Error);
            catch (Exception e)
                // make sure the files stay around for debugging
                this.tidy = false;

                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedException(e.Message, e.GetType().ToString(), e.StackTrace));
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)
                if (null != binder)
                    if (this.tidy)
                        if (!binder.DeleteTempFiles())
                            Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.WAR_FailedToDeleteTempDir, binder.TempFilesLocation);
                        Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.INF_BinderTempDirLocatedAt, binder.TempFilesLocation);

                if (null != unbinder)
                    if (this.tidy)
                        if (!unbinder.DeleteTempFiles())
                            Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.WAR_FailedToDeleteTempDir, binder.TempFilesLocation);
                        Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.INF_UnbinderTempDirLocatedAt, binder.TempFilesLocation);

                if (null != tempFileCollection)
                    if (this.tidy)
                            Directory.Delete(tempFileCollection.BasePath, true);
                        catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                            // if the path doesn't exist, then there is nothing for us to worry about
                            Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.WAR_FailedToDeleteTempDir, tempFileCollection.BasePath);
                        Console.WriteLine(TorchStrings.INF_TorchTempDirLocatedAt, tempFileCollection.BasePath);

            return this.messageHandler.LastErrorNumber;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Compare two result files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expectedResult">The expected result file.</param>
        /// <param name="actualResult">The actual result file.</param>
        /// <returns>Any differences found.</returns>
        public static ArrayList CompareResults(string expectedResult, string actualResult)
            ArrayList differences = new ArrayList();
            Output    targetOutput;
            Output    updatedOutput;

            OutputType outputType;
            string     extension = Path.GetExtension(expectedResult);

            if (String.Compare(extension, ".msi", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                outputType = OutputType.Product;
            else if (String.Compare(extension, ".msm", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                outputType = OutputType.Module;
            else if (String.Compare(extension, ".msp", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                outputType = OutputType.Patch;
            else if (String.Compare(extension, ".mst", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                outputType = OutputType.Transform;
            else if (String.Compare(extension, ".pcp", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                outputType = OutputType.PatchCreation;
            else if (String.Compare(extension, ".wixout", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                outputType = OutputType.Unknown;
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Cannot determine the type of msi database file based on file extension '{0}'.", extension));

            if (outputType != OutputType.Unknown)
                Unbinder unbinder = new Unbinder();
                unbinder.SuppressDemodularization = true;

                targetOutput  = unbinder.Unbind(expectedResult, outputType, null);
                updatedOutput = unbinder.Unbind(actualResult, outputType, null);
                targetOutput  = Output.Load(expectedResult, false, false);
                updatedOutput = Output.Load(actualResult, false, false);

            Differ differ = new Differ();

            differ.SuppressKeepingSpecialRows = true;
            Output transform = differ.Diff(targetOutput, updatedOutput);

            foreach (Table table in transform.Tables)
                switch (table.Operation)
                case TableOperation.Add:
                    differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table has been added.", table.Name));

                case TableOperation.Drop:
                    differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table has been dropped.", table.Name));

                // index the target rows for better error messages
                Hashtable targetRows  = new Hashtable();
                Table     targetTable = targetOutput.Tables[table.Name];
                if (null != targetTable)
                    foreach (Row row in targetTable.Rows)
                        string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');

                        // only index rows with primary keys since these are the ones that can be modified
                        if (null != primaryKey)
                            targetRows.Add(primaryKey, row);

                foreach (Row row in table.Rows)
                    switch (row.Operation)
                    case RowOperation.Add:
                        differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has been added.", table.Name, row.ToString()));

                    case RowOperation.Delete:
                        differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has been deleted.", table.Name, row.ToString()));

                    case RowOperation.Modify:
                        if (("_SummaryInformation" != table.Name || (9 != (int)row[0] && 12 != (int)row[0] && 13 != (int)row[0] && 18 != (int)row[0])) &&
                            ("Property" != table.Name || "ProductCode" != (string)row[0]))
                            string primaryKey = row.GetPrimaryKey('/');
                            Row    targetRow  = (Row)targetRows[primaryKey];

                            differences.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The {0} table, row '{1}' has changed to '{2}'.", table.Name, targetRow.ToString(), row.ToString()));

                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown diff row.");

            // add a description of the files being compared
            if (0 < differences.Count)
                differences.Insert(0, "Differences found while comparing:");
                differences.Insert(1, expectedResult);
                differences.Insert(2, actualResult);

Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Main running method for the application.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">Commandline arguments to the application.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the application error code.</returns>
        private int Run(string[] args)
            Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder binder = null;
            Differ   differ   = null;
            Unbinder unbinder = null;

            TempFileCollection tempFileCollection = null;

                // parse the command line

                // exit if there was an error parsing the command line (otherwise the logo appears after error messages)
                if (this.messageHandler.EncounteredError)

                // validate the inputs
                if (1 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    // Validate that if its a single input, it is a wixout to be converted to an mst.
                    if (0 != String.Compare(Path.GetExtension(this.inputFiles[0]), ".wixout", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                        this.showHelp = true;
                else if (2 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    string expectedExtension = ".msi";
                    if (this.xmlInputs)
                        expectedExtension = ".wixout";

                    // Validate that all inputs have the correct extension
                    foreach (string inputFile in inputFiles)
                        if (0 != String.Compare(Path.GetExtension(inputFile), expectedExtension, true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
                            this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedFileExtension(this.inputFiles[0], expectedExtension));
                            this.showHelp = true;
                    this.showHelp = true;

                if (null == this.outputFile)
                    this.showHelp = true;

                if (this.showLogo)
                    Assembly torchAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                    Console.WriteLine("Microsoft (R) Windows Installer Xml Transform Builder Version {0}", torchAssembly.GetName().Version.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2003. All rights reserved.\n");

                if (this.showHelp)
                    Console.WriteLine(" usage: torch.exe [-?] [options] targetInput updatedInput -out outputFile");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -nologo    skip printing logo information");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -notidy    do not delete temporary files (useful for debugging)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -p         preserve unmodified content in the output");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -sw<N>     suppress warning with specific message ID");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -v         verbose output");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -wx        treat warnings as errors");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -xi        input xml instead of MSI format");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -xo        output xml instead of MST format (set by default if -xi is present");
                    Console.WriteLine("   -?         this help information");
                    Console.WriteLine("Environment variables:");
                    Console.WriteLine("   WIX_TEMP   overrides the temporary directory used for cab extraction, binary extraction, ...");
                    Console.WriteLine("Common extensions:");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wxi    - Windows installer Xml Include file");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wxl    - Windows installer Xml Localization file");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wxs    - Windows installer Xml Source file");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wixlib - Windows installer Xml Library file (in XML format)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wixobj - Windows installer Xml Object file (in XML format)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .wixout - Windows installer Xml Output file (in XML format)");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .msi - Windows installer Product Database");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .msm - Windows installer Merge Module");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .msp - Windows installer Patch");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .mst - Windows installer Transform");
                    Console.WriteLine("   .pcp - Windows installer Patch Creation Package");
                    Console.WriteLine("For more information see:");


                binder   = new Microsoft.Tools.WindowsInstallerXml.Binder();
                differ   = new Differ();
                unbinder = new Unbinder();

                binder.Message   += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);
                differ.Message   += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);
                unbinder.Message += new MessageEventHandler(this.messageHandler.Display);

                binder.TempFilesLocation   = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");
                unbinder.TempFilesLocation = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP");
                tempFileCollection         = new TempFileCollection(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WIX_TEMP"));

                binder.WixVariableResolver       = new WixVariableResolver();
                differ.PreserveUnchangedRows     = this.preserveUnchangedRows;
                unbinder.SuppressExtractCabinets = true;

                // load and process the inputs
                Output transform;
                if (1 == this.inputFiles.Count)
                    transform = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[0], false, false);
                    if (OutputType.Transform != transform.Type)
                        this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.InvalidWixTransform(this.inputFiles[0]));
                else // 2 inputs
                    Output targetOutput;
                    Output updatedOutput;

                    if (this.xmlInputs)
                        // load the target database
                        targetOutput = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[0], false, false);

                        // load the updated database
                        updatedOutput = Output.Load(this.inputFiles[1], false, false);
                        // load the target database
                        targetOutput = unbinder.Unbind(this.inputFiles[0], OutputType.Product, Path.Combine(tempFileCollection.BasePath, "targetBinaries"));

                        // load the updated database
                        updatedOutput = unbinder.Unbind(this.inputFiles[1], OutputType.Product, Path.Combine(tempFileCollection.BasePath, "updatedBinaries"));

                    // diff the target and updated databases
                    transform = differ.Diff(targetOutput, updatedOutput);

                    if (null == transform.Tables || 0 >= transform.Tables.Count)
                        throw new WixException(WixErrors.NoDifferencesInTransform(transform.SourceLineNumbers));

                // output the transform
                if (null != transform)
                    // If either the user selected xml output or gave xml input, save as xml output.
                    // With xml inputs, many funtions of the binder have not been performed on the inputs (ie. file sequencing). This results in bad IDT files which cannot be put in a transform.
                    if (this.xmlOutput || this.xmlInputs)
                        transform.Save(this.outputFile, null, null, null);
                        binder.Bind(transform, this.outputFile);
            catch (WixException we)
                if (we is WixInvalidIdtException)
                    // make sure the IDT files stay around
                    this.tidy = false;

                this.messageHandler.Display(this, we.Error);
            catch (Exception e)
                // make sure the files stay around for debugging
                this.tidy = false;

                this.messageHandler.Display(this, WixErrors.UnexpectedException(e.Message, e.GetType().ToString(), e.StackTrace));
                if (e is NullReferenceException || e is SEHException)
                if (null != binder)
                    if (this.tidy)
                        if (!binder.DeleteTempFiles())
                            Console.WriteLine("Warning, failed to delete temporary directory: {0}", binder.TempFilesLocation);
                        Console.WriteLine("Binder temporary directory located at '{0}'.", binder.TempFilesLocation);

                if (null != unbinder)
                    if (this.tidy)
                        if (!unbinder.DeleteTempFiles())
                            Console.WriteLine("Warning, failed to delete temporary directory: {0}", binder.TempFilesLocation);
                        Console.WriteLine("Unbinder temporary directory located at '{0}'.", binder.TempFilesLocation);

                if (null != tempFileCollection)
                    if (this.tidy)
                            Directory.Delete(tempFileCollection.BasePath, true);
                            Console.WriteLine("Warning, failed to delete temporary directory: {0}", tempFileCollection.BasePath);
                        Console.WriteLine("Torch temporary directory located at '{0}'.", tempFileCollection.BasePath);

        public void diff_does_not_drill_past_simple_save_ignore_where_differences_beneath()
            var dao1 = CreateApplicationForUpdateWithAcquiringOffer();
            var dao2 = CreateApplicationForUpdateWithAcquiringOffer();

            dao2.Locations[0].Opportunities[0].CurrentOffer.AcquiringOffer.TypeOfTransaction = new TypeOfTransactionLutDao()
                FieldItemKey = 0,
                FieldItem = new FieldItemLutDao()
                    FieldItemKey = 0,
                TypeOfTransactionEnumKey = OppTypeOfTransactionEnum.None

            var differ = new Differ(new DtoMetadataCache());
            var diffs = differ.Diff(dao1, dao2);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, diffs.Count, "Should not have found any differences.");
        public void diff_shows_differences_between_nested_objects()
            var dao1 = CreateAcquiringOfferTrnDao();
            var dao2 = CreateAcquiringOfferTrnDao();
            dao2.TypeOfTransaction = new TypeOfTransactionLutDao()
                FieldItemKey = 0,
                FieldItem = new FieldItemLutDao()
                    FieldItemKey = 0,
                TypeOfTransactionEnumKey = OppTypeOfTransactionEnum.None

            var differ = new Differ(new DtoMetadataCache());
            var diffs = differ.Diff(dao1, dao2);

            Assert.IsTrue(diffs.Count > 0, "Should have found some differences.");