private static void Gamble(Creature p) { if ( > 0) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You head towards the back of the tavern.\nHaving grown up in Marburgh, you know where all the games are, legal and otherwise"); Console.WriteLine("What do you feel like playing? \n\n[B]lackjack [D]ice [T]hree card monty \n[R]eturn"); string choice = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar.ToString().ToLower(); if (choice == "r") { Inn(p); } else if (choice != "b" && choice != "t" && choice != "d") { Gamble(p); } Wager(p); if (choice == "b") { BlackJackGame.StartBlackJack(p, wager); } if (choice == "d") { DiceGame.Dice(p, wager); } if (choice == "t") { ThreeCardMonteGame.ThreeCardMonte(p, wager); } } else { Console.WriteLine("You don't have enough money!"); } Utilities.Keypress(); }