public static void Main(string[] args) { object[] attributes = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute), false); AssemblyTitle = ((AssemblyTitleAttribute)attributes[0]).Title; attributes = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false); AssemblyVersion = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(Program).Assembly, typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute; AssemblyCopyright = ((AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)attributes[0]).Copyright; Settings.Settings.LoadSettings(); DicContext ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath); ctx.Database.Migrate(); ctx.SaveChanges(); // TODO: Update database on GUI DicContext mctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); mctx.Database.Migrate(); mctx.SaveChanges(); Statistics.LoadStats(); if (Settings.Settings.Current.Stats != null && Settings.Settings.Current.Stats.ShareStats) { Task.Run(() => { Statistics.SubmitStats(); }); } foreach (string arg in args) { switch (arg.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "-v": case "--verbose": Verbose = true; break; case "-d": case "--debug": Debug = true; break; } } Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); new Application(Platforms.Gtk).Run(new frmMain(Debug, Verbose)); Statistics.SaveStats(); }
public int Invoke(bool debug, bool verbose, bool clear, bool clearAll) { if (_masterDbUpdate) { return((int)ErrorNumber.NoError); } MainClass.PrintCopyright(); if (debug) { DicConsole.DebugWriteLineEvent += System.Console.Error.WriteLine; } if (verbose) { DicConsole.VerboseWriteLineEvent += System.Console.WriteLine; } DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Update command", "--debug={0}", debug); DicConsole.DebugWriteLine("Update command", "--verbose={0}", verbose); if (clearAll) { try { File.Delete(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath); var ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath); ctx.Database.Migrate(); ctx.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { throw; } DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Could not remove local database."); return((int)ErrorNumber.CannotRemoveDatabase); } } if (clear || clearAll) { try { File.Delete(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); } catch (Exception e) { if (Debugger.IsAttached) { throw; } DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Could not remove master database."); return((int)ErrorNumber.CannotRemoveDatabase); } } DoUpdate(clear || clearAll); return((int)ErrorNumber.NoError); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { object[] attributes = typeof(MainClass).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute), false); _assemblyTitle = ((AssemblyTitleAttribute)attributes[0]).Title; attributes = typeof(MainClass).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false); _assemblyVersion = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MainClass).Assembly, typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute; _assemblyCopyright = ((AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)attributes[0]).Copyright; DicConsole.WriteLineEvent += System.Console.WriteLine; DicConsole.WriteEvent += System.Console.Write; DicConsole.ErrorWriteLineEvent += System.Console.Error.WriteLine; Settings.Settings.LoadSettings(); var ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath); ctx.Database.Migrate(); ctx.SaveChanges(); bool masterDbUpdate = false; if (!File.Exists(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath)) { masterDbUpdate = true; UpdateCommand.DoUpdate(true); } var masterContext = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); if (masterContext.Database.GetPendingMigrations().Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("New database version, updating..."); try { File.Delete(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); } catch (Exception) { DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Exception trying to remove old database version, cannot continue..."); DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Please manually remove file at {0}", Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); } UpdateCommand.DoUpdate(true); } if ((args.Length < 1 || args[0].ToLowerInvariant() != "gui") && Settings.Settings.Current.GdprCompliance < DicSettings.GdprLevel) { new ConfigureCommand(true, true).Invoke(args); } Statistics.LoadStats(); if (Settings.Settings.Current.Stats != null && Settings.Settings.Current.Stats.ShareStats) { Task.Run(Statistics.SubmitStats); } Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); Statistics.SaveStats(); var rootCommand = new RootCommand { new Option(new[] { "--verbose", "-v" }, "Shows verbose output.") { Argument = new Argument <bool>(() => false) }, new Option(new[] { "--debug", "-d" }, "Shows debug output from plugins.") { Argument = new Argument <bool>(() => false) } }; rootCommand.Description = $"{_assemblyTitle} {_assemblyVersion?.InformationalVersion}\n{_assemblyCopyright}"; rootCommand.AddCommand(new DatabaseFamily(masterDbUpdate)); rootCommand.AddCommand(new DeviceFamily()); rootCommand.AddCommand(new FilesystemFamily()); rootCommand.AddCommand(new ImageFamily()); rootCommand.AddCommand(new MediaFamily()); rootCommand.AddCommand(new ConfigureCommand(false, false)); rootCommand.AddCommand(new FormatsCommand()); rootCommand.AddCommand(new ListEncodingsCommand()); rootCommand.AddCommand(new ListNamespacesCommand()); rootCommand.AddCommand(new RemoteCommand()); return(rootCommand.Invoke(args)); }
public dlgStatistics() { XamlReader.Load(this); DicContext ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath); if (ctx.Commands.Any()) { if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "analyze")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "analyze" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "analyze" && !c.Synchronized); lblAnalyze.Visible = true; lblAnalyze.Text = $"You have called the Analyze command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "benchmark")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "benchmark" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "benchmark" && !c.Synchronized); lblBenchmark.Visible = true; lblBenchmark.Text = $"You have called the Benchmark command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "checksum")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "checksum" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "checksum" && !c.Synchronized); lblChecksum.Visible = true; lblChecksum.Text = $"You have called the Checksum command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "compare")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "compare" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "compare" && !c.Synchronized); lblCompare.Visible = true; lblCompare.Text = $"You have called the Compare command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "convert-image")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "convert-image" && c.Synchronized) .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "convert-image" && !c.Synchronized); lblConvertImage.Visible = true; lblConvertImage.Text = $"You have called the Convert-Image command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "create-sidecar")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "create-sidecar" && c.Synchronized) .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "create-sidecar" && !c.Synchronized); lblCreateSidecar.Visible = true; lblCreateSidecar.Text = $"You have called the Create-Sidecar command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "decode")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "decode" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "decode" && !c.Synchronized); lblDecode.Visible = true; lblDecode.Text = $"You have called the Decode command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "device-info")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "device-info" && c.Synchronized) .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "device-info" && !c.Synchronized); lblDeviceInfo.Visible = true; lblDeviceInfo.Text = $"You have called the Device-Info command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "device-report")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "device-report" && c.Synchronized) .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "device-report" && !c.Synchronized); lblDeviceReport.Visible = true; lblDeviceReport.Text = $"You have called the Device-Report command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "dump-media")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "dump-media" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "dump-media" && !c.Synchronized); lblDumpMedia.Visible = true; lblDumpMedia.Text = $"You have called the Dump-Media command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "entropy")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "entropy" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "entropy" && !c.Synchronized); lblEntropy.Visible = true; lblEntropy.Text = $"You have called the Entropy command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "formats")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "formats" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "formats" && !c.Synchronized); lblFormats.Visible = true; lblFormats.Text = $"You have called the Formats command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "image-info")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "image-info" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "image-info" && !c.Synchronized); lblImageInfo.Visible = true; lblImageInfo.Text = $"You have called the Image-Info command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "media-info")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "media-info" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "media-info" && !c.Synchronized); lblMediaInfo.Visible = true; lblMediaInfo.Text = $"You have called the Media-Info command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "media-scan")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "media-scan" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "media-scan" && !c.Synchronized); lblMediaScan.Visible = true; lblMediaScan.Text = $"You have called the Media-Scan command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "printhex")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "printhex" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "printhex" && !c.Synchronized); lblPrintHex.Visible = true; lblPrintHex.Text = $"You have called the Print-Hex command {count} times"; } if (ctx.Commands.Any(c => c.Name == "verify")) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == "verify" && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == "verify" && !c.Synchronized); lblVerify.Visible = true; lblVerify.Text = $"You have called the Verify command {count} times"; } tabCommands.Visible = lblAnalyze.Visible || lblBenchmark.Visible || lblChecksum.Visible || lblCompare.Visible || lblConvertImage.Visible || lblCreateSidecar.Visible || lblDecode.Visible || lblDeviceInfo.Visible || lblDeviceReport.Visible || lblDumpMedia.Visible || lblEntropy.Visible || lblFormats.Visible || lblImageInfo.Visible || lblMediaInfo.Visible || lblMediaScan.Visible || lblPrintHex.Visible || lblVerify.Visible; } if (ctx.Filters.Any()) { tabFilters.Visible = true; TreeGridItemCollection filterList = new TreeGridItemCollection(); treeFilters.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Filter", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0) }); treeFilters.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1) }); treeFilters.AllowMultipleSelection = false; treeFilters.ShowHeader = true; treeFilters.DataStore = filterList; foreach (string nvs in ctx.Filters.Select(n => n.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Filters.Where(c => c.Name == nvs && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Filters.LongCount(c => c.Name == nvs && !c.Synchronized); filterList.Add(new TreeGridItem { Values = new object[] { nvs, count } }); } } if (ctx.MediaFormats.Any()) { tabFormats.Visible = true; TreeGridItemCollection formatList = new TreeGridItemCollection(); treeFormats.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Format", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0) }); treeFormats.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1) }); treeFormats.AllowMultipleSelection = false; treeFormats.ShowHeader = true; treeFormats.DataStore = formatList; foreach (string nvs in ctx.MediaFormats.Select(n => n.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.MediaFormats.Where(c => c.Name == nvs && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.MediaFormats.LongCount(c => c.Name == nvs && !c.Synchronized); formatList.Add(new TreeGridItem { Values = new object[] { nvs, count } }); } } if (ctx.Partitions.Any()) { tabPartitions.Visible = true; TreeGridItemCollection partitionList = new TreeGridItemCollection(); treePartitions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Filter", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0) }); treePartitions.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1) }); treePartitions.AllowMultipleSelection = false; treePartitions.ShowHeader = true; treePartitions.DataStore = partitionList; foreach (string nvs in ctx.Partitions.Select(n => n.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Partitions.Where(c => c.Name == nvs && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Partitions.LongCount(c => c.Name == nvs && !c.Synchronized); partitionList.Add(new TreeGridItem { Values = new object[] { nvs, count } }); } } if (ctx.Filesystems.Any()) { tabFilesystems.Visible = true; TreeGridItemCollection filesystemList = new TreeGridItemCollection(); treeFilesystems.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Filesystem", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0) }); treeFilesystems.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1) }); treeFilesystems.AllowMultipleSelection = false; treeFilesystems.ShowHeader = true; treeFilesystems.DataStore = filesystemList; foreach (string nvs in ctx.Filesystems.Select(n => n.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Filesystems.Where(c => c.Name == nvs && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Filesystems.LongCount(c => c.Name == nvs && !c.Synchronized); filesystemList.Add(new TreeGridItem { Values = new object[] { nvs, count } }); } } if (ctx.SeenDevices.Any()) { tabDevices.Visible = true; TreeGridItemCollection deviceList = new TreeGridItemCollection(); treeDevices.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Device", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0) }); treeDevices.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Manufacturer", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1) }); treeDevices.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Revision", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2) }); treeDevices.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Bus", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(3) }); treeDevices.AllowMultipleSelection = false; treeDevices.ShowHeader = true; treeDevices.DataStore = deviceList; foreach (DeviceStat ds in ctx.SeenDevices.OrderBy(n => n.Manufacturer).ThenBy(n => n.Manufacturer) .ThenBy(n => n.Revision) .ThenBy(n => n.Bus)) { deviceList.Add(new TreeGridItem { Values = new object[] { ds.Model, ds.Manufacturer, ds.Revision, ds.Bus } }); } } if (!ctx.Medias.Any()) { return; } tabMedias.Visible = true; TreeGridItemCollection mediaList = new TreeGridItemCollection(); treeMedias.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Media", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(0) }); treeMedias.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Times found", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(1) }); treeMedias.Columns.Add(new GridColumn { HeaderText = "Type", DataCell = new TextBoxCell(2) }); treeMedias.AllowMultipleSelection = false; treeMedias.ShowHeader = true; treeMedias.DataStore = mediaList; foreach (string media in ctx.Medias.OrderBy(ms => ms.Type).Select(ms => ms.Type).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Medias.Where(c => c.Type == media && c.Synchronized && c.Real).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Medias.LongCount(c => c.Type == media && !c.Synchronized && c.Real); if (count > 0) { mediaList.Add(new TreeGridItem { Values = new object[] { media, count, "real" } }); } count = ctx.Medias.Where(c => c.Type == media && c.Synchronized && !c.Real).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Medias.LongCount(c => c.Type == media && !c.Synchronized && !c.Real); if (count == 0) { continue; } mediaList.Add(new TreeGridItem { Values = new object[] { media, count, "image" } }); } }
public static void UpdateMasterDatabase(bool create) { DicContext mctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); mctx.Database.Migrate(); mctx.SaveChanges(); try { long lastUpdate = 0; DateTime latest = DateTime.MinValue; if (!create) { List <DateTime> latestAll = new List <DateTime>(); if (mctx.UsbVendors.Any()) { latestAll.Add(mctx.UsbVendors.Max(v => v.ModifiedWhen)); } if (mctx.UsbProducts.Any()) { latestAll.Add(mctx.UsbProducts.Max(p => p.ModifiedWhen)); } if (mctx.CdOffsets.Any()) { latestAll.Add(mctx.CdOffsets.Max(o => o.ModifiedWhen)); } if (mctx.Devices.Any()) { latestAll.Add(mctx.Devices.Max(d => d.LastSynchronized)); } if (latestAll.Any()) { latest = latestAll.Max(t => t); lastUpdate = (latest.ToFileTimeUtc() - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).ToFileTimeUtc()) / 10000000; } } if (lastUpdate == 0) { create = true; DicConsole.WriteLine("Creating master database"); } else { DicConsole.WriteLine("Updating master database"); DicConsole.WriteLine("Last update: {0}", latest); } DateTime updateStart = DateTime.UtcNow; WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create($"{lastUpdate}"); ((HttpWebRequest)request).UserAgent = $"DiscImageChef {typeof(Version).Assembly.GetName().Version}"; request.Method = "GET"; request.ContentType = "application/json"; WebResponse response = request.GetResponse(); if (((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Error {0} when trying to get updated entities.", ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode); return; } Stream data = response.GetResponseStream(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data ?? throw new InvalidOperationException()); SyncDto sync = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SyncDto>(reader.ReadToEnd()); if (create) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Adding USB vendors"); foreach (UsbVendorDto vendor in sync.UsbVendors) { mctx.UsbVendors.Add(new UsbVendor(vendor.VendorId, vendor.Vendor)); } DicConsole.WriteLine("Added {0} usb vendors", sync.UsbVendors.Count); DicConsole.WriteLine("Adding USB products"); foreach (UsbProductDto product in sync.UsbProducts) { mctx.UsbProducts.Add(new UsbProduct(product.VendorId, product.ProductId, product.Product)); } DicConsole.WriteLine("Added {0} usb products", sync.UsbProducts.Count); DicConsole.WriteLine("Adding CompactDisc read offsets"); foreach (CdOffsetDto offset in sync.Offsets) { mctx.CdOffsets.Add(new CdOffset(offset) { Id = offset.Id }); } DicConsole.WriteLine("Added {0} CompactDisc read offsets", sync.Offsets.Count); DicConsole.WriteLine("Adding known devices"); foreach (DeviceDto device in sync.Devices) { mctx.Devices.Add(new Device(device) { Id = device.Id }); } DicConsole.WriteLine("Added {0} known devices", sync.Devices.Count); } else { long addedVendors = 0; long addedProducts = 0; long addedOffsets = 0; long addedDevices = 0; long modifiedVendors = 0; long modifiedProducts = 0; long modifiedOffsets = 0; long modifiedDevices = 0; DicConsole.WriteLine("Updating USB vendors"); foreach (UsbVendorDto vendor in sync.UsbVendors) { UsbVendor existing = mctx.UsbVendors.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Id == vendor.VendorId); if (existing != null) { modifiedVendors++; existing.Vendor = vendor.Vendor; existing.ModifiedWhen = updateStart; mctx.UsbVendors.Update(existing); } else { addedVendors++; mctx.UsbVendors.Add(new UsbVendor(vendor.VendorId, vendor.Vendor)); } } DicConsole.WriteLine("Added {0} USB vendors", addedVendors); DicConsole.WriteLine("Modified {0} USB vendors", modifiedVendors); DicConsole.WriteLine("Updating USB products"); foreach (UsbProductDto product in sync.UsbProducts) { UsbProduct existing = mctx.UsbProducts.FirstOrDefault(p => p.VendorId == product.VendorId && p.ProductId == product.ProductId); if (existing != null) { modifiedProducts++; existing.Product = product.Product; existing.ModifiedWhen = updateStart; mctx.UsbProducts.Update(existing); } else { addedProducts++; mctx.UsbProducts.Add(new UsbProduct(product.VendorId, product.ProductId, product.Product)); } } DicConsole.WriteLine("Added {0} USB products", addedProducts); DicConsole.WriteLine("Modified {0} USB products", modifiedProducts); DicConsole.WriteLine("Updating CompactDisc read offsets"); foreach (CdOffsetDto offset in sync.Offsets) { CdOffset existing = mctx.CdOffsets.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == offset.Id); if (existing != null) { modifiedOffsets++; existing.Agreement = offset.Agreement; existing.Manufacturer = offset.Manufacturer; existing.Model = offset.Model; existing.Submissions = offset.Submissions; existing.Offset = offset.Offset; existing.ModifiedWhen = updateStart; mctx.CdOffsets.Update(existing); } else { addedOffsets++; mctx.CdOffsets.Add(new CdOffset(offset) { Id = offset.Id }); } } DicConsole.WriteLine("Added {0} CompactDisc read offsets", addedOffsets); DicConsole.WriteLine("Modified {0} CompactDisc read offsets", modifiedOffsets); DicConsole.WriteLine("Updating known devices"); foreach (DeviceDto device in sync.Devices) { Device existing = mctx.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == device.Id); if (existing != null) { modifiedDevices++; mctx.Remove(existing); existing = new Device(device) { Id = device.Id, OptimalMultipleSectorsRead = device.OptimalMultipleSectorsRead }; mctx.Devices.Add(existing); } else { addedDevices++; mctx.Devices.Add(new Device(device) { Id = device.Id, OptimalMultipleSectorsRead = device.OptimalMultipleSectorsRead }); } } DicConsole.WriteLine("Added {0} known devices", addedDevices); DicConsole.WriteLine("Modified {0} known devices", modifiedDevices); } } catch (Exception ex) { DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Exception {0} when updating database.", ex); } finally { DicConsole.WriteLine("Saving changes..."); mctx.SaveChanges(); } }
public static int Main(string[] args) { var attributes = typeof(MainClass).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute), false); AssemblyTitle = ((AssemblyTitleAttribute)attributes[0]).Title; attributes = typeof(MainClass).Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyCopyrightAttribute), false); AssemblyVersion = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MainClass).Assembly, typeof(AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute)) as AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute; AssemblyCopyright = ((AssemblyCopyrightAttribute)attributes[0]).Copyright; DicConsole.WriteLineEvent += System.Console.WriteLine; DicConsole.WriteEvent += System.Console.Write; DicConsole.ErrorWriteLineEvent += System.Console.Error.WriteLine; Settings.Settings.LoadSettings(); var ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath); ctx.Database.Migrate(); ctx.SaveChanges(); var masterDbUpdate = false; if (!File.Exists(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath)) { masterDbUpdate = true; UpdateCommand.DoUpdate(true); } var mctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); mctx.Database.Migrate(); mctx.SaveChanges(); if ((args.Length < 1 || args[0].ToLowerInvariant() != "gui") && Settings.Settings.Current.GdprCompliance < DicSettings.GdprLevel) { new ConfigureCommand(true, true).Invoke(args); } Statistics.LoadStats(); if (Settings.Settings.Current.Stats != null && Settings.Settings.Current.Stats.ShareStats) { Task.Run(() => { Statistics.SubmitStats(); }); } var currentPlatform = DetectOS.GetRealPlatformID(); Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); var commands = new CommandSet("DiscImageChef") { $"{AssemblyTitle} {AssemblyVersion?.InformationalVersion}", $"{AssemblyCopyright}", "", "usage: DiscImageChef COMMAND [OPTIONS]", "", "Global options:", { "verbose|v", "Shows verbose output.", b => Verbose = b != null }, { "debug|d", "Shows debug output from plugins.", b => Debug = b != null }, "", "Available commands:", new AnalyzeCommand(), new BenchmarkCommand(), new ChecksumCommand(), new CompareCommand(), new ConfigureCommand(false, false), new ConvertImageCommand(), new CreateSidecarCommand(), new DecodeCommand() }; if (currentPlatform == PlatformID.FreeBSD || currentPlatform == PlatformID.Linux || currentPlatform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { commands.Add(new DeviceInfoCommand()); commands.Add(new DeviceReportCommand()); commands.Add(new DumpMediaCommand()); } commands.Add(new EntropyCommand()); commands.Add(new ExtractFilesCommand()); commands.Add(new FormatsCommand()); commands.Add(new ImageInfoCommand()); if (currentPlatform == PlatformID.FreeBSD || currentPlatform == PlatformID.Linux || currentPlatform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { commands.Add(new ListDevicesCommand()); } commands.Add(new ListEncodingsCommand()); commands.Add(new ListNamespacesCommand()); commands.Add(new ListOptionsCommand()); commands.Add(new LsCommand()); if (currentPlatform == PlatformID.FreeBSD || currentPlatform == PlatformID.Linux || currentPlatform == PlatformID.Win32NT) { commands.Add(new MediaInfoCommand()); commands.Add(new MediaScanCommand()); } commands.Add(new PrintHexCommand()); commands.Add(new StatisticsCommand()); commands.Add(new UpdateCommand(masterDbUpdate)); commands.Add(new VerifyCommand()); commands.Add(new RemoteCommand()); var ret = commands.Run(args); Statistics.SaveStats(); return(ret); }
static void DoScsiMediaInfo(bool debug, bool verbose, string outputPrefix, Devices.Device dev) { var scsiInfo = new ScsiInfo(dev); if (!scsiInfo.MediaInserted) { return; } if (scsiInfo.DeviceInfo.ScsiModeSense6 != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_scsi_modesense6.bin", "SCSI MODE SENSE (6)", scsiInfo.DeviceInfo.ScsiModeSense6); } if (scsiInfo.DeviceInfo.ScsiModeSense10 != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_scsi_modesense10.bin", "SCSI MODE SENSE (10)", scsiInfo.DeviceInfo.ScsiModeSense10); } switch (dev.ScsiType) { case PeripheralDeviceTypes.DirectAccess: case PeripheralDeviceTypes.MultiMediaDevice: case PeripheralDeviceTypes.OCRWDevice: case PeripheralDeviceTypes.OpticalDevice: case PeripheralDeviceTypes.SimplifiedDevice: case PeripheralDeviceTypes.WriteOnceDevice: if (scsiInfo.ReadCapacity != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readcapacity.bin", "SCSI READ CAPACITY", scsiInfo.ReadCapacity); } if (scsiInfo.ReadCapacity16 != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readcapacity16.bin", "SCSI READ CAPACITY(16)", scsiInfo.ReadCapacity16); } if (scsiInfo.Blocks != 0 && scsiInfo.BlockSize != 0) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Media has {0} blocks of {1} bytes/each. (for a total of {2} bytes)", scsiInfo.Blocks, scsiInfo.BlockSize, scsiInfo.Blocks * scsiInfo.BlockSize); } break; case PeripheralDeviceTypes.SequentialAccess: if (scsiInfo.DensitySupport != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_ssc_reportdensitysupport_media.bin", "SSC REPORT DENSITY SUPPORT (MEDIA)", scsiInfo.DensitySupport); if (scsiInfo.DensitySupportHeader.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Densities supported by currently inserted media:"); DicConsole.WriteLine(DensitySupport.PrettifyDensity(scsiInfo.DensitySupportHeader)); } } if (scsiInfo.MediaTypeSupport != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_ssc_reportdensitysupport_medium_media.bin", "SSC REPORT DENSITY SUPPORT (MEDIUM & MEDIA)", scsiInfo.MediaTypeSupport); if (scsiInfo.MediaTypeSupportHeader.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Medium types currently inserted in device:"); DicConsole.WriteLine(DensitySupport.PrettifyMediumType(scsiInfo.MediaTypeSupportHeader)); } DicConsole.WriteLine(DensitySupport.PrettifyMediumType(scsiInfo.MediaTypeSupport)); } break; } if (dev.ScsiType == PeripheralDeviceTypes.MultiMediaDevice) { if (scsiInfo.MmcConfiguration != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_getconfiguration_current.bin", "SCSI GET CONFIGURATION", scsiInfo.MmcConfiguration); } if (scsiInfo.RecognizedFormatLayers != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_formatlayers.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.RecognizedFormatLayers); } if (scsiInfo.WriteProtectionStatus != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_writeprotection.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.WriteProtectionStatus); } if (scsiInfo.DvdPfi != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_pfi.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdPfi); if (scsiInfo.DecodedPfi.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("PFI:\n{0}", PFI.Prettify(scsiInfo.DecodedPfi)); } } if (scsiInfo.DvdDmi != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_dmi.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdDmi); if (DMI.IsXbox(scsiInfo.DvdDmi)) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Xbox DMI:\n{0}", DMI.PrettifyXbox(scsiInfo.DvdDmi)); } else if (DMI.IsXbox360(scsiInfo.DvdDmi)) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Xbox 360 DMI:\n{0}", DMI.PrettifyXbox360(scsiInfo.DvdDmi)); } } if (scsiInfo.DvdCmi != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_cmi.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdCmi); DicConsole.WriteLine("Lead-In CMI:\n{0}", CSS_CPRM.PrettifyLeadInCopyright(scsiInfo.DvdCmi)); } if (scsiInfo.DvdBca != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_bca.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdBca); } if (scsiInfo.DvdAacs != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_aacs.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdAacs); } if (scsiInfo.DvdRamDds != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvdram_dds.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdRamDds); DicConsole.WriteLine("Disc Definition Structure:\n{0}", DDS.Prettify(scsiInfo.DvdRamDds)); } if (scsiInfo.DvdRamCartridgeStatus != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvdram_status.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdRamCartridgeStatus); DicConsole.WriteLine("Medium Status:\n{0}", Cartridge.Prettify(scsiInfo.DvdRamCartridgeStatus)); } if (scsiInfo.DvdRamSpareArea != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvdram_spare.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdRamSpareArea); DicConsole.WriteLine("Spare Area Information:\n{0}", Spare.Prettify(scsiInfo.DvdRamSpareArea)); } if (scsiInfo.LastBorderOutRmd != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_lastrmd.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.LastBorderOutRmd); } if (scsiInfo.DvdPreRecordedInfo != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_pri.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdPreRecordedInfo); } if (scsiInfo.DvdrMediaIdentifier != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvdr_mediaid.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdrMediaIdentifier); } if (scsiInfo.DvdrPhysicalInformation != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvdr_pfi.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdrPhysicalInformation); } if (scsiInfo.DvdPlusAdip != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd+_adip.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdPlusAdip); } if (scsiInfo.DvdPlusDcb != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd+_dcb.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdPlusDcb); } if (scsiInfo.HddvdCopyrightInformation != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_hddvd_cmi.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.HddvdCopyrightInformation); } if (scsiInfo.HddvdrMediumStatus != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_hddvdr_status.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.HddvdrMediumStatus); } if (scsiInfo.HddvdrLastRmd != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_hddvdr_lastrmd.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.HddvdrLastRmd); } if (scsiInfo.DvdrLayerCapacity != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvdr_layercap.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdrLayerCapacity); } if (scsiInfo.DvdrDlMiddleZoneStart != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_mzs.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdrDlMiddleZoneStart); } if (scsiInfo.DvdrDlJumpIntervalSize != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_jis.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdrDlJumpIntervalSize); } if (scsiInfo.DvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_manuallj.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdrDlManualLayerJumpStartLba); } if (scsiInfo.DvdrDlRemapAnchorPoint != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_dvd_remapanchor.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.DvdrDlRemapAnchorPoint); } if (scsiInfo.BlurayDiscInformation != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_bd_di.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.BlurayDiscInformation); DicConsole.WriteLine("Blu-ray Disc Information:\n{0}", DI.Prettify(scsiInfo.BlurayDiscInformation)); } if (scsiInfo.BlurayPac != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_bd_pac.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.BlurayPac); } if (scsiInfo.BlurayBurstCuttingArea != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_bd_bca.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.BlurayBurstCuttingArea); DicConsole.WriteLine("Blu-ray Burst Cutting Area:\n{0}", BCA.Prettify(scsiInfo.BlurayBurstCuttingArea)); } if (scsiInfo.BlurayDds != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_bd_dds.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.BlurayDds); DicConsole.WriteLine("Blu-ray Disc Definition Structure:\n{0}", Decoders.Bluray.DDS.Prettify(scsiInfo.BlurayDds)); } if (scsiInfo.BlurayCartridgeStatus != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_bd_cartstatus.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.BlurayCartridgeStatus); DicConsole.WriteLine("Blu-ray Cartridge Status:\n{0}", Decoders.Bluray.Cartridge.Prettify(scsiInfo.BlurayCartridgeStatus)); } if (scsiInfo.BluraySpareAreaInformation != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_bd_spare.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.BluraySpareAreaInformation); DicConsole.WriteLine("Blu-ray Spare Area Information:\n{0}", Decoders.Bluray.Spare.Prettify(scsiInfo.BluraySpareAreaInformation)); } if (scsiInfo.BlurayRawDfl != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscstructure_bd_dfl.bin", "SCSI READ DISC STRUCTURE", scsiInfo.BlurayRawDfl); } if (scsiInfo.BlurayTrackResources != null) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Track Resources Information:\n{0}", DiscInformation.Prettify(scsiInfo.BlurayTrackResources)); DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscinformation_001b.bin", "SCSI READ DISC INFORMATION", scsiInfo.BlurayTrackResources); } if (scsiInfo.BlurayPowResources != null) { DicConsole.WriteLine("POW Resources Information:\n{0}", DiscInformation.Prettify(scsiInfo.BlurayPowResources)); DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscinformation_010b.bin", "SCSI READ DISC INFORMATION", scsiInfo.BlurayPowResources); } if (scsiInfo.Toc != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_toc.bin", "SCSI READ TOC/PMA/ATIP", scsiInfo.Toc); if (scsiInfo.DecodedToc.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("TOC:\n{0}", TOC.Prettify(scsiInfo.DecodedToc)); } } if (scsiInfo.Atip != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_atip.bin", "SCSI READ TOC/PMA/ATIP", scsiInfo.Atip); if (scsiInfo.DecodedAtip.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("ATIP:\n{0}", ATIP.Prettify(scsiInfo.DecodedAtip)); } } if (scsiInfo.CompactDiscInformation != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_readdiscinformation_000b.bin", "SCSI READ DISC INFORMATION", scsiInfo.CompactDiscInformation); if (scsiInfo.DecodedCompactDiscInformation.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Standard Disc Information:\n{0}", DiscInformation.Prettify000b(scsiInfo.DecodedCompactDiscInformation)); } } if (scsiInfo.Session != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_session.bin", "SCSI READ TOC/PMA/ATIP", scsiInfo.Session); if (scsiInfo.DecodedSession.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Session information:\n{0}", Session.Prettify(scsiInfo.DecodedSession)); } } if (scsiInfo.RawToc != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_rawtoc.bin", "SCSI READ TOC/PMA/ATIP", scsiInfo.RawToc); if (scsiInfo.FullToc.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Raw TOC:\n{0}", FullTOC.Prettify(scsiInfo.RawToc)); } } if (scsiInfo.Pma != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_pma.bin", "SCSI READ TOC/PMA/ATIP", scsiInfo.Pma); DicConsole.WriteLine("PMA:\n{0}", PMA.Prettify(scsiInfo.Pma)); } if (scsiInfo.CdTextLeadIn != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_cdtext.bin", "SCSI READ TOC/PMA/ATIP", scsiInfo.CdTextLeadIn); if (scsiInfo.DecodedCdTextLeadIn.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("CD-TEXT on Lead-In:\n{0}", CDTextOnLeadIn.Prettify(scsiInfo.DecodedCdTextLeadIn)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scsiInfo.Mcn)) { DicConsole.WriteLine("MCN: {0}", scsiInfo.Mcn); } if (scsiInfo.Isrcs != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, string> isrc in scsiInfo.Isrcs) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Track's {0} ISRC: {1}", isrc.Key, isrc.Value); } } if (scsiInfo.XboxSecuritySector != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_xbox_ss.bin", "KREON EXTRACT SS", scsiInfo.XboxSecuritySector); } if (scsiInfo.DecodedXboxSecuritySector.HasValue) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Xbox Security Sector:\n{0}", SS.Prettify(scsiInfo.DecodedXboxSecuritySector)); } if (scsiInfo.XgdInfo != null) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Video layer 0 size: {0} sectors", scsiInfo.XgdInfo.L0Video); DicConsole.WriteLine("Video layer 1 size: {0} sectors", scsiInfo.XgdInfo.L1Video); DicConsole.WriteLine("Middle zone size: {0} sectors", scsiInfo.XgdInfo.MiddleZone); DicConsole.WriteLine("Game data size: {0} sectors", scsiInfo.XgdInfo.GameSize); DicConsole.WriteLine("Total size: {0} sectors", scsiInfo.XgdInfo.TotalSize); DicConsole.WriteLine("Real layer break: {0}", scsiInfo.XgdInfo.LayerBreak); DicConsole.WriteLine(); } } if (scsiInfo.MediaSerialNumber != null) { DataFile.WriteTo("Media-Info command", outputPrefix, "_mediaserialnumber.bin", "SCSI READ MEDIA SERIAL NUMBER", scsiInfo.MediaSerialNumber); DicConsole.Write("Media Serial Number: "); for (int i = 4; i < scsiInfo.MediaSerialNumber.Length; i++) { DicConsole.Write("{0:X2}", scsiInfo.MediaSerialNumber[i]); } DicConsole.WriteLine(); } DicConsole.WriteLine("Media identified as {0}", scsiInfo.MediaType); Statistics.AddMedia(scsiInfo.MediaType, true); if (scsiInfo.Toc != null || scsiInfo.RawToc != null) { uint blockSize = 2352; Track[] tracks = Dump.GetCdTracks(ref blockSize, dev, scsiInfo.MediaType, null, false, out long lastSector, null, null, null, TrackSubchannelType.None, out _, null, null); if (tracks != null) { bool supportsPqSubchannel = Dump.SupportsPqSubchannel(dev, null, null); bool supportsRwSubchannel = Dump.SupportsRwSubchannel(dev, null, null); // Open master database var ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); // Search for device in master database Database.Models.Device dbDev = ctx.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Manufacturer == dev.Manufacturer && d.Model == dev.Model && d.Revision == dev.FirmwareRevision); Dump.SolveTrackPregaps(dev, null, null, tracks, supportsPqSubchannel, supportsRwSubchannel, dbDev, out bool inexactPositioning); for (int t = 1; t < tracks.Length; t++) { tracks[t - 1].TrackEndSector = tracks[t].TrackStartSector - 1; } tracks[tracks.Length - 1].TrackEndSector = (ulong)lastSector; DicConsole.WriteLine(); DicConsole.WriteLine("Track calculations:"); if (inexactPositioning) { DicConsole. WriteLine("WARNING: The drive has returned incorrect Q positioning when calculating pregaps. A best effort has been tried but they may be incorrect."); } foreach (Track track in tracks) { DicConsole. WriteLine("Track {0} starts at LBA {1}, ends at LBA {2}, has a pregap of {3} sectors and is of type {4}", track.TrackSequence, track.TrackStartSector, track.TrackEndSector, track.TrackPregap, track.TrackType); } DicConsole.WriteLine(); DicConsole.WriteLine("Offsets:"); CdOffset cdOffset = null; // Search for read offset in master database cdOffset = ctx.CdOffsets.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Manufacturer == dev.Manufacturer && d.Model == dev.Model); CompactDisc.GetOffset(cdOffset, dbDev, debug, dev, scsiInfo.MediaType, null, tracks, null, out int?driveOffset, out int?combinedOffset); if (combinedOffset is null) { if (driveOffset is null) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Drive reading offset not found in database."); DicConsole.WriteLine("Disc offset cannot be calculated."); } else { DicConsole. WriteLine($"Drive reading offset is {driveOffset} bytes ({driveOffset / 4} samples)."); DicConsole.WriteLine("Disc write offset is unknown."); } } else { int offsetBytes = combinedOffset.Value; if (driveOffset is null) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Drive reading offset not found in database."); DicConsole. WriteLine($"Combined disc and drive offset are {offsetBytes} bytes ({offsetBytes / 4} samples)."); } else { DicConsole. WriteLine($"Drive reading offset is {driveOffset} bytes ({driveOffset / 4} samples)."); DicConsole.WriteLine($"Combined offset is {offsetBytes} bytes ({offsetBytes / 4} samples)"); int?discOffset = offsetBytes - driveOffset; DicConsole.WriteLine($"Disc offset is {discOffset} bytes ({discOffset / 4} samples)"); } } } } dev.Close(); }
/// <summary>Starts dumping with the stablished fields and autodetecting the device type</summary> public void Start() { // Open master database _ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.MasterDbPath); // Search for device in master database _dbDev = _ctx.Devices.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Manufacturer == _dev.Manufacturer && d.Model == _dev.Model && d.Revision == _dev.Revision); if (_dbDev is null) { _dumpLog.WriteLine("Device not in database, please create a device report and attach it to a Github issue."); UpdateStatus?. Invoke("Device not in database, please create a device report and attach it to a Github issue."); } else { _dumpLog.WriteLine($"Device in database since {_dbDev.LastSynchronized}."); UpdateStatus?.Invoke($"Device in database since {_dbDev.LastSynchronized}."); if (_dbDev.OptimalMultipleSectorsRead > 0) { _maximumReadable = (uint)_dbDev.OptimalMultipleSectorsRead; } } if (_dev.IsUsb && _dev.UsbVendorId == 0x054C && (_dev.UsbProductId == 0x01C8 || _dev.UsbProductId == 0x01C9 || _dev.UsbProductId == 0x02D2)) { PlayStationPortable(); } else { switch (_dev.Type) { case DeviceType.ATA: Ata(); break; case DeviceType.MMC: case DeviceType.SecureDigital: SecureDigital(); break; case DeviceType.NVMe: NVMe(); break; case DeviceType.ATAPI: case DeviceType.SCSI: Scsi(); break; default: _dumpLog.WriteLine("Unknown device type."); _dumpLog.Close(); StoppingErrorMessage?.Invoke("Unknown device type."); return; } } _dumpLog.Close(); if (_resume == null || !_doResume) { return; } _resume.LastWriteDate = DateTime.UtcNow; _resume.BadBlocks.Sort(); if (File.Exists(_outputPrefix + ".resume.xml")) { File.Delete(_outputPrefix + ".resume.xml"); } var fs = new FileStream(_outputPrefix + ".resume.xml", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); var xs = new XmlSerializer(_resume.GetType()); xs.Serialize(fs, _resume); fs.Close(); }
public override int Invoke(IEnumerable <string> arguments) { List <string> extra = Options.Parse(arguments); if (showHelp) { Options.WriteOptionDescriptions(CommandSet.Out); return((int)ErrorNumber.HelpRequested); } MainClass.PrintCopyright(); if (MainClass.Debug) { DicConsole.DebugWriteLineEvent += System.Console.Error.WriteLine; } if (MainClass.Verbose) { DicConsole.VerboseWriteLineEvent += System.Console.WriteLine; } if (extra.Count > 0) { DicConsole.ErrorWriteLine("Too many arguments."); return((int)ErrorNumber.UnexpectedArgumentCount); } DicContext ctx = DicContext.Create(Settings.Settings.LocalDbPath); if (!ctx.Commands.Any() && !ctx.Filesystems.Any() && !ctx.Filters.Any() && !ctx.MediaFormats.Any() && !ctx.Medias.Any() && !ctx.Partitions.Any() && !ctx.SeenDevices.Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("There are no statistics."); return((int)ErrorNumber.NothingFound); } bool thereAreStats = false; if (ctx.Commands.Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Commands statistics"); DicConsole.WriteLine("==================="); foreach (string command in ctx.Commands.OrderBy(c => c.Name).Select(c => c.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Commands.Where(c => c.Name == command && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Commands.LongCount(c => c.Name == command && !c.Synchronized); if (count == 0) { continue; } DicConsole.WriteLine("You have called the {0} command {1} times.", command, count); thereAreStats = true; } DicConsole.WriteLine(); } if (ctx.Filters.Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Filters statistics"); DicConsole.WriteLine("=================="); foreach (string filter in ctx.Filters.OrderBy(c => c.Name).Select(c => c.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Filters.Where(c => c.Name == filter && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Filters.LongCount(c => c.Name == filter && !c.Synchronized); if (count == 0) { continue; } DicConsole.WriteLine("Filter {0} has been found {1} times.", filter, count); thereAreStats = true; } DicConsole.WriteLine(); } if (ctx.MediaFormats.Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Media image statistics"); DicConsole.WriteLine("======================"); foreach (string format in ctx.MediaFormats.OrderBy(c => c.Name).Select(c => c.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.MediaFormats.Where(c => c.Name == format && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.MediaFormats.LongCount(c => c.Name == format && !c.Synchronized); if (count == 0) { continue; } DicConsole.WriteLine("Format {0} has been found {1} times.", format, count); thereAreStats = true; } DicConsole.WriteLine(); } if (ctx.Partitions.Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Partition statistics"); DicConsole.WriteLine("===================="); foreach (string partition in ctx.Partitions.OrderBy(c => c.Name).Select(c => c.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Partitions.Where(c => c.Name == partition && c.Synchronized).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Partitions.LongCount(c => c.Name == partition && !c.Synchronized); if (count == 0) { continue; } DicConsole.WriteLine("Partitioning scheme {0} has been found {1} times.", partition, count); thereAreStats = true; } DicConsole.WriteLine(); } if (ctx.Filesystems.Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Filesystem statistics"); DicConsole.WriteLine("====================="); foreach (string filesystem in ctx.Filesystems.OrderBy(c => c.Name).Select(c => c.Name).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Filesystems.Where(c => c.Name == filesystem && c.Synchronized) .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Filesystems.LongCount(c => c.Name == filesystem && !c.Synchronized); if (count == 0) { continue; } DicConsole.WriteLine("Filesystem {0} has been found {1} times.", filesystem, count); thereAreStats = true; } DicConsole.WriteLine(); } if (ctx.SeenDevices.Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Device statistics"); DicConsole.WriteLine("================="); foreach (DeviceStat ds in ctx.SeenDevices.OrderBy(ds => ds.Manufacturer).ThenBy(ds => ds.Model) .ThenBy(ds => ds.Revision).ThenBy(ds => ds.Bus)) { DicConsole .WriteLine("Device model {0}, manufactured by {1}, with revision {2} and attached via {3}.", ds.Model, ds.Manufacturer, ds.Revision, ds.Bus); } DicConsole.WriteLine(); thereAreStats = true; } if (ctx.Medias.Any()) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Media statistics"); DicConsole.WriteLine("================"); foreach (string media in ctx.Medias.OrderBy(ms => ms.Type).Select(ms => ms.Type).Distinct()) { ulong count = ctx.Medias.Where(c => c.Type == media && c.Synchronized && c.Real) .Select(c => c.Count).FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Medias.LongCount(c => c.Type == media && !c.Synchronized && c.Real); if (count > 0) { DicConsole.WriteLine("Media type {0} has been found {1} times in a real device.", media, count); thereAreStats = true; } count = ctx.Medias.Where(c => c.Type == media && c.Synchronized && !c.Real).Select(c => c.Count) .FirstOrDefault(); count += (ulong)ctx.Medias.LongCount(c => c.Type == media && !c.Synchronized && !c.Real); if (count == 0) { continue; } DicConsole.WriteLine("Media type {0} has been found {1} times in a media image.", media, count); thereAreStats = true; } DicConsole.WriteLine(); } if (!thereAreStats) { DicConsole.WriteLine("There are no statistics."); } return((int)ErrorNumber.NoError); }