Esempio n. 1
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext turnContext)
                Dictionary <string, object> state = null;
                DialogContext dc = null;
                switch (turnContext.Activity.Type)
                case ActivityTypes.Message:
                    if (turnContext.Activity.Text == "signout")
                        var botframeworkAdapter = turnContext.Adapter as BotFrameworkAdapter;
                        await botframeworkAdapter.SignOutUser(turnContext, _connectionSettingName);

                        await turnContext.SendActivity("You are now signed out.");
                        state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);

                        dc = _dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);
                        await dc.Continue();

                        // Check to see if anyone replied. If not then start dialog
                        if (!turnContext.Responded)
                            await dc.Begin("displayToken");

                case ActivityTypes.Event:
                case ActivityTypes.Invoke:
                    // Create dialog context and continue executing the "current" dialog, if any.
                    // This is important for OAuthCards because tokens can be received via TokenResponse events
                    state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);

                    dc = _dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);
                    await dc.Continue();

            catch (Exception e)
                await turnContext.SendActivity($"Exception: {e.Message}");
        public async Task WaterfallPrompt()
            var activities = TranscriptUtilities.GetFromTestContext(TestContext);

            var convState    = new ConversationState(new MemoryStorage());
            var testProperty = convState.CreateProperty <Dictionary <string, object> >("test", () => new Dictionary <string, object>());

            TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter()

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext) =>
                if (turnContext.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                    var state = await testProperty.GetAsync(turnContext);

                    var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                    dialogs.Add("test-waterfall", Create_Waterfall2());
                    dialogs.Add("number", new NumberPrompt <int>(Culture.English));

                    var dc = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                    await dc.ContinueAsync();

                    if (!turnContext.Responded)
                        await dc.BeginAsync("test-waterfall");
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            // This bot is only handling Messages
            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                // Get the conversation state from the turn context
                var state = context.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                var dc    = _dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);
                // Bump the turn count.
                // state.TurnCount++;

                // Echo back to the user whatever they typed.
                // await context.SendActivity($"Hello World");
                await dc.Continue();

                if (!context.Responded)
                    await dc.Begin("RootDialog");
                await HandleSystemMessageAsync(context);
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate && context.Activity.MembersAdded.FirstOrDefault()?.Id == context.Activity.Recipient.Id)
                await context.SendActivity(GreetingMessage);
            else if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var state         = context.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                var dialogContext = _dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

                if (!context.Responded)
                    await dialogContext.Continue();

                    if (!context.Responded)
                        var luisResult = context.Services.Get <RecognizerResult>(LuisRecognizerMiddleware.LuisRecognizerResultKey);
                        var(intent, score) = luisResult.GetTopScoringIntent();
                        var intentResult = score > LuisIntentTreshold ? intent : DefaultIntent;

                        await dialogContext.Begin(intent, luisResult.Properties);
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext turnContext)
                switch (turnContext.Activity.Type)
                case ActivityTypes.Message:
                    var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);

                    var dc = _dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                    await dc.Continue();

                    if (!turnContext.Responded)
                        await dc.Begin("waterfall");

                case ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate:
                    foreach (var newMember in turnContext.Activity.MembersAdded)
                        if (newMember.Id != turnContext.Activity.Recipient.Id)
                            await turnContext.SendActivity("Hello and welcome to the waterfall and prompt bot.");
            catch (Exception e)
                await turnContext.SendActivity($"Exception: {e.Message}");
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task NumberPrompt()
            TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter()
                                  .Use(new ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >(new MemoryStorage()));

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext) =>
                var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                dialogs.Add("test-prompt", new NumberPrompt <int>(Culture.English));

                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);
                var dc    = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                await dc.Continue();
                var dialogResult = dc.DialogResult;

                if (!dialogResult.Active)
                    if (dialogResult.Result != null)
                        var numberResult = (NumberResult <int>)dialogResult.Result;
                        await turnContext.SendActivity($"Bot received the number '{numberResult.Value}'.");
                        await dc.Prompt("test-prompt", "Enter a number.");
            .AssertReply("Enter a number.")
            .AssertReply("Bot received the number '42'.")
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task WaterfallNested()
            var activities = TranscriptUtilities.GetFromTestContext(TestContext);

            var convState    = new ConversationState(new MemoryStorage());
            var testProperty = convState.CreateProperty <Dictionary <string, object> >("test");

            var adapter = new TestAdapter()

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext, cancellationToken) =>
                if (turnContext.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                    var state   = await testProperty.GetAsync(turnContext, () => new Dictionary <string, object>());
                    var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                    dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-a", Create_Waterfall3());
                    dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-b", Create_Waterfall4());
                    dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-c", Create_Waterfall5());

                    var dc = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                    await dc.ContinueAsync();

                    if (!turnContext.Responded)
                        await dc.BeginAsync("test-waterfall-a");
Esempio n. 8
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            // This bot is only handling Messages
            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var state         = context.GetConversationState <DnDState>();
                var dialogContext = _dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);
                await dialogContext.Continue();

                // Additional logic can be added to enter each dialog depending on the message received
                string activityText = context.Activity.Text.ToLowerInvariant();

                if (!context.Responded)
                    if (activityText.Contains("recom") || activityText.Contains("class") ||
                        activityText.Contains("race") || activityText.Contains("char") ||
                        activityText.Contains("yes") || activityText.Contains("sure"))
                        await dialogContext.Begin("characterBuilder");
                        await context.SendActivity($"Hello! Do you want me to suggest a character to play in D&D 5e?");
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            var state     = context.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            var dialogCon = dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

            switch (context.Activity.Type)
            case ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate:
                foreach (var newMember in context.Activity.MembersAdded)
                    if (newMember.Id != context.Activity.Recipient.Id)
                        await dialogCon.Begin("introDialog");

            case ActivityTypes.Message:
                await dialogCon.Continue();

                if (!context.Responded)
                    await dialogCon.Begin("mainDialog");
Esempio n. 10
        public async Task WaterfallNested()
            TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter()
                                  .Use(new ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >(new MemoryStorage()));

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext) =>
                var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-a", Create_Waterfall3());
                dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-b", Create_Waterfall4());
                dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-c", Create_Waterfall5());

                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);
                var dc    = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                await dc.Continue();

                if (!turnContext.Responded)
                    await dc.Begin("test-waterfall-a");
Esempio n. 11
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                // The type parameter PropertyBag inherits from
                // Dictionary<string,object>
                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(context);

                var dc = dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);
                await dc.Continue();

                // Additional logic can be added to enter each dialog depending on the message received
                string activityText = context.Activity.Text.ToLowerInvariant();

                if (!context.Responded)
                    if (activityText.Contains("recommend") || activityText.Contains("movie"))
                        await dc.Begin("movieRecommendation");
                        await context.SendActivity($"You said '{context.Activity.Text}'; maybe you could ask me to recommend you movie?");
Esempio n. 12
        public async Task WaterfallNested()
            var activities = TranscriptUtilities.GetFromTestContext(TestContext);

            TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter()
                                  .Use(new ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >(new MemoryStorage()));

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext) =>
                var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-a", Create_Waterfall3());
                dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-b", Create_Waterfall4());
                dialogs.Add("test-waterfall-c", Create_Waterfall5());

                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);
                var dc    = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                await dc.Continue();

                if (!turnContext.Responded)
                    await dc.Begin("test-waterfall-a");
Esempio n. 13
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            Dictionary <string, object> state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(context);

            DialogContext dc = dialogos.CreateContext(context, state);
            await dc.Continue();

            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                RecognizerResult resultado = context.Services.Get <RecognizerResult>(LuisRecognizerMiddleware.LuisRecognizerResultKey);

                var intencaoMaisPontuada = resultado?.GetTopScoringIntent();
                if (!context.Responded)
                    IDictionary <string, object> argumentos = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                    if (this.ObterEntidade <string>(resultado, "Cidade") != null)
                        argumentos.Add("Cidade", this.ObterEntidade <string>(resultado, "Cidade"));

                    if (this.ObterEntidade <string>(resultado, "Tamanho") != null)
                        argumentos.Add("Tamanho", this.ObterEntidade <string>(resultado, "Tamanho"));

                    if (this.ObterEntidade <string>(resultado, "Sabor") != null)
                        argumentos.Add("Sabor", this.ObterEntidade <string>(resultado, "Sabor"));

                    switch ((intencaoMaisPontuada != null) ? intencaoMaisPontuada.Value.intent : null)
                    case "None":
                        await context.SendActivity("Não entendi.");


                    case "PedirPizza":
                        await dc.Begin("pedirPizza", argumentos);


                    case "PrevisaoTempo":
                        await dc.Begin("previsaoTempo", argumentos);


                    case "MarcarConsulta":
                        await dc.Begin("marcarConsulta");

Esempio n. 14
        private static async Task createAndBeginDialogs(ITurnContext context, DialogSet dialogs)
            var dialogContext = dialogs.CreateContext(context, context.GetConversationState <EchoState>());
            await dialogContext.Continue();

            if (!context.Responded)
                await dialogContext.Begin("firstRun");
Esempio n. 15
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            var state         = context.GetConversationState <ReservationData>();
            var dialogContext = _dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);
            await dialogContext.Continue();

            // This bot is only handling Messages
            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                // Get the conversation state from the turn context
                // var state = context.GetConversationState<EchoState>();

                // Bump the turn count.
                // state.TurnCount++;

                // Echo back to the user whatever they typed.
                // await context.SendActivity($"Turn {state.TurnCount}: You sent '{context.Activity.Text}'");

                if (!context.Responded)
                    var result    = context.Services.Get <RecognizerResult>(LuisRecognizerMiddleware.LuisRecognizerResultKey);
                    var topIntent = result?.GetTopScoringIntent();

                    switch (topIntent != null ? topIntent.Value.intent : null)
                    case "TodaysSpecialty":
                        // await context.SendActivity($"For today we have the following options: {string.Join(", ", BotConstants.Specialties)}");
                        await TodaysSpecialtiesHandler(context);


                    case "ReserveTable":
                        var amountPeople = result.Entities["AmountPeople"] != null ? (string)result.Entities["AmountPeople"]?.First : null;
                        var time         = GetTimeValueFromResult(result);
                        ReservationHandler(dialogContext, amountPeople, time);

                    case "GetDiscounts":
                        await GetDiscountsHandler(context);


                        await context.SendActivity("Sorry, I didn't understand that.");

            else if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate && context.Activity.MembersAdded.FirstOrDefault()?.Id == context.Activity.Recipient.Id)
                var msg = "Hi! I'm a restaurant assistant bot. I can help you with your reservation.";
                await context.SendActivity(msg, _ttsService.GenerateSsml(msg, BotConstants.EnglishLanguage));
Esempio n. 16
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            var state     = context.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            var dialogCtx = dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

            switch (context.Activity.Type)
            case ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate:
                foreach (var newMember in context.Activity.MembersAdded)
                    if (newMember.Id != context.Activity.Recipient.Id)
                        await context.SendActivity("Bot says hello");

                        var quickReplies = MessageFactory.SuggestedActions(new CardAction[] {
                            new CardAction(title: "Yeah!", type: ActionTypes.ImBack, value: "Yes"),
                            new CardAction(title: "Nope!", type: ActionTypes.ImBack, value: "No")
                        }, text: "Do you want to see what I can do?");

                        await context.SendActivity(quickReplies);

            case ActivityTypes.Message:
                await dialogCtx.Continue();

                switch (context.Activity.Text)
                case "Yes":
                    await dialogCtx.Begin("initial");


                case "No":
                    await dialogCtx.Context.SendActivity("Ok, your loss mate!");


                    if (!dialogCtx.Context.Responded)
                        var convo = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(dialogCtx.Context);

                        await dialogCtx.Context.SendActivity($"I'm ignoring you {convo["Name"]}...");

Esempio n. 17
        public async Task NumberPromptValidator()
            TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter()
                                  .Use(new ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >(new MemoryStorage()));

            PromptValidator <NumberResult <int> > validator = async(ctx, result) =>
                if (result.Value < 0)
                    result.Status = PromptStatus.TooSmall;
                if (result.Value > 100)
                    result.Status = PromptStatus.TooBig;
                await Task.CompletedTask;

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext) =>
                var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                dialogs.Add("test-prompt", new NumberPrompt <int>(Culture.English, validator));

                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);
                var dc    = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                await dc.Continue();
                var dialogResult = dc.DialogResult;

                if (!dialogResult.Active)
                    if (dialogResult.Result != null)
                        var numberResult = (NumberResult <int>)dialogResult.Result;
                        await turnContext.SendActivity($"Bot received the number '{numberResult.Value}'.");
                        await dc.Prompt("test-prompt", "Enter a number.",
                                        new PromptOptions
                            RetryPromptString = "You must enter a positive number less than 100."
            .AssertReply("Enter a number.")
            .AssertReply("You must enter a positive number less than 100.")
            .AssertReply("Bot received the number '64'.")
Esempio n. 18
        public async Task BasicChoicePrompt()
            TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter()
                                  .Use(new ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >(new MemoryStorage()));

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext) =>
                var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                dialogs.Add("test-prompt", new ChoicePrompt(Culture.English)
                    Style = ListStyle.Inline

                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);
                var dc    = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                await dc.Continue();
                var dialogResult = dc.DialogResult;

                if (!dialogResult.Active)
                    if (dialogResult.Result != null)
                        var choiceResult = (ChoiceResult)dialogResult.Result;
                        await turnContext.SendActivity($"Bot received the choice '{choiceResult.Value.Value}'.");
                        var promptOptions = new ChoicePromptOptions
                            Choices = new List <Choice>
                                new Choice {
                                    Value = "red"
                                new Choice {
                                    Value = "green"
                                new Choice {
                                    Value = "blue"

                        await dc.Prompt("test-prompt", "favorite color?", promptOptions);
            .AssertReply("favorite color? (1) red, (2) green, or (3) blue")
            .AssertReply("Bot received the choice 'green'.")
Esempio n. 19
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            var state = context.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            var dialogCtx = _dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate)
                var newUserName = context.Activity.MembersAdded.FirstOrDefault()?.Name;
                if (!string.Equals("Bot", newUserName))
                    //await dialogCtx.Begin("addUserInfo");

            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                await dialogCtx.Continue();

                var message      = context.Activity.Text.Trim();
                var indexOfSpace = message.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal);
                var command      = indexOfSpace != -1 ? message.Substring(0, indexOfSpace).ToLower() : message.ToLower();

                switch (command)
                case "tobase64":

                    context.Activity.Text = indexOfSpace >= 0
                            ? context.Activity.Text.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1, message.Length - indexOfSpace - 1)
                            : String.Empty;
                    await dialogCtx.Begin("tobase64");


                case "frombase64":

                    context.Activity.Text = indexOfSpace >= 0
                            ? context.Activity.Text.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1, message.Length - indexOfSpace - 1)
                            : String.Empty;
                    await dialogCtx.Begin("frombase64");


                case "cards":
                    context.Activity.Text = indexOfSpace >= 0
                            ? context.Activity.Text.Substring(indexOfSpace + 1, message.Length - indexOfSpace - 1)
                            : String.Empty;
                    await dialogCtx.Begin("cards");

Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>

        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Turn scoped context containing all the data needed
        /// for processing this conversation turn. </param>
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            messageSent = false;

            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                // The type parameter PropertyBag inherits from
                // Dictionary<string,object>
                //var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(context);

                //var state2 = ConversationState<Dictionary<string, object>>.Get(context);
                var dc  = dialogsT.CreateContext(context, state);
                var dcS = dialogSas.CreateContext(context, state);
                await dc.Continue();

                await dcS.Continue();

                // Additional logic can be added to enter each dialog depending on the message received

                if (!context.Responded)
                    var stuff = context.Activity.Text.ToLowerInvariant();
                    if (stuff.Contains("reserve table"))
                        await dc.Begin("reserveTable");
                    else if (stuff.Contains("party"))
                            await dcS.Begin("sassyText");
                            await context.SendActivity("Sorry, had trouble in sassyText");
                        await context.SendActivity($"You said '{context.Activity.Text}'");
            //    if (!messageSent)
            //        await context.SendActivity("Hello! Type 'reserve table' to begin your reservation.");
            //    messageSent = true;

Esempio n. 21
        private (UserInfo, DialogContext) CreateContext(ITurnContext context)
            var dialogs = new DialogSet();


            var userState = context.GetUserState <UserInfo>();
            var state     = context.GetConversationState <eShopBotState>();
            var dialogCtx = dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

            return(userState, dialogCtx);
Esempio n. 22
        public async Task TextPromptValidator()
            TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter()
                                  .Use(new ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >(new MemoryStorage()));

            PromptValidator <TextResult> validator = async(ctx, result) =>
                if (result.Value.Length <= 3)
                    result.Status = PromptStatus.TooSmall;
                await Task.CompletedTask;

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext) =>
                var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                dialogs.Add("test-prompt", new TextPrompt(validator));

                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);
                var dc    = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                await dc.Continue();
                var dialogResult = dc.DialogResult;

                if (!dialogResult.Active)
                    if (dialogResult.Result != null)
                        var textResult = (TextResult)dialogResult.Result;
                        await turnContext.SendActivity($"Bot received the text '{textResult.Value}'.");
                        await dc.Prompt("test-prompt", "Enter some text.", new PromptOptions
                            RetryPromptString = "Make sure the text is greater than three characters."
            .AssertReply("Enter some text.")
            .AssertReply("Make sure the text is greater than three characters.")
            .AssertReply("Bot received the text 'hello'.")
Esempio n. 23
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate && context.Activity.MembersAdded.FirstOrDefault()?.Id == context.Activity.Recipient.Id)
                await context.SendActivity(_greetingMessage);
            else if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var userState = context.GetUserState <UserState>();
                if (userState.EpisodeInquiries == null)
                    userState.EpisodeInquiries = new List <EpisodeInquiry>();

                var state         = context.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                var dialogContext = dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

                var utterance = context.Activity.Text.ToLowerInvariant();
                if (utterance == "cancel")
                    if (dialogContext.ActiveDialog != null)
                        await context.SendActivity("Ok... Cancelled");

                        await context.SendActivity("Nothing to cancel.");

                if (!context.Responded)
                    await dialogContext.Continue();

                    if (!context.Responded)
                        var luisResult = context.Services.Get <RecognizerResult>(LuisRecognizerMiddleware.LuisRecognizerResultKey);
                        var(intent, score) = luisResult.GetTopScoringIntent();
                        var intentResult = score > LUIS_INTENT_THRESHOLD ? intent : "None";

                        await dialogContext.Begin(intent, new Dictionary <string, object> {
                            { "LuisResult", luisResult }
Esempio n. 24
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext turnContext)
            if (turnContext.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);

                var dc = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);
                await dc.Continue();

                if (!turnContext.Responded)
                    await dc.Begin("orderCoffee");
Esempio n. 25
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            var state         = context.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            var dialogContext = dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                await dialogContext.Continue();

                if (!context.Responded)
                    await dialogContext.Begin("cardSelector");
Esempio n. 26
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            Dictionary <string, object> state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(context);

            DialogContext dc = dialogos.CreateContext(context, state);
            await dc.Continue();

            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                if (!context.Responded)
                    await dc.Begin("PedirPizaa");
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext turnContext)
            if (turnContext.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var state     = turnContext.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                var dialogCtx = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                await dialogCtx.Continue();

                if (!turnContext.Responded)
                    await dialogCtx.Begin("mainDialog");
        /// <summary>
        /// Main bot OnTurn Implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Turn scoped context containing all the data needed for processing this conversation turn. </param>
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext context)
            if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.ConversationUpdate && context.Activity.MembersAdded.FirstOrDefault()?.Id == context.Activity.Recipient.Id)
                await context.SendActivity("Hi! Welcome to the Mcbeev Commerce Bot.");

                await context.SendActivity("How can we help you today?\n\nWould you like to **Place a new Order**, **Check your Order History** or **Find an Order Tracking Number**? Or is there something else we can help with?");
            else if (context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                var userState = context.GetUserState <UserState>();

                var state         = context.GetConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >();
                var dialogContext = dialogs.CreateContext(context, state);

                var utterance = context.Activity.Text.ToLowerInvariant();
                if (utterance == "cancel")
                    if (dialogContext.ActiveDialog != null)
                        await context.SendActivity("Ok... Cancelled");

                        await context.SendActivity("Nothing to cancel.");

                if (!context.Responded)
                    var dialogArgs = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                    await dialogContext.Continue();

                    if (!context.Responded)
                        var luisResult = context.Services.Get <RecognizerResult>(LuisRecognizerMiddleware.LuisRecognizerResultKey);
                        var(intent, score) = luisResult.GetTopScoringIntent();
                        var intentResult = score > LUIS_INTENT_THRESHOLD ? intent : "None";
                        dialogArgs.Add("LuisResult", luisResult);

                        await dialogContext.Begin(intent, dialogArgs);
Esempio n. 29
        public async Task WaterfallPrompt()
            TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter()
                                  .Use(new ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> >(new MemoryStorage()));

            await new TestFlow(adapter, async(turnContext) =>
                var dialogs = new DialogSet();
                dialogs.Add("test-waterfall", Create_Waterfall2());
                dialogs.Add("number", new NumberPrompt <int>(Culture.English));

                var state = ConversationState <Dictionary <string, object> > .Get(turnContext);
                var dc    = dialogs.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

                await dc.Continue();
                var dialogResult = dc.DialogResult;

                if (!dialogResult.Active)
                    if (dialogResult.Result != null)
                        await turnContext.SendActivity((string)dialogResult.Result);
                        await dc.Begin("test-waterfall");
            .AssertReply("Enter a number.")
            .Send("hello again")
            .AssertReply("It must be a number")
            .AssertReply("Thanks for '42'")
            .AssertReply("Enter a number.")
            .AssertReply("It must be a number")
            .AssertReply("It must be a number")
            .AssertReply("Thanks for '64'")
            .AssertReply("All Done!")
Esempio n. 30
        public async Task OnTurn(ITurnContext turnContext)
            var state = turnContext.GetConversationState <BotState>();

            var dialogContext = dialogSet.CreateContext(turnContext, state);

            if (dialogContext.Context.Activity.Type == ActivityTypes.Message)
                await dialogContext.Continue();

                if (!dialogContext.Context.Responded)
                    await dialogContext.Begin(Constants.DialogSteps.MainDialog.ToString());